First Catalina hackintosh is KVM running on AMD

Just in time to remind people they don't need overpriced Apple or Intel hardware to run their shit

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 9.01.40 AM.png (625x548, 191.82K)

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They don't need retarded apple OSes on their shit either

Actually, macos runs ontop of a fully working posix complient operating system.
Except for the fact that it works without needing a bloated kernel.

So does gentoo. Your point?


There was a time when I was considering a hackintosh, but in the end I just put GNU/Linux on my machine. The nice thing with a Mac is that it works out of the box, if I'm going to mess around I might as well mess around with Free Software instead of relying on hacks that do God knows what to the OS. I don't regret the transition, except for a few nice Cocoa programs I miss.

Well, I'm not surprised by this. Someone just made a great AMD build of this with Mojave recently before Catalina dev beta was released. It does require a lot of work but if you're autistic enough to make it work, good for you.

Realistically what would it take to make a Linux district that’s purely just a hyper visor for running Mac OS for the least possible amount of virtualization overhead? I’m talking you turn the machine on and Mac OS just immediately boots up without even having to touch Linux at all or know it’s there

install gentoo

At that point why not just make a hackintosh? crackOS makes a lot of use of your video card so you'd have to do GPU passthrough to avoid a significant amount of virtualization overhead.

What's even the point of getting MacOS to run on machines apple doesn't want it to run on?
If you want BSD any BSD is better, if you want something that's not windows there's linux.

99% chance it's this

Maybe you want MacOS for testing and a VM doesn't cut it.

Back in 2005-2008 when hackintoshes were at their peak I did not know of alternatives like BSD, GNU/Linux, etc but I desperately wanted to move away from XP/Vista/7 so I repeatedly tried to make a hackintosh on my poorfag equipment. Perhaps this is the case for others?

Apple's new mac pro is the wrong machine. Their developers need a semi-affordable tower they can load up with gpus for machine learning.

Should've gone with DTX form factor.
Then they'll both have their special snowflake factor yet still using something sane and standardized.

Shit, meant BTX not DTX.

Hardware compatibility issues. Which using a VM is helpful to smooth these problems out
Which Linux can in fact do already so its not even a big issue. You only need one CPU core dedicated to the VM so if you had an 8 core machine you can dedicate one to the host, one to the VM and still have 6 cores left for the guest OS with near-native performance with native x86 virtualization

Just got a VM working too, but fuck it was a lot more of a pain than windows VM.
USB controller passthrough still doesn't work.


The main use is if you want to have a MacOS build target but don't want to have to buy the hardware, because MacOS cross-compilation is still not reliable.

If you got a dev jerb apple have become complete fagots over the past decade, they've been trying to force every dev shop to buy their overpriced garbage.
In an enterprise environment this solution is sadly still probably more expensive and less stable to set up and maintain than dropping that 2k to stuff a mac in the closet and praying the thing doesn't overheat before it depreciates.

What the fuck is even the point of a Hackintosh? It's the most retarded shit I have ever heard of. I use Mac OS at work and while it's 1000x better than using windows it's still gay as fuck. There's no way in hell I would ever use a Mac that wasn't paid for by my employer and no way I would ever fuck around trying to shoehorn Mac OS sideways onto some generic hardware in my spare time. I use linux on my personal machines. Mac OS gets more cucked and turns more into a glorified tablet OS with every successive release. They obfuscate all the power user features to make it safe for women and niggers to use. It phones home all the fucking time and is only designed to work properly on apple hardware. I seriously doubt you will have a stable, usable, non-broken, experience running a hackintosh for any length of time. But sure go right ahead if you want to waster your Sunday afternoons fucking around trying jury-rig a faggot operating system for no possible benfit whatsoever other than "because you can" if that's what you want to do.

How do you retarded niggers even find Zig Forums? Macs use off the shelf components, not magical unique hardware. As long as you spend five minutes researching parts you can build something that works out of the box at a fraction of the price. I've run a hackintosh for production (because we use some macOS only tools and fuck giving Apple money) for almost a decade and I've never had any hackintosh-specific issues.

Apple will soon require all macOS apps to be notarized

I deal with hackintosh VMs for my builds, now I'm supposed to pay for privilege to make free software on this faggot shit? fuck apple, and also goodbye

Why are you even doing that? By making free software for nonfree systems you encourage people to use them. Make your software only available on free operating systems, like GNU/Linux, *BSD, etc.
Unless you want your software to be widely adopted, (for example if you write a communicator or office software), don't waste your time making it work on nonfree systems.

because my userbase is artists and if I don't ship for major platforms no one uses it

RMS himself said that free software on non-free systems is a good first step for converting people to full floss systems.

the captchas are finally gone

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As far as you teach people about freedom. Some people using GIMP think of it as a 'cheap alternative for photoshop'.

I've played with hackintosh too. I think Apple intentionally sets up MacOS so that it only properly supports the small subset of hardware that they run. So yes, they do run Intel CPUs, but the OS will start having problems if you're not using the soundcard, graphics card, etc that are typically found in macs. I had a lot of weird crashes with all my hackintosh systems and could never get it to be stable enough for daily use.

Mac OS only supports a small set of motherboard firmwares. Also IIRC the latest version of Mac OS looks for specific strings in the UEFI ROM but this is easy to bypass since Apple still had to maintain backwards compatibility with older hardware so the strings it looks for is simple unencrypted shit like “Apple” and “Macintosh” and there are easy ways for Hackintosh iBoot devs to fake this by patching memory and shit

I would unironically rather prick my finger and submit a fucking blood test to prove I'm worthy of posting then to have to deal with Codemonkeys trash captchas for more then every 24 hours

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Even so, get people to use free software that's available on every platform, then getting them switched over to something free is significantly easier

That scene made my soul scream

why macos looks like a linux distribution?

This. Only time I've ever dropped a series out of sheer buttrage from a single scene.

Attached: unamused.jpg (234x694, 25.27K)

Technically it's a Unix distribution that's nonfree, but otherwise you're correct.

but if i dont buy apple computer where do i grade my cheese and throw trash into?

Apple's new campus building is just one big but shallow trashcan.

Linux is just a kernel, GNU/Linux is the system. Some DE developers on GNU/Linux get their inspiration from Aqua (the shell of OSX), but that's all. You could make your DE look like whatever you want, even like Windows.

Total bullshit. Being a Unix-like, certified by UNIX OS have nothing to do with how the system looks. Linux is just a kernel and GNU/Linux is not a UNIX distribution (GNU is Not Unix) and guess what, UNIX didn't have any GUI for a long time.

Literally two faggots.

kek my integrated sound wouldn't work in macos unless it sits exactly on pcie bus 0 slot 1b

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