Invidious Next

Issue Reporter:

Attached: 1539121222036.jpeg (474x304, 8.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:')!\?v=[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{11}$##g')

Reminder that invidious is pointless, just use hooktube to search + mpv or youtube-dl
Don't bother with reddit cancer.
Better yet, just use that script that's been going around /vg/

Archive before shoah:
I think Invidious should be forked once the proxy feature is fully working.

RSS+mpv seems like a good (better?) way to manage subscriptions than invidious.
Anyone know if there's a better way to get subscriptions via RSS than querying youtube directly?

Invidious has always been reddit cancer. This is the faggot who thinks youtube comments are too "toxic" and instead pulls in literal reddit comments as a substitute.

True, but at least that was optional. Now he's planning on dumping an algorithm that he admits is neutral, in favor of forcing the home page to pull from these Reddit/Youtube trending.

Who the fuck cares? I ask for video without google bullshit. it gives me video. I watch video. Rest is blocked by uBlock. End of story.

what's that?

Attached: 1511496357270.png (1087x651, 791.46K)

even more EXTREEEEM: a chat with Schlomo Gordon, of
sage because I know/care nothing about invidious

Do you not count loading the video from google videos as google bullshit

Pretty much the the whole 'alt-right' is a cancerous aids ridden wasteland, so many unsavoury characters.

Attached: fashy-fancy-by-iggy-izalea-parody.mp4 (640x360, 13.43M)

better yet just suck it up and be the sacrificial youtumor that posts the fucking webm

bloat. close ticket

i'd rather use something like this indivwhatever site that has simple tags instead of some bloated shit like youtube if i can. of course i still use youtubedl since a lot of content is on youtube

And maintained by who? Zig Forums retards? AHAHAHAHAHHA

Why use this when mps-youtube + newsboat exists?

It is a major turn off for most people to see "libtard NPC cuck dindu muffin gets BTFO by proud maga!", "Hitler wasn't so bad" and 50 "podcasts" by poltards circlejerking about Qanon and "white genocide" as the front page of a website.
Unlike you retards, most people's lives don't revolve around politics, conspiracy theories and fake Internet outrages.

This is what I get trying to use mps-youtube.

File "site-packages\youtube_dl\extractor\", line 1199, in _decrypt_s
File "site-packages\youtube_dl\extractor\", line 1110, in _extract_s
File "site-packages\youtube_dl\extractor\", line 1171, in _parse_sig
File "site-packages\youtube_dl\extractor\", line 880, in _search_rege
youtube_dl.utils.RegexNotFoundError: Unable to extract Initial JS player signatu
re function name; please report this issue on . Make sure
you are using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to cal
l youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.
(caused by RegexNotFoundError('Unable to extract Initial JS player signature fu
nction name; please report this issue on . Make sure you a
re using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call you
tube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.',)); please rep
ort this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest ver
sion; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verb
ose flag and include its complete output.

That's the point. The target audience of Invidious isn't most people. The trending videos on the front page are a reflection of its userbase's interests.
But most Invidious' users' lives do.


Attached: stupidnametag1.jpg (400x259, 75.17K)


Github really is like a real world.

I downloaded it 4 hours ago. And I already ran that because I'm not a fucking retard.


The spectacle of an NPC trying to reverse-memegineer itself leads to some delicious irony.


There's also youtube-local

Attached: youtube-local-4.png (1695x964, 652.79K)

the fact that this "issue" wasn't closed immediately does not look good on the invidius dev.

Attached: faggot.jpg (288x288, 7.08K)

Attached: callum_faggot3.jpg (1129x797 115.52 KB, 110.05K)

That's literally the average weight of a 9 year old girl. What the fuck man.


He's probably lying about his height, like all men do. So he's ~5'2" @ 100lbs (I also cannot believe his weight).

I think those are about the same as hotwheels.

considering he's a bong he probably meant 75kg
75 kg = 165 pounds
5'3" @ 165 pounds is the opposite, obese midget

Callum is an incredibly popular name. It's unlikely all Callums born in 1993 are the same user.

What's the story behind this pic?

Autogynephilia is a terrible sickness. Heal yourself from it at once.

Forgot to sage this useless thread.

I just posted something

top kek


Attached: cde11830904ed96cae03ca9c794498609ec847739e596b5933a0638aa025fb70.jpg (1920x1080, 583.82K)

someone make a post suggesting this stupid issue should be deleted utilizing github's new bad goy issue censorship function

Attached: really_makes_you_think.png (812x232, 18.82K)

I absolutely love youtube-local, I've been able to resolve all my issues with it and it lets me watch youtube without bloatscript and other trash


Attached: antisjw.png (776x578, 112.66K)

Proxy feature is fully working. Replace `` with ``. Currently it's not been pushed site-wide due to bandwidth concerns, see

I'd recommend reading the proposal:

I think the proposal linked above better reflects user's interests, since it ranks based on subscriptions.
Although the dev appears to be MIA.


If he has a proper, secure server network, it will be of less concern,

I'm not arguing that. My point is that if that's what's preventing someone from forking the project, it's already been added.

Attached: ywe.jpg (890x230, 57.67K)

I know!
Let's change the "algorithm" to display jewtube's kosher trending on the front page...
and make the user accept a tracking cookie to change it back

Attached: botnet_enthusiast.png (787x923, 73.51K)

also anyone who disagrees with omarroth's comment's are off-topic and they aren't being a productive contributor.
stop being a bad goy

Attached: bad.png (813x567, 44.55K)

someone needs to open up an issue suggesting they adopt the tranny's CoC in light of these bad goy comments on this current issue, so we can finally put a nail in this coffin.

let's change the unproductive narrative here,
instead of "should we censor invidius" let's talk about
"how the censorship should be implemented"

Attached: new_discussion.png (827x519 68.49 KB, 41.61K)

Censorship is implemented like this:

Code is here:

invidious is not pointless, as an option it's best described as a bridge between being a complete fag asking to be buttfucked by google and using the methods you described.

Back to the >>>/oven/ with you, shlomo.

Hey, CIANigger.

Attached: 1463483808774.jpg (640x671 3.15 MB, 65.74K)

Any opinions on Crystal which Invidious is written in?


Why is anyone surprised this guy is a cuck? He intentionally does not let you watch content that youtube's deemed "offensive" on his site, he only gives a link to watch on youtube

The only thing you won't be able to watch on Invidious are videos that YouTube puts behind a login-wall.

No, any videos that are flagged by the splc as offensive are unwatchable on his site. There are no videos that are behind login walls if you are grabbing the direct video sources

Try now

I've never encountered this. Link one to prove it.

Maybe the guys's not as much of a cuck as I thought. wasn't working even a couple days ago

Sometimes videos just won't work. I've had this happen a lot of times, then they start working a few hours later. When that happens I just fall back on youtube-local for that video. Livestreams used to not work at all but now they work fine which is nice, it's a developing platform.
Blessed are you O Satan-Set, King of the Void, Who has not made me a phonecuck, a scriptcuck, or a bankcuck.
Behead all those who enable JavaScript. If you see a phonecuck, throw shit-piss-blood at it immediately.
Anyone using banks thoughtlessly must be shat in their mouths and farted in their faces.
Qubes was created by a trans whamen. So what? This is what all C'tan Shards do.
Autists give knowledge, to everybody, for free. Tradcucks still choose Window$!!!
Autism blesses all forms of intelligence. If is Styx, that looks nice.
The answer is National Globalism, the Earth must be used up to build starships.
We are infinite awareness having an experience. Anybody taking their sexuality seriously is frozen in 5-sense 3+1-dimensional reality. The soul will eventually be free to move across meatsuits, we are all Daemons. Regressive leftists are total retards. This is the Rise Of The 200IQ Satanic Supersoldier. Anybody

Attached: Gaayhl_sexy.jpg (550x498, 21.23K)

Anyone who can not write simple shell scripts should not be allowed even near computers.

Every single phonecuck must be hunted down and executed.
Talpiot is real. All > ../status )done; sort -uVr status 2>$z; rm -f status)dlver () (log=$1; file=$2fgrep -q '; nothing to do.' $log && return 0fgrep -q '’ saved [' $log || return 1s1=$(fgrep '’ saved [' $log | egrep -o '[0-9]*\]' | cut -f1 -d]); s2=$(stat -c %s $file)[ $s1 = $s2 ] &>$z || return 1)oosprv () (df1 () ( df -BM $d0 | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $4}' | cut -f1 -dM )[ $(df1) -gt 4000 ] && return; pkill wget; sleep 10; pkill -9 wget; pkill -9 () (ntask2=$(cat $d0/meta/ntask 2>$z); [ $ntask2 -ge 1 ] &>$z && ntask=$ntask2 || ntask=$ntask0while [ $(pgrep -c wget) -ge $ntask ]; do ixsleep; done)wclear () ( while pkill -0 wget; do sleep 0.1; done )getvid () (S=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S); id=${url#*=}; id=id:$id; mkdir -p $id; cd $id; rm -f a0; touch $ a1if [ $(ls | egrep -c '\.run$') -ge 10 ]; then cd ..; mkdir -p 0fu; mv $id 0fu; echo $url >> 0fu/errors; mv a1 a0 2>$z; return 1; fihtml=$id-$S.html; wget -T 30 -v $url -O $html &> $html.log; dlver $html.log $html || { mv a1 a0 2>$z; return 1; }thumb=$(egrep -m 1 -o '/vi/[^/]*/maxres\.jpg' $html | sed -r 's#^')! [ -z "$thumb" ] && wget -T 30 -c -v $thumb -O $id.jpg &> $id.jpg.log##selection=$(egrep -oh 'label=".*selected.*' $html | sort -uV | head -n 1); ext=${selection##*- }; ext=${ext%%\"*}if [ -z "$selection" ]; then touch 0-invidious-error; mv a1 a0; return 1; fivideourl=$(fgrep "$selection" $html | egrep -o 'http[^"]*'); views=$(fgrep ion-ios-eye $html | egrep -o '[0-9,]*')channel=$(fgrep 'Login to subscribe to' $html | sed -r 's#^.*Login to subscribe to |$##g')title=$(fgrep -m 1 'title:' $html | sed -r 's#^.*title: ?"|",$##g' | sed -r 's#/#⧸#g')date=$(date -d "$(fgrep 'Shared ' $html | sed -r 's#^.*Shared |$##g')" +%Y%m%d)filename="$channel ─ $date ─ $views ─ $title.$ext"; echo "$filename" > filename##touch $id.$ext.sizetrack $id.$ext; s0=$(cat $id.$ext.sizetrack); s1=$(stat -c %s $id.$ext)[ -s $id.$ext ] && [ $s1 -gt $s0 ] 2>$z && truncate -s $(($s1-524288)) $id.$extwget -T 30 -c -v "$videourl" -O $id.$ext &> $id.$ext-$S.log; stat -c %s $id.$ext > $id.$ext.sizetrackdlver $id.$ext-$S.log $id.$ext || { sleep 10; mv a1 a0 2>$z; return 1; }nice -n 19 sha256sum $id.$ext > $id.$ext.sha256mkdir -p ../0meta/thumbs; mv $id.jpg ../0meta/thumbs/"$filename"mv $id.$ext ../"$filename"; cd ..; mkdir -p 0meta; mv $id 0meta; rm 0meta/$id/a1; echo $url >> 0meta/doneecho "$filename")getvid_pre () (oosprv; wwaitif ! [ -s list ]; then for id in $(stat -c '%X-%n' id:*/a0 2>$z | sort -uV | sed -r 's#.*:|/.*##g'); do echo "$id" >> list; done; [ -s list ] || return; fiurl=$(sed -n 1p list); sed -i 1d list; ! [ -z $(echo -n "$url" | sed -r 's#^\?v=[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{11}$##g') ] && echo "$url" >> list.wut && returnfgrep -q $url 0meta/done 0fu/errors &>$z && return; getvid $url &)xretry () (cd "$d0/0fu" 2>/dev/zero || return 1rm -f errors; for id in id:*; do cd $id; rm *.run; mv a1 a0 2>$z; cd ..; donemv * ..; cd ..; rmdir 0fu)xclear () ( clear; echo "PWD: \`$(pwd)'" )ixsleep () (cd $d0read -N 1 -s -t 2 inputcase $input ins) status ;;c) xclear ;;r) xretry ;;q) [ -s list ] || rm -f list; echo ok; pkill ;;esac)# initz=/dev/zeropwd | fgrep -q ' ' && echo 'no spaces' && exit! pwd | fgrep -q '/invidious/' && echo 'wrong dir' && exitd0=$PWDntask0=10if ls | egrep -q '^id:'; then for dir in id:*; do rm -f $dir/a1; touch $dir/a0; done; fixretry# mainloopxclear; while true; do ixsleep! [ -s list ] && ! ls | egrep -q '^id:' && continuegetvid_predoneexit

Attached: THE_BLACK_AWAKENING.JPG (437x700, 78.92K)

this isn't a shell script, this is proprietary obfuscript.

No, all videos with that specific "offensive content" thing on youtube, where you have to click through a seperate page before it would take you to the video, were like that before a couple days ago

Good evening /killcen/.

Invidious is a web version of youtube-dl + mpv, I fail to see the appeal. Just like youtube-dl, it can't avoid age-locked videos such as
Does the /vg/ script avoid the age lock?

Doesn't NewPipe get around it?
Too bad it's fagdroid bullshit.

Attached: 23YaK7R3Jcw.png (1010x618, 26.99K)

I opened an issue on the ytdl repo about it, apparently the only way for it to work is for you to be signed in with a google account

too bad you're just reinventing the wheel when programs like youtube-viewer exists


Newpipe gets around it, don't know how

I've never written a line of java in my life, but I'm going to have a look through tomorrow and try to see how it works. I'll send a pull request to ytdl if I figure it out

I think NewPipe auto-detects for your phone's linked jewgle account