Chinese scientist to be hung for creating genetically modified people

Attached: 6635490-6565875-He_Jiankui_speaks_during_an_interview_at_a_laboratory_in_Shenzhe-a-1_1546879105238.jpg (633x422, 43.47K)

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Yeah right. Moral outrage doesn't exist amongst ant people, he'll be taken away to work in a more secretive facility.

So now we can start fucking all we want? Hell yeah.

lol no, Confucianism is so moralistic, bureaucratic, and sniffling that it is partially why China never industrialized until now. However China is seeing a neo-confucian revival so, expect them to be huge moralfags.

Attached: 9834jh98j3948gj3948j.png (236x196, 32.36K)

He also half-assed the genetic editing. Bet 5 dollars that why he's in house arrest rather than the ethics. (shamefur dispray)

Good, AIDS is the only thing keeping the nigger hordes at bay. Imagine if they got their hands on those two slit-eye sluts.

Gook please, put down Quotations of Chairman Mao. They struggled to innovate because they secluded themselves away from white people.

See, he is not being charged for any human rights violation. More likely than not, the government pressured him to develop some secret military project and he won't or can't, so he's going to face some "unfortunate difficulties".

Was he trying to engineer GMO turbo-whores?

Attached: turbo hooker.jpg (900x600, 46.55K)

that is just a phase, the end goal is cat girls who always remain at 5ft tall and are programmed to call you senpai and take care of you