I cant speak for him, but I'm a man with delayed orgasm due to low sensitivity in my penis. See the images above, or look up the Sorrells study for yourself. I could repost the summary, but you shouldn't take my word for it. Read it for yourself.
One of the foundational ideas of the culture's reigning ethos over the past 60 years has been that sexual activity between consenting adults is healthy. Now, you and I may disagree with the promiscuity, but I have no problem with a hypothetical man and a woman, in the confines of a committed relationship, engaging in intimate behavior. When a couple does that, I think we would all hope that it would be enjoyable for all involved.
[let me know where I lose you, if I do. I don't think what I'm saying is too crazy yet]
But before the hypothetical boy-become-man could walk, talk, or speak for himself, his parents may have cut off part of his penis, and it may make an activity that should be a mutual source of joy for the couple, something that brings them together, something profoundly human, into a dry, less-than-fulfilling, perhaps unpleasurable activity. Perhaps so-called "male genital mutilation" has drastically reduced the man's responsiveness to light touch. Perhaps it has robbed him of the ramp-up from subtle pleasures related to some nerves at some sites on his penis to stronger sensations produced by the glans penis. Perhaps he, or his loving partner, notices what has been removed by a boy's parents, or perhaps they continue unknowing, but still losing out on their moment of bonding because of a "choice" enabled by a profitable medical system and ignorant parents, as the man's mutilated form pushes him to make long, drying thrusts in order to pleasure himself, thus (without a foreskin to act as a gasket) drawing out the lubricant fluids from the woman's vageen. This is a reoccurring problem for circumcised men.
Now, this hypothetical man's predicament, one from which he essentially cannot escape, could be prevented in the next generation. If even one of his parents had fully understood the effects of this so-called "parents' choice," he might have been spared.
There are thousands of white children out there, being born every week. What should we do, to make sure that our beautiful newborn, our soon-to-be aryan man, will be able to engage in the normal, heterosexual, biochemical bond between himself and the mother of his children? I sincerely ask you.
My idea is to tell our stories, and see how that goes. If you have another strategy, I'm all ears.
So far, the only other strategy to be proposed is law suits. The problem with this is that the law follows the popular opinion, not the other way around. Imagine being a slave and asking a lawyer, right before the Civil War, to put up a lawsuit for back wages. You would be laughed out of the office, and if you weren't, you would be smacked down by the court, setting a precedent against you. The Intactivists only want to get decisions on the books when they'll be decisions that they'll win, because a loss could be binding for years afterwards. First, we need to gain massive popular agreement on this point.
As says, we need to redpill massive numbers of people on this issue. BTW, if you're talking to anyone IRL about this, and they accuse you of antisemitism, tell them you wholeheartedly endorse such Jewish critics of the practice as Ron Goldman and Leonard Glick. Repeat the names to yourself a couple times to memorize them. Ronald Golman, Leonard Glick… But the point is that we need a groundswell of public support. We will get that groundswell before Foregen is fully funded, btw, NOT BEFORE so the focus should be on redpilling. For what its worth, the doctor in my family was convinced of my views by the information on the foregen and manhood websites.
I don't know how to redpill massive numbers of people, but I have a pretty good mic and a computer that can record audio, so i'm happy to read others' stories about their awakenings to this issue, for anyone who might want to listen on youtube. The stories I read here are profound, and I'm glad to be able to read the stories of everyone who has contributed one so far. So glad that I'll be reading the longer ones into my youtube channel, and combining the shorter ones into multi-story videos. Does anyone else want to add a story, of awakening, of their experience with male genital mutilation, of their intimate experiences with a member meant to be shared ultimately by yourself and your loved one, without your parents, (((doctors))), or victorian-era God to interfere? All stories are welcome. Please excuse the ramble.