HURR APPLE SUX But I'll keep repairing them anways

If he thinks it's bad now, wait till Apple locks down the 2018 models from 3rd party part swaps.

A little inside info on how it works :

For now (at least), if the logic board, lcd, touch ID on certain 2018 models are swapped by Apple authorized repair providers, the whole unit needs to be serialized. That means the serial numbers of the component parts - separately provided - need to be keyed inside the Apple database, the repaired unit needs to be hook up to the internet and a special software called the Mac Configuration Utility needs to be run on another computer hooked up to the repaired unit to 'burn' the serial number in.

Confused yet? Well, if gets worse : If the repaired part does not have the serial numbers burned in, IT CANNOT POWER ON AT ALL.

They don't do this at the factory in order to prevent loose parts getting out in the wild. No I don't know what happens if a different part number with a different serial number gets swapped in. Don't ask. Never encountered it before.

Not only is Apple making it impossible for 3rd parties to perform repairs, authorized repair providers are getting inconvenienced to hell.

Fuck Apple.

Attached: louislouis.jpg (1200x624, 69.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel bad for Italians that look like spics.

I always thought he was Jewish.

< HURR APPLE SUX But I'll keep repairing them anways

I honestly think he's half-black. But now I'm not sure. This is like a real life example of the Goblin meme holy shit

I've said it before, I'll say it again.
Apple. Makes. Disposable. Electronics.

why corrupt government allows that?
under communism apple would be jailed. only easily serviceable and economic products would be allowed.
under capitalism, it makes profit if you make your product not serviceable. under communism, we would do what is good for society, people

we need to destroy capitalism, jews, capitalism-governments. only communism will save us, communism will save tech

What's the point of even posting here if you're going to apply every single thing that a cuckchan post would have in it? Wouldn't you be better suited to cuckchan and more well received there? Can you explain the desire to make every forum on the internet as bad as yours? Or perhaps you get paid to do it? I legitimately don't understand what compelled you to make such a thread. Do you not having any friends that you can vent this retarded babble to? Did a thread really need to die so you could make this inane awful excuse for a thread?

Disposable electronics is not proof of government corruption. There is no law stopping other people to try and make computers that is designed to be serviceable and profitable. It's just nobody cares to do it.

Communism in untenable, so I'm not sure what your point is. And why does communism = serviceable electronics

fuck off applefag

it's ironic because it's you who is paid shill that shills for apple
I hate apple and your stupid steve jobs I hope he dies

it is proof of government corruption. if governments were not corrupt and not in jew pockets, they wouldn't allow disposable electronics, because those are against interests of society and ecology

let's try and see.
it is tenable if we murder capitalists

because in communism society interests are more important that jewish interests and greed
serviceable electronics are in the interests of society, but against interests of capitalists

I know this is incredibly low-effort, shit tier bait- but that's not how it works. I could spend all day talking about regulatory capture and that kind of shit, but it's not worth my time at the moment.


It's the nigger blood.

Attached: scilians_are_niggers.mp4 (640x360, 14.16M)


macs are a scam, and where there's a scam kikes are sure to be found.

Under communism, it doesn't work, you complain, and they tell you it does work.

Under National Socialism, the manufacture is investigated to see if he was trying to Jew the folk. If so, he is made an example of and endures a tough sentence. All computers are high quality, people are very happy.

And found not guilty of any wrongdoing because the manufacturer is owned by a friend of the party who dines with the furer once a month.

Just go an look up the shitshow that was the "peoples car".

As if you could find any reliable information about WW2 Germany. Maybe I should look on wikipedia, right?
Communism is the most retarded shit ever

Attached: well done lol.jpg (324x226, 24.06K)

apple has really gotten way worse, but i really just wish that linux could make an as good OS that works and has support for most stuff. ah sigh we'll see what happens

The freedom to sell garbage. Ideally people would be smart enough not to spend their hard earned money on trash.

Linux works great and has support for most hardware now (unlike the hellish days of winmodems). Sure, it still has much less of some kinds of software than Windows, but the way Windows is going downhill fast, it's the most viable option at this point.

It was produced for decades with only minor tweaks because it was that good in the first place. Low cost, great performance, simple maintenance, reliable as fuck, and super stylish. So don't talk shit about this classic.

Attached: beetle.jpg (1600x1200, 200.25K)

Apple wouldn't exist under communism. A company that large can't work on lolnorulesXD. The most you can have under common ownership is a tribe, get any larger and it crashes, as evidenced by communism only being used by tribes and even smaller communities (never lasting more than a few years then). To answer your question, a corrupt government would allow Apple because it makes the government tax money and breaks no laws. Apple is under no obligation to make their toys serviceable, and repairing electronics is not worth it for most people anyway, people prefer to just buy a new model.

The people's car is the most successful car ever designed, it was still being produced until just a few years ago (the last factory was in Mexico). If you mean manufacture being focused on the war effort once Germany was attacked you're retarded, all countries in a total war sacrifice comfort to improve their odds. Also cars are something commies shouldn't mention since the wait lists took forever in commieland and other commie countries didn't even manage to build cars (China does, but only now that they're red in name only).

Reminder commies have the knowhow and conscientiousness to keep properly buily classic cars running forever, while (you) have to scoot around in disposable leased planned obsolescence boxes without even changing the oil in.

Attached: 635544273778036187-AP-Cuba-Classic-Cars-001.jpg (2802x1585 68.44 KB, 653.28K)

Get out.

I have to admit cuban cars (i.e. old american cars) look pretty cool, but cubans don't keep the superior style so much because of conscientiousness but of necessity as it'd take several lifetimes for a cuban to accumulate enough money to import a new car. Even most of us probably could barely afford it as it's highly taxed too. Also their insides probably don't look that good, there's only so much you can do to keep it going on the cheap.

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Here's a short documentary by Clarkson on that matter.

I used to be a Mac user before switching to GNU/Linux with KDE and I don't miss anything. Some of the software is not quite up to it, like the old iWork 09, but then again, even iWork has gone down the shitter since then. So I'm not really missing anything.

From what I understand, the cars driving around in Cuba today are essentially all new vehicles, replaced one doggedly repaired and exhausted part at a time, with pieces fabricated from scratch.

Each vehicle looks and drives like it does at this point, not out of any practical obligation, but from sheer labor of love in carefully adhering to the original's appearance.

Attached: f22b1f35-8245-44b7-a64e-62d5c730ec78.png (650x650, 97.52K)

They're a variety of frames, mostly american, with Lada engines slapped on them.
That or literally old Ladas.

lol just take it to the genius bar and they will fix it. They are all like 300 IQ so they can figure out any problem you have.


Thats the genius part

and so would you


The water indicators are red! We need to replace the water damaged logic board and lcd assembly.

Worth a watch (why doesn't this board have embed?)

Minor nitpick :

The bent pin on the lcd cable is staged as fuck. Pins don't bend by themselves like that even if you open and close the lid 1000 times. It can only happen if you unplug and replug the cable wrongly. And coincidentally it's the backlight power pin? Yeah, right. But it's minor, since the whole point is to expose Genius ripoff

Are all Geniuses like that? Only if they're on front counter duty. They have to serve dozens, if not hundreds of customers a day. Their job is to perform a quick check on the spot and give a rough estimated quote and that's it. They don't have the time to take it to the back, open it up, dust off the crap and closely examine under a microscope what the issue could be. Hell, I don't even have microscope at my workplace.

If the customer agrees to the quote, that's when the unit gets taken to the back. That's when guys like us (I work at an Apple Authorised Repair center btw), open it up, dust off the crap and painstakingly diagnose the issue. But we still have dozens of repairs a day and pressure from Apple to give a quick turnaround time so we can't spend too long looking at it. And if we find corrosion or faulty components? We quote the whole fucking part.

We don't do component repair, because we're not trained to. NONE of us are. We take a new replacement part which has been guaranteed by Apple to be functional (it's on them if it's not), test it to ensure the problem is resolved, then give the customer the final quotation. If he agrees, we replace the part.

And the faulty part? It gets sent back to China where Apple's legions of Chinamen repair drones do the component repairs, run some basic tests to ensure the current is flowing properly and whatever, give it a stamp of functional approval and the fixed part get recirculated back into replacement stock. Do they do proper thorough testing? HAH! When you're paid like $1.50 an hour and working 12 hour shifts who cares about quality control?



says the 'authorized repair' shekeler

As long as the goyim are willing to buy, I'm willing to sell. Your problem, not mine.

Not my problem because I'm not a stupid macfag. You will never be as smart as a real repairman so you are a salty apple certified cuck.

You're just jealous I'm making more shekels than you.

Apple provides baby computers for babies who can't manage computers. These people will never touch the insides of their computers.

If you want something that's designed properly, maybe look at any other brand that has a professional series laptop for sale. I can assure you: they outnumber Apple.

communists usually are jealous of that.

He IS Jewish, he's a Sephardi Jew with North African blood, Yemenite perhaps.
Source: I'm a half Jew from Guadalajara.

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I like him, he reminds me of the sci-fi futures where Chinese Jews fix and hack microelectronics in underground shops run out of the backs of vans.

Communism is Jewish.

Not a commie, try again.

I wasn't referring to, or denying, the massive post-WW2 success of the Beetle, its easily one of the most successful and iconic cars ever created. I was referring to what happened in the 30s.

How the Nazi's funded the Volkswagen initiative was through a system where citizens would put a deposit down on a car and pay a little towards it every week, with the idea being that when people began to finish paying off the car (something which would take the average person a few years) the first ones would be rolling off the production line. While this scheme isn't inherently bad (and in fact its very similar to how things like Kickstarter work) as you basically a steady stream of income being provided before you even start making anything to cover development and setup costs, the program was plagued with corruption, incompetence, setbacks, etc. By the start of WW2 only a few hundred cars had been produced (none of which went to consumers, they went to party officials or were used as test cars) and people who had brought into the scheme in the early 30's had already experienced several significant price increases and delays, the first Beetles produced for sale to civilians didn't happen until after WW2 (since the production line was used to make cars for the military) and the people who had fully paid off the car via the scheme in the 30's had to literally sue Volkswagen to get their cars.

It's obvious that war would disrupt the whole industry, specially the steel using industry. And about this corruption stuff, I'd take it with a grain of salt, knowing that the jew has managed to propagate much more unbelievable lies.