How the fuck do you get any programming ideas? I'm blank. I've got the knowledge, I just have no damn idea on what to do with it. I can't think of any piece of software I need from day to day that isn't already made, and from time to time when I do get an idea that I do not actually need at the moment, it sounds dull and I lose my motivation. It's an endless cycle I can't get out of. If you asked me what I'd draw, I could tell you immidately, but that seems not to be the case with programming. If you'll give suggestions, please don't mention (((Electron))) or similar tools used for making (((web applications))) because that's not my style. CLI tools are the sexiest, next by my liking TUI, simple GUI comes after. Discussions about your lack of ideas welcome as well.
Lack of ideas
make a GTK theme creator
programming socks and programming panties removes my mental block
Port zig to OpenBSD.
There are two ways to get ideas for programming projects.
1) Find piece of software that does not work as you want it to work. Then make it do what you want it to do. If it is closed source then ether make automated workaround or create free software alternative.
2) Read other peoples ideas until you wind one that you like. Then implement idea that you like.
You fucking incompetent hack, contribute to any of the Linux alternatives you almighty keeper of knowledge. Thing is you probably can't, because your (((knowledge))), in all likelihood, amounts to nothing. The fact that you know what Electron is means you're caught up in todays streetshitter developer landscape, and since this only happens to mediocre and bad programmers, you probably can't come up with something more complex than even bubble sort. Die in a ditch you retard, or stop bitching and start doing.
user, you have to spend some time going through your day and paying attention to what pains you and annoys you, however small. Then you write a program that fixes that.
Shut the fuck up you pompus prick, you're not that smart.
I generally don't, that is why I enjoy working for small companies so I can solve their problems.
Recently started working on a Gameboy emulator. This time I'm not going to fuck up and quit after I implement the CPU.
I've just found something to do, I'm gonna make my own suckless music player (well, more like playlist manager, I'll still use something like mpv or simpler to play the actual music). The trick is having a music directory tree containing all the wanted metadata.
I'm doing this because I've always wanted to have a way to play random albums but while keeping a count to pick less played albums more. So, for now, I'm doing a simple shuf that deals with skewed distributions.
My zigga.
You may disagree with his delivery, but at the end he's right.
Not "knowing" what to do with one's programming "knowledge" is often directly related to a lack of experience (not to talk of expertise) in any given domain. Yes, this includes computing science and technology in general. I say this because this question is a recurring one, and the answer is always something like: "programming is just a tool to solve problems, therefore identify a problem and work on it".
In other words, if you can't identify ANY problem to work on, then maybe you don't know as much as you think you do and should focus on that instead. Or solve someone else's problem, as most programmers do.
>(((web applications)))
Alright well... try writing some desktop automation to help with whatever mundane shit you do all day. I dunno, I've got an entire notebook for scratching out ideas. Most of them are too ambitious for one person to implement and they appear on the market within 1-4 years of me thinking of it anyways. Everyone's thinking within the same groove, it's some meta-mindmeld shit. I don't sweat it.
Don't you have any itch that needs to be scratched? I have several ideas, but I lack the time to pursuit them.
take requests for stuff to do
No, it just means you don't know how to spot problems.
But the problems are obvious. Every piece of software has grave problems ith it, not counting all the software that doesn't exist, or is way to expensive. Every thread on Zig Forums is complaining about something or someone who you could be the solution t. If you can't find any problems, it's because you've already decided that these problems are too large for you. At that point, it's time to hit the books,
instead of trying to come up with lots of little ideas, pursue one big one.
If this is your mindset when you try to think of what to program, I'm not surprised. What a mountain of ADD. First of all, the issue of whether it was made already shouldn't bother you. Since your pet project will either stay that way and never get done, or become a niche alternative. Second of all, the fact that you can do that with drawing should clue you into the answer. Practice programming just like that. Do shit on Exercism or Project Euler, read other people's code to get ideas. But more importantly - fucking tell us what your skills are. I can't accomplish 99% of what I want because I'm shit. Is it the same with you? What languages do you know? Do you know enough where you can actually recognize when (((web applications))) are a viable method or do you just enjoy autistically larping? You can always get inspiration by contributing some Libbie OC as well, drawfag-kun.
If it's just ideas you want, automate your system with whatever you have (Python and bash if it's Linux, for example). There's also no sane alternative for Paint on Linux, now that I think about it.
Find some SaaS platform that overcharges because they don't have any competition. Reverse engineer their code and undercut the living shit out of them until someone does the same to you.
code an imageboard in fortran
create an OS
If the software is open source, this is a good opportunity to study it, for no reason other than to learn how it works.
You have to power through this one, just go through with the task of making the program.
Good choice, user.
or take bug bounties for software that you want to succeed
i am an idea guy, we should join up user-kun!
Find something that is shit and fix it.
Like this thread.
It's simple. Learn to draw.
Work on one of the open source video editors and try to make them not shit. The all available ones are pain to use and really unstable. Or even just add one feature to them that could be useful.
Funily enough "the creativity of human mind" isn't limitless and boundless.
If we can define the limitations and extremes of creativity, then we might have a clue of how it works and even how we might use it as a mental tool.
As far as I have seen it, in all history of art and science the human mind didn't "create" out of nothing. The human mind doesn't draw from the ether or has inspirations given by God himself.
The saying goes "art is derivative" and so is science for the most parts.
I won't go into detail of my argument because it would be too long but basically your mind has cappabilitie of preforming couple of trivial functions in short term memory. These functions are:
I haven't noticed any other function but these are most apparent to me. If you have any other to mention please do.
As long as you have these 3 functions in mind, whilst trying to get "creative" you will see that your mind will get easily persuaded to "play" with ideas; trying out new parameters or adding something new to the mix.
Mind you, this creative process works best when your mind is adapted to it. I worked long and hard to get to stage I am at. Most importantly is the depth of your long term memory and your short term memory of your brain.
If you have deeper "knowledge" (ie. information repository, aka long term memory) of information at hand, and everything that may be connected to it or its parameters, in any way, the easier it will be to remix/add or play on parameters based on past examples.
The bigger the depth of short term memory is however the more focus you can dedicate to information at hand, detect parameters and even how multiple remixable informations in your head whilst playing with ideas.
However, just to add up, I wouldn't suggest it would be healthy for you to obsess over small set of information like technology or STEM. Unless you are an autist it will be counter productive to just open up a 1000 page book and start playing around with ideas and questioning the parameters until you get a feel for everything. I have did that for longest time and can vouch that it will fry your long term memory making it unusable. You will make it easy to understand things but be fucking hard to remember them. The simple "I can't remember things unless I understand them" becomes "I can't remember them at all until you mention it again and I understand all the inner workings just from simple mention". I can't remember at all.
Long term memory hungers for "meaningful" information. This meaning is attributed by emotions. High intensity emotions (whether good or bad) are what makes it meaningful. Remember that time someone scared you? Remember that mundane day few weeks ago?
If you want to keep your memory in check then either do memory tests and challenges or simply learn a lot of meaningless but emotionally enticing shit to keep it in check. A lot of gore, horrible fetishes, liveleak, greek mythology, hobby info, chinese history... variety and extremes.
you know what you doing
move zig (to openBSD)
I have the opposite problem. A bunch of ideas that I can't get to because computers are shit and keep getting in the way. At this point I almost consider using DOS for that and just programming in BASIC. I have a bunch of text files full of ideas. If you want some ideas, just realize how shitty everything is and you will have a lot to do.
When I was a kid and had my C64 it seemed that avything would be possible if I just learned to program. But I had noone to ask, there was no internet in those days and only book I had was the Basic manual that came with the computer. I managed make a tiny game but hit the wall pretty soon. I never got into programming. But I have checked out some languages I would like to learn something like Forth. Its odd. Its cool. But then I find that its no longer like when I was a kid. Its a whole other level of things now. Programs are huge and they have whole teams working on them and everything small (and big) seems to be already done. When I think about it it feels like even if I was the worlds greatest programmer, what would I do? I want to do something myself, not in a team. And what small is there to do anymore? I lose motivation and never get past the basic tutorials in whatever language I check out. It feels like everything has grown to big. I guess its not the 80s anymore...
Try programming in TempleOS. TempleOS was specifically designed as a toy for programmers. It was designed so that it would remove abstractions and allow the programmer direct access to the hardware.
Well Forth is probably a good language to pick if you want to work alone and not need anyone else. You just have to pick small projects to learn the language with. Start with small things, like a hangman game in text mode or something like that.
That's actually not a bad suggestion. Improve the user-friendliness of MPV without turning it into something bloated like SMPlayer.
Find an idea guy to give you ideas
I'm done with this and it replaces cmus very well for me. Humiliate me.
do this
it's not too hard and it will be legit useful if it's gonna be FOSS
remember that in order to be suckless it has to support gapless playback and ReplayGain.
some other ideas:
1) patch LineageOS to add stereo convolver DSP to its system wide audio effect processor "AudioFX" (it's going to do what "stereo convolver" for foobar2000
2) implement LSSC and/or BM3D denoising method(s) for darktable
3) do a complete port of foobar2000 for GNU/Linux which will also be able to use existing foobar2000 plugins
4) implement the solution from the attached PDF file for restoring clipped 1D signals (such as audio recordings)
These are hard enough to take quite a lot of time. Maybe 1st is easier if you're already familiar with LineageOS/Android development.
Sorry, gapless playback isn't compatible with suckless, because it means your player needs to play multiple files, and thus needs its own IPC to implement stuff like skipping track. To be honest, I'm also sad about not getting gapless playback, but it's less important with speakers than with headphones.
If your player supports it, it works. sox and mpv are good choices.
>1) patch LineageOS to add stereo convolver DSP to its system wide audio effect processor "AudioFX" (it's going to do what "stereo convolver" for foobar2000
>2) implement LSSC and/or BM3D denoising method(s) for darktable
You already have BM3D with vapoursynth (and vapoursynth has an imagemagick plugin).
I see you're still in your babby phase. You don't a GUI for playing music, and you certainly don't need a good one, since you should just play music in the background. Try using mpd to graduate.
Declipping already exists and it will never be a good solution, since you can only guess the clipped part for a clean sine. And you know what? It's almost only shit music that doesn't have a single issue without proper mastering.
Imma take a few guesses. Your player doesn't read tags? You can't sort a library by artist or date? The tracks are listed according to filenames?
Just look at the readme, m8. All the library management is left to you (and in my case, handled directly at the directory tree level), the player just plays what you feed to it.
The trick is to be extremely autistic about having the program do exactly what you want and how you want it. Chances are you need to make your own for that.
That being said, I like making games. It's fairly simple to come up with a game that needs the skill you're currently trying to practice. And testing it is a lot more fun.
Yeah I pretty much need tags, artists and dates. Maybe I'll write my own.
Okay, you want a programming idea? Good, it's about time Zig Forums actually codes something instead of making another fucking logo. Make a program that takes a GTK theme, but allow me to change the hue, saturation, and luminosity of the skin. That way you could take some thing like Clearlooks blue and colorize it green. An example of what I mean is like this:
A guy comes here who can actually code, and not just make another fucking logo, and you bitch and whine? Were you dropped on your head as a child, or just born stupid?
How about input plugin support, or some way of compiling in support for other formats outside of OGG/MP3/FLAC? MPD has some, but for a few of the esoteric ones they're in a weird unfinished state.
Are you mentally retarded?, he's saying that OP can't actually code and that's the reason he can't think of anything to do with his """knowledge""", which makes total sense, why would you believe someone who says they can code when they haven't done anything in their lives?
Port Doom to TempleOS.
Why don't you do like me and store tags in your tree?
As long as your player supports it, it's a just a matter of changing one line in
You mean like Bob_Singer/1971/Folking/01-Folkers.flac
That's the idea. I still use metaflac to get the metadata from the current song, but this kind of dirtree is enough for me. This way, I know that albums are just the directories of depth 2.
Well DooM is Zig Forums approved, so it only makes sense it should be included with TempleOS.
Application firewall
No death screams tho.
you can make whatever you want, its just that real life things like money and illness likes to fuck you're motivation and disable any means to accomplishing your goals
man 1 firejail
fine, let's do a port for darktable
it's worth its salt not for its GUI.
Unfortunately there are exceptions to this.
Are you suggesting to ignore smartphones as a class or what? This is the ROM that's practically the lesser evil among the shit that's possible to install at all. If you can do better then fucking do it.
OP, you just lack creativity.
How can you make a product without any design?
You can't sell something that already works out there and someone already made.
A selling point is required to amount to anything at all in any market.
The only thing you can do now with your lack of creativeness is just find an existing project that needs helping or a problem that already exists among a group of people though there wouldn't be a lot of freedom if you do that so pick whichever you think is the most interesting.
That's not how it works. This is why there will never be any decent firewall and monitoring tool for linux. Do you monitor your netshit on linux? Good luck resolving every IP numbers on your netstat and having to never visually see your network throughput along with each connection's load in realtime when it should matter and then having to use another separate tool just so you can write your logs output to disk but none of those are even possible in this current year. Unix philosophy is cancer, not imaginative and very lazy.
make a text editor in LISP
Now let's not get silly
I think that may be 2 difficult. No lispfag has ever been able to do that.