Is this pretty much the only acceptable pre-built? It's made in the US, loaded with GNU/Linux, has little innovations here and there and actually looks nice. I'm thinking of giving this for Christmas and getting one for the living room. Does anyone still buy pre-builts, though?
Is this pretty much the only acceptable pre-built? It's made in the US, loaded with GNU/Linux...
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Tempted to either get one of these or a Talos
can you coreboot it?
So what's the appeal? The wooden meme case?
No. AMD doesn't support it and intel only supports it on some mobos. I would guess that this would come from factory if they could do it anyway. It does come with this neato thing, though.
You don't understand what meme means, newfag.
quit shilling your gay shit
Who has access to your system, retard? And what are you browsing this board on?
Something that's exactly the same as what you're shilling but didn't cost two thousand dollars. You still haven't explained the appeal of your product.
That's not a good thing, as far as privacy is concerned.
Probably a shitty babby distro.
You're either gullible or a bad shill.
He could be on a Talos or ARM SBC, you gnewfag. You should also be waiting for the new relatively low price Talos, instead of this retard-with-money trap.
I wonder if the LGR guy is going to get one of those.
I wasn't shilling it. I'm planning to buy one. If you're not posting on anything different, then why are you bitching about this device? It's just a novelty.
I would say China is worse, and I like to buy American.
You don't buy this shit for e-peen wars.
When did I say this was any different from any other prebuilt?
Yes, but we both know he isn't.
I'm not looking for a workstation. I literally said I wanted this for gifting it and for the living room.
Retards like you are why Snowden is a traitor. What country is actually "good" for privacy? Certainly not China, or the EU, or Islamic countries, or African nations. Enlighten me.
That's just it, there's nothing novel about it.
Okay, you don't like it. Are there any prebuilts you think are cool? Or are you just trying to shit up a thread because of your autism?
He thinks he's being cool and edgy by being contrarian to everything lad just filter him
It's from System76, so the distro must be their own, Pop!_OS. It is based on Gnome 3, so it must suck.
Snowden cannot be trialed for treason for his actions in the past. Treason has a specific legal definition and his past actions do not pass the definition.
Enemy of my enemy.
Buy Chinese when you're in America, and American when you're in China, it keeps the botnets from matching up between frontend & backend. Same reason Snowden is holed up with the Russians, not because he's their ally, but because they aren't his primary target.
this is /g/ tier shit, there is no reason to buy this
Seriously, you're fucking retarded.
What's wrong with refurbed workstation?
Macfag logic, computer is a tool, no one cares about how it looks.
I'm not looking for a workstation.
I want it for the living room, and yes people do care how things look, even you, but your aesthetic taste is different than mine.
Then you shouldn't buy Thelios.
And? Will your computer run slower when judged by superficial hipsters? (They probably still laugh at you behind your back saying you can't afford a mac or something)
Just hide your normal pc behind your tv bench
Ask me how I can tell you're a shitskin I fucking dare you.
There's three models, retard. I'm specifically not looking at the workstation, which is the one you're disingenuously describing.
Why do you assume I buy it for others to look at, as if I couldn't enjoy a nice-looking piece of hardware myself. I wash my car and keep it in good shape because I like to look at it, not for other people to praise me. Are you autistic?
How about I don't listen to the actual hipster telling me what I should or shouldn't place aesthetic value on?
I'd like to have nice looking tools too but at a competitive price. Also 1st pic is comfy as fuck, would drive around town just for keks.
Lel isn't that the point of this thread? Seeking approval from Zig Forums hipster so you won't feel bad throwing money at prebuild wooden case.
If you could this thread wouldn't exist.
But you didn't shill your car brand on Zig Forums though.
No, it's looking to see if there are better options out there. It's a discussion board, retard.
I posted it on /o/ in the past and even asked people to show me how they did some things so I could weigh my options. Are you fucking retarded or do you not understand the concept of discussion? What do you think the purpose of this board is?
to shill on each other retard
everyone has different opinioms regarding what they want out of a computer at different levels but almost nobody cares about muh aesthetics unless it has some type of meme rgb light. Even so the meme rgb is to give company to muh discrete card. Ppl here praise thinkpads and use software from a guy that eats with its feet. What did you expect
Do you think he can ever walk freely in his town of birth again? Remember: the ministry of love turned Manning into a faggot.
Snowden will not return to America under the Trump presidency given that Trump considers him a traitor even though that charge is complete bullshit. The following presidents would have to give clemency for Snowden to return with his freedoms intact.
It's human nature to complain about things they refuse to fix. I personally believe in function over form, I don't spend my time watching my computer case. If I decide that the aesthetics of my case is not good enough, I'd be hiring an industrial designer to design then produce my perfect case. Such a process is not cheap but this is the price to pay for perfection.
Why not just buy a wooden case and stick the computer you already own into it if that's all you want?
What piece of free software is closest to automobile related in terms of aesthetics, build quality and usability?
What's the point of having a big computer if you aren't using it for all of it's computing potential? That thing has no vents on the front, back, or sides so it's probably gonna get hot and thermal throttle.
I hope it picks up. The original Be computers were beautiful hardware/OS combo. Almost got bought by Apple... but Apple went with NeXT (THE most beautiful).
Let me guess, you have a systemd distro to sell me?
low iq post
Its going to require blobs, and be no different than literally anything else.
The US is obviously not good because most posters here are from Americanistan. You better be spied upon by those who can't touch you.
This isn't advertised as anything other than a regular pre-built PC that just happens to run GNU/Linux. This is like bitching that a Corolla can't go as fast as a Corvette.
It doesn't give as much tax money to the chinks and their genocidal, dystopian agenda and it's by a company that seeks to advance the presence of free software especially among normies. They are literally Apple but with Linux, high-end hardware and a support team you can be friends with.
Go back to halfchan cuck.
Theres some perfectly good and unused parts in that pile.
That tux is fucking horrifying
A FOSH daughterboard is a step up from standards-incompatible gamer trash and prebuilts certified for distros such as CentOS, Ubuntu and Fedora. It's still AMD64 and still relies on proprietary VBIOS and blobs.
Why do they load Linux on it? Anyone running Linux AND buying one of this brand will want to partition their own drives and load up their own, personal favorite flavor of *NIX.
For instance, any new system, I zero out that HD w dd, partition, load up Debian w/ no tasksel, set up my own packages, move to unstable and then I'm off to town.
just kill me right now, Chris Hansen
I think the linux one should be a mad max ratrod or a slav chariot made out of a front wheel drive car but the punchline is fucking awesome.
They really need to get Tyson or Revoy to rework the design.
If the issue is one of something being overpriced for what you get fine see about getting something that isn't so overpriced, but don't you EVER promote nigger rigging.
It's not comfy it's a joke.
Both are made by hand.
GNU/Car is a joke from Top gear about how crap electric cars are, meanwhile the second was made by someone that actually cared about what they where using.
If your darling OS has more in common with a joke on TV about how inept something is, than something someone actually gives a damn about maybe your OS is shit.
they're the only builder taking out the intel ME.
which, why the fuck not just build AMD??
Is there some Satanic reason it has to be System 76 and not System 75?
Prove it. Also, neither Intel ME nor AMD PSP can be removed nowadays.
Go away /o/.
Pretty bad shilling, my dude. Mods should delete this thread.
They hated him because he told the truth.
Go on,
Blackbird is out now; see
The Talos II stuff is pretty cool, but really expensive.
The Blackbird boards are cheaper, but not prebuilts
board+CPU+heatsink bundles at most
Still a step down from OpenPOWER stuff
Shit, thread was updated since I last checked, the price post was
System76 builds are shit. They are put in cheap plastic, and all the "engineers" do is assemble parts. They claim to be building a unique computer for you, too. The audacity of those cunts. The laptops have retarded temp sensors, acpi problems, and a shit bios. Sometimes it let me boot with EFI, sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it only booted if I turned on EFI, sometimes it didn't. It even resets the bios time whenever it feels like it. There's a girl who works there who knows nothing about computers, and probably watches nixie pixel or whatever her name is. She asked about my systemdick when I complained the laptop thought it was overheating when it wasn't, so I told her I have runit and she literally didn't know what that was. That girl posts on forums and reddit to shill for System76. If you haven't seen one of her threads, your in one now. Its shit and you're just going to wipe it when you get it anyways
Bought a lemur from them a handful of years ago.
It was shit.
the lcd was was the worst ive ever seen
the keyboard was shit
the glossy chassis was shit
the glossy screen was shit
is was just expensive shit
Returned it.
Bought a no frills non glossy lenovo G-something for slightly cheaper at office depot.
completely happy with it for years
i mean i like that they're selling linux systems and all but if their hardware is trash then why should I pay so much for it?
I can build my own junk for cheaper
i can install my own os on a bare hdd
i'm not going to pay a premium for something ive been doing as a hobby since i was a kid
Economy of scale. Lenovo has a much larger economy of scale than System76.
Literally every country is shit and those that aren't don't produce anything.
Yeah. Comes with an embedded Pajeet/Linux
Argentina? Brazil?
actually the shape of a car effects its functionality
for example first pic
now lets look at car #2
bonus round
>exterior headlights < slotted/interior headlights
also I should note that with the boxy shape of the first it is likely that most space under the hood is unused whereas the second car is likely more dense with less unused space, which also gives it better flip resistance
idk, why dont you ask in one or both of the advice threads we have
But why would you buy prebuilt, OP? Wouldn't it be better on all fronts to choose whatever parts, any case and spend half a day building those two rigs?
I'd also like to note that it's silly to say that it was made in US. At best it was assembled there. Parts still come mostly from China.
Bad analogy, Corollas are cheaper than Corvettes. System76 is more expensive than better laptops.
76, is the abbreviation of 1776, which was the year the declaration of independence of the Untied States was written.
Nothing wrong with buying "local", but it's hard to imagine anything worse than nsa/cia glow in the dark niggers. No, not even China.
Clearly supporting the violation of your citizens rights by (((israel's greatest ally))) is what the Jews don't want.
you're either a retard or a shill
LMFAO. Are you suggesting treason is a thought crime and not punishable if you pull it off?
It should read
Just get a th0nkpad and libreboot OP
(((System76))) shill.
Oh no, its an open source project and can be entirely user-replaced. Oh the TERROR!
good goy