I would like to use a VPN.
I am ignorant on the use of VPNs.
I am in the U.S. and would like to know if it is a good idea to use a VPN based in the U.S. or should I get a VPN based in another country.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions as to which VPN I should use, please let me know.
I would like to configure my OpenWrt Router to use it.
I was thinking about TorGuard - torguard.net/
In addition, is buying a prepaid card with cash at the local drugstore and then getting the service a good idea?

Attached: vpn.jpg (1500x750, 73.21K)

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Use private internet access and pay in bitcoin or a gift card. Don't use a VPN in another country because it has even less legal protection from domestic spying. Once the data crosses the border it is free game.

tfw not america and the internet is basically in america

Why? This matters.

Use a VPN based in the U.S.? Is that what you are saying?

Hide IP Traffic - why else?

Tunnel TOR through it if you're paranoid

Any free VPN is a scam that is selling your data.

Attached: tor team.jpg (371x594, 226.9K)

Bucket of crabs, every time

i use mullvad since it rated well and accepts bitcoin


you can compare vpns here



Protections from identity theft, data mining, blackmail, censorship, etc.

I think Nord actually got caught datamining. The only practical use of a VPN is anonymity, meaning the outside world thinks you're coming from the VPN server you are connected to.

Attached: fixed.jpg (1500x750, 152.84K)

That poster is on crack. Get a VPN from Switzerland or that area.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (159x160, 38.71K)

Rent a VPS and set up OpenVPN. Any commercial solutions are scams. VPN's are a meme though, there's other solutions that do the job better and have more usecases.

Okay, when they serve your VPS for info, what will you have connected to it with? A naked IP?

You should VPN in other countries except your own country.

And choose aVPN company that you can pay by cryptocurrency.

Try to get a RiseUp invite. Any corporation will rat you out the second government comes knocking.

That makes it easier for a court in the US to give your data to a friendly company than if your server were in say China. You don't need to go that far, just being in a different country will make you too much effort to purse for chump change, only worth if you're doing more than breaking copyright law.

They're commies, they'll rat you out without the government asking. You're safer emailing the NSA a daily report on what you're doing.


Express VPN if you actually give a shit about speeds and privacy, if you have $90 that is

All countries monitor internet traffic that goes in and out of the country.
They justify it by saying that it's not domestic spying but your traffic leaves that country for almost anything you do.

Traffic inside countries is generally not supposed to be monitored but i doubt any country follows that law.

I don't believe that TOR works at all for privacy or VPN for that matter. Not against the government at least.


I don't care that a tranny is a part of TOR project nor do i care that they take a moral stand against "racists".

But one must ask themselves why would they allow tor on the google play store.

They have an annual sale going on right now.


If you were a drug dealer or CP trader or someone who does something illegal, you should use Tor or a VPN company that is in another country.

If you lived in US and used a VPN company that is in US, you would be caught by FBI.

Using a VPN in another country has no legal protection in comparison to a domestic one.

How about VPN companies are in Somaliland or Northern Cyprus? Maybe CP dealers are not safe but marijuana dealers are safe.

Mullvad is good shit, real cheap and doesn't save any logs if you care about that sort of stuff. Only one type of protocol though.

What surprised me is how shit VPNs are. It's the fucking current year.

I needed a VPN to play a game that blocks foreign IP addresses, and there were only a handful of VPN companies that had a server in that country, and out of that handful only two offered a free/money back trial. And out of the two one had all its servers black listed and the other's didnt even work, probably a virtual server.

You faggots are all posers

Not only is this shithole dead, it's filled with retards too. Good riddance.

what if your connection originates from and leaves your country, moves through a country that is politically hostile towards your country and unlikely to cooperate with investigative efforts, and exits from some third country?

???: MU is located in HK so it's totally safe!


How fucking new are you to not know MU stands for Megaupload?

your response was just nonsense. I was talking about Tor and moving your data through non-cooperating jurisdictions. what the fuck does megaupload have to do with anything?
are you stupid?

Oh you're just retarded.
Thanks for wasting my time.

if I use tor, and my first hop goes through America,
my second hop goes through Russia, and my last hop goes through
Hong Kong, how exactly is my government supposed to know what it is that I have done?

Megaupload (and kim dotcom) was supposed to be invulnerable against the Western media interests because the servers and business was located in Hong Kong (China). Except that proved to be not the case.

The NSA just uses front companies to buy cloud hosting in every country, then they set-up tor nodes at a slow enough rate to not seem suspicious.

a Tor user could use nsa compromised nodes this is true.
But if we suppose that the nodes were not compromised, which must necessarily describe at least some portion of all Tor use, then things do not look as bleak.

That might be an example to seriously examine, but that is not everything to be said.
The American government knew where Megauploads servers were located beforehand and they had ample time to amass evidence and create legal arguments against kim dotcom.

If the American government were to identify a specific instance of Tor usage, say a post on a website, that they wanted to track they would have to start at the exit-node and go backwards. They may have to litigate to obtain IP logs from the website to determine it was a Tor post, which takes time. In the worst case it could take months or longer for courts to negotiate the release of connection logs to suggest which relay they should litigate against next or those logs may no longer exist or be inconclusive. The relays used for the Tor use in question may no longer even be operational. Investigators must ask themselves whether it alone is worth investigating.

Not every country has the same reach as America to pull such strings and doing investigations of this nature after the fact are not guaranteed to produce results.

I find it hard to argue that Tor is not effective for countering surveillance efforts against you.
The perfectionist claims that there are this-many scenarios where Tor will not protect you are not helpful. Under any reasonable model, Tor will protect most users at least some of the time.

What I've learned from this thread:



I can vouch that Express VPN isn't blocked in China. A lot of other VPNs are blocked. The Great Firewall of China is no joke.

You mean, there have not been incidences of logs being shared with third parties. Unless you own the VPN and its hardware, there is no way to tell what they log.

You forgot the endless debate over Tor's security as people are naive enough to think the NSA doesn't happily host child porn for 6 months and spreads terabytes of data just to catch 6 guys. and the guy who thinks everything is compromised if he looks at it.

Why would anyone asume it to be

after research i think mullvad vpn is decent

-i got to admit tho, and vpn doesn't give you the ability do anything illegal as much it is a tool with a bit of cunning is useful

there is a LOT of surprising useful reasons to use a vpn beyond doing something wrong, a vpn is for the 1 calorie evils


Why the fuck would you spend money for someone to handle your private information? Just use tor you retards.

Still doesn't mean you should pay someone to handle your private information though.

install gentoo


I never understood this. People rely on VPNs because they claim to protect your privacy and they claim not to sell your data. The proof of how this is legitimate? I cannot know. So all there is left is faith, faith on the service's good name. If that's all it takes, then surely your normal ISP is equally as trustworthy as a VPN that you pay for.

ISPs admit to it, VPNs deny it, also security works in layers.

Pic related is for you retard

For what fucking purpose TOPG?

Attached: for technology retard #1003889.png (901x346, 38.53K)

something people don't even think about is whether or not being TARGETED by the NSA is mitigated at all by anything. I don't think it is.

solution: don't get targeted, stay anonymous.

VPN's are often used for high speed traffic like torrenting. They are good for encrypting your wifi and bypassing some country restrictions. It can also be a nice barrier for potential nigger script leaks from TBB. I'd rather not have every normalnigger and their mother try and torrent/stream over tor and completely rape the network you fucking idiot. Paying a couple bucks and slapping a VPN on your router is just good practice these days.

Faith and likely legal repercussions against the business owners for violating privacy regulations and breach of contract. Oh and also complete destruction of their multi million dollar business which they spent years on building. And oh also a massive dent to their personal reputations.

You know the saying "Never bite the hand that feeds". The customers who pay the VPN company are the hand that feeds, and biting them would be to sell their data. Quite simply, there is no motive to sell/hand out your data unless the VPN company gets threatened by government officials to do so, this is why you choose VPN from country where such thing is not allowed by law and less likely to happen.