So what board should I be using, /g/ or Zig Forums?

so what board should I be using, /g/ or Zig Forums?

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Go back to cuckchan, faggot

Attached: 99db394c8061ae80b593c5cacc45c8a18e1279efe0eecc6fc1cc654df2a5d263.webm (480x360, 178.28K)

interested enough in*



gamergate happened 4 years ago user, 8ch doesn't even have an identity outside of the red user (lol) and muhfreezepeach
moot is a cool guy, doesn't afraid of anything


full of teenagers venting about their drug addictions and how they hate the system
arisuchan is even worse in that department

nobody gives a fuck about goobergate, we don't want your reddit culture intoxicating ours. Stay out.

Fuck off.

You are not welcome here.

The simple fact that you have to ask that question means Zig Forums

retarded Chinese

/g/ consumerism and shitposting
Zig Forums thought provoking conversation

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Zig Forums is still x10 better than ni/g/gerland

Lmao being this new.
Not knowing the 8ch mythology.
Not having the gnosis that comes with being there at the foundation of the first gg threads.

/g/ is the reddit filter.

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what took you so long?
tech is the answer

how bout reddit or tumblr

You belong to Zig Forums. There's no doubt about it.