Middle East General Thread too many threads spread out too thin and wide trough the catalog. So heres one containment thread to free some space and connect the dots. Heres a few happenings lately:
inb4 the same shill group that shat up brit/pol/, /sg/, /deutschepol/ and every other general come shit this one up too
Ian Howard
and what group is that? honestly the only way this thread goes to shit is if someone gets butthurt too much or someone just wants to derail it and it becomes another muh mods circlejerk
Jack Mitchell
They're a multilingual shill group, associated with int*, they haven't exactly posted their business cards though.
Luis Lee
yeah im just playing stupid, but lets keep the meta out of this thread, i made a nice OP and i dont want it derailed
Mason Davis
It's breddy gud quality. Two questions if you have the time and autism: 1. How's the Iran land corridor to the med doing? 2. What are the latest air defences deployed, and have there been any successful air strikes since the Israeli F16 was shot down?
yes, but keep this thread legit ok, dont post heat
Robert James
And here they are, lol. What faggots.
Jordan Rogers
right now theyre just keeping it covert and beefing up hezbollah and the SAA. aslong as the US and wahhabists are in the area and theres a war going on opening a full highway route would definetly rustle uncle sams jimmies. theyll wait till the war is over and then make a "big humanitarian infrastructure reconstruction" S400 for russian forces, S300 for SAA. iran has their own versions of S300 but not inside syria. there they have something like the regular commie bloc SAMs we would have heard about it, so no. but israel did make a few airstrikes on some kids in the west in the last few days. right now israel is probably licking its wounds and thinking how to get around the S-200/300/400 systems in syria. that means theyll be doing a cruise missile strike via lebanese airspace next