3D printing general

Any anons here have a 3d printer?
I got chinese prusa i3 from ebay and despite the chink engineering, it was still a good base to work on.

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I've been thinking of getting one for awhile just looked at my bookmarks and I have over 150 items on thingiverse I want to print. Some of them are pretty cool like having a backup key in your wallet.

Make sure you've got good ventilation and don't breathe in those toxic fumes. A lack enclosure is popular for this purpose.

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If you do, buy one with 4 vertical pillars, they might look bulkier but they're more stable out of the box.

Well I've been printing in my room without any real ventilation and I've had no problems.
The only filament you have to worry about making fumes is ABS but, even then I haven't experienced problems with the fumes.

But there's a few things I really wish I knew before I bought one of these.
1. if you buy these, for the love of fucking god, install a mofset, it prevents the board being fucked up by having the power for the heated bed and the extruder come directly from the power supply instead of having the power go through the board, which could overload it.
2.These printers are notorious for having bent z axis screw rods.
So what you have to do is replace the rolds, and modify the firmware on the board.

So in general, it's a good start for 3d printing but, you really have to know what you're getting into before you buy one of these.

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Figured I'd just print some more structural support or do an extruded aluminum frame upgrade mod on a real prusa i3 mk3. It's an expensive model but it's the sort of thing I expect to put tens of kilometers of filament through every year so paying more upfront is better in the long run. Plus it's a very popular model and I like their upgrade philosophy.

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Yea i did some support mods too.

I replaced the mount for the z axis motors, and added a brace for the bed.

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I want to buy one and sell printed stuff.
Is this rentable?

Well not really. You can pay to get 3d models printed for you but, you can't actually rent the machines themselves.
If you really want to get into 3d printing to sell printed models, you need to buy your own printer.

Metal 3D printers are more usable than plastic 3d printers.

A plastic 3D printer cannot print even a part of a gun.

Printed metal a shit
Even cast is stronger than it

How are they more usable than plastic printers?
As it stands the only affortable printers that print metal can only print metal parts that are in the palm of your hand.
They're also shit because the metal structure is shit aswell. It's better to just print the object in plastic to make a metal mold rather than to actually print in metal.

That's because it's printed the same way sand printers print.

I used to use a CNC machine all the time in high school is it easy to jump from cnc to 3d printer?

These meme still hasn't died yet?

I have a delta style printer with a dual feed head, haven't used it in a while though.

Machine costing tens of thousands better than machine costing less than a thousand. I can't imagine why that would be the case.

3D printers are easy once you do the initial config and find the ideal extruder rate and temperature for your particular machine.

3d printing is for closed communities of elitists
its pretty obvious they never meant it to reach the masses


Well no shit. it's a machine that's allways ment for hobbyists. It's just that 3d printers are cheaper than other manufacturing processes and easier to get into.

what's so exciting about being able to shit plastic?


do you do this to gain profit or to cover the cost of a 3d printer

The fact that you can save yourself money with diy projects.

Since when reading and going to school is elitist ?
Same for the computer, it should have never reached the masses.
3D printing can also reach the normies if someone abstracts it to hell like PCs.

You can make a 3D printer by using a metal 3D printer and a plastic 3D printer.