Kudos for the D guys

The D Language Front-End Finally Merged Into GCC 9

Source: phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GCC-9-Merges-D-Language

Regarding these news, people busting their nuts over Rust have a passive aggressive strikeforce awaiting on HN and Plebbit, doing always the same old bullshit parroting and feigning ignorance with a shit eating grin. And there's always a steveklabnik comment. Not even surprised.

Will the D guys ever catch a break? Honestly, the D language takes a lot of shit for the wrong reasons, and it's very admirable that the community around it is still very mature and professional without smearing shit on other people, something which I can't say about the Rust folks. Rampant fanboyism is the new religion it seems.

Attached: compiler-gdc.png (577x676, 136.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

forum.dlang.org/thread/[email protected]
forum.dlang.org/thread/[email protected]

The overly flamboyant Rustfags have to shill their ugly SJW language so hard because it's the worst of the modern programming languages. The white men who develop D know that their language is going to be one of best alternatives for replacing C++ in the future (along with languages like Crystal). Even C++ is way better than lame meme languages like Rust or Go. White people are able to use pointers and generics properly.

3/3 rust posts in this D thread
does anyone use this language? show us something cool.

Fun fact: The first few versions of OpenMW were written in D.

In D x.func(y) is the same as func(x,y) which is pretty damn rad.

Post sexy D code

I've been putting off learning D since 2008. Maybe I should learn it now.
I see it claims support for the C ABI and limited support for C++ ABI but I'm wondering how trivial is it to mix D with C or C++ in practice? I'd like to call things like SQlite3, SDL, FLTK, or libxml2.

Quickly browsing at the wiki...
Harry Potter references? What kind of memey shit is this?

Looks like no support for {Open,Net,DragonFly}BSD. I consider that they don't even target OpenBSD a large drawback.
DMD only supports x86.


Quick (((Google))) suggests the main contributing factor for the switch was people who wanted to contribute couldn't be bothered to learn D.

is that a success story?

OTOH the standard library is called 'phobos'. That's cool.
mods pls delete this thread

Niggers, it's a funfact, not an endorsement or indictment. It's a fact that there are not a ton of D coders out there, but that doesn't mean the language is shit.

forum.dlang.org/thread/[email protected]
OpenBSD is too esoteric to port I guess.

Very true, and I (>>992463) wasn't suggesting that. It's was kind of just a "funfact" that these contributors didn't see enough value in learning D and would rather wait for a C++ rewrite.

Bjarne proposed that in C++ too but committeeniggers killed it.

if it isn't pure C it's wrong

If it isn’t assembly it’s wrong

if (Tweeter= Gamergater) cout

Attached: loli.tent.ava.gif (130x120, 4.93K)

Why would you ever do that?

Some of Kenta Cho's games are made with Dlang, including Torus Troopers and Tumiki Fighters.

Attached: tf_1l.gif (640x480, 23.49K)

D is OOP.

D is neat but OOP isn't my cup of tea.
I would recommend it over rust because at least D is only 0.10 slower than C and it's now in GCC.
That's what you get when children are raised with hype/hate culture. I was part of it until I realized that I was manipulated.

The irony of a D developer calling OpenBSD esoteric.

This. Thank you.

Attached: b45.jpg (817x818, 357.68K)

Anti-rustfag here. Looks like I will be learning a new language now. I think I will like coding in D.

Huh, that is also the case in (((Rust)))

Can someone TL;DR this language for me? What is its use case and what are the pros and cons vs C++ and Rust?

simpler than C++
better than rust

Imagine if C++ wasn't ugly and had garbage collection.

tldr: don't read this. I'm just rambling.

I'm still not completely sold. Every week a new language comes out claiming to cure cancer. This one came out years and years ago claiming the same and only a handful of people really cared.
What I see is a language that despite being around for so long has garnered very little adoption.
Even their success stories are lacking: dlang.org/orgs-using-d.html .
github.com/arexio doesn't even have D repositories.
EBay used it to simply replace Perl data mining scripts.
The Netflix usage is pretty much some small proj by one singular guy.
I could itemize other things but I won't.

When I overview it I see C++ with Python looking stuff crammed into it. Because that's exactly what C++ needs I guess.
Portability is somewhat less of an issue as I'm a Intel/Linux normie so what do I care or know about portability honestly? Just seems strange when looking at a language that wants to compete with C++ and be taken seriously.
Given how long it's been around and how few developers it's attracted in that time I just have to wonder if learning it has any real value. Hell, I may as well learn Vala at that point.

Interesting read: forum.dlang.org/thread/[email protected] Wonder how valid the arguments still are.

The most compelling reasons I see to learn it are "it's not C++" and "its better than Rust because trannys are lame"
I'll probably learn it anyways, create something about 1k SLOC, and then come on here talking about how awesome it is and how everyone should use it, and then never pick it up again.

there are three separate claims.
1. a cure for cancer: Rust, ATS, Julia
2. nothing new really but it's super comfy I swear: Zig, D
3. it looks just like your wife but it's young and hot again: Crystal, Nim (more #2 but people think of it is #3)

And ? you choose the languages you learn because of popularity ? that isn't very wise if it's the case.

it doesn't much matter if a language is #5 or #15, but it matters if a language
1. has a community you can present questions to and get answers from in a timely manner
2. has a bunch of solutions on StackOverflow that your searching will pull up
3. has had wheels kicked and libraries written so that you don't spend half your time not using your tools but fixing them
4. can be presented to your team without someone saying "wtf is that? Nobody else knows this. Who else can possibly maintain this? Do you have any idea how shit things would be right now for you if your predecessors had written all these tools in random-ass languages that you can't even build a compiler for on a modern system anymore?"

Crystal is very good for web stuff, especially speeding up slow Ruby crap.

Has someone who as been raised old school:
Not legit.
Legit and not legit. See Python it's good and shit at the same time.
Not legit. This happens to literally all languages that begins or have small communities or developers who don't have much experience or have a life/aren't autistic after work.

Except that C will always be hot and young, just stuck in old fashioned clothes.

why use rust when you can use D

Wrote a daemon in D yesterday, I'm very impressed by it. You can write alot of code very quickly, I'm not going back to C and C++. Only gripes I have are that it still needs semicolons at the end of lines, parenthesis around statements and debugging is very difficult.

Attached: 7706d5755b8232d5b9c25a5c94cae5fd1916bad2c02d0b4abb906cde5b771322-b.png (1172x675, 32.23K)

D1 was better, D2 is worse than C++

same for nim


Nim looks like crap.

no it doesn't

Yes it does.

bad opinion discarded

Your opinion is irrelevant.

that's what someone with an irrelevant opinion would say

That's what she said

Attached: 1541204241915.gif (300x300, 454.81K)

import std.stdio;void main() { writeln("NEITHER OF YOU IS WITHOUT RETARDATION");}

I like both nim and D

Dguy has dumb friends.

I'm sure you like your wife and her boyfriend.

Nah I like D because you can make penis jokes.

I do fancy myself and my gorgeous wife, thanks for taking notice :)

Three Cool Things About D - The Case for the D Programing Language

Attached: tumblr_pe2wljZjBm1tzzngso2_500.png (453x440, 231.72K)

Thanks for the funny image too :). Niceness never stops coming, I guess

factually incorrect

so what? a very similar thing is also in Python
you can call method from any object with any "self" value
this is super effective

Neither does your wife's boyfriend

It means you can write imperative code if you want regardless of the architecture of imported libraries.

nah it doesn't mean this.
OO vs not OO is completely different from imperative vs declarative

Yeah, she does handle my loads pretty frequently haha

Why are you making her interpret programs. Do you hate her?

Gotta put a woman to work to keep her in check, am I right?



Reminder that C can't into design by introspection, and C++ syntax for it is unwieldly.

Convince me that every program isn't garbage collected in some form or fashion. Even when I do my own object management, I'm just implementing garbage collection. Even when I say fuck it and let the OS handle cleanup on exit, it's their garbage collection.

All garbage collections fallback to the same free's you would call anyway, just at different times.
Unless you're REALLY in need of controlling real time, or encountering some specifically hot path. I don't see a reason why a standard, controlled garbage collector, isn't desirable by default.

I just have no need to manage memory myself, nor do I want to write deconstructors for everything either.
As long as you do the same leak checks, etc, I can trust the compiler and runtime to be smart enough to figure it out, or tune just enough to my needs to work.

No, you should be impregnating her cuck.

Shoot yourself immediately.

Attached: ce18fb707cc393fae35a1e90f35c98650460da49569c5745497e6e8dc69bcfeb-doctorwho.png (200x276, 68K)

Already am, frequently

No you aren't liar you're making her work.

on dis dick, obviously

you can turn it off.

You dick doesn't supply scripts

Speak for yourself, darling. I type everything with my dick.

But keyboards are dirtier than toilet seats.


Rust, definately, but why Go? There's a case to be made in the unnecessary complexity and community horseshit that surrounds Rust, but Go is actually a pretty good replacement for Python. I would never compare it against C++ for performance reasons, but I would place it in about the same category as a compiled Python; something easy to hammer out a quick, short program with.

But it's not, the compiler complains about fucking everything and you HAVE to handle errors and there's no proper OOP support.

But most popular game engines use garbage collection too and those are realtime applications. If it would do more harm than good - why would they use it? I can easily see how it could save developer headaches - but is their approach significantly different from what garbage collected languages implement?

Quick search turned up a forum post by someone who used UE4 for a bullethell shooter and was experiencing slowdowns because of garbage collection once in a while. This doesn't sound like you shouldn't be mindful with resources (reusing, datastructures that make sense) even when you have a garbage collector that takes care of things.

Garbage collection regularly gets mentioned as something that shouldn't be applied in performance critical applications (let's exclude microcontrollers), yet the gaming industry, which needs to make sure their engines run in some way or another on consoles, regularly uses it. I'm feeling like the "garbage collection is bad, always" is more of a meme than anything else.

Attached: ue4_procedural_trash.jpg (1280x700, 166.37K)

If you're writing a realtime application all you have to do is make sure to explicitly free enough memory that the garbage collector doesn't need to execute in the firsts place in scenarios where you think it will be disadvantageous to stop the world.

Switch from a C# job to a C job.
I had to do more memory management with C# than with C. The garbage collector is unpredictable...heh...garbage. Part of it is of course, that I actively think about memory allocation and thus it prevents a lot of work, but the point still stands.

Then whats the point of having a garbage collector in the first place if I have to make sure to free objects myself.

You only have to make sure to free objects yourself when stopping the world is going to be a problem, e.g: If you're in the main menu, loading screen, pause screen etc no one cares if you stop the world.

It's a safety net against some memory leaks, and it gets you a workable prototype earlier.

Of course, the guys that made it don't like OOP.

If it isn't written out in hex notation by hand precompiled in your brain it's wrong

Funfact: you probably think I'm kidding, but I'm only about half kidding

That's because they're retarded.

Reminder that, despite its age, D still doesn't have a very good OS/architecture support.

Guess what ecosystems don't come out of thin air

oop is oversimplification of modularity for idiots