Ridiculous Chinese Writing System

Fucking Chinese characters are the most ridiculous writing system in the world.

It has each character for each word!

50,000 characters are needed for just everyday life!

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah, it's pretty unpractical imo. but it also allows for unique wordplays as every character encodes sound, tone and concept.

you're exaggerating. more like 2000-3000. probably as much as what a regular average joe uses for daily communication in a germanic language.

Traditional Chinese

« Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den »
In a stone den was a poet with the family name Shi, who was a lion addict, and had resolved to eat ten lions.
He often went to the market to look for lions.
At ten o'clock, ten lions had just arrived at the market.
At that time, Shi had just arrived at the market.
He saw those ten lions, and using his trusty arrows, caused the ten lions to die.
He brought the corpses of the ten lions to the stone den.
The stone den was damp. He asked his servants to wipe it.
After the stone den was wiped, he tried to eat those ten lions.
When he ate, he realized that these ten lions were in fact ten stone lion corpses.
Try to explain this matter.

Pinyin (latin alphabet)
« Shī Shì shí shī shǐ »
Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī.
Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.
Shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.
Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.
Shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shìshì.
Shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shíshì.
Shíshì shī, Shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.
Shíshì shì, Shì shǐ shì shí shì shí shī.
Shí shí, shǐ shí shì shí shī shī, shí shí shí shī shī.
Shì shì shì shì.

This is why they have to use hanzi. They get space savings for free though.

alright, and you posted this on Zig Forums why?


White person 1: Alright I'm done inventing the alphabet. 26 simple letters that can be rearranged to express any idea you can think of.

White person 2: Hmm, that's cool, but you know what would make it better? Let's double the number of letters, but only use them for the first letter at the start of a sentence, and at the start of names.

White person 1: We should definitely do that. Totally makes sense.

It does though, the former is an indicator and the latter is an honorific.

White German person 1: Ya! Let's use upper case letters for the start of every noun too. Also, add these for fun Ä, Ö, Ü, Yeß!!!

ting bu dong, gweilo

They represent a different pronunciation.
And ß is a long s with a z in one letter because round font doesn't work with long s nor ligatures (at least not normally).


White Slavic person 1: Da. We need to add more fun letters: č, š, and ž. We will also introduce dual form along with singular and plural form.

Attached: Primoz-Trubar.jpg (1200x1817, 695.76K)

👨①: 🍆😂🤷👏👏
👨🏿①: 🖕🍉🖕🍆💦🍑👅🖕👅👅👅💦💦💦💦💦✋🏿✋🏿🙋🏿‍🔫🔫🙋🏿‍🙋🏿‍

t. brainlet

>White person 3: I'LL USE IT FOR YELLING TOO.
Black ftfy
There is nothing that defines ALL CAPS as yelling and this is the garbaget normie brains think
Back to >>>/g/

You too.

I'm sure it's way better than all of those Arabic, Hebraic etc writing systems.


Face it, Nordics are useless plunderers--the Niggers of Europe.

Japanese >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chinese

I seriously hope this is bait.

No. You are fucking stupid.
No, it doesn't. For most characters, it uses an elegant rebus-like compounding system.
But you're a low IQ nigger, so your brain that is watermelon-colored thanks to a hemorrhagic stroke due to your shit nigger hypertension genes and greasy nigger diet, can't handle basic pattern recognition.

Think of it like this.
At least with characters like 日 (sun, day) or 口 (mouth) we can see the meaning. But there are no Latinate or Hellenic semantic affixes to help you when you're learning those words in English. And don't get me started on English orthography (that's "spelling" for you, nigger)

Wrong. When's the last time you used the words "isomorphic", "laconic", or "sumptuary" in daily conversation? That's what I thought. Well, in Han characters, those concepts are actually easier to learn and understand than in English. Because instead of having to learn foreign affixes, you can just use the quotidian words everyone already knows. English: "anti" and "against", In Chinese we have: 反. Simpler, isn't it?

More of a problem for M*ndarin though. People who speak proper languages (like Cantonese) are fine.


Get some exercice, Boogie.

Attached: hk.png (1279x702, 343.26K)

Just use character combiners

Britbong rice niggas

Exactly, is entirely a problem with the spoken language. The characters in question(or any 漢字 for that matter) have both a meaning and a pronunciation. It is entirely reasonable to be able understand the written poem without knowing how a single one of those characters is pronounced.

26 letters, 6 symbols.
You only need to know a few hundred english words and a tiny bit of grammar to communicate.
It should not be challenging to decipher the conveyed thoughts.

And that is why english is the king of languages.
Who gives a shit you weeb faggot?

user you are being retarded. Speaking and writing are two entirely different things. If we are just comparing speaking then mandarin is probably easier to learn than english. Grammar is extremely loose and there is no tense. Often times many english words are represented by a single word. For example he, her, she, him are a single word 'Ta' (他) in spoken mandarin. Of course women decided they were special and now we have 她 which is pronounced the same. However, you would never know there was a different character if you were only interested in speaking.

Nigger, higher-case letters came first. The lower-case form was effectively just a way of writing them in cursive. The whole thing about capitalising names and the beginning of every sentence isn't an actual language feature, it's just a popular convention. You can capitalise whatever the HELL you want and it won't be grammatically incorrect. These kinds of things are too "complicated though" so your dumbass indoctrination centers teach you the abridged version and now nobody knows how to actually speak their own language.

Don't tell me about how easy it is to speak proper English. protip: it's not

Fact, the Chinese NEVER developed a practical typewriter. Its partially the reason they were poverty-tier until the digital age. They were never able to send and type messages in a fast and practical way like the rest of the world. Chinese typewriters did exist but they were large and impractical and required you to shift through multiple character sets to type properly

Attached: Chinese_typewriter.jpg (2048x1377, 435.46K)

protip: it is
source: english is my third language

Try speaking Russian, you niggest. English is one of the easiest languages in the world to speak, and to write as well.

They seemed poverty tier to you because the government at the time believed that change disrupts balance and kept important inventions from ever leaving their hands. The chinks had boats about ten times as big as Christopher Columbus' at the time (the best europe had to offer). Its likely that they travelled and mapped the rest of the world long before the euros did but everyone they came across were living like cavemen when compared to them. So when they returned they decided that interacting with anyone outside of China was a complete waste of time. There are many extremely important technologies attributed to them such as paper and the printing press. They also have the first recorded instance of someone surviving after flying a heavier than air craft.



So in other words they were poverty-tier and retarded because while they were fumbling around with infighting and numerous civil wars the rest of the world traded and interacted with eachother.


Attached: 5990ccc6bc9a34c135f5b22538ffa6fa1abeb75433ffd9891fb1f6b5ee8c2cbb.png (394x440, 36.58K)


Only to a point. Because they documented their work most of it eventually made its way to europe through the mongols and then the turks. Their rate of innovation slowed down immensely once the rest of the world realized that stealing knowledge from everyone would result in a great boost in their own productivity. That doesn't change the fact that a large number of technologies came from them. It took europe around 350 years to get anywhere after the first crusade returned with loads of ancient Alexandrian texts mostly due to the fact that they had no way to mass produce copies and had an extreme shortage of paper. China had both of these things but wouldn't even give up their paper for anything other than gold(which europe had none of). This was one of the main reasons why there was an increase of interest in exploring and alchemy. Books at the time showed extreme wealth because before these Alexandrian texts made their way to europe the only book that existed there was the bible and the only people who could own this were high ranking members of the church.

Only completely uneducated amerimutts actually believe that the wright brothers were the first to fly. They were extremely good at testing and improving existing designs but they were by no means inventors. Certainly they had a large impact on flight but they didn't come up with it.

Attached: Pittsburgh_Pirates_Laughing_Logo_('68_-_'86_logo).mp4 (854x476, 696.25K)

The French were the first to develop ballooning as a means of flight, the Wright Brothers, being bicycle builders, realized true heavier-than-air machines were a control and stability problem, much like bicycles were. They were the first to develop not only sustained heavier than air self-powered flying machines, but also develop a theory of design and control for them. They deserve as much credit as they get. The Chinese do not


Next you'll say it's so great because you don't conjugate based on time.
To that I say:
Niggers don't conjugate based on time. For example:

Chink languages = Nigger coin toss

This is now an anti-chink thread.
Fuck them and their shitty rock-down-pipe language.

Attached: 20 people were attacked by a stray dog.mp4 (640x360 4.11 MB, 5.79M)

The 50 Cent Party is in this thread

The regular Tienanmen Square pasta doesn't work, since they are either government agents or more likely a Communist Party sympathizer using a VPN

Hide his posts either way, either he gets paid per post, or he doesn't and is still not worth your time, do not respond

Attached: chinese_planning.png (901x461, 137.6K)

Doing Gods work user, wish I had more to post

Jesus this place is shit.

Attached: And Asshole for the Day goes to.....mp4 (640x360 2.71 MB, 2.83M)

Oh, only 3 are allowed instead of 5.
How archaic.

Attached: another day in paradise.mp4 (480x480 745.87 KB, 2.52M)

Attached: 181109173355-20181109-china-soared-debts-gfx-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 29.31K)

Attached: Bastard!.mp4 (594x360 2.22 MB, 893.81K)

Attached: Bicyclist racing a truck gets run over.mp4 (216x360 462.35 KB, 2.98M)

Attached: Boy, 6, gets foot stuck in revolving door.mp4 (208x360 1.86 MB, 1.18M)

Thank you user

Attached: Eagle.jpg (3648x5081, 6.42M)

Attached: car-kun_3.webm (1280x720 6.98 MB, 3.16M)

also related

Attached: trading_places.png (1200x675, 107.29K)

I have over 200 videos.
No chink can counter this big American dick.

Attached: Child ran over in China after falling off pulled toy.mp4 (1280x720 3.72 MB, 5.55M)

Attached: China_Sink_Hole_OCT_2018.mp4 (480x360 1 MB, 834.05K)

Attached: China_summerized_in_3_seconds.webm (1280x720 4.44 MB, 3.3M)

Big ones get single posted so I don't lose track.

Attached: China - Wild Pig Attacks People.mp4 (626x360, 9.85M)

It is very, very easy to get a grasp of. Acquiring a near-native level, like with any other language, requires years if study.
Take Spanish, for instance. It has very regular and consistent pronunciation and spelling, to the point it's trivial to know how a word sound by reading it or how it's written by hearing it, yet it has over five foms to conjugate verbs and a shit ton of verbal times to use in any given situation. Other stuff that Enslish-speakers do in colloquially, such as turning any word into a verb or hyphening two different words (e.g. "streaming", "googling", etceteta), are gramatically incorrect and mostly impossible.

Attached: Chinese army truck runs great.mp4 (1280x720, 12.48M)

Attached: chineseengineering.webm (426x320 1.21 MB, 8.85M)

Attached: ((((chinese_possibly_disturbing_not_gore.mp4 (640x360 1.75 MB, 2.69M)

Attached: Chinese Man Says All Whites._Natives Will Be eliminated.mp4 (1280x720, 14.03M)

Attached: chinese truckers.mp4 (640x360 478.42 KB, 12.91M)

Attached: chinese_worm_drink.webm (500x360 4.53 MB, 2.41M)

Attached: chink crossfit.mp4 (202x360 1.86 MB, 1.65M)

Don't fugg yellow
Don't deal with yellow
Don't trust yellow

Attached: chink love.mp4 (206x360 980.85 KB, 2.2M)

Attached: compensating.mp4 (368x640 415 KB, 4.47M)

Attached: Debris from rocket lands on town in China, causing massive explosion.mp4 (202x360 5.47 MB, 977.96K)

Attached: Dog crashes his tricycle into a store.mp4 (208x360 513.5 KB, 733.75K)

Attached: Father punishes his son.mp4 (202x360 1.43 MB, 1.79M)

Attached: Food delivery driver cries when his scooter is stolen.mp4 (1280x720 667.08 KB, 5.52M)

I probably shouldn't have bothered including that in the original post because of course autists will grasp onto the minor details like they were the main point. I wasn't suggesting that the chinks should be credited with inventing flight. The earliest documentation of flying crafts comes from the greeks in Alexandria. The purpose of that post however was that a large amount of important technologies that were the cause of massive innovations in europe later on came from china. I do find it rather amusing that due to the modern media's smeer campaign against china any mention of them gets you labeled as a chink. I'm a white Canadian with nothing but eastern Europeans in my family tree, I merely have an interest in history namely the reasons for technological advancements during various periods throughout the ages.

Attached: fucking_chinks.mp4 (202x360 3.32 MB, 1.6M)

Like every other language. Except English has fewer exceptions. Try learning another language, nigger.

No other country allows me to amass 50+ videos in two days of lying, cheating, or stealing, or the side effects of those actions like China.
I was going to stop until some chinklover decided to whiteknight for the second shittiest nation on the planet.

Attached: Heatwave in China causes bridge to buckle.mp4 (204x360 2.91 MB, 845.94K)

Attached: Industrial laundry machine throws up and knocks down a worker.mp4 (202x360 1.46 MB, 779.44K)

Worst nations ranked:
1. Niggers
2. Chinks/Kikes They're no different
3. Muslims
4. Poos

Attached: Iron Gate Falls on Two Kids.mp4 (1280x720 5.82 MB, 6.02M)

I worry for the future generation.

Attached: Man body slams a child after getting kicked.mp4 (208x360 2 MB, 5.87M)

Attached: Man's leg caught in an elevator door while upside down.mp4 (202x360 2.2 MB, 1.56M)



Nah. Chinks never did anything with black powder because they couldn't invent a way to cheat people with it.

Attached: Mistress stripped topless by wife.mp4 (1280x720 1.49 MB, 1.52M)

Attached: Mother looking at her phone as her child walks into traffic.mp4 (1280x720 3.04 MB, 8.07M)

Attached: Normal day in china.mp4 (1280x720 3.52 MB, 6.56M)

Attached: Old man trampled by a dump truck.mp4 (640x360 387.16 KB, 1.58M)

Attached: Quilt left out to dry smoulders amid China heatwave.mp4 (1280x720 2.34 MB, 5.07M)

Attached: Restaurant explosion causes wall collapse and kills one.mp4 (200x360 4.68 MB, 7.01M)

Attached: shitter used as garbage disposal.mp4 (1280x720 2.47 MB, 1.77M)

Attached: Sick buffaloes buried in China.mp4 (214x360 890.98 KB, 5.93M)

Attached: Stingy man overloads his small car with 9 large sewer pipes to avoid delivery fee.mp4 (204x360 2.41 MB, 271.16K)

this is your brain on american media
next you will be whining about the russians spreading north korean propaganda

Attached: SUV driver slowly drives and stops on a little girl.mp4 (360x640 3.07 MB, 2.41M)

Begone! I'm redpilled on the chinks. Your propaganda won't work on me.

Is maintaining the mental illusion that China has been a consistent and cohesive nation for that time and not an endless series of civil wars and lost territory followed by brute imperialism your brain on Chinese media?

Attached: fagg.jpg (500x376, 66.33K)

The heart of a people can be seen in their daily lives.
That heart never changes, even if entombed by a tyrannical force.

Look at slavs.
Despite the horrors of kikes and commies, they're still my cousins. They still have a soul, and I'm sure we'll be able to share a drink and have some laughs.

Chinks have no soul.
Chinks never had souls.

You've forced me to post the images, but first I'll finish with the first 150 videos.

Attached: tfw_you_have_0_peripheral_vision_but_doesn't_stop_you_from_plowing_into_everything_right_ahead_of_you.mp4 (632x360 271.43 KB, 1.75M)

Attached: The_Making_Of_'Gutter_Oil'_.webm (1280x720 9.57 MB, 3.64M)

Attached: The_thought_of_the_prey_escaping_is_hilarious_to_bug_people,_especially_once_the_cooking_process_has_begun.mp4 (640x360, 13.98M)

Attached: Topless woman displaying boxes of items for purchase.mp4 (1920x1080 3.47 MB, 8.13M)

Attached: Uni graduate wows the internet by her unbelievable makeup transformation.mp4 (1280x720 1.62 MB, 2.83M)

Attached: Vietnam_monkey_brain_eating.webm (202x360 385.43 KB, 3.14M)

Attached: Western males entertain rich women in China.mp4 (208x360 248.75 KB, 5.56M)

Attached: Woman bloody and stuffed in a trash can.mp4 (642x360 372.23 KB, 930.97K)

Attached: Woman Gets Creamed By a Bus.mp4 (200x360 2.13 MB, 3.36M)

The fall of the USSR was the worst thing to ever happen to Geopolitics since Geopolitics became a thing in the early 20th century. If only America knew of the horrors that would crawl up to take Russias place as its sole rival. Then maybe true peace could've been achieved during the Cold War. China is beyond a failed state now. A billion people and barely enough resources and most of their food coming from the USA. Let it die already, kill the Chinese Dragon

Attached: 1408775982953.jpg (229x200, 27.67K)