No exaggeration here, I have trouble searching for computer cases because all of the screenshots actually make me nauseous. I get this horrible feeling in the pit of my gut and my neck starts to burn up at the mere sight of them. So who the hell buys these things? Why are they all towers, and why do they all have clear panels on the sides? Are people worried about rat infestations? Why the hell do they all look exactly the same?
I guess this can be extended to most computer peripherals in general, but you'd think there'd at least be one or two good cases made by companies that don't manufacture computers as a whole.
Why are aftermarket computer chasses all so hideous?
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Make a case out of cardboard.
unironically this
but do it out of plywood, plywood looks better and is stronger. plywood is made of cardboard anyway so it's a direct upgrade
Maybe you should try being less of a whiny bitch.
Who fucking cares? Put it on the floor out of the way
PCMR tier streamers are more common than fax-nostalgaic grumpy shitposters, so catering to them is a safe investment for case manufacturers
You don't like towers?
Got'chu fam
I find the Phanteks Enthoo Elite pretty nice to the eyes. But yes, workstations like Dell Precisions or Lenovo Thinkstations really have better looking cases.
Everything either looks like shit or like nothing, nowadays. I got a ThinkCentre for the case. Not a whole lot of space in there, but I just needed something compact that I could put a monitor on top of. That one looks pretty good.
For a decent computer case here's a tip: go to a technology recycling center or electronics salvage place and get a bland looking workstation or server case for next to nothing or for free if you don't mind one with dents and scratches. Bring the motherboard with you to make sure it'll have the proper mounting points and that the I/O shield is removable.
There's always super micro that makes good quality stuff but it's on the expensive side. Antec is a good brand that has a few models that don't look like shit and is much cheaper.
They also think of nothing of spending over $150 on a computer case when it's just a typical $30 model with some paint, plastic and RGB lights. And when they want to upgrade their PC they'll sell the old one or keep it around intact buying a new case.
because gaymers are the main demographic nowadays
I want my basic no frills tan box. No logos or art. Just an '80s tan box!
No tan, only satin black!
Ricers took over the market.
Fractal design + be quiet! have an aura of "reddit" but they're the only subdued cases you can buy today, so go with those. The tempered glass/vertical GPU trend is because people want to show off their expensive components.
Computer cases through the ages have always wound up looking tacky, frequently on release and certainly a few years later. Some of them aged well but it's pretty rare and they are still ugly, monolithic, loud, and unless you're going for retro-nerd chic or gamer RGB gayness there is basically nothing out there.
I want a computer desk, a desk with the monitors inset into an nice wooden desk at a natural angle, a side cabinet that's shielded and accessed like a cupboard to handle the actual computer motherboard and storage and so on neatly tucked out of the way around the side. If you've ever seen one of George Lucas's original Laserdisc Editdroids, something like that. It should look like it belongs in a Bond villian's office. If I upgrade my computer, monitor, storage, and peripherals the desk / computer cabinet need not change a bit. Heck, one could even put a small SBC in there for home automation tasks and as a light shitposting machine and only power up the cabinet computer for compute-intensive tasks.
I've never heard of anybody with a desk like this, and it's weird. We're at the point where computer components and their connections are more or less standardized. People do a lot of work at desks and integrating desks and computers just seems natural to me.
There are some nice cases out there although I don't care for the glass meme.
Dell Optiplex desktops look fine. Easily serviced with thumbscrews. Sizes from "chibi" to "oh yeah that's what computers used to look like".
tan supremacy tho
Probably because woodworking geeks tend not to be computer geeks.
LIAN LI produces glass desk computers, and there's been a few DIY projects. Funnily enough, the DIY things tend to be universally better than whatever the company comes up with.
It'd be nice to just slide a HDD into the top of your desk and plug your monitor in (or maybe even one of those visors)
Beige master race, reporting in.
That's a lie
It's made out of wood chips and sawdust that have been glued together in layers. You can tell just by looking at the stuff.
Cardboard is paper, though. inb4 both are made of wood so they're the same.
No dumbass that's particle board.
Plywood is called PLYwood because it's made out of a laminate of PLIES.
Turns out that they make plywood where the actual "plies" are made of composite board. It's hard to find anything about it online, but it does exist, and I've seen it at hardware stores pretty often.
In the US
frame -> OSB -> tar paper -> shingles
drywall -> frame + insulation -> OSB -> Tyvek (water proof) -> siding (or brick)
OSB is also used for subflooring
OSB is more widely used in home construction than plywood or particle board. If particle board gets wet, it bubbles which is why it's shit although some people still use it for sub floor.
It's a new level of shitty -- everything you didn't like about plywood and chipboard combined.
I think the top right one looks nice. Clean and inconspicuous.
Man, that brings back memories. The 6500 was my first computer. Damn thing was super heavy! Although, looking back now, I wish I had bought a PC instead and installed Linux on it so I'd have a head start learning it.
For what fucking purpose?
Also I have horror to show you all.
And I thought it was bad that I've seen a gym with most of the wooden sections of it made out of those. Stained and everything. I guess someone really likes the unfinished building look.
cases are good but its hard to find good motherboards because almost everything is gamer crap now.
This problem is EVERYWHERE in consumer goods. I think of it as a "disco ball" aesthetic. When I was a pre-teen, I thought this look was cool. When I grew up, I realized that the device should not draw attention to itself; it should do it's damn job with as few bells and whistles and lights as possible.
I have two PCs -- Both are in Fractal Design cases; one in a black Node 202 and the other in a white Define R4. Pics related. I like them well enough. The Node 202 looks nice in my entertainment center. I wish the Define R4 had a satin or matte finish. Glossy finish is shit and I don't understand why it's so popular.
Holy shit delete this before it's too late
same thing with music players. when I was pre-teen I thought Winamp looks cool, especially with skins. When I grown up and developed esthetics I found foobar2000 to be superior, it uses native OS controls and looks and 90% of the screen is your song list
this is also why classic windows looks (win 1, win2, win3, win95, win98, win2000) are superior to and destroy linux (KDE, gnome). there is xfce and lxde but windows beats them too. linux has no answer to windows superiority.
KDE and Gnome do suck, yeah. XFCE and LXDE are super lightweight so they get a free pass. But there are other environments: Cinnamon, Mate, Pantheon, Window Maker, Enlightenment, Budgie, Deepin, and others.
And I think Cinnamon looks very nice. Way better than anything Microsoft ever did.
Because you're a whiny bitch
This. I don't stare at my case, I stare at my monitor.
The clear side panels are ostensibly for LED lighting.
But really they're to let WiFi signals more easily reach the secret surveillance chip inside your CPU.
probably because it one of the cheapest materials
fractal design still makes decent cases that doesnt look like ass
not gonna lie i like the boat
What are Tk, Motif, Xaw3D? There's even GNUstep for the hiptsers.
Consumer advice sticky is there for a reason
I've never understood this. Most of the time I've seen people buy a new case they could have just re-used the old one. Electronics will go bad or need replacement, but cases are just shells. Any electronic components part of the case (like fans) can be replaced individually if they fail.