Are they TRYING to crash firefox with no survivors?
Instead of adding the ability to always select tabs from a list they add shit like pocket
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, this is the state of the open soros software. Don't use firefox.
is chromium better?
Somewhat. At least I can use scroll wheel to switch tabs, something Firefox removed for some reason
For your own convenience and security of course. Nobody used that feature anyway goy.
They removed bloat.
Did you just come out of the cuck cave? It crashed long ago. Anyone who use it are the nintendo soyboy zog drones. Same goes for you ungoogled chromium fuckers
Remember when software companies used to focus on only making software?
what to use?
She's right, culture is a precursor to good code.
Also right, code is a tool for humans to use so it should meet human needs. Not having that is what created the botnet in the first place.
I'm really starting to get sick of this nu-Zig Forums attitude where if an SJW says something you won't take the time to actually think it through and deconstruct it and instead just go 'lmao SJW is wrong xd rekt libtard'.
Tell me what engine you use fam
Isn't that obvious?
It's an specialization, so yes it lacks other shit. If you take a painting class they don't teach you about carpentry either. But whatever, they can add a poetry class so long as people in humanities pass calculus. That'd be good for them actually since the braindead retards would drop out.
That's not at all what she's saying.
That's just blatant oversimplification. If I develop a code for drone that kills goatfuckers I met your criteria of code being a tool for humans to use. It also perfectly meets human needs part of your statement. But is it right to build code that kills goatfuckers? That is what humanifags are trying to hammer into your mind. Too bad they have their heads so far up in their asses they don't even see the technology that enables them to live their daily lives and only start complaining when muh morals get challenged. How about they do their fucking job themselves and stop pushing it on us who work in those fields?
That's what the statement was, yes her idea of 'culture' is likely wrong but that is not what you exemplified in your screenshots.
Fair point.
They wouldn't be here if a large chunk of our industry grew a spine and stuck up for what they believed in, unfortunately it's mostly beta cucks who will gladly write code that bombs sandniggers and kiss the feet of women.
I'm all for humanities, but I don't like its current incarnation. That doesn't make their statement wrong.
That's a great comeback, I'll make sure to keep that in mind.
Seamonkey. Now stop making this cancer browser threads.
There are at least 3 browser threads up at the moment you retarded cuckchan nigger. Fuck off.
Did you know?:
You can choose courses that are not about womens rights? Classes like most history classes, psychology, you know that kind of thing.
even if you americans do actually have toxic hivemind campuses, go to a better college instead!
September/October 2018
Browser, StatCounter, NetMarketShare, Wikimedia
Chrome 61.55% 63.68% 45.3%
Safari 15.13% 18.02% 22.4%
Firefox 5.02% 4.62% 6.0%
That's from
They acknowledge lots of possibility of inaccuracy, especially with privacy conscious users
The amount of people spoofing their user agents probably accounts for less than 1%.
what does that mean?
TorBrowser is based on firefox, so we don't have choice but to use firefox
people that use any other browser are brain damaged
chromium is jewish botnet that sends all your history and keystrokes to israel and pentagon
if you weren't idiot and used TorBrowser instead of firefox nothing of that would happen
ungoogled chrome doesn't exist, all project like that are google honeypots, they only pretend to be ungoogled
After firefox ESR jumped over to quantum, it's not that bad.
You can use tor by itself, luser.
FWIW, the OpenBSD guys found Chromium much easier to properly pledge/unveil, because it was built with privilege separation from the beginning. And they've got it in the arm64 ports (but not Firefox because problems bootstrapping Rust toolchain IIRC), so you can run it on a non-botnet hardware like ARM Cortex-A53.
I mean they have an arm64 package, which means the port actually builds fine (and you don't have to do it yourself).
Nice evidence you've got there. You've thoroughly convinced my with those hot opinions.
no you cannot. tor isn't a web browser.
you can use other web browsers with Tor but it's very stupid, because you will be the only person in the world that uses this browser with Tor and you will be fingerprinted to death
what's the point of running botnet browser on non-botnet hardware?
and btw. ARM is a botnet.
google = israel
we will holocaust you, google. the oven will soon become ready
retard, every accreditied college/university requires you to pass those classes to get your credential paper.
english lit = stories about oppressed women and niggers.
american history = whitey was mean to niggers and injuns.
world history = german whiteys were mean to jews
ancient history = greece and rome were successful because they were femenists
fine art = period blood on a canvas.
film study = top 5 films with most diverse cast (most niggers)
this is ALL COLLEGES, they will lose their accreditation if they rock the boat.
The US schooling system is just an indoctrination program designed and led by kikes.
Even homeschooling your kids, I bet you need to meet certain kosher standards or else CPS steals your kids
Try to find a mention of women ever in ancient history. It's as if they didn't exist. I took a philosophy class when I had an elective. Of course they have the mandatory section on women, and they make sure to throw in a few female philosophers to keep things diverse. But the ancients are still aristotle, socrates, etc, and they won't be female any time soon. What they are doing is deemphasizing that part of philosophy, and no doubt that part of history as well.
They don't test your kids if you home school them. They really don't give a fuck. The problem is most parents need to work, and the only free daycare on offer is public schooling.
Browser fingerprints have no meaning when you have zero idea who that person is or where that person is.
who is hypatia
agreed. criminals dont get caught because the fbi are leet hackers, criminals get caught because they get social engineered
1) unique and stable browser fingerprint creates pseudonymity rather than anonymity, which can seriously amplify OPSEC mistakes by correlating them to the same identity. If you make 5 small errors, they might only become harmful if they can be related to each other
2) honest browser fingerprint can indicate software version used, useful for browser exploits
However yes, if you have very good OPSEC you dont lol and/or aren't an important target, then it's not a big deal.
big assumption lad. you'd better be blocking some javascript.
You're absolutely stupid if you're relying on Tor for privacy and yet you allow non-free Javascript programs to run at the same time. If you ever rely on Tor for privacy, then you have to audit the Javascript programs that you use - if you don't you may as well be using Windows, Steam, Netflix, Facebook and Skype at the same time because your privacy means jack shit to you.
Are you dumb enough to think that the Tor project audits the whole Firefox codebase? Using Firefox is not difference from using Chromium: it's free software but still spyware.
not retard
ungoogled-chromium routed through tor is probably your best bet for normie-friendly privacy. aio packages like tor browsers are practically screaming dragnet.
though really the only way to achieve true 100% privacy is to just never connect to the net in the first place. you'll be routed through the NSA somewhere along the line.
Nice shitpost lol
Ctrl + F = icecat not found.
That's not the problem.
The problem is that it's the wrong table
Usage share of desktop browsers
Browser NetMarketShare, W3Counter, StatCounter
Chrome 66.43% 61.7% 69.64%
IE 9.48% 4.3% 6.01%
Firefox 9.25% 6.5% 10.14%
Edge 4.28% 2.3% 4.21%
Safari 3.74% 13.1% 5.61%
Opera 1.55% 2.8% 2.3%
Others 5.27% 9.3% 2.08%
It seem that there are as many Edge/Safari users as there are Firefox users left.
Well done Mozilla trannies. You just killed a browser.
Does browser market share matter?))
Wasn't Firefox somewhat around 30% back in the day?
But there were less internet users 'back in the day' than there are today. 9.25% in 2018 could still be more users than 30% in 2008(?)
more like 2015?
Since you picked the NetMarketShare number
Mid 2016 Firefox still had entire 14.8%. That's -5.55% in under 1.5 years. They just suck. Accept it.
No wonder they're giving money to antifa.
Technically correct, but wrong in practice.
If you aren't fingerprinted a breach on anonymity in one occasion does not retroactively destroy your anonymity, if you are fingerprinted you're fucked.
They didn't tho.
Firefox was already fading, the SJ stuff was just a last ditch effort to deflect blame and anger away from Mozilla.
Their latest update was less than a week ago.
It's been taken over by the sjw tranny brigade. Form over substance, every new feature is a wasted bit of code.
We've entered the beginning of its end, anons.
I did't say ARM in general, I specified one processor. ARM Cortex-A7 and A53 don't do speculative execution. Most of the others do. And all the 64-bit x86 stuff does, but that platform has tons of other problems as well, like botnet firmware and shitty negative cpu rings since the 80386SLC chips, plus architectural cruft with lots of wiggle room for exploitation (see the memory sinkhole bug for just one example).
One of these things is beta and pathetic. The other thing is rad and bad ass.
Footfag fuck off
I think he means the other one, baka.
There is nothing wrong with killing sandniggers but I want kikes to die too.