There's always more to the story
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10 shekels to the user that finds the Jewish connection
This baby's death was probably some revenge kill for a faggot lawyer.
*semitic faggot lawyer
The nose didn't give it away?
Lots of Anglos, Romanians, and Arabs have large hook noses. It's not enough on it's own.
Which you could have put in the thread regarding that story.
Revenge is the insinuation.
Well Arabs are semites so that's expected
Checked dubs of truth
Getting sick of these fags
How have the Brits not lynched this guy?
Seriously. A nation that will not fight for it's children is already dead.
The "hospital" in question has a history of killing patients to sell their organs. Most probably the "doctors" didn't want to let their merchandise slip away and proofs of obtaining it to leak out.
Fag rights are Jewish, there ya go.
hello shlomo
Oy vey! Now pay up nigger j/k. We know Zig Forums is always right
Book co-authored with:
Jai Penna
Marisa Allman Zenith Chambers
Sarah Greenan Zenith Chambers
Lists self as "ex-barrister" on Twitter
Elina Latvio
Full name Elina Nhinda-Latvio. She is involved with legal for schools.
Also does trail running on half marathons and uses Strava.
It's not that much of a surprise when you understand that the UK Supreme Court (formed not that long ago) is entirely comprised of unelected jews. The biggest problem is they appear to be invisible to the ordinary bong. They don't see jews, because there is no reason to assume they are, same with the government and the BBC. And when faced with this reality they go all knee jerky with holocaustianity. "It doesn't matter, you must be a Nazi if you don't want to be ruled by jews".
Eugenics isn't wrong. I have no idea if this child was born with whatever or somehow complication with his health just went to shit, but I'm saying it should be encouraged to have an abortion if the fetus will grow into a complete potato that will only drain resources. Now, someone who does have the kid should be able to try doctors in another country, people do it for surgeries all the time.
He was a healthy baby and then degenerated.
FFS anglos, but me a plane ticket I'll come over and ice this poo hound myself.
so when we aborting the hebes? Lmao.
Alfie was born with a condition of the mitochondria that caused most of his brain to turn permanently into water. There was no stopping it, no reversing it, and no mitigating it with any medical technology that will exist any time soon.
Say what you will about biased judges, family autonomy, and government overreach, but you also need to accept the fact is that Alfie's mind and soul had long since departed his failing body. Forget having a future; he didn't even have a present. Vid not even related, since Alfie's body was an order of magnitude less responsive and functional.
the child should have been euthanized.
So what? If the Vatican wants to fund "treatment" and the parents want it for their child, what fucking business is it of the UK govt and courts? It's not their money at stake.
This isn't about an individual child. It's about setting precedents and getting the public accustomed to the state having greater jurisdiction over a child than its own parents.
Meanwhile the UK grants every 3rd world immigrants with HIV indefinite leave to remain because sending them back to country of origin would be "inhumane", tantamount to "denying them the treatment they need to live."
tl;dr the treatment was going to be sponsored by a private body, not the NHS. I do agree that the NHS should have withdrawn treatment long ago, but a govt preventing parents from accepting 3rd party private treatment is a gross infringement of parental authority.
Agreed. It's quite pathetic to watch people attempt to rationalize letting children that deformed live. Those children will be nothing but a burden on society and their parents until they die, and if they don't constantly live with existential dread of their own condition, then they probably wouldn't even be conscious enough to figure out what being alive means. Euthanasia would mean nothing to a child like that.
How many other husks are walking around, medically 'healthy ' but devoid of all mind and soul?
Shall we euthanize them too?
After all, they are only bodies consuming resources better spent elsewhere, namely, cultivating goodness and actual human progress for those who are while in mind, body and spirit.I
Think of the greater good.
Looking at these kids I just had an interesting thought. I don't know about you guys, but personally I would consider an AI that could hold basic conversations more human than those children. They are so deformed and always will be that they have essentially lost all of what makes normal people "human", save for the anatomy. In my opinion an AI of basic intelligence that could also perform basic tasks would qualify as more human, which brings up some really problematic implications for the near future regarding robotics. If I could choose that an AI would be more human than deformed human children now, it's going to be much more of a challenge in the future to differentiate between a robot that is similarly intelligent and lifelike to a real person.
This case is a really stupid hill to die on, regardless of how you feel about socialized medicine schemes.
The kid was born with a near 100% fatal disease. He's legitimately a potato at this point, and has been for over a year. The best doctors in the world can only, in an absolute-best-case-scenario, keep his heart beating for maybe another year or two. He doesn't even have a brain any more, from everything I've read.
Why fight to keep that which was not meant to live alive? Just to stick it to the kikes? That thing is a machine that literally does nothing - absolutely nothing - aside from turn millions of dollars into shit and piss. There is not one single valid reason to keep fighting that battle, other than the fact that the parents - genetic defects in their own right - became emotionally attached to it.
Personally, I fail to see how the judge that prevented the family's travel overseas lawfully acted in this instance. I suppose travel could have been detrimental to the "child", and that's why he decided the way he did. But if they were going to starve it to death anyways, who cares? Maybe the British taxpayers would have been on the hook for the bill for the in-flight medical care - equipment, backup equipment, a doctor, at least one nurse, who knows what else… It could have ended up being over a million dollar flight. For what? To keep a potato as a potato for another year?
Oy vey! Dah Doctahs are playing GAWD! Only GAWD can decide if the sponge lives or dies! Now hook it up to these machines that do everything for it!
I think the major issue people are complaining about is that the judge blocked them from taking the potato to Italy. The Italian government said they would pay for treatment, so if that's what they want to do and they want to pay for the transport then go for it.
Its the fact that you're not in charge, the government is.
This story is a fucking hoax. If the parents wanted to leave with the child, just hire some drunk fisherman to sail you to spain with the child. total fake story, fucking rubbish.
There were some recently who did pretty much that, got arrested for kidnap of their own child. They wanted to get him cancer treatment that was available in other countries (Spain/Poland I think) but was deemed too expensive for the NHS.
great, well if someone is too weak to kill the lesbian social worker demanding the abduction of your child, then I suppose you deserve to have your children stolen.
killing a government agent is a very sure way to get your children taken from you, the threat of removing your children using the full force of the police is one of the ways they keep people in line. I'm surprised you don't know this. Perhaps you're rather young.
Do you give domain to the maternal parents or the state? That is the hill on which we are stood. Consider that this is not a compassionate or trustworthy state. This is an acknowledged pluralistic legal system that endorses child mutilation and facilitates child abuse on a monumental scale. This judge is an individual who goes out of his way to advocate ‘family’ units that are proven in every single study to be horrendously inferior to the natural order.
This has nothing at all to do with the poor child’s condition and everything to do with the fact an all out satanic state that notoriously revels in the suffering of children are able to claim ownership of your children and not even the Pope can save them.
It is a perfect hill to die on.
A lot of parrents get off their child's suffering.
There was a mother who poisoned her son with salt for attention.
There's this.
These parents should have been sterilized after the first child.
oy vey
Poor little Alfie was fucked and really only alive in the most technical sense; there was never going to be a happy ending. But forbidding parents from leaving the country with their child is outrageous, and should inspire nothing but rage
I fucking can't wait for you to get prostate cancer and learn that the ACA requirements are that we just monitor it and ignore it, even if you're under the age of fifty. The same cacer that kills in 20 years.
Fuck you man. You're a fucking kike.
Meanwhile that texas brain dead kid that the father showed up with a rifle to defend, actually recovered. Full recovery.
You will get the government you wish, kike.
You can't show off the flaws of your system. The kid had to die for the greater good. This is what cucks actually believe.
dead activist judges can’t ruin lives
All of these kikes, shills and/or faggots in this thread don't realize its not about this kid being born braindead, its that the judge has no right in deciding the fate of this child. Whether the kid is a drain on socialist resources or not is a different arguement. The parents want the child, so this cunt can go fuck himself. Making the decision to have this child killed must certainly give this son of a whore a rush.
You're not wrong but ultimately it's the parents' fucking decision. Nobody else has any say on the matter.
what the fuck does that even mean
The kiddo was imprisoned in the hospital. Parents weren't even allowed to take him out.
this pic deserves an animated version
In effect children are wards of the state, they live with the parents who are obligated to shelter, feed, clothe and educate them to a certain level. Failure to do that results in the state taking over those roles.
Ownership [of the child] is basically in dispute, and if you dispute ownership you will be taken to a closed court [to avoid setting precedent]. If you know your law better than them you might get your property back. Probably not though.
when sharia comes brits won't even notice
This is exactly what drives my
These court faggots are the kidnappers and they deserve to be shot on sight.
People like that are disgusting and fuel the argument for things like birthing licenses but stories like the Alfie kid are a rude awakening to what can happen when the state, particularly a kiked one, has way more jurisdiction than it should.
So when it comes to things like eugenics, et al where do you anons draw the line? How does a nat soc / fascist / monarchist government handle health care in such a way that something like wouldn’t happen?
(Not being patronizing I’m genuinely asking).
Alfie should be euthanized.
True. In the end the child was already dead and I am sure on some level the parents already knew that anything they tried would be in vain. However, it was not for the state to decide when to end the child's sad, short life. What would have been a decision the parents would make a few years down the line regardless was stolen from them and instead of ending it on a sad but bearable "my child be up in heaven an shiet" note, the ending was "my child was murdered by the NHS" and those parents will have to live the rest of their lives with horrible fantasies like "what if we could have found someone to treat him?"
That is what is really important about this whole deal, not the logistics of keeping a vegetable alive but the ZOG's imprisonment and non consented euthanization of a kid.
Give it a couple more decades, I'd imagine the excessively old will follow the vegetables, gotta save some of that "free" healthcare (that you work for, white man) for muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker.