Somalicoons vs Ameriniggers (again)

Diversity isn't a "strength" even among the Diverse
Tie-ins with Broward County policies that enabled the Spicjew Shooting and Saint Skittles

Here is a key point:

The above ties DIRECTLY into the Broward County school shooting hoax? as Nikolas DeJesus Cruz wasn't reported to the po-po as part of the so-called "restorative practices" programs to end the "school to prison pipeline." This is precisely the same policy which existed and contributed to Saint Skittles being a free nigger instead of being either in prison or executed as he should have been if justice actually worked in this country. This policy is pretty much in place nationwide, where I live in the midwest, we've caught police admitting on the scanner that they were called by teachers on their personal sail foams to avoid having an official record!

Here is an article on the policy itself:

Attached: Somalicoons vs Ameriniggers (again).png (809x708, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread: buga taa duga

who has the video?

I always laugh that there are those out there that truly believe if everyone was blandda up into some diverse mongrel slop or was one race there would be no more chimpouts. But when only needs to look at the extreme violence that exists in Africa, Brazil, and Detroit and other "diverse" areas to know that is complete bullshit.

Oh and the Somaliniggers and Ameriniggers hate each other because Somaliniggers are even more retarded and annoying/obnoxious than Ameriniggers are. Yes, even Ameriniggers think Somalis are the most retarded form of life they've met outside an abo.

It's a race to the bottom between the Sudanese and the Somalis. I have only heard tales about the mythical Abo, so I'll ignore that for now. I do wonder why the Maori people didn't eliminate them though.

what a surprise

In tiny numbers, niggers are harmless oddities suitable for zoos and photography. It's only when you artificially breed them in large numbers, like the sandnigger slavers or the jewish SNAP farms, do they become a threat.


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Maoris are lazy fat cunts thats why. Abos raze the whole fucking continent because they're the dumbest cunts humanity has got to offer and they just lazed there. Lazy cunts.

Dont forget Chicongo that shit is a fucking war zone on the side. Gotta call the fucking UN for backup kek

Genetics is fucking scary.

More on the "promise policy" and its consequences.

The tie-in between what is happening here in MN and what happened in FL is this program; essentially the police ignore violence in skools so that the niggers and spics etc don't get a police record. This of course just exacerbates the problem.


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Like any animal, neither blacks nor Abbos are a problem if you handle them properly (read: give them the same rights as animals and allow people to shoot them if they're on their property or attempting to steal their property)
Our trouble is that we're treating them as citizens.

No, they're both equally bad. But niggers have their own caste system. The darker skinned niggers are on the lower end while the lighter skinned niggers are on the higher end. And foreign niggers are at the very bottom.

even Asians, The Koreans hate the Chinese or think they are superior, hate the Japanese and Vietnamese, and think the rest of Southeast Asian is a trash heap. And vice versus. They get along sure, but give them a reason to fight and it's like using the word nigger when your'e angry if a person doesn't often use the word.

Māori culture is not nearly as ancient as Abos, or as retarted, and it's not that Māori are lazy as much as they have a give a fuck attitude about life or priorities. What is important to Europeans is not important to the Māori people, similar to Hawaiians in being laid back.

Niggers and Somaliniggers, they are in level of savage primate all their own.

"paper bag test"

(((Someone))) must have an incredible grudge against the Swedes given what's been done to Sweden and now states with Sweden descendants. Keep in mind, all these niggers were basically imported to the state to undermine it. Minnesota is in the middle of the country. It's not like the nigs hopped off a boat in New York or Florida and just accumulated in the cities like so much filth.

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I can't stop laughing.
After I saw this (too large for webm)

sources close to the president say


Found the kike

Attached: bypass.png (777x777 95 B, 370.06K)

And the difference is?

Basically like India

To be fair Swedes are universally seen as apex cucks at this point.

it is true anyone who knows anything around them a long time is that all the most stupid like them only understand and submit to and respect is fear. kindness and such only makes things worse something leftists across the west fail to understand to this day.

Nah cunt. Polynesians are lazy. If they just had a lax chill attitude they would not be so fucking fat.

Swedes didn't wreck Sweden. Blaming them for the hyper-jewed condition of Swedem is like blaming Germans for the condition of Germany. It misses the real (((problem))) entirely.

They may be mentally lazy, but for whatever reason, they seem genetically predisposed to develop insane amounts of strength. Which explains why those fuckers do so well in Rugby, and more recently, UFC (although in this case, they're only a danger in the first round, and then their cadio fails them).

How's the weather in Al-Stockholm?(>not the jews)

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, my man?

Actually the fighting Swedes are ok.
I know a few. Hammarby firman.

I don't know what went wrong with their country actually I do but what the fuck you couldn't pay me to go there. I cringe when I see a nigger.

Take your fucking country back Sverige bros

Somalia is in Africa

Attached: 1281576860924.jpg (170x236, 7.63K)

Welcome to Zig Forums. Enjoy your stay.


No Somalis are turbo crazy. When they brought them into Toronto they immediately went to war with the already well established Jamaican coons even though the Jamaicans all look like they're on HGH and the Somalis all look like stunted life long famine victims. Video of skinnies chasing big Jamaicans and St. Kitts nigs down the street waving machetes were on Canadian news shows.

Well said. To all Swedes lurking:
Do not give up.
There is easy way to fix your country:
and rwds for antfags+traitors


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Illegal. They would need a order by a fire department Captain for that. School officials can't do that. Minus a terrorist threat, or an actual fire; you can't lock people in a room.

t. firecaptfag

The opposite is also true. East Africans, Somalians in particular, absolutely hate west Africans (including west African derived populations like Ameriniggers) whom they regard as slaves and monkeys, pic related. And that's just east vs west african, without even going into ethno-tribal rivalries in a single country and the resulting genocides like in Rwanda (Hutus removing Tutsis). Leftists of course don't know that and don't care to know about it since it completely disproves globalist dogma.

Btw I took the plane in Minnesota not long ago and the airport is full of Somalian workers and they are so lazy they don't even pretend to work. They literally sit on benches and talk.

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My bad I posted the wrong screencap. Will see if I can find the correct one.

We'll hear a lot from Bantu monkeys in the near future - the screencap is just a slip of the keyboard.

I have a screencap which I'm looking for at the moment (my Zig Forums folder is a huge fucking mess) from that same nigger forum where a Somalian and west african argue about who's superior and it's too hilarious not to share.

I think they understand it clearly and just want to end everything because they are clearly depressed and psychopathic.

Just stop. Sven collectively giving up is nothing like when Fritz was murder-occupied.

Attached: 3 480 000 German POWs killed.png (3200x2000 855.12 KB, 1.72M)

Gimme the vid please

Attached: ewa.jpg (500x500, 84.48K)

Good one. African-Americans have been harassing immigrants of all stripes since probably the 70's – this isn't new, and in some cases, African Americans are worse.

Oh they know it. They just choose to ignore it. Just like how they ignore it like how they ignore successful minorities or all the minority on minority violence and racial tensions in America like spics vs nigger race wars where spics are winning ethnically cleansing the fuck out of niggers to my amusement. Leftism is a complete delusion they simply are too stubborn to let go like the deeply religious fundamentalist types, it cannot and will not ever reflect reality.

Attached: [Minneapolis Minnesota] South High School Riot!.webm (204x360, 6.77M)

Ok anons, I sadly didn't manage to find the screencap I was looking for even though I'm sure I have it (somewhere)…..I did however find this classic and equally hilarious screencap on Somali language. Enjoy.

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I think it's more like denial, not really "ignoring" it. They're on a constant chase for the right program to address the violence of an untamed African population.

Well, our ancestors had the perfect program that kept them in check, and the only that was actually understood by them. Brute force. Now it's just huge amounts of incarceration. Speaking of which, someone ought to do a genetic study on the effects of prison on the African-American population.

It's true. Bantus are pure subhuman as it becomes very clear the East Africans are slightly smarter and much better looking and that is what the ugly Ameriniggers and other niggers in the new world are descended from yet let us not forget that Ameriniggers are generally around 30% white admixture and that admixture is what keeps them from being slightly less retarded than Somaliniggers.

Swedes are a weird bag, they rightly have a reason to be proud of their history which most of them seem to do but they go with it all wrong ie pretty much alienating their neighbours (Finns, Norwegians, Danes) by being uppity-cunts with a chip on their shoulders.
Pretty much thinking they are the "master-race" and the rest are shit but at the same time since they are so heavily segregated from the problems caused by (((diversity))) and probably due to some sort of pride thing ie "we can do no wrong" they dont see the forest from the trees and refuse to admit they've royally fucked up.

Yeah, the European genes technically renders African Americans a separate ethnicity from most of Africa, yet they're still an economic ball and chain to the necks of Americans, as AltHyp has put it.

Just for you, my hebrew friend.

Attached: IT WAS THE SWEDES.png (695x709, 205.81K)

Lord of the Flies

This is the shittiest OC I've ever seen.

Can North American pavement apes really be considered a separate ethnicity when they behave the exact same way as Mbembe over in Zimbabwe? Any European admixture they have isn't enough to change their nature.

You've clearly never been to Zig Forums

You don't want this, trust me. It's like whoever wins, everyone loses but you should know rankings in subhumanity it is along the lines of Khoisan Specifically > Some East Africans like Nigerians > Ameriniggers [Part White + Western African] > Somalis and some other East Africans > Pure Blooded Western Africans Bantu

Whether denial or ignorance it seems the same to me with leftists but right now they're on the insane crusade of trying to mongrelise the civilised world thinking it will surely fix everything but Brasil proves that is bullshit just look at this

And I agree that all that they understand is force, they are like dogs and you must be the pack leader or else they will turn on you.

Yea, you're right.

An example of a Somalian arguing with a Bantu….top kek….

Attached: somali vs bantu 2.PNG (997x397 3.83 KB, 24.7K)

We must study the Somali, what makes him the niggest of the niggers? Are they lower or higher functioning than aboriginals?

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user, they are worse. They are similar but in Africa they are much, much worse. Even your own history should know this, look at what happened in the history of Liberia when you sent back your mongrel slaves and they found out native Africans were even dumber than they themselves were and found them only good for slavery.

Kek. It is even much more funny when other East Africans speak of Bantu niggers.

No, that's the Sudanese both in terms of phenotype (they're literally black as charcoal) as well as criminal behavior (Somalians in Minnesota, while total scum, don't come close to Sudanese crime stats in Australia).

Exactly, a Somalian talking about ooga booga countries is just priceless. That whole forum is a riot, with East Africans shitting all over the rest, it's absolutely hilarious.

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Minnesotan here. They've been sneaking somalis into hennepin country for a decade. I worked at a new amazon warehouse in shakopee. It was 80% somali. I quit after three months. A few months later I hear on the radio that they're having employment fairs at a somali workforce center. Huh, weird! WONDER IF THERE'S ANY CONNECTION

What forum is that anyways?

Yes, forget to mention that sorry. The forum is Basically the high brow nigger forum of the internet. It's a nigerian forum but just about every African group is present there and it's hilarious in many ways. Between the Somalis insulting the Bantus in almost every phrase, the Nigerians claiming to have a stronger military than South Africa (that's actually how i discovered the place, I was researching the ZA military) and God knows what else it's just a hilarious place.

UN has been feeding them since the 60ies ?
60 years of sitting on their asses producing new retarded nigglets with no natural selection

In Minnesota that's the wise decision.

< school staff call police to report violence.
< somalian cop shows up and shoots principal.

I heard that Somalis are the kind of niggers that every other nigger in Africa stay away from.

I wish my country would do the same , Haitians are gutter trash in all ways , dumb as bricks and breed by mitosis when not being look at

meanwhile in China the students are in school learning how to build the robots that will enslave the kids in this video and learning from white teachers who won't teach in the USA

keep searching you fucking tease!! we love you no homo

Abbos sleep on the road. They aren't that dangerous unless you hit one going 80

you weren't lying

how comes they don't even have adds in their forums ? even the shadiest russian hacker CS:GO forums and scat / zoo porn sites have adds

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Puts a dent in those (((sociologist))) theories that if everyone looks the same we'll all get along bullshit.

I see some ads.

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Oh god, it hurts to breathe I'm laughing so hard

"That is why I wonder if God created us with the same sense or when he was sharing sense to humans he didn't share to Africans."

"They cant treat us in today's civilization as worse as our leaders have raped us.Check Nigeria shortly after independence, the British left us with a structure this is the same thing happening in South Africa today. Now that the blacks took over in SA ,we see crime wave skyrocket, corruption like no tomorrow even xenophobia against your own blacks, reduction in infrastructural development etc"

Interesting to see some self-awareness from Africans…

I've noticed this when in online conversation after I mention being Danish, their jerk factor kicks in.
What gives?

most races are not capable of being productive
so it's not very accurate to call them lazy just like its not accurate to call a legless man a unmotivated runner

friendchan "muh wiki" overposter.

Notice that these two videos are from 2013. Has the problem only been getting worse since then?

~6million Germans were murdered.

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Fucking niggers, man. 9 years ago I laughed at America but now i saw two in my country. Perhaps there is 100 niggers in all country. Not good man! They have to go back!


I thought of hunting them and beating them up but I think if we simply deport them that will do fine.
I am not really racist I just think niggers belong in Africa

They remind me of aggressive children. They know barely enough to insult eachother but don't realize it all applies to them.

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When you have an invasive species of vermin, that have adapted in your ecosystem you don't just catch it and then release it somewhere else - It will destroy that ecosystem further.
You eradicate it. By any means necessary.
Or do I REALLY have to spell it out for you?

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>Stage 2: Well, we have to kick them out but at least let them live peacefully in Africa

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I think I have footage of the incident.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT buga taa duga

my fucking sides

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Niggers, man. This fucking pisses me of massively. Do you see me going pounding my white chest in the middle of some niggerchief house in the middle of shithole sudan fucking his woman?

No you don't.
I suddenly feel alot of empathy with Americans, what you must deal with on daily basis is horrible.

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