Google about to disintegrate from within?
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Looks like they're purging the last vestiges of while male middle-management. It''ll be a fully converged NPC army with a handful of jewish puppetmasters at the top. All as planned.
One day science will figure out how wome's brains work.
we already know goofus, its to attract men, but women get offended when they attract undesirable men and those are who all the whatever is directed at
as usual
told you the SJWs hate the big corps
what is your point?
The faggots brought this on themselves. They thought if they get rid of all manliness (what little there was to begin with) they would finally get laid, but they failed to realize that the only women they would attract are the worst kind.
It's not really that hard. She wants you to look at her and compliment the way she looks, but only if you also look good and have a higher pay-check.
< My red lipstick at work isn't for you to "sexy" comment on
The logic (or lack thereof) of modern feminism never ceases to amaze me
Women dress up for themselves not for men to ogle at them
Is NOT google's mato anymore.... and it hasn't been for a few years....
I remember when Google used to focus on hiring smart people, but then as they grew and grew it was obvious their standards for employees would have to drop substantially. I did not however, know it was this bad. Soon the brown sludge will have spread to all parts of that organization.
On the plus side, the actual intelligent whites will branch off and form or work at innovative companies themselves.
Zig Forums is always right
Seeing as the two founders are yids, not a big surprise.
We already know, but living in a Semitic society has eroded common sense.
The tight shot makes it look like quite a crowd. I wonder what it would look like without a zoom lens? How many people actually walked out?
Good job taking a stand for wymyn on an anonymous imageboard, faggot. It's painting on a new, better face... everyone likes being better looking, but most of that is because you're more attractive to the other sex.
this is good thing. maybe it will erode them from the inside out
I can see some coincidence in this picture
This is what happens when you diversity hire every employee.
If the hired people like me we wouldn't even care about woman's rights.
Using question marks doesn't turn a statement into a question. I suggest you learn the difference between to two.
Isn't that because a guy hit on a girl on burning man, told her he was director of whatever at google, then she applied for a job on his dept (what an amazing coincidence!), not only him but all the other interviewers thought she wasn't a good candidate, she didn't get the job, then she sued the guy for hitting on her at a party while male and ugly (or without divining she wasn't in the mood)? Because that is some major bullshit. The whole "sexual harassment" at work was retarded enough since sexual harassment (actually harassing someone, not just asking them out) is already a crime, now they go on witch hunts even outside work and on a place guys go to hit on girls who go there to be hit on. What do these cunts and cucks even expect men to do? Ask her father permission to court her? Still, I hope it keeps getting worse for these leftist companies. They wanted their diversity, promoted people for their boobs instead of skill, now they can heap all the benefits.
I just realized this, but she could've planned it from the start. Burning Man isn't cheap, it isn't like when it started, and plenty of rich men go there.
I honestly don't get it. Why do feminists hate silicon valley so much?
I'm not surprised that they hate it, since they complain about everything, but I'd expect silicon valley to be less sexist and more liberal compared to other companies everywhere else. People say it's full of libertarians, but among the biggests CEOs there that doesn't seem to be the case.
Is it because there's a higher concentration of women that would complain about everything? Or is there some truth to this, similar to how a surprising number of male feminists are accused of sexual harassment ? Is it just a narrative that's gone unchallenged because none of the men there would tell them to fuck off? Because women know that those companies will apologize instead of dismiss them, so they feel emboldened?
They hate it because despite the fact it constantly bows to their demands, they'll never end up with the control they want.
Silicon Valley has money and cucks, making it a profitable and weak target. Feminists want cash, and it's easier to take it from soyboys than from marketers, bankers, etc.
It's simple, if you give to angry/power_tripping people a hand after some time they'll ask for the entire arm then the other arm, then the legs etc....
Of course there's sexism but that's on both sides. It's just that the more you let power fags get things the more they demand. That's why you never ever bow to them.
the problem isn't female stupdity, it is that they have been allowed to speak their "mind"
kill the juden completely and suddenly things go back to normal.
someone make a juden-target seeking drone
great going
Some of their demands are reasonable. No corporation should be circumventing the courts that's bullshit.
This is like saying 'Men breathe for themselves not to stay alive'.
That NPC stare from the faggot on the right.
Most likely the straight white guys still there will just comply and cut their dicks off, but even if they left, Google's market position means they're idiot-proof like Microsoft.
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*unless claim or assertion was posted by a Zig Forums