How Iran was Islamified

I've been trying to look up a non cucked history of iran and it's Religion of Cuck™ic revolution and what changes it caused but I've been coming across a lot of cucked bullshit and shills.
Can you guys give a rundown on a fiar uncucked run down?

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If you're asking how it was converted because thats what the title says it was invaded by Arabs during the rise of Religion of Cuck™, those who didn't convert were killed or mistreated until they did, except the few Zoroastrians who remain in Yazd to this day.

The revolution is a completely different subject and is far more political than religious.
Sage because OP is retarded.

Iran was run by an American sock puppet called the Shah. With brutal but incompetent enforcement. The head religious cleric known as the Ayatollah was sparking resistance to this. They started revolution and won. Now it’s an Religion of Cuck™ic country. Though they are completely anti Isreal and don’t flood the west with savages. Also leave Christians along for the most part in thier country. As far as deep history I dunno.

Related, but the first Aryan Persians/Indians were run off by something (I presume shitskin hoardes.) They went to Peru and most of polynesia. They're called Patupariehe in Maori.

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Allah was involved somehow. now go read a book or do some researchyou lazy nigger

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I grew up Iranian difectors in the midwest. They esdaped the Religion of Cuck™ification by some extremist american puppet. Happened just 50-70ish years ago. Iran used to be a beautiful country. Guess whos idea it was to install the muslim dictator?

It's unclear, by my take is that when Mudhamman's army was banging at the gates, traitorous members of the Persian aristocracy recognized they could use it as to stage a coup and simply let them in. They didn't conquer Persia so much as they were let in the gates. Either that or most thought it was going to be the same old regional politics where instead of fighting a bloody war, you let the army occupy certain areas and pay them tribute. They may have been blindsided when the "Holy" army forced the aristocracy to all to convert, die, or become dhimmi slaves. As a side note, most "I slamic" architecture is actually Persian (which was heavily inspired by Rome).

CIA niggers?

oh I get that, a lot of these slime countries have the same habit of we wuz kangz and shit in regards to claiming everything as their own.

I've heard two different takes on the Iranian revolution. One narrative is that the last Shah was a western puppet that was allowing the country to degenerate, so the Shia hardliners staged a revolution, took over the government, and since then have strictly enforced Religion of Cuck™ic law, with a militant anti-Zionist foreign policy.

The other narrative is that the Shah represented the portion of Iran that is less shitskin, that 'basically-h'whites' predominated in the northwest of the country, around Tabriz. This narrative holds that he was preserving Iran's Aryan roots and aiming to minimize Semetic influence, while modernizing and westernizing the country. The claim is that the Religion of Cuck™ic revolution finalized the takeover of Iran by the more shitskinny, Arab-ish majority with the overthrow of the 2,500 year old Persian monarchy.

The latter seems like memes to me, Middle Easterners are almost invariably muds. Whether the revolution benefited Iran or not, the status quo is that the current Iran is an enormous anti-Zionist beast that the kikes are deathly afraid of.

This story sounds awfully familiar

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it's history repeating itself user, that's why they jews want to revise and edit our history, so that we forget what happened in the past and cycle can continue over and over.

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There were jews in Babylon before it happened. This is how the jews repay goys who give (((them))) a home.

If you watch this, you should understand why the various brown hordes destroy history as they gain power.
The repercussions will be unimaginable if the white race is not the victor this cycle.
The entire is video is also a liberal friendly version of Ahnenerbe theories

The more I go back the more I get angry at the hejaz niggers for not managing to keep their shit together even after the help from the british during ww1 and being free from the turiksh niggers or being able to defend themselves from the wahabi horde that came later and formed saudia arab.

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They had just fought a long protracted war with Byzantium and were bankrupt. Then a bunch of violent cousin fucking inbred Arabs zerg rushed the whole Empire and hence it's still fucked up over 1300 years later.

This is part of it. The Arabs were able to conquer the low lying regions neighbouring both Persia and the Byzantine empire, e.g. Syria, Iraq and Egypt. However they initially could not penetrate Anatolia or Persia proper. The Byzantines went into a defensive posture, wracked by both the Arabs, the plague of Justinian and Bolghar incursions into Moesia. They still had their core territories (Greece and Anatolia) and could live with that for the moment.

For the Persians the situation was very different: Persia wasn't actually a rich region and their "core" territory was actually Iraq. Their capital had been there since the days of the Achaemenids. So each new Persian king, attempted to prove himself to the Persian nobles by trying to reconquer these territories, and failed miserably each time. Eventually this weakened the Persian remnants enough that a conquest by Arabs was easy.

This did not last that long however, and the only legacy of the conquest was religion and writing script, Persia is not easily held by someone from Baghdad, let alone Arabia itself. Conquest from the north by Turks is a different matter, which occurred to Persia many times following the initial conquest.

When the Sassanians were conquered by the mudslimes, they either had to pay the jizya and live as second class citizens, convert to Religion of Cuck™, or fuck off to somewhere where the arabs still didn't had any power. Most of them choose to convert. Since converts had the same rights as the mudslime arabs and could participate in the administration of the caliphate.

That's if you believe in the movie Argo. The truth is that USA assisted in that coup and why Iran started off by glowing in the dark.

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I'm seeing a trend.

**>three *Magi* go to Christ's birthplace to offer gifts
centuries later**
>jews see Zoroastrians as hated enemies and the armies of jizz lam as the coming of their messiah

Oops, fucked up the spoilers.




How advanced was Iran before it lost control to the arabs?

If I remember correctly; The Shah visited the USA and was in the Hollywood Christmas Parade, and people threw stuff at him. Buried by the News… Shah was "Green" where did he get those ideas?
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker Reza Shah overthrown by the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979.
Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981,

Isn't Jizya reserved for people of the book; namely Jews and Christians where Pagans are killed outright?

It's also how they conquered Spain, the "nobbles" just sort of let them in, betrayed their leader in the middle of a battle (who died nobly fighting mass murdering/enslaving savages), and then failed hilariously at amounting any kind of resistance past this point until a fucking rando in the mountains could rally their sorry asses as well as the Gaelic tribes in said mountains to hold said mountains against further Religion of Cuck™inisation for a few hundred years
and welcome Asturias later Spain


Well, the arabs used to be cannon fodder for the Sassanids during their countless and pointless wars against the byzantines. If I was a general I would curse myself too for being conquered by people who used to be your shitty uncivilized desert neighbors that posed no threat when you were at your prime.
May their destiny serve as a alert for you americans and your habit of fighting wars for the kikes.

Initially yes, because they conquered lands who followed either eastern christianity or judaism.
However after the conquest of Sassanid Persia they expanded the jizya for Zoroastrians too. Jizya was very useful to finance their expansion wars in Mahgreb, Hispania and Egypt.

That's because the nobles were not even native iberian, they were cowardly visigothic invaders who settled in hispania to get away from Attila and other germanic tribes who were kicking their asses in Gaul.

That dude makes great video's and books.

Can anyone name more of those gate oppening (((coincidences)))?
So far I can name gates of Toledo, gates of Constantinople and now gates of Isfahn in Persia.

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europe and america right now

I know, but I was thinking more along the lines of historical examples, that could be made into nice infographic leading up to current events.

The Religion of Cuck™ic revolution was the best thing to happen to Iran in decades. Like someone else pointed out the Shah was a puppet of the (((globohomo))) nwo.

I'm pretty sure the Jews did that during the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. Besides historical sources it's ingrained in folk memory too.

There's a strong chance they opened the gates for Cyrus during their Babylonian exile. Whoever lets Jews into their country is only waiting to get stabbed in the back

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I just found the fuel to feed my meditations on genocide for today

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They destroyed one of the most beautiful palaces in the world back then.
A mudslime warlord wanted to create a palace of his own using the bricks of the Sassanian palace.

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This is how it used to be on it's prime.

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which book did you get these pics from?

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I'm going to wager that it's safe to call all religions a political entity. It's important to have spirituality in your life, in some form or another, but it doesn't necessarily need a religion to back it up.

Just wait until you found how many other libraries have been burnt to the ground, sages hunted down and cultures systemically hunted down all over the world. The ramifications were massive and changed history, many many things in history get the WW2 treatment. History is written by the victors is a massive understatement, it's also burnt to the ground.
Hundreds of years of phantom time, mixing up of fictional characters, world news tier sources, redundant accounts of the same people and that most of the original source documents have been lost thus rendering them into legends rather than history. Even normies start feeling ill when they realize how fake and uncertain history is. Just look how much recent history has been amended and what they're teaching our kids about 9/11.

If we lose "White people are a mythological creature" or "they died out long ago" will be what the history books say.

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Source? Don't force history to fit narratives, you're just butchering the truth. The most logical explanation is simply the fact that Persia and Rome had spent the past 30 years fighting perhaps the bloodiest war in ancient history. By the end of it Rome had lost pretty much all of its military infrastructure in Asia and Egypt, while Persia had lost the vast majority of its lower aristocracy warrior class that was responsible for providing cavalry and officers for the military. Both sides had obviously emptied their coffers, and Persia lost its king before turning to a succession of civil wars.

The Arabs couldn't have found a better time to strike, against two empires ruined by decades of warfare. I don't think treachery had much to do with it, merely the fact that both empires were rotten from the inside out.

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On par with the greeks probably.

The Persians themselves were not a particularly urbanized culture, they formed a feudal warrior aristocracy. Mesopotamia and large cities throughout the empire were probably quite close to the rest of hte Hellenized east. Towards the latter years of the empire, during the 6th century AD when Christians were purging everybody in the Roman Empire, the Persian emperors started opening universities and even built a 1:1 copy of the city of Antioch for all the Greek philosophers and scientists to live in. But they were probably never quire on par with Rome as far as fancy technology goes. They were at times militarily superior, though, and by the 7th century the Roman and Persian armies must've looked almost indistinguishable in the field, with all the borrowing of tactics and technology they did from each other. The Sassanid aristocratic cavalryman is likely a major, if somewhat roundabout inspiration for later European knight culture.

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Here's your answer

Was this the story of Christian Spain being let in at the gates?

Go to Glendale, CA and say that with a straight face.
All iranian greaseballs who call themselves persian are just like crypto kikes. All scam artists involved with eachothers illegal dealings.


California used to be great, but thanks for your input idf.

"Used to" is the working phrase. You're welcome, goy.

Your explanation is a little bit off, he actually burned the place down while campaigning against the Romans, then carted them off to Mesopotamia.

Roosh V.

Basically Persia was bled white fighting the Romans and the
Muslims unified at the worst time possible for both the Romans and Persians.

Persia was one of the first antiquity empires to fall to the caliphate wasn't it?

No I think the byzantines (christians) saw muslims initially more favorably (as essentially christians with a second prophet) compared to persia (Zoroastrian aside from the western parts).

Oh and the only reason why Byzantine fell to the muslims was because of the betrayal of Christian allies.

It seems that Religion of Cuck™ is just treated as a beast to destroy other people's enemies. It never has an actual will other that conquer everything. It's a rancid machine like the current west.
The current west formed as a machine strong enough to conquer everything in response to Religion of Cuck™ too.

Basically, the cancer created antibodies that themselves turned to cancer.

You can say that, but before Persia fell, Arabs already snatched Egypt, Palestine and Syria providing them with necessary manpower and resources to overwhelm the Sassanid Empire.

I need to read books before I shitpost.

I happen to be an expert on this subject. Once upon a time you had two major powers in the land–Persia and Rome/Byzantium. This is a holdover from the old days of Persia-Greek bloodshed, you may have heard the story of Xerxes whipping the ocean with chains over his defeat. So these two powers have been at war for hundreds of years at this point. Persia is in its third era, the Sassanid Dynasty, and the western power is now Byzantium. The war between them had been particularly intense as of late, stealing land from each other and losing it back the next year, back and forth, and both armies had pretty heavy losses. Byzantium at this time had a particularly clever emperor called Heraclius. Persia had a war hungry fool named Khosrau II who no one actually liked. Heraclius kicked their asses and everyone in Persia was so pissed that Khosrau was overthrown (by his own son and an alliance of generals and noblemen.) This son became emperor and made a peace deal with Heraclius.
It didn't last long because a plague swept through and killed this guy. From thereon they had an uneasy peace with Byzantium while Persia went through a series of changes in ruler and internal strife. It was usurpation after usurpation. Persia, internally, was fragmented. There were also some problems with the zoroastrian priesthood and they were falling out of favor with the masses. There was no stability, most of the army was already wiped out, there were three competing internal factions who hated the others, and they could barely last a year without their king (Shah) getting backstabbed and someone else taking rule.
Now you understand the state Persia was in when Religion of Cuck™ became a thing. About this time mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker the pedofucker kicked the bucket and his warband went berserk with trying to conquer all the lands. So these punks from the desert started attacking trade caravans and border towns more frequently (it had always been their way to make a living–stealing from trade caravans or farmers). With Persia's army in disarray they could no longer stop them, and the muslims got brazen and started calling themselves a real army. They got a handful of clever generals on their side and started attacking both Persia and Byzantium. Towns from the southern border started disappearing overnight. The muslims raped and pillaged their way north.
Persia and Byzantium, still with an uneasy peace, mostly kept to their own self defense because they had no martial resources to spare. In this state Persia had to try and mount a defense, with half its nobility too busy trying to kill the other half to give a fuck about muslims who had never been a serious threat before. They underestimated them, ignored them, and woke up one day to an army at their doorstep.

From thereon it looked like a real war, with the Persian forces getting btfo. About this time they were running out of Sassan family blood to put on the throne. They had two women rulers and when they both died they put a 12 year old kid on. Due to the internal strife the kid was just a puppet for the one faction and couldn't give any martial advice, so you had a dick measuring contest with the remaining generals over who got to manipulate the kid and get his way.
Their army in disarray, Persia lost their capital city (Ctesiphon, near modern Bagdad) and fell back to the old capital. Many of their experienced and clever generals are now dead and their army is a few ragged tatters and new recruits. They lose a few more battles and their army is wiped out completely. About this time the noblemen who are left take their remaining forces and go back to their own hometowns to try and defend them. The persian forces are entirely broken up and the muslims can come and go as they please. So the muslims do their thing–demand everyone convert to Religion of Cuck™, pay the jizya, or die. Most convert, some die. At bladepoint the muslims ban persian language and zoroastrianism, forcing the captive persian countrymen to speak arabic and become muslim.
There are also some other quirks to the story. A few traitors from inside who thought the muslims would spare them if they cooperated (spoiler: they didn't.) The kid king lost his wealth and army and wandered around like a beggar until he was finally killed off. (actually lasted until 651, reportedly had a son or two by then.) Some persians fled towards pakistan and china, some fled north into the mountains.
Byzantium fared better, for a while. But eventually they became too weakened and fell as well.
Worth a note that despite being the most late era of zoroastrian persia we have fewer records of this time than of previous eras. So exact events get hazy and are open to much interpretation. If you read three different books you'll get three different opinions on what happened and who exactly was ruler at that time. There was something like 13 different rulers in a period of 15-20 years. The structure of Persia then was such: many regions each with a general (like a mini-king or governor), all united under the flag of the royal Sassan family. (Actually a little more complicated but more or less, you can think of it this way.)
Source: wrote a novel about this period and did enough research to make a post grad blush. Not that I can get it published.
It's not so much that the muslims were strong, it's that they were stronger than the persians thought, and persia happened to be exhausted by this time. You can think of the muzzies as a bunch of scavengers finishing off a wounded prey. At one point the Persian army was considered the strongest in the world. They were also pretty arrogant and proud.
Byzantium fell eventually for the same reason, this time period sapped their strength and created unrecoverable weakness that made them vulnerable to future enemies.

Also a quick note on geography. As another user pointed out, Iran itself is mountainous and arid. It has a high surrounding mountain range and a central plateau. The bread basket was what is modern day Iraq and the two rivers area leading to the sea of reeds. Iraq is pretty marshy and this is where most of persia's crops came from. Historically, there was also a larger arab admixture in this part of persia due to being closer to the arabian peninsula, and they mixed over the ages. You had a high probability of traitors here, and it was also the first stage for the war. The modern iran part of persia is more of a natural fortress, but with poor resources. Now, had they an army left they could have fallen back and defended this region. However, by this time they were running on fumes and their generals worth a shit were all dead with most of the army and supplies. So they lost the entrance to the iran half of the empire and at that point it was over. You had a section to the north mountains that held independence for, iirc a hundred or two years, due to their geography making it hard for the muslims to get up there. Otherwise it was a slow crawl as the muslims spread up through the mountain pass and slowly took on the remaining isolated persian holdouts that the generals were manning (their hometowns) alone. The persians inadvertantly divided and conquered themselves, whereas they should have had a geographic advantage of a mountain pass choke point. It's like in a horror movie when they all separate and get picked off one by one. It's easy to say, stay together you shit for brains, but due to the internal factions' fighting they did not want to cooperate.

It was in all honestly more complicated than that.
Persians and Byzantines were fighting a 300 year war at that point and both were too exhausted to deal with the threat that coalesced into the Arab caliphate.
The fact that Persian aristocracy sided with the invading army was becouse there was no home army to speak of. That was destroyed at Quadisiyyah and the majority of the Persian funds taken.
Even the Byzantines recognized the threat and made a royal marriage with the Persians to oppose the threat. Which was futile at that point.

The reason why the Byzantines didn't fall against the initial onslaught of I_slam was due to the impregnability of Constantinople. Which needed cannon treatment by the Turks 700 years later. Ironically the cannons were brought into the ME by the Mongols which basically destroyed the Abbasid caliphate and I_slam at it's height.

Today there just happens to be a huge dust storm. First time I had heard of the town.

And Jimmy Carter.
He was in the pocket of Saudi Arabia from before his rise into politics.

Jimmy Carter's administration was playing the sleaziest cold war politics imaginable. Prior to the revolution, apparently the CIA were paying the various Religion of Cuck™ist revolutionary groups *not* to agitate. That stopped on orders from above. Around the same time, the Soviets were goaded into invading Afghanistan. Everyone who pays attention knows the CIA later funded the Mujahadeen. Reagan/Bush is the bad guy in history books while Carter is portrayed as good. Yet he was the one under whose presidency this all began.

The Shah made various really retarded moves which were in my opinion due to intentional bad advice.
He bought various brand new weapons for the army but alienated the generals. Which lost him the loyalty if troops.
He allowed corruption to run rampant. Which lost him the loyalty of everyone.
He allowed unmitigated Westernization and imprisoned mullahs for criticizing. Which lost him the loyalty of the mullahs and subsequently the lower uneducated and staunchly conservative classes.
And then went out of the fucking country for treatment.

Why intentional bad advice? What happened afterwards was very predictable. The people deposed him with minimal casualties.
And you got another bogey in the ME to fight Saddam and tire each other out to invade at later date. First Iraq with Bush and then with Hillary into Iran.

A very similar thing happened in Afghanistan with the only exception being the cause of the destabilization. And since communists work together and the Cold War was a dog and pony show you can piece together the puzzle yourself.

The Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanid Persian Empire had duked it out for centuries, Arabs took advantage of this and a recent plague to invade both empires.

Arab golden age entirely due to Turks and Persians taking legacy Imperial archives from the Eastern Empire/whatever Alexandrian Library satellites and putting it into A-rab.

Babylonian Merchants were instrumental in the transition. Mongols didn't usually impose any religion on compliant regions, but the Persians were too defiant and felt they needed to import a religion (foreign) to ensure the region's stability. This >>11512819

Syria, the first time around, with tanned Sunni minorities in the South (would be less of an issue were they at least Assyrian). The Shah was likely more Anglo-aligned, with the Ayatollahs serving better the anti-Soviet purpose; likely with the Arabist HUMINT network inherited from the Germans at the inception of the CIA (not just for its Russian one, but especially for its near Eastern one.)

Haaretz just posted about Trump being the New Cyrus.

He was declared cannon in Manichean Persia at the time. Of course they had to go.

Tinfoil: jism spilled watching (((pornography))) a sort of sex magic tithe

Things like the Piri Reis map turning up, and one wonders how the fuck this can be compartmentalized over millennia before those with a conscious pull a Snowden/Rich.
Dream world: Trump declares war on the Vatican, seizes the entire archive, and digitizes it for open source consumption inside of the year, extraordinarily renditioning all offending fondlers in the clergy to Guantanamo for crimes against humanity.

The transmutation of the Emperor cult by co-opting Christianitty worth it in the long run, even if the cities of Rome/London/DC/Tel Aviv run the world as its successor? If only the military hadn't accepted the Mithraic cult going along with this as its elite secret society, the trajectory of Europe might've been changed for the better; Persia/Byzantium having enough common ground to either hold North Africa/Levant, or counter the Arab (and Mongol) incursions, per

Post it, this sounds great historical fiction material

Still doing this in Afghanistan, and was a major aspect of the economic take down of the Soviet Union (second 9/11 pic) – Paperclip Nazis' HUMINT networks in Russia/Mideast helped establish Dulles' infant CIA (along with NASA) with the added benefit of a gargantuan horde of expatriated war loot via Martin Borman (eg Skorzeny holding terrorist summits in still Falangist Spain.) Carter – along with every other US President through Obongo – has made a hajj down to San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Long story short, 9/11 as debt collection for the Cold War economic warfare assistance by an extraterritorial power (Rumsfeld Doctrine of PMCs and specops, original or emulation?) – Traces of this in the German Archaeological Institute ghosting the then newly found cuneiform tablets in catacombs under the Euphrates, dressed as US troops before they got to Baghdad.

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yep, however you think of I$lam, the arabs of the era were crazily good, though not on the level of mongols.
30,000 arabs vs 400,000 persians and 500,000 romans, winning.

No, both sides were pretty much done for quite a while. Muds ran in right at the worst time. Neither side could've really seen the arabs as anything aside from a plague.

The Sassanids were embroiled in civil strife and the Byzantines had scraps of an army/treasury.

Haha, no fuckin way.

This is really interesting. I'd read your book, user.

His decadence too. The Peacock Throne it was known as.

I've probably watched this 20+ times and it never gets old

Byzantines (greeks) were always backstabing each other and their allies, even when they needed urgent help like in the battle of Manzikert.

Asking too for the novel. i can imagine why it wouldn't get published.

Iran had an overt CIA revolution with the Shah and that wasn't popular so I guess they organized a covert revolution with the Ayatollah and things have been chipper ever since. Iran plays the role of boogeyman, sort of like Cuba and North Korea and the other phony CIA puppet states. Ahmadinejad is a crypto-jew (according to his ID) and gave a speech at spook academy Columbia that one time. Weird.