I want to ask you a question: I want to set up a doxxing service. Something like a private investigator online. It's very far-fetched? It is very easy to do a good (with depth) doxxing? And if the previous answers are optimistic, some tips to start (where to advertise, how much to charge, etc)
Online PI
I want to start up a bank. Is it hard to get the capital requirements to start a bank?
Look kid, hang out on >>>/baphomet/ for a while, and lurk. I really mean, LURRRRK the fuck more. No one will ever sit down and babysit you how to do this stuff. You must learn the hard way like everyone before you.
you can start by finding more sauce on the goth whore and posting it here
Looks like a >>>/jewess/
I think it's an actress. I remember her face from Breaking Bad, I believe. Shouldn't be hard to find her
Doxing is never acceptable, people go online to escape life / reality, not to fuel your trolling. Fuck off.
Didn't some SJW ended up trying to create a site just like this, and it backfired so hard that FemFreq ended up doxing the admin themselves and comprehending the problems of "hurting someone else because different position."
I've long stopped caring. There are services that do this already.
Privacy is dead.
Fuck off Candace. You already tried this, and you failed so hard you BTFO your previous political beliefs.
She's the actor in jessica jones
OP is a massive faggot and should not be negotiated with.
Null, pls
Privacy is only dead if you post your pictures and other personal details online for all to see. It's all up to you.
You know from facebook's terms (that no one reads) it says it can search their phone when they connect with it?
If you had a conversation with someone who uses facebook, they have your personal details already.
its not that hard to dox. First type is just searching their usernames pretty simple also reverse image searching posts they made also makensure to look in meta data om images for geocords. Other type is grabbing their IP. The oldest trick in the book to find out where someone lives if you have their IP is through social engineering. You call up the ISP and try to get them give you their address. Or names from their IP alot easier then you think. If you have their name and state usally you can find them on Facebook or the phonebook. these are the easiest ways to dox people and non illegal.
You would spend most your time just looking up people on facebook or with liberals demanding you dox anonymous image board posts.
Then you have the legal problem of this being cross borders and lots of countries will consider it a crime or you responsible when a crime is committed because of you.
It was a company who were collecting data. She was ex facebook and claimed it was to stop bullying online. She paid a bunch of youtubers to promote it, then they discovered she was working for google under a different name. She got doxed within a day of being on TV and all her shit was laid out for much lulz.
Don't need your picture when I have a GPS device with a camera and a mic on you any time you leave the house. A network of cameras covering every inch of the country and idiots telling me what everyone around you is doing.
Internet history + a flesh search and I can create a good profile on you.
This is the more insidious part of today.
Not using fb or google products and services does not save you, if any of your friends do.
They will exploit everything and everyone to sell your attention to the highest bidder.
Well that's your problem right there: stop talking to people. Nobody ever talked about me even back when I was working, because I just showed up at work and did my job and left. I didn't do office politics or general chit-chat. I was boring on purpose so people would leave me alone.
First of all, there's no cameras in the street around here unless you go in some parts downtown (it's a small city), and I almost never go there. As for a cellphone, I don't carry one.
But this is now getting into the realm of corporate/government surveillance, and has little to do with what some SJW is going to find when he tries to "dox" you, as per the topic in OP. You *can* escape that, even though it's much harder to escape the government completely.
The old idea of two spies meeting on a park bench for a private conversation are long over, especially in cities. There are hidden microphones as well as cameras.
There aren't big obvious cameras every where but shops have security cameras in case of a break in. People other than you carry phones which often have google or amazon voice activated functions.
Kek. You have no idea what it's like where I live. It's mostly old people and they don't carry cellphones. There are no bars or other happening places nearby, and no nightlife to speak of. All shops close at 9 pm on average. And it's all residential streets from here to the small grocery store I go to once a week or so. I hardly even pass anyone on the street (usually just see some old folks working in their yard), and there's almost no traffic at the time of day I go. So basically there is no surveillance here, except maybe via military satellites. There is camera in the grocery store, and that's basically it. Otherwise what ever I do is unrecorded, just like decades ago.
Anyway like I said, this still has nothing to do with what an SJW will find when he tries to "dox" someone. Unless you're actively maintaining an online presence, they have very little to go by.
Is there a 4chan influx?
2 things
People could try to dox you and tru real fucking hard
Only accept crypto as people will try to kick you off paypal