So, about the GDPR thing

Has anyone actually tried to get their data from Facebook and such? What do they store and is it possible to delete it all? Or is GDPR just a puff of smoke? Just asking out of curiosity since I don't use those "services" which collect your data.

Attached: gdpr.png (2400x1260, 121.53K)

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Don't click this link btw. Forbes violates the GDPR themselves by having you to opt out of their tracking shit. Btw opting out takes half a minute and fails at the end when you're using https.
fucking LOL

Did YOU read your own linked article? It's about breaches. I'm asking about YOU YOURSELF trying to get your data off Facebook and others.

Just fuck off, nigger. We all know that technology companies are way above law and that capitalistic swines don't care about (((you))). You can't just ask them to send you the enormous bulk of data they have about you, if you have used phone or clearnet ever.
stop with that nigger spacing, nigger


Okay, so both if you haven't tried it. I'm looking for someone that HAS. You know, for real, practical results.

I'm sure that there are plenty of fags with botnet accounts but nobody will admit to that here.
Zig Forums is full of LARPers

I did. There was fuck all since I log into my faceberg literally once a year. None of that shit like phonecalls and texts journalists bitch about because I don't use the app on my phone and never gave my phone number to the site. Maybe I've given a temporary number I haven't had for years if it was mandatory.

I did force a few annoying sites to (supposedly) delete my account by citing GDPR. I'm not actually in the EU, but I figured they don't know that. They never asked anyway, just sent me cucked emails from their "support specialist" but they did stop sending spam.

I can't believe how terribly the whole thing turned out. All that work for EU to pass a yuuuge piece of legislation, and the companies just turned it into a way to make web 2.0 even more obnoxious. They didn't skip a beat, didn't change anything about their business. Kek, somebody should shop that just hair on EU flag
The GDPR is only 88 pages long.

It wasn’t meant to change anything about the internet, but good luck founding your own business now.