Or at least how do we hurt them in an attempt to bring back the tech frontier? They now censor and directly control everything we look at, The '96 free internet act has been effectively crapped on, normies are complicit in being spied on, they limit the press and don't even deny it, and most of all, they have the ability to shutdown anything on the web even if it has nothing to do with them by simply influencing or gobbling up domain hosting companies. Google's "follow the money approach" for everything they do is inevitable because they know nobody likes them, but have no way to avoid them. Any tech enthusiast in the 90s-early 2000s would look at this and say "this is gay" I'm not using this and every record and film company would say "yes! We must work towards this". So here we are how would you stop 1984 from happening rn?
How do we kill big tech?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you could bring back '98 today, you'd end up with 2018 again. The question then becomes far too broad in scope for this board, because it will blossom into "how do we change human nature and/or human history as it shaped such nature".
You don't want lone farseeing warners preventing something today that could re-cur in another generation or two. For the full population and its offspring to incur cross-generational cultural immunity against danger X or bad thing Y, first-hand experience of suffering its ill-effects across the vast majority of individuals seems to be the most promising avenue.
Ye olde touching-the-stove notion.
You cannot change human nature. Jews will jew, Niggers will nig, and Faggots will fag. Jewgle exists because people want Jewgle to exist. Facebook and Twitter continue to exist because attention whores like to attention whore. This is not anything new or novel.
You are the change that's needed. Go create a real community and tell people to visit it. Why do you think people post on Zig Forums instead of /g/ or other sites like reddit, ycombinator, whatever.
Detonate a several megaton nuclear device in the high atmosphere over the continental U.S., China, Japan, and Europe, and several additional similar devices on the ground in San Francisco, Marin County, Seattle, New York, London, Berlin, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and any other major "tech" city.
Start a compelling new religious movement that eschews the use of thinking machines. Carry out the Butlerian Jihad.
Or, more realistically, we don't.
Force them to use toilets.
Antitrust crackdown will do it. Fuck all the blackpilled faggots on this board.
If you can, do it like those guys did with Facebook, except don't sell the data, just make it public.
If people's data gets constantly stolen, they'll stop using those sites.
No they wont lol. People are cattle, they'll use what they're told to use
By making something that doesn't suck. Avoid using C entirely because C is the reason for needing constant updates and all these other problems. Lisp, Ada, and even assembly are much better choices. Linux has 15,600 programmers because it needs that many and it needs that many because C is extremely unproductive.
On Tue, 24 Sep 1991 14:15:45 PDT, DC wrote: Subject: Decay What I find totally incredible is that the general level of systems seems to be lower in almost every respect than it was ten years ago -- the exception being that the machines run ten times faster. (Well, mine doesn't; it's a straight 3600 and thoroughly canine. But everyone else's does.) I maintain a couple of large mailing lists, one of which has a nine-year history. Nine years ago it ran perfectly on ITS, and then for another five years on OZ. Then we moved it to Reagan (a bolix) which really didn't work well, but was tolerable, but got more and more broken. We've left it there, despite lost mail and infinite maintenance aggravation because *we can't find any machine that we have access to that has more reliable mailing list service*. ``We'' here is a group of five mildly famous AI PhDs at five different labs, each among the most famous in the world. I have some friends who work at user MPCSL. MPCSL is probably the most prestigious computer science laboratory in the world. It is the place where LANs and printers and email and such were made practical (if not invented). They run Sun unix now, and it is totally broken, and no one can fix it. Their expensive PhD researchers regularly waste *days* trying to get files to come out of a printer or sitting around waiting for NFS to get fixed so their machine will unwedge. It's officially acknowledged both that this is a disaster and that it won't get fixed. Along with the degraded level of systems support has come an extraordinary decrease in access that might let one fix things for one's self. When I was 17, in 1978, I was a ``tourist'' at the MIT AI lab -- in other words, I used their PDP-10 although I had no affiliation whatsoever with the lab. When the system crashed, I would wander into the machine room, figure out what had gone wrong, and toggle the relevant boot sequence into the front panel of this $1e6 mainframe. Here in the future, at most CS labs, you can't get access to the machine room no matter who you are. If the file server goes down at 5:01 Friday afternoon, it stays down until 9:00 Monday when the authorized person comes in. So a lot of famous expensive computer science PhDs, many of them capable of designing the file server in their sleep, grunt in disgust and go home and get nothing done for the weekend. I can't understand how this has been allowed to happen. Besides being fantastically annoying for users, it's fantastically wasteful for companies. I can't understand why the CEO of user doesn't say ``God DAMN it! We are going to have reliable mail service around here, or HEADS ARE GOING TO ROLL!'' I can't understand why people don't just fix things that are broken, the way they used to ten years ago. I just can't figure out how it can have gotten this bad.
Stop buying.
Using an RX modulator, I might be able to conduct a mainframe cell direct and hack the uplink to the download. With the right computer algorithms, I can hack you back in time. Just like a time machine.
We can stop them before they start up, boys.
If you can't stop the Kalergi plan in Europe when more than half of the population isn't Germanic in Germany anymore and the immigrants are constantly raping and killing then what hope do you have to oppose corps who try to not even mildly inconvenience people while enslaving them? When ZOG stooges in America openly spew their bile and hatred for the white man and people do nothing then how could you possibly hope to take on Silicon Valley which keep their true intentions and agenda behind closed doors?
There's nothing that can be done about Big Tech, one can only hope that an eventual collapse comes. Let armageddon come and after the apocalypse we'll be there, running TempleOS on unkiked rigs.
Where are the lisp drivers? heh.
More like boiling-the-frog in practice.
I'm not convinced the same problems would arise even with the best languages and the best programmers, because if you were to make a PDP-10 fast enough for modern workloads and give it to normies, they would want the usual bloated cruft added to ITS. Give a KB, they'll take an TB.
*wouldn't arise
openbsd works on my machine
This is the purpose of blockchain-based SaaS.
Oh yeah that totally worked and microsoft is now completely defun...
It's doesn't work on a lot of machines that do run Linux, however.
Anti Trust is just rearranging the chairs and giving the logo designer some extra work. Google isn't even just Google, it's Google plus hundreds of spin off companies using Google's tech by "ex" employees. They leave the company and start a new one but license whatever project they were doing at Google to the new company. Then they carry on their research like nothing changed. There was a bunch of youtubers who promoted some free speech phone app which turned out to be run by a pajeet from not!Google using Google tech to datamine for Google. If you slap them with an anti-trust it will just be another head on the hydra with no difference.
Going back to the 80s wouldn't change a damn thing. You need to radically alter culture to prevent the tranny infested nightmare world tech has become. If you mean the technology it's self then your best bet would to not have IBM engineers sabotaging Commodore. Commodore was in a position to dominate and it all went to shit when IBM engineers were hired and then the head set up a factory in the middle of no where because his mistress lived there. He tanked the company for some ching chong pussy.
You can gas all of them though.
Get the fuck out of this thread, faggot. Nobody wants to read your stale, offtopic pasta for the six gorillionth time.
you dont
revolution is impossible, only slow subversion is effective
Move to Tor, host your own onion sites, decentralize and self-host the services you use, build a community of people who have interesting tech things and work on projects together. There's no jewgle in code you write yourself :)
In theory the next gen onion services have addresses that are only known to the people who had it directly shared to them. This will keep the glowniggers at bay unless you're specifically targeted.
If everything you look at is from silicon valley, then yes. Otherwise don't use their stuff and you're good.
you cocksuckers couldn't even make a simple program. get the fuck out of my sight.
By understanding how we got here. Go read Zero To One I posted here .
Meh. Not a book that actually addresses the problem.
I'm trying to imagine a world where a powerful SV venture capitalist like Peter Thiel, literally the sponsor of much of the botnet, is dismissed because of your own stupidity.
It's almost like you swallowed so much propaganda that it's preventing you from seeing the truth.
Not saging because I want the front page to see your stupidity in all it's glory.
You're not making any sense. I suggest you look at what's happening in Estonia and is what the Bilderberg group has on its agenda for the future society at large. Needless to say, the majority of Bilderberg have been and are jews. So it always comes down to the same final solution.
Apparently you need to do some reading. So back to the front page for you.
Irrelevant. Go >>gas yourself, kike.
I accept you conceding the argument.
There's one DIY solution that might work. It involves a large and sturdy tree, a good length of rope, and some shitty politicians who still just don't fucking get it.
You haven't got an argument. Posting some pictures and a link of some guy doesn't constitute an argument.
Let me try to draw a parallel using funny references and simple words:
[reddit spacing!]
Trans-jew, niggerlover and top faggot (((((((Peter Thiel))))))) (inspect and add more parentheses if you'd like; I'm not qualified to do more than 7 though I would love to put in 1488 if you know what I mean) made a really long informational OP titled "Zero to One." It is the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Fucking kikes.
Thiel is of German descent. It's just that he's gay.
Why would you want to use something that makes no sense in the environment?
Just use Forth. That's LISPy enough.
I'm German and this (((faggot))) is not.
Just look at his goblin face.
Stfu about LISP. I'm tired of this thread being derailed by LISPposters. Use a better language.
Stfu about thiel. Kikeposting and epic (((parentheses memeing))) isn't advancing this thread either. You're probably a kike yourself for derailing this thread.
That's my fault. I posted because Thiel is a major ideological and money force in Silicon Valley, and his book details his methods. Even the book itself came from a Stanford class on Entrepreneurship.
saging myself because I don't deserve the bump.
>Kikeposting and epic (((parentheses memeing))) isn't advancing this thread either
It's important to recognise who your enemies are
You can't. Humans are humans and we like control and profit.
Why? Do you intend to gun down every jew you see? If you encounter someone disagreeable who happens to be a gentile, will you give them a pass? The enemy is whoever favours laziness or greed over the advancement of technology and man. Knowing whether these people trend jewish doesn't in the least help us combat them. Endlessly spamming about the jews derails threads and distracts us from our goals.
Don't buy it.
This is not a valid solution. Just because you and this small niche of privacy tech users refuse to use one of these services doesn't mean your little boycott will be effective. Furthermore, your data will still be stolen regardless through information your friends and family put up on those sites.
At the very least we'll need a good P2P chat program with persistent group chats and a big push for federated shit like ActivityPub and PeerTube. For a more permanent solution we'd need to rethink the way we design graphical software.
Bold of you to assume the Zig Forumsack shares your goals.
You're doing it wrong. I'm a boring guy, and nobody posts stuff about me, because that would be extremely boring. I especially don't tell anyone I know that I come to sites like this one, or anything else remotely interesting.
Read the saga of the 41-year old virgin, and you too can become extremely boring (and invisible to babes!)
I think its too late because we're already sort of in a "soft" 1984 where a fucking transnational propaganda network blackmails and threatens some dude for posting a gif joke.
The problem I think is convenience: its actually getting hard to convince tech people, not normies mind you, to move to more private options. Everyone wants their fucking phones to work perfectly, even if that means siphoning their data 24/7 to some server in whats basically a black-site from which no court order will get it back since its stored in several backups with quadruple-redundancy.
"Social" bullshit makes things worse because now everyone wants to use their IRL name and wont use alternative networks because "nobody I know IRL is there" which in reality is a chicken and egg problem. The irony is that it would make more sense to use anonymous nicknames on places like fb and twitter then use your IRL name on something like diaspora where you actually have some fucking control on your data, but at the end of the day its actually the opposite.
Then theres the "everybody wants free shit" problem. 20 years ago practically all worthwhile software was paid, these days even private companies are struggling due to freemium. Thing is people value their money more than they do their data because they can't understand how their data can betray and fuck them over for life. But the biggest problem is that the only way to set up a privacy-minded business with the same quality than the google/apple/msft botnet has is by charging for it, but nobody wants to pay for shit. The irony is that nowadays even many paid services are harvesting your data which just shows how valuable that shit is.
until the profit motive stops being the driving force for all things in this world, everything will always be shit.
the internet used to be cool in the 90s, then every major corp took the jump to using the internet to advertise to you and things have been shit since the late 90's/early 00's
the coming global collapse will end capitalism and hopefully we have enough freetards alive post-apocalypse who can create our networks & systems again, hopefully this time for knowledge sharing/shitposting and not for profit & mind control
read bernays
watch century of the self
read marx
wake up
what's it like having autism and a fucking upside down worldview
it'll never be as good as the 90's
Create software that appeals to normalfags yet is licensed under GPLv3.
A friend of mine while used to study in a university on some economics-related faculty. And I remember him telling me once about how one of his professors was reading from some book and it had the following line: “The purpose of any business is to earn profit.”. His reaction to that was loud “What the fuck?”
you're naive, they want capitalism to end so they can monopolize power completely in a commie world government
the robber barons hate competition, youre a useful idiot. its not about money it was never about money. its about power, money is just the means to power under capitalism
Thanks BASED cuba, north-korea, china and venezuela for making splendid free software that saves us from American capitalist white male made exploitative software!
Kiss goodbye to online banking, video sharing, video streaming, crypto currencies, quality online video games, online shopping, online government services, basically anything that you use on day to day basis.
The bbs or whatever you autists are on about never went away, you can still go back and use them, but the truth is you won't, because they are shit compared to what is available now.
The paradox of the retro tards: "You can still use the old technology/software, but you won't because they suck compared to modern things you claim to hate".
You can share video clips on a BBS, just like any other file. No in-browser streaming though and other lame shit. So it would be more like youtube-dl, except without the shitty bloated javascript wrapper.
Online banking is retarded for using big ass buggy botnet browser of malware when a simple text terminal over encrypted transport layer would be sufficient to manipulate your account, download CSV statement, or even PDFs.
As for the modern video games, I don't play them. The last one I played through was Quake II, on an AMD K6 back in 1998. I didn't even bother with or want to buy the 3D video card jew, so I played it in software rendering mode at lowest resolution. It was fine for a playthrough, but the second time I tried to play it again, I got quickly bored and went back to Doom and other earlier games. Haven't cared about modern crap since then. Those older games played fine even on a 486 with a 28.8K modem. No botnet shit needed for actually fun games. Graf Zahl can go fuck himself on his ass bloated engine that needs more powerful computer than Quake.
use encryption
start running your own infrastructure (email, web hosting, etc.)
when appropriate, share with friends (search proxy, custom antiad/antispam lists)
You want your own domain?
find a trustworthy registrar, and nameserver host
worst case, start using OpenNIC tlds, and .onion sites
then get your shit together and buy some actual open hardware (see Talos II/ Blackbird)
By abolishing intellectual property.
george gilder thinks they're going to just die out. google and facebook will be IBM and myspace given time.
I don't know what to say, but he's way older than me and sounds trustworthy.
sounds crazy to me. creepy but crazy.
yeah, except who offers encrypted tls access to their bank? also, sons of liberty problem, how do we stop the balkanization of discourse?
They can keep using the same web server stack shit, and just not require you to have a browser with javascript. At least that way you can run a small OpenBSD, NetBSD, or minimal hardened Linux distro without X and other stupid unecessary bloats (systemd, etc.) That would actually be a real security improvement, as opposed to the security theatre that exists today.