why is it completely impossible for non-SJW coders to organize together?
Why can't we work together
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They can and do but then half of them cuck to SJW pressure and it gets taken over.
lets work together Zig Forums
what shall we do?
Oh no, you do all the work. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear.
Already busy with my projects. I'm starting to get into making the actual content.
They do, it's called the business world.
I'll be the logo designer.
You have to be reasonably strong-willed to make it as a programmer.
Being infected with the LARPing Rightist brainworm only happens to the weak-minded.
Not sure what you mean. The actual etho-state LARPers are silly, but being a conservative liberal (yes, that exists) is probably the only sane political stance today.
t. projecting leftist
This is actually a pretty interesting topic. Why is it exactly? Is it related to some kind of mentality difference?
Maybe leftists are less inclined to do things greatly, so they don't mind gluing together shitty javascript libraries to make software, while right wing people are more likely to cringe at that idea so it's harder to collaborate unless you find people with the similar programming practices.
Or is it that there's a greater sense of unity and security among Leftists since they're the protected top class socially, while being right wing is 2 steps away from illegal and getting worse with every passing day so they're all demoralized. Leftists can find other leftists anywhere, especially in technology fields, but right wing people can't find other right wingers outside obscure taiwanese basket weaving forums, and if you use the wrong pronouns for the xirs around you then you'll be socially attacked and lynched and blacklisted from tech companies.
This is only true if you're in tech/social sciences/STEM/academia. When I worked a trade, everyone loved Trump and thought Hillary supporters were deranged.
Mate, we're talking about programming.
I figured that fit under the umbrella of "tech", no?
Great! Let's get started... Now, for the first order of business, what color should our new bike shed be?
jeez, i wonder why op
yep that's definitely a super big barrier to people working together you moron
Working together requires some form of coordination, which requires some form of identification. And once you have a name people can recognize you. The only way would be to come up with an online persona and use it only for work, that way your persona is an empty slate no one knows anything about. But this also condemns you to obscurity because your persona will have no social life.
this is the reason.
leftists have no problem putting their name on every botnet social network in existence
meanwhile those on the right side are leaving in droves and social networks are upping the verification requirements, which those on the right are less and less willing to accept.
You stole my job
that's false
sjws in most cases can not develop software
most programmers are apolitical and do not care about such issues and that's why so many projects are getting CoC'ed.
Zig Forums can't do something because there aren't any good ideas/causes and most importantly - there is no funding. Why would I waste my time on a mindless project with no future or funding instead of doing my hobby projects or working?
pseudo names on git are enough, tbh
The problem, put simply, is the jews. It's well known that jews have abnormally high intelligence (1). This is obviously very helpful when working on large software projects, which require the ability to think in heavily abstracted terms about very complicated systems. Importantly, you can't simply replace one jew with two people of normal intelligence; having two people will introduce communication barriers without making either person understand the system as a whole. The long term success of a project therefore depends on it's ability to attract jewish developers. The problem with this is that the only projects surviving are those that advance jewish interests. The primary way this happens is by earning the jews involved lots of money. However, jews are willing to work on free software projects so long as they see some way of subverting western society. This is why most free software ends up being pozzed eventually, because they needed to make a deal with the jews in order to survive.
Nazbol gang represent.
No, the problem is that Jews are creepy insular fucks that are the most hypocritical group on the planet. They're the "old white men" everyone prattles on about, they're the ones who believe they are the master race (goyim are cattle), they're the ones who want their own etho-state (Israel), they're the ones that are white when it's convient and Jewish the rest of the time, and they're the ones pushing egalitarian garbage.
Are you retarded?
SJWs would not make up more than 5% of programmers no matter how generous your estimate. Almost all of them go into arts degrees or hospitality. If you don't mean SJW, don't say SJW.
Are you retarded? I think everyone in the thread is purposefully misunderstanding the OP. I could be wrong, but he doesn't mean that SJWs are actual "coders"--they're the officious HR types (which almost every office environment has). My way of understanding the OP is "Why does SJW "activism" work while while everyone else fails?" and it's a good question.
Being a retard is apolitical. In my experience a a university with many people of different politics and religious, there is no observable pattern of having good or shit practices. In fact, most of the win10 users I have seen are devout Christian. It's the conservative choice to make.
Maybe in your country. People still get murdered for liberal or leftist ideas in lots of countries.
And if you live in America, drop your fucking victim complex you neo-SJW. You have a Republican president who openly supports hardline right-wing ideas.
Could you give examples? It's likely a regional thing that I am not exposed to the same way.
The only SJW activism I've seen recently is supporting Palestine (yes) and Marxism (of course), and neither of those seem to be working.
Contributors' Covenant.
It's been falling since Trump, but it seems like (since they're not employed on average, or work in academia (which is very left leaning)) they show up to more protests. Trump rallies and the recent turnout for March for Life have changed things, but you can't do what Peterson did (trans pronouns are not real) and get away with it, because they will find you and make you miserable. Right-leaning people don't really do that, unless it's online by the way of the doxx. Also, conservatives completely ceding higher education was a huge loss. The business world only has SJW/LGBT activism. Conservatives just seem to fail as activists, I don't know why. (The media and corporations also let SJW activists fly in the face of the law and get away with it.)
Yeah, but they only teach activism at universities. Even if you don't like JP, he's absolutely right that universities no longer tolerate diversity of ideas. I DARE you to go to HYP or a California state college (supposedly some of the best in the world) and say you support Trump.
And you can't say you support him, unless you want to get fired and humiliated by trannies. It's bizarre, since we outnumber them but can't even say anything about it.
This is what Amerimutts actually believe. The business world is strongly right-conservative (neoliberal) and they have so much money that they can directly target the politicians and do not need to resort to lowly activism, but can make make others do the work for them. Since you and so many others seem to think otherwise, all those millions they put into PR tuned out to be a worthy investment.
Facebook: Orwellian progressive
Google: Orwellian progressive
Amazon: Orwellian progressive
The Press: funded by Orwellian progressive billionaires (this is somewhat unrelated but it's a point I'd like to make)
I feel "business world" was too much of a blanket statement--I meant American mega-corporations that are on the global scale.
Another one bites the dust
Because you all post here...
...devolves into this...
...becomes this...
...and this...
...and finally we arrive here.
I should make a Zig Forumspol/ bingo card
Damn tranny, I wish that was my country.
It's not worth the hassle, don't have to worry about my projects being taken from me if I never release them.
You centrist arbiter types all think you have the IQ of Jordan Peterson, but you're actually gormless worms that earn the ire of both the right and the left.
And you partisans are herded around like retarded cattle to sloganeering for promises and ideas that either won't happen or aren't even possible by people profiting off our dysfunctional bureaucratic systems.
In the end we both earn our goyim status and overpriced kosher goods
OP, see this
Dynamite observation? We should just onanate all day and espouse privaricate criticism of both sides (on imageboards of course) because FUCK YOU MOM society is... like... corrupt.
Google, sure.
Amazon? I doubt it. They are half way to slave labor.
Seems to be Zig Forumss mission statement the last I checked, so why not? Better yet they've jumped off their own shit board and brought it here
I'd say that is extremely dependent on which state you are in. It looks like America has an almost Civil War-tier dichotomy of political sides.
It sounds like you're exaggerating a bit. Would you REALLY get fired and harassed for saying you support the president? Maybe if you said something ultra-nationalist to the point of endorsing racial hatred, I can see why that would make people hate you.
Sure, the Hitler worshiping 14/88 types are just as useless as the communists, but I think that most of them are just being facetious. I doubt the people here (as in 8ch) tell their college professors how much they want to kill niggers when he's talking about racial equality and what not. The Internet in general is a place where you find a lot of people with a screw loose, but 95% of the time they're playing a persona because their own lives are rigid and inelastic. In other words, people talk about politics outside of Zig Forums because we live in an era where you -cannot- talk about anything.
I can only give you anecdotal evidence, but a friend of mine (who never, ever got political) posted a photo on election day with a MAGA hat and the Trump shirt on... he was assaulted the next day. I hope other people can chime in because it seems like this is an everyday occurrence in today's America. (Something often pointed out is how people thought Muslims would be brazenly assaulted because Trump was elected, but it's actually normal people that wear Trump hats in metropolitan areas getting beaten.)
You heard about the bit in pittsburgh? At least some of them are flat serious.
Saying "I support the president" maybe no. Saying "I think illegals should be thrown out" maybe yes. They'd argue that you're committing literal violence against your coworkers who happen to be slightly brown (if those coworkers happen to be illegals, and if you happen to give a tip to the feds, then this isn't so wrong, but I digress).
People who work in tech generally have a retard-tier understanding of politics, or really anything outside their specific sphere of interest. Most probably haven't even considered what a CoCk means in the broader context of modern western civilization.
I'm not really sure why this is but I have a few ideas. I think the primary reason though is that they all think that they are hyper-intelligent. Therefore their political opinions must be correct, despite them not having put much thought into, or attempting a deeper understanding of these opinions. It's very easy to convince someone who is overconfindent in their intelligence and knowledge, and who is surrounded by an echo chamber that what they're doing is ethically righteous.
I think that is the primary cause of what you see in places like silicon valley today. Unchecked faggotry and a superiority complex is the recipe for the modern tech-worker bugman, unable to fathom those who think differently to themselves
Drumpf is just an orange neocon kike, he does not represent us or our ideas
Fucking lol.
Because being non-SJW isn't enough, as soon as there's pressure applied, some will switch to the SJWs.
The only organization that'd be SJW proof is an explicitly anti-SJW/anti-left one, and doing that is professional suicide so only hikkineets would join. Sure, you could use an online persona, but that still leaves you open to doxxing.
We'd need something like an imageboard, but for code because if you can't sensibly bind together who posted what, doxxing becomes almost impossible.
A border isn't a hardline idea.
Have you ever been outside the anglosphere?
Have you been to the middle east, or africa, for example?
Why would anyone ever visit a brown shithole lmfao
Places like Africa are known to produce a lot of computer software...
Well, they don't have CoCs, and they kill leftists. I think you would like it there.
Are *YOU* living there, faggot?
Not at this point in time, but I did previously.
Luckily we got out of SA before they started killing the white farmers.
This is the correct take. Hell, most of these CoCs are to check their REEEEEtarded social skills.
It's pure Dunning-Kruger effect, and it's rampant. Take Zig Forums spergs fighting over distros, and translate that to average flame wars from languages to server tech. Everybody competes to be the greater autist and rub it in everybody's face.
This is what VCs and Founders preach and influence. They all talk about such-and-such changing the world so the workers join their Personality Cults (thus take lower pay too) in order to create a hive-mind mentality. Peter Thiel talks about this in greater depth in Zero To One.
The entire reason VCs, the FAANGs, and Founders are pushing Diversity is to increase the talent pool solely to drive down wages. It's the same reason they wanted to hire tighty-whity 20something newgrads; because they worked 90+ hours, with no overtime pay (but pizza!), never complained, and for below-standard wages. They replaced the higher-paid senior developers. THus SV developed a huge bias against oldfags. Now that the easily-exploited white boy market is tapped, they are moving to the next demographic. It's the same reason they keep trying to outsource the profession. The same reason they spent the last half century failing to build automated program generators. I'm sure another new wizbang is just around the corner.
It was never about standards. Holy shit have I seen some garbage software. Memetech is fucking *real*. Think MongoDB + Node running on 600+ servers for an ad-tech company serving billions of ads per day, then one engineer pushed for a rewrite in Go despite nobody on the team knowing the language. Basically "quality" and "standards" are the gentle lie they tell you to make you feel important. "We only hire the best!" is the ultimate business meme, followed closely by "You are changing the world!" They hire the cheapest and docile, while the founders and VCs are eyeballing their exits.
tl;dr: Read Zero-To-One, since it's what VCs are teaching Founders.
You're not being honest in your argumentation, user. Telling someone who wants to kill the traitors actively exterminating their own kind via brown demographic genocide to go to Africa is just retarded.
I thought that was just far right propaganda.
So what's the game user. Get some contract job and then save money to become a VC faggot?
Maybe. I wasn't there at the time so your guess is as good as mine.
I no longer respect the argument after its devolution so I have no issue with making non-serious rebuttals.
Judeo-nazbol is the only correct ideology
Pissing off impotent retards over the net isn't a negative.
Nailed it
Code of Conducts are used to mask the lack of ability to code (see for reference)
< hurr I can't see all the other movements like CoC being widespread and media dominance
Zig Forums is a way to be anonymously honest
Not necessarily
THIS, too many normies and trannykykes ITT
BAD code when compared to India, and then from that China, and finally EU/US
It's because engineers are generally smarter than everyone else.
Warning: Blog post incoming. But if you take it seriously it'll make $XX,000 difference in your paycheck.
Long-term, we overthrow Capitalism like we overthrew Feudalism. Political democracy/representation cannot coexist without economic democracy/representation. But most of yall aren't there yet, or can't organize effectively. Short-term, you learn to play hardball with capitalists.
Unironically yes, if you can. When under capitalism, do as the capitalists do. But like any exclusive club, the aren't exactly opening the doors for the dirty masses. This is done by suppressing wages to prevent employees from gaining economic self-sufficiency, thus forcing them into dependence on employment and the capitalist.
The Guardian has an article about it.
Which leads me to my point: If the capitalist is driving your wage down, then you must drive your wage UP.
Reading material:
This is why Haskell isn't used much and Javascript grows like a cancer.
AKA, the pajeets or SJWs.
The guy signing the checks HAS NO IDEA WHAT YOU DO. Money comes in, money goes out, and he literally cannot explain it. But that does not matter, because it simply has to add up to more money at the end of the day.
Competition among programmers serves to drive wages down by pitting us against ourselves.
Remember what I said about exploiting white 20something newgrads?
For those in the back:
Last one from
The whole thing is worth the read, but I want to point out one final thing.
Your homework is to read the attached book (Zero To One), and the above blog post in it's entirety. Remember: No matter what you are paid, the capitalist collects more money in the end or they wouldn't agree to pay you. Negotiate as high as you are capable. You will be surprised how little effort can make an enormous difference.
With that, I'm out. I have a meeting with a capitalist.
regarding that guardian shit. Remember the capitalist and progressive left mindset is based on tabula rasa bullshit. That everyone is some educated cog that can easily be replaced by any other type of human. It's in their direct benefit to convince you that being smart is some burden of duty.
Once you note that I think the masses look way less appealing.
Thanks for the pdf user. Looks interesting.
its almost like "non-sjw" people are insufferable, possibly racist and xenophobic bastards that have incredibly pessimist outlook towards everything, and completely incompatible with life.
Yeah but why try and better your life in any way when posting the same dubiously sourced cherrypicked infographs gives you a cheap release of dopamine and requires 0 effort?
You talk as if everyone on Zig Forums is on board with your psuedo-communist viewpoints. They may indeed work out in the short term, but in the end you are simply moving the burden of ensuring prosperity into the hands of people into the hands of people who are equally as fallible-perhaps even more so given that you'd be putting it in the hands of an even smaller group than before. That's the issue with both national socialism and communismin practicality, not theory. we could argue about what constitutes true socialism all day, they fail to take into account how unpredictable the economy can be- and governments are incredibly slow to adapt to change.
Have you ever considered ideas other than those that require such an amount of cognitive dissonance that you end up assuming those who disagree are incarnations of evil?
Not to mention you get to feel like you're fighting nonexistent Nazi-esque evils.
nice paragraph, but it lacks an important thing. What are those ideas? Write them in full and read them aloud to yourself please.
Isn't there SQLite or something that is explicitly Christian?
You trannies are never going to pass.
not a paragraph
Ideas that actually take into account how the world works, rather than blaming all misfortune on boogeymen like capitalists/da joos/white people. It's a lot more complex than the target of you two minutes hate conspiring in every little thing to ensure misery for minorities and the poor, that's for sure. While it true that groups and individuals with malicious intent have often been involved in actual conspiracies, there's more to it than Zig Forums or Zig Forums would tell you. Truthfully, the constant complaining about the Jews and rich people is all to often a tool used to divide people against each other along lines of race, class, and whatever other extraneous category you can imagine. And when the real enemy comes, no one will believe the people who cried wolf for so long.
I for one, won't give up my freedoms for any of those things- real or imagined.
I think he might have cucked out IIRC, Though it might not be as bad as I recall.
This is a stupid argument, when there's nothing uniting people in the first place, and the very reason they flood non-Whites into the west is to further atomize society, and ensure it never recovers. So if you aren't united by things like race, religion, or class in the first place, then what the fuck are you united by? There's nothing to divide, they are divided by default. You have a flimsy ideology if you have no standard and there's nothing substantiating it. People aren't even united by the flimsiest of "common values", and thus eventually somebody with an actual focal point is going to take the reigns. 'Centrists' are more infuriating than commiecucks sometimes TBH.
Your freedom is what's being imagined here. Here on Earth, things are driven by what we abstract as the concept of sovereignty. The political quarrels we're seeing in society that you rightfully describe as D&C are the steering wheel of sovereignty. While modern politics are growing more and more tiring, less and less interesting, pretending that it's better to be like, man, the cool apathetic dude that just idly stands by, heh, is a ridiculous proposition.
revisionists please go
this was the best part but your whole >paragraph was a big fat strawman.
Only people im blaming (for the lack of better word) are unemphatic, apathetic people like you.
I assure you are not being confused for a wise person when you say "Oh there are far more important things in this nihilistic bitch of world than minority rights. That's just how the world turns around kiddo."
That's right, faggot. The *majority* of America has been brutalized by globalist corporations/outsourcing/credentialism/diversity (that means shades of brown, we don't need diversity of ideas, bigot). You castrates pretend like there isn't an opiod crisis in this country and that "old christian men" have all the privilege. Suck on a revolver and pull the trigger.
Never been in USA, also why are you acting like you can just flail your arms at the most massive, institutionalized and metastasized issues in your country and hope itll go away, before addressing issues in your community and harmonizing? You can go on with your crusade on le big corporations while still maintaining a bit of conscious integrity and empathy for your fellow humans. Consider.
I can't, but what I can do is support anti-establishment politicians (that is to say, Trump vs. the Swamp). The issues in the community I grew up in is that there are simply no jobs left, and people decide to waste themselves with opiods. When I moved to the Worst coast, I realized that nobody ever thought about the exorbitant opiod death-rates in "flyovers"--they only care about fashionable activism. Why are you acting like the corporations aren't a huge problem? They're probably the biggest problem in tech today. I'm no communist, but I'm also no lolbert, and I think we need to trust-bust these corps into oblivion. I have empathy for my countrymen... but I'm also not a bleeding-heart moron that prioritizes the rest of the world over my people.
i actually agree with this, sans the countrymen over rest of the world part. I guess this can change too by different definitions of "countrymen".
I guess we both agree that problems world/my country faces are not caused by neither "rich white christian men" nor "genderqueer pansexual coloured liberal sjws". These resolutions are made up by the very same problematic companies to divide the power of community in to little bite sized pieces.
Of course it's going to look like that in a world where most local culture and interests have been swept away by ever-encroaching globalization. Even then, you're still united by common cause with your countrymen- assuming it hasn't gotten bad enough to where even your national identity is a thing of the past.
Only once all traces of national pride, religion, and cultural identity have finally dissappeared.
Not a centrist or a commie.
Sure, if I just stand by and let them be taken, then they're just as good as imaginary. If they try to remove my rights.
Which is why the blackpill nigger was so annoying.
Well, let's put it this way- it's a bit difficult to care about some random person you've never met when you're already invested in your own friends or family. The same sort of applies to focusing on maintaining your own country versus fixing other ones, unless you're some rich and influential neocon/neolib that likes to meddle in the business of other nations at the expense of his own.
Of course not, those are just the useful idiots that for the agenda of the real culprits, even if those people may also fit the description.
*If they try to remove my rights, then I'll at least make it difficult for them.
somehow didn't notice that error
Look whose talking.
Empathy works both ways. You are projecting your lack of empathy for him by imagining that he hasn't any for you. If you can't understand this then...idk I hope you'll find it out someway/day.
I work 40 hours a week, what open source projects do you actually want ME to work on?
You get this with essentially every high intelligence field. Math professors and physicists believe their political option is flawless, psychologists believe it, anthropologists, even people who might be average believe it if they spend a lot of time in academic fields.
The fact is you need to study and follow it in detail from varying sources to have an informed opinion, like anything else really, but most people treat it like an opinion based on perceived morality
Make libre drivers for more hardware so that freedom-respecting computing is easier for the masses. For example, the NIC and GPU in the Asus C201 need non-free stuff to work properly. There's an effort for Mali GPUs to be reverse-engineered. I don't think there's anyone working on the NIC, and it's soldered on... So you can libreboot this machine, but then you have no graphics acceleration, and you need a USB wifi dongle. If those two issues could be solved, it'd be an easy-to-recommend option for free computing.
It actually is the jews though