what hellish timeline do we live in where an electron based editor made my microsoft is now the most popular one?
How did this happen?
The same one where Javascript is seriously considered a competitor to Python and Ruby.
VS code is actually good though
Wow, this is so amazing guys! I'm switching to VS code #code #developer #KodeWithKarlie
A big thumbs up to Microsoft for encouraging diversity and inclusion of PoC. I really like Adolphe.
Honest to God, it's not that bad, like PowerShell. Carmack uses it.
This, unironically. I was a big Sublime Text user until VS Code, and Code is superior even though it can be a tiny bit slower. Have you even tried Code for more than 5 minutes? You're not a butthurt nanofag are you?
i'm not op, but i used it for a day, and i wasn't impressed. gnu emacs is just way better. also, VScode is a botnet.
Or where people use Python and Ruby.
blame mozilla for killing xulrunner
god this hurts so much
How is it better than Sublime?
More people use it. More frequently updated. Better addon system.
How is this a positive?
It's not really a negative but it's unfair to evaluate a piece of software based on how popular it is.
Less propietary, somehow
Jupyter notebook > VSC > Sublime > all else
This thread got me wondering whether Textadept was made usable again. Time to reinstall you, old friend.
what happened to it?
The kind of hellish timeline in which FOSS spent decades on navel-gazing instead of improving.
The world is not fair.
More users means more eyes to spot and report bugs, more reasons for development to go on, and a bigger knowledge base that can answer newbie questions and offer suggestions.
Nice meme.
Maybe because numnuts like you keep indirectly shilling for it?
I think the API was changed quite a bit. It's been a while but I imagine it was a bit of a Python 2 / Python 3 thing, except for software with a userbase in the three digits. I also distinctly remember there being a problem with the terminal version but I don't know whether those problems coincided. Whatever did happen, it caused me to learn some lisp.
the api changed but it's pretty good now
it's still better than most editors if you use textredux
How in the hell do people actually praise this?
Werks on my machine™
The people who make and use VSCode are also the ones responsible for so many web pages taking 5 to 20 seconds to load, making hundreds of HTTP requests in the process even though the usable payload is nothing more than a 300 word article and one image. They want to standardize their UX across all programs.
what kind of toaster are you running?
Unironically just use a fucking notepad/kwrite and pick a better programming language.
i use vscode and have literally none of the problems you're describing. upgrade from a pentium 3 maybe?
I Know That Feel™
It feels bloated because it is. Didn't you notice that it has the same UI on every OS, be it Windows or Linux? That's not magic. That's extra work that should be left up to the OS, but then it wouldn't have a consistent look.
t. < 50 WPM
Really, source?
Because no one made anything better, and purists are still stuck in the 1980s.
Never even used it or ever thought of using it but that's expected
True but most won't notice it like how slow as heck a smart phone UX is compared to a j2me phone with a single core 333MHz CPU.
I use a 5ms latency monitor that isn't even meant for gaming and it's high quality TN TFT also immune to motion ghosting.
My only problem is having no PS/2 port. There is quite a noticeable time lag with keystrokes on USB than on a very old PC with PS/2 keyboard and CRT.
It's only slow when certain extensions are installed
it is ALWAYS slow you lying ms shill
double nigger
Discovered TA thanks to Zig Forums about a week ago. Bummed I didn't years ago. After Sublime and VScode, this is it. Fully programmable but in Lua instead of insane Python or Node. Runs on BSDs in addition to the usual 3. Has a TUI incarnation in addition to the GTK one. No Electron.
Potentially the extensibility promise of Emacs in terms of possible scope but without: the vintage cringe, the endless modes, the Lisp.
Not as extensions-rich as the others --- but my thinking is, a programmer's editor-for-life (or at least perhaps decades to come) could and maybe should be extended individually by the developer on the fly as he requires.
Its existing language modules might be poor in comparison or not, haven't checked them out yet (writing my own for Go anyway) --- but the API seems to be there to write/extend whatever one could wish for in a purely-text editor
The wiki has a lot of outdated stuff but you can get more scripts by scouring peoples github or writing your own.
I mail the author a lot and he always helps with anything you ask him.
Python 3 is actually good.
>I was a big Sublime Text user until VS Code, and Code is superior even though it can be a tiny bit slower
Something's wrong here.
but it's super effective
I gave up on it. It's confusing as fuck and adding "addons" was autistic and clunky.
The only people who like Python are the people who have never used another language.
I like Python and I have definitely used more programming languages than you.
read literally anything he's posted on twitter this year
he also like OpenBSD and vi, so there's that
the only people who pretend python is bad are people who don't write any code outside of """learning""" their 16th programming language and can't write anything of value to save their lives
I like Python because I've used other languages. I use it for programs that don't require "significant" processing.
0 is still 0 cunt
Factually incorrect.
Depends on the kind of processing, some kinds can be done almost as efficiently in Python.
marketing defense force get out
Not an argument popularitynigger.
How is anything even remotely alternative going to get a start when people like you will always dismiss it because it's "not popular". This is the reason Windows is still the most common OS. This attitude perpetuates inferior technology on the basis that it's popular.
Give me ONE reason to switch from Sublime.
Pro tip: chasing the hippest most popular text editor doesn't make you a better programmer.
I remember when people said that about sublime.
lol true. All the cool kids were using it 5+ years ago. I like VSCode but the input latency is a deal breaker.
By being an actually good alternative and attracting an user base that way: see Firefox and Chrome dethroning IE.
No, that is because Windows is the better option for almost all users.
Linux had years and years to catch up, and didn't even try.
If I'm forced to use windows for work purposes, I've never needed anything more than notepad++, I literally can't see the point of huge ide types of programs. I feel if you really need that much of the scope of the program at your fingertips at any given time, you fucked up.
ugh, of all the things that get tolerated by the masses it had to be that.
The same timeline where a proprietary operating system made by microsoft is the most popular one.
I know this kind of depends on the metric, but it's not about e-peen and actual numbers, it's the fact that all the average people doing normal things are on Windows. It's a tragedy.
Odd, I don't have any input latency even if I mash the keyboard. Textadept runs very slow to me, but that's probably because I'm using Wangblows and it's in GTK.
VScode is just a notepad. Pretty barebones actually, until recently it didn't even had GUI editor for settings, you were expected to edit config files.
1. Notepad++
I seriously hope you didn't buy that trialware and now try to share your misery.
holy shit. How stupid can you be?
so what functions are you all looking for in an editor? i'm pretty content with nano
text editor:
What about Atom?
Guys, I don't understand
I really can't understand why the normal person is using Windows
I mean, Linux is cleary so much better, am I right?
i've never had to do any of those things on linux though
I've only ever had to manually install drivers on windows.
Seeing as how Microsoft bought out the company who develops it, and its so similar to VSCode both in use cases and architecture, expect it to be deprecated and discontinued within the next couple of years.
I use it almost daily on a 733MHz Pentium 3 machine that dual boots NetBSD and Windows NT 3.51. It's extremely comfy. That aside, are VS Code Micropenis suckers unironically telling me that a program that opens and displays TEXT FILES should need a 2GHz CPU and 8GB RAM?
>the state of the mind of proprietary software users slaves
vs code can run vim within it's terminal
It's the old MS Modus operandi: buy it, break it, box it, sell it.
No you fucking retard, it's embrace, extend, extinguish.
If you develop mostly Javascript it gets the job done well. Not a particularly good or bad IDE but it works and it's free so in a probably no one will ever buy you a license for something better.
You could use Emacs but a little help in putting up with all the bullshit 3rd party libraries pull in is nice to be honest.
I only ever saw him talking about visual studio, which is entirely different from VScode
notepadqq (notepad++ clone for linux) and grep is 10 times faster than vs code. I tried using it and still have it installed for some reason but it's slowness just pissed me off.
I found your botnet:
VS Code has no support for 6502 assembly, so it's a joke by default.
I use VSCode w/ PlatformIO for embedded C/C++ dev. IntelliSense is great. Not half bad.
Why not use Vim?
Yeah, I know it's kinda strange but VS is actually pretty good
It's pretty decent and way better than Atom but bloated and slow compared with Sublime.
Its the same that happened with php: theres ton of support for JS to the point that you can make a fairly good app by just copypasting stuff thats already there but you would have to make from scratch on python
At least that nigga is an actual coder unlike the other diversity hires we see (specially bitches with neon hair and degrees in fingerpainting)
its open sauce
just use vscodium if you're that scared of le ebil embrace extend extenguish microsoft cock
If you cannot write a grammar for a simple instruction set like 6502, you are in no position to call anything a joke but yourself.
It is not a meme. I am too tired to explain but some Microsoft engineers emailed me because I undermined their botnet. I am now an avid GNU Emacs user.
I was very respectful to them. They initiated contact, anyway.
Normally I would doubt your claim, but those digits convinced me.
What is the best text editor that is not bloated or botnet?
Which language is best for replacing javascript in web development?
ITT: poorfags that can't afford more ram.
I'm currently hovering between vis and kakoune. I like the idea of just piping selected text into other programs for formatting etc. and piping it right back&replacing instead of using some bloated scripting framework. If you reach Wizard level and understand that everything is a string and everything is a file, it's immensely powerful and modular.
Kakoune feels a bit bloated though, it tries to be helpful but puts way to much shit on my screen all the time. Also Clippy. The executable of kak is 36mb and has no scripting language and it's written in C++, vis is 300 kb and C, also includes lua. I thought kak is statically linked but it doesn't appear so. Also for some reason it takes half a second to start up which gives me serious emacs vibes.
Downside of vis is no buffers which I am really accustomed to in my workflow. I guess you could script that functionality with files in /tmp/, shouldn't be too hard. Also no completion which is shit not because of speed (barely matters, I type fast and coding isn't mainly typing if you're not pajeet) but because typos simply happen when coding and can be deadly in a language like lua.
Also needing an IDE is pajeet tier. Just like, use your OS. Turn on your screen. lmao, kids these days.