We've had this shit for almost 20 years

when did you realize that ""cloud storage"" services are really just needlessly reinventing SFTP?

Attached: sfpt-connection.png (512x288, 22.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a good sftp client for android?

Probably when I started using sshfs.

Look mom he posted that disgusting 0 IQ meme term again.



So what is it?

Not really. I wouldn't compare something like, say, Amazon S3 or Glacier to SFTP. It's much more complicated than that. Sounds like you're talking about consumer-oriented cloud storage offerings, not things geared towards developers.

An FTP server is not flexible like a lot of cloud APIs are. An FTP server by itself offers no CDN caching. FTP, by itself, without any extra configuration, doesn't do in-memory caching either.

The benefit of cloud is having your data in multiple places, with higher performance while still not needing to pay the same as the cost for a dedicated server colocated in a data center or for some VPS with dedicated resources. FTP servers will also be inflexible, whereas one advantage of cloud is elasticity, scaling up resources when you need more, and scaling down when you don't. It can be more cost-efficient for small businesses or apps that might have surges at certain times of year (such as a site that only gets a lot of customers on black friday and christmas) and then not needing to pay for the same amount of resources the rest of the year.

But if you were a developer, you'd already know all of this.

N00b question: Is FTPS as secure as SFTP?

N00b answer: where do you see security in giving your things to others?

The whole point of FTP for SFTP or any similar protocol is to be able to transfer data to one point to another, that is all there is to it. "Cloud" for normies is exactly that it's just someones else computer who host the data over multiple datacenters.

That is not a benefit.
That's a fallacy. Economically scamming/speaking you are right. Technically speaking it's not.
Plain Bullshit. If you were a Sysadmin who ever worked you'd know that.
WMs in datacenters can be adjusted on the fly automatically even fucking QEMU/KVM are capable of that (and I'm migrating from vmware too it next year).

What you call the cloud is just an umbrella term for marketing purpose and either you're bait either you took the bait.

Thanks for explaining because I never understood all this cloud stuff and people never managed to say elastic resource scaling and remote APIs.
When I asked, it was like:

A CDN is more than just a computer, buddy. You don't need to administrate it, and it have security and performance benefits over running your own FTP server.
Yes it is. Why am I even responding to someone who doesn't understand CDNs? It's like you just wanted to hear people back you up instead of actually debating or learning about something you're unfamiliar with. Why do I even waste my time on this stupid website?
Huh? You can get a small EC2 instance or S3 Bucket and only pay for what you use. You know how much it costs to colocate a server in a data center? Much more than using AWS, that's for sure.
Yeah, I bet you use memcached or a redis cache on your home FTP server. And I bet you have the reslience and resources of a global CDN. Right. Quit larping, buddy. You have no idea what you're talking about. Besides, if you were really a sysadmin (which you're clearly not), you'd know about hybrid cloud architecture, where some things are on-prem and some things are not. Some people are skeptical about cloud security, but many places offer PCI-compliant cloud offerings, so it's really not as bad as uneducated neckbeards think it is.
Yeah, no. Traditional hypervisors absolutely cannot be compared to scalable microservices architecture in Docker and Kubernetes. They are not the same use-case, and if you think they are, you have no idea what you're talking about.
You're either ignorant about technology or some poorly-aging boomer who refuses to adapt to modern tech. An on-prem hypervisor is not comparable to what I've mentioned.
I'm a dev and you sound like an IT helpdesk guy who calls himself a "sysadmin" lmao

cloud storage is easier to use

>muh (((hybrid cloud architecture)))
the (((cloud))) is just someone else's computer, you massive faggot. you're talking like a cloudflare shill.

No shit.

I do use Cloudflare, among other things. And?
Yeah, it doesn't cater to neckbeards. Big fucking deal.
Guess what? The world is changing whether you like it or not. Adapt or you'll be forgotten.

Basically cloud storage is just storage but faster world-wide. My mouth is wide open and I'm ready for some soy milk.

take a look at this massive cuckflare shill

cloud storage is someone else's computer

How short a term can you rent servers from Amazon?

long enough for them to mine your data

You're clearly not a software developer, because if you were, you'd know industry trends, and that if you don't adapt, you're not gonna get hired. The best way to maximize your salary is to change jobs every 2ish years, as opposed to staying with one company forever and only getting small raises and promotions here and there. If you don't keep up with current industry trends, you're not going to get hired.
Here's the thing: you're so neckbeardy you don't get that I am referring to resources for an enterprise, not for personal use. It doesn't fucking matter if this shit invades people's privacy, because it's not my privacy that's being invaded. It's the people who use whatever gay app the stupid company makes, and it doesn't matter as long as they pay me well. I couldn't give less of a shit about anything else.

Great argument, buddy.

Thanks for the high quality response

well there you go, this is the absolute state of cuckflare shills and cuckflare users. go kill yourself upload yourself to the cloud


reddit.com/r/CloudFlare is for you, redditor.

Welcome to reality, where money is more important than muh freedums. At the end of the day, the end user won't know or care either way. Most people are so retarded they can barely use an easy-to-use app anyway. I know some boomers who have difficulty typing a fucking password. The average person is a mouthbreather who doesn't understand or value privacy, so why go to great lengths to make your company less profitable and have higher operating costs just to appease a few neckbeards, when the average cattle don't even know the privacy implications of their magic rectangle anyway?

cool conspiracy theory, you schizophrenic autist

this site is a huge waste of time, you're all hopeless

he reveals his true colors
reddit.com/r/CloudFlare is for you, jewish shill redditor

Yeah dude, it's totally normal to think anyone who disagrees with you is Jewish, and also uses reddit. I use cloudflare, but that doesn't mean I work for them. Imagine being so delusional that you think a company would pay someone to post on a shithole website like this.

And I don't use reddit. I once posted about food there and my post got removed after about a minute, and the mod posted and said they have the right to remove any post for any reason, but they didn't explain more than that. I checked the mod's profile and they posted all day every single god damn day, spending basically every waking hour on reddit, and if you googled their username, lots of people complained about them deleting posts for no reason. Someone with no life got mad that I posted a picture of nice food.

If you're willing to give up your privacy to Amazon, might as well use jewgle. GCP is better and cheaper then AWS

It's not reddit spacing, it's markdown spacing. If you were a software developer, even a novice, you'd know this.

your head is in the clouds, kiddo

No, you pull an Uncle Ted like I'm actually doing you massive faggot

I meant like I'm working towards that objective

So you want to live a life of poverty in a small shack in the woods? I'd rather make as much money as I possibly can.


As opposed to being a wagecuck? Sure
I'd rather be free

Attached: the real question.png (315x57, 6.3K)

Can you recommend any books (or even videos) on this? I wrote a small web/phone app, and I want to be able to scale it in the event anybody actually uses it

Because you're a loser with nothing better to do

If you were a software developer you'd be a software developer and would know you would be a software developer.


"Cloud storage" is a fancy frontend to rsync.

You have consumer grade cloud storage and you have enterprise cloud storage. Consumer grade could be hosted on your own if you can afford the system that can store all your data, the time it takes to set up, the power, and the resources to ensure reliability and security. It is easier to set up Consumer grade with those resources. You get enterprise grade like AWS or GCP when you don't have the resources to set it up with the aforementioned resources. It will also be more cost effective depending on the work load and pricing structure subscribed to. This is simply a matter of hiring someone else to do something which expends more resources doing yourself.

This thread is a shitfest and this board is dead. May God have mercy on you faggots.

To more answer OP's question, you can say CDN infrastructure and containers are what differentiate homemade solutions to a "cloud" product's, but it's really data logistics and money that it's all about.

The real innovation is object storage. It's so good it abstracts away hard drives. You buy more hard drives and simply add them to the machines. No RAID or any of that horseshit. Just add the drives and watch as the system automatically starts using it and rebalancing itself. There is a single root file system which grows as the storage capacity increases, no need to remember which drives contain whicu files anymore. Allows replication and redundancy on a per-file basis. Has imitless scalability. Ran out of drive ports? Buy a new server and connect it to the network.

Holy fuck it makes my dick hard. I want to build a fucking 200 TB data center in my home. My dick is hard

What software does this I want to have something like that just for my animu archiving server

This is the best book on k8s I've found

Wow, thanks a lot
I'll be giving that a read through for sure

termux rsync scripts work great

Reddit uses markdown for formatting. Pretty much every website that uses markdown, eg stackoverflow, hn, copied it from reddit. It's also a shit-tier formatting system, so it's fair to say that everyone who copied reddit did it because they used reddit or wanted to attract the reddit crowd, not because they thought the formatting was particularly nice.

Beautifully said.

There is nothing that normies love more than giving away their data. Losing privacy is like a feature to them.

If you want to be successful you need to give your customer what they want. If you talk to then about privacy, freedom or security they get uneasy because you are wasting precious time that could be used uploading their shit to another service.

They didn't. They re-invented, "simplified", and re-branded remote file storage while simultaneously charging you a premium to sell your data to any corporation or agency that wants it.

Yes. Now where can I buy a terabyte of storage on a SFTP server that I can be sure will always be online and that can serve me files at 1Gbps for $12/month?

You see, people use whatever is cheap and works. Why the fuck should I care about something as superficial as interface? The interface for bus fares is really retarded in my city. So what should I do? Pay a fuck ton for Uber instead?

Famous words by an idiot about dropbox before it took off: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9224

You can implement either of them to be top notch secure or useless. Just think of it like this. Security consists out of three things:

1) Identity: am I communicating with who I think I'm communicating (this counts both for the server as the client)
2) Integrity: is the data getting there and is it getting there correctly?
3) Privacy: is no one snooping on it?

For (1), usually FTPS will use X.509 certificates and SFTP pubkeys. (2) is barely implemented in either and (3) depends on your method of encryption. Both will support whatever is best atm. Assuming whatever implementation your using is free of bugs and backdoors.

No, it's not, you're just espousing the same 1970s-era mainframe mindset, but you're afraid to be called old fashioned, an rebrand it as "the cloud" instead.

Then you laugh at people who want control over their own computing resources; or at least have their offsite services use standard protocols like ssh and ftp. It's pathetic to see someone this drunk on koolaid.

okay bud sure thing

The "cloud" is literally just a mainframe spread across more computers.

Everyone saw how much of a cash cow mainframe was for IBM, and wanted in, but they couldn't do it with custom hardware, so they did the only thing they could, start with commodity hardware and work your way up. But it takes a hell of a lot of money to get to "hyperscale" territory, so:
Amazon started with book sales
Google started with search
Microsoft and IBM already had fucktons of cash, so it was no big deal to start "cloud services"

You can pretend it's a grand technology revolution, but it's really not, you're just spreading out your compute a bit more.
Look at IBM for example (since they actually cover the whole range),

z14 - the most concentrated compute
E980 - less concentrated, 16 sockets split across 4 nodes (scale up)
S924 - only two sockets per node (scale out)
IBM Cloud - fuck you, now you're in a VM/container

Sure, IBM will only call the top one a mainframe, but they're all doing the same thing, sharing compute resources across many cores - "the cloud" just chops them up into smaller pieces.

Just like with Zen2's chiplets, you're spreading stuff out, but it's still x86. The difference with "cloud" is that your latency increase is much worse than Zen's.

People just don't realize how advanced and high-tech modern cloud infrastructure has gotten.

Bunch of pathetic incel neckbeards who think that their shoddy little raspberry pi running an ssh server can compare to the mighty 10,000 node global cloud network using CRDP cloud protocols and frameworks, in terms of service quality, availability and customer service and user friendliness.

No real programmer would bother spending time setting up his shitty and insecure ssh system.

People like me who actually get real work done, harness the power of cloud frameworks and utilize the existing cloud security corporate infrastructure for the tune of only $10 per month.

And don't forget that that $10 deal includes up to 5TB of data directly off the cloud backbone, as well as (most often) cloudflare DDOS protection for your servers.

Cloud service infrastructure is the future guys.

You are using cuckflare by even being here. Do a traceroute of 8ch.net and find out if you're oblivious to this fact.

1925-1954 - computing pioneer era
1955-1984 - mainframe and terminal era
1985-2014 - decentralized internet and personal computer era
2015-2044 - cloud and mobile era
2045 - muh singularity

I don't use cloudflare. (((Chodekikey))) uses cloudflare.


Quality post.

That's a whole lot of buzzwords goy

Working with pic related right now and it is really nothing like SFTP. I really like how powerful it is and the features it provides, specifically around the more advanced techniques like distributed-replication.

Attached: download.png (275x183, 11.07K)

that's nice sweetie, but I'm ackchyually using tor to post, so you're wrong sweetie.


I thought "the war on incels" had died down in the meantime?

kys faggot