Is 9front worth a try? It has been cucked by a COC and the dev team are kinda cringey but I've heard the actual OS is pretty nice. Where do i start?
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No. Its a meme.
Their website.
it is you who has been memed
install openbsd
I use OpenBSD, but whenever I see your posts on this board I'm encouraged to go back to GNU/Linux.
lol idfag i don get any thin by u usin openbsd its for ur own benfit kidddo,, like me telin u not to drinck bleahch.
You haven't even looked at the CoC page, have you?
Who needs to read it after seeing this?
Have you taken the Ubuntu pill, matey? It's the final destination. Even Terry Davis uses it.
It's suckless.
i'm willing to bet my last fucking dollar that they put those serious CoCs up there with the meme ones just to fuck with people
who are you qouting? Literally no one has said that this entire thread.
Kill yourself.
Are you ok?
marginally more useful than templeos but not enough to escape the "hobby os" category
9front is the kind of OS AT&T would have made if they didn't have those tens of thousands of outside "contributors" fixing their problems for them. Plan 9 was created by AT&T as the "successor" to UNIX, not a hobby project. Plan 9 was based directly on existing UNIX source code, not written from scratch. From 1991 to now, they couldn't turn that code into something that doesn't suck. Even people making operating systems for free in their spare time did better. That's because of how extremely unproductive C is and how badly designed the UNIX "tools" and "interface" are. C is also inefficient unless you have multi-million line compilers made by hundreds of people over decades.
Before C and UNIX became popular, computer companies and researchers could make several computer architectures, compilers, and OSes themselves. In this new world of C and UNIX, everything needs thousands of programmers to produce inferior quality software than what could be done in the 70s and we are plagued by bugs from 40 years ago that didn't exist in the 70s outside of AT&T's PDP-11s, and it sucks.
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 91 13:53:22 ESTSubject: Once Again, Weenix Unies Reinvent History Date: Tue, 19 Nov 91 08:27:49 EST From: DH Yesterday Rob Pike from Bell Labs gave a talk on the latest and greatest successor to unix, called Plan 9. Basically he described ITS's mechanism for using file channels to control resources as if it were the greatest new idea since the wheel.Amazing, wasn't it? They've even reinvented the JOB device.In another couple of years I expect they will discover theneed for PCLSRing (there were already hints of this in histalk yesterday).I suppose we could try explaining this to them now, butthey'll only look at us cross-eyed and sputter somethingabout how complex and inelegant that would be. And thenwe'd really lose it when they come back and tell us how theyinvented this really simple and elegant new thing...
the SJW CoC is the real one. it has been enforced in the past, remember??
being this new
The irony.
The CoC page on their website is a joke that changes on every page refresh. You are daft, and clearly unable to comprehend the superiority that is 9front.
The purpose of Ubuntu is to use TempleOS you niggerfuck.
If AT&T hadn't let Pike force the weird shell and UI, and just included ksh, we would all be using Plan 9 right now
We should all be using Smalltalk, /userdeveloper/ style.
Refresh it like two three times and it comes to the sjw coc that is actually enforced by the community. It's a cock disguised as a joke, not the other way around.
No, this should be obvious if you've been lurking for more than 2 days, but if you haven't got it by now: OpenBSD is the least meme alternative, Haiku is a better OS but is a little more meme. Those are your only choices.
Proof, faggot?
Haiku is not a better alternative to OpenBSD.