GCHQ recently made a account on the instagram botnet
I'm trying to work out why they did this
Depends on luck and if people high up know about it (account wasb recently verfied)
This could also be some kind of signal of a honeypot Zig Forums
GCHQ Instagram Account
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they only hire trannies because they are the only ones that will willingly violate people privacy
they lurk in discord channels recruiting people, i've experianced this before I left discuck.
Yeah I feel like you would need to be very mentally ill to violate peoples rights
it's just a social media presence where they try to make their organization look good
social media 101
not everything is a conspiracy you fucking autist
The need to improve image, relations, and attract future talent. Same as any company with an IG. Fuck off, retard
it's a fucking intelligence agency, of course it's fucking conspiring something
you both are glowing extremely hard, so tone it down
Did you check their images for steganography?
no but like they where probally taken in a building known as the doughnut
go back to /g/ you fucking glow in the dark nigger pukes
It's probably to attract employees. Shit like Snowden damaged the image of glows in the dark, they need to do some damage control to get young blood. On the other hand it's the UK, bongs love being controlled so maybe their image hasn't suffered.
Could you elaborate please ? I'm curious on how they bring that subject with people.
They will start getting to know you in the chat, shitposting commenting on webms you post and shit.
Then they will DM you asking you if your intresting, they will beforehand try and get you to guess their job
fucking got it mixed up with EXIF
gonna have a look at the images zoomed in to all fuck
Since instagram is using jpeg, the easy way of using the lower bits of each pixel to encode data won't be worth looking at, but there are some techniques out there to look for it in jpeg
No. It is a symptom of being less James Bond and more Jamal Diversity.
This. You know when both the glow niggers turn up within 15 minutes of each other they've been talking about it.
This too. That is the whole premise of the retarded Mr.Robot series. Getting fresh incels with daddy-issues and 1337 5ki11z into the glownigger meat grinder.
this whole thread is bait anyway ;^)
I'd like to be recruited! Where do I sign up to be head-hunted?
either you're larping as someone who has been approached by GCHQ, or you're getting trolled by someone else who is pretending
they don't recruit in your gay anime discord chat, they recruit at in-person events, such as university career fairs
y'all neckbeards are out of touch with reality
Gay parties.
Correct, using discord is a sign of lack of intelligence because javascript botnet or desperation for information using a burner comp.
Wrong, that is where you get the shittiest of the shit pajeets/kikes. As op pointed out most at said fairs of uni will be trannies, faggots, and idiots who only think one way and not any other. These will be script kiddy level at best, which might be what the gchq is only good for but idk.
If what you're saying is true, then there is absolutely zero problem about GCHQ simply because they are too incompetent to do anything of value. I don't agree that you're right about how things work.
They were probably told to fulfill a certain hiring quota and PR photos is the area quota niggers can do the least amount of damage.
It was a discord server where we discussed linux, hacking, politics and anime
I've spoken to former GCHQ trannies and they said that they have to hire trannies, pakis and niggers as nobody else wants to invade peoples privacy
There's enough of a structure for them to succeed in, just like for Google employees.
They really do love mentally unstable SJWs because you can convince them to do anything to further their retarded causes and control them easily whereas a straight white man could be the next Snowden.
The discord server they where trying to rcruit people in was full of people with depression, transgenders and other unstable people
A mentally stable white british guy will leak shit as they are mentally sound
UK doesn't have hiring quotas, as they are illegal.
and now you know why the governments are full of degenerates.
Do you think they follow the law at all user
No waist for the glow in the dark.
The world needs intelligence agencies like it needs central banks.
Steganography always, but more particularly the Silicon Valley-sanctioned exchange of CP at the highest levels. That's what these platforms really exist for.
Do you honestly believe that if we removed domestic intelligence agencies that other nations will simply stop? Spying is as old as human civilization itself. As long as there are stable human societies, there will be others outside of that society who will work to attack it for various reasons.
New post
We have to start somewhere, maybe making sure we aren't fucking ourselves sounds like a good idea.