Hacked road sign reads hail hitler


Which one of you illiterate faggots did this?

Attached: 3pGfLT.jpg (947x539, 41.57K)

Sage for not deserving a thread.

Attached: Hale Hortler 1599 Gas The Bikes.jpeg (325x244 49.4 KB, 1.84M)


Attached: eb7.png (2300x999, 1.52M)

U dink darknet is ur alley!

Attached: 1411409669153.jpg (651x807, 105.39K)


wtf I thought Heil in German was the same as Hail in English?

Attached: hail.png (1842x586, 50.38K)

Look out for heavy rain and hail hitler.

I'm not exactly sure what you guys are getting at. That's the correct spelling in English.

Heil is a noun, it's a cognate to the English word hale, hail derives from hale.

Shit like this needs to happen every day until we're free to talk and think again.

Smells like a Jew is behind this.

I do not endorse vandalism at all and it would be terrible if someone were to hack another one of these to read:

Attached: 2762B970-60EB-4240-B0CF-988722DFCF63.jpeg (450x1066, 197.3K)

He driving cabs now?

bump for not deserving an article in USA Today.



Well I'll be a son of a bitch. He IS a taxi driver.

Attached: Nazi-Arm-Band-Taxi-Driver_opt-380[1].png (380x282, 193.03K)

Returning the hail.

Send me some candy please.

almost certainly, watcha doin rabbi

true shitposter would have said Heil not, the anglo, Hail

They could've also put down "Hail Victory" instead of "Hail Hitler" if they wanted to look authentic.

But yeah, the pranksters a rabbi most likely.

Attached: Hail Nigger Bitch Come in Nigger Bitch.jpg (460x287, 23.89K)

Attached: 4B9EB63200000578-5665887-image-a-2_1524848399863.jpg (634x743 35.63 KB, 38.91K)

Attached: Features.jpg (640x460, 85.54K)

The joke is it's a hail warning you idiot.
Bait and switch.


Are kikes superstitious about this or just incompetent?

Attached: fd2372becea1da5d12b50aa4936932bc9f4c3704358ad3b3098d7e31fa050ee3.jpg (720x540, 61.74K)

They're Jews, which means high verbal IQ and subhuman spatial IQ.

Keep it up, moshe.

god damn it
In my defense, I was tired and a little drunk at the time.

Attached: 1430733605573.gif (305x329, 2.29M)

This emotion-driven subhuman mindset is pathetic. Don't underestimate your enemies. Jews became as powerful as they did because they do have certain strengths, and verbal intelligence is definitely one of them. They are also generally effective at quick decisions, but their greed usually compromises their ability to secced at their long term plans. Know your enemy, don't just act like a nigger and shit talk because it makes you feel better. Read The Biological Jew if you actually want to know what the fuck you are talking about.

But this was a verbal fuckup, dummy. I think they're just inbred.

Attached: the jews.jpg (615x401, 44.51K)

They aren't particularly intelligent by European standards in any respect, they merely lack any scruples and will exploit superior European minds that grant them easy access solely due to our good nature and morality. Their only strength is being well-adapted to a single sort of parasitism and it took them thousands of years of trying before they even got a foothold doing that. Obviously don't let your guard down with them - they thrive on complacency, but don't spread their HIGH X INTELLIGENCE memes for them. Go take a look at Israel's average IQ and Jewish population majority for a reality check before you give them any credit, they aren't smart.

Hunt Highway. Highway 88. Hail Hitler. Hmm.

Attached: downy kike.png (540x897, 670.1K)

Y-you mean all this time, the Hale Hortler meme has only been partly funny?

this is a meme. if you've ever lived in areas with heavy jewish concentrations (ny, florida, israel), you'ld learn quickly that there are a lot of mediocre-to-stupid jews. it's just that jewish cultural values (and their religious traditions in particular) tend to run-off the stupid ones and encourage them to lose their jewish identity. it's probably more accurate to say strongly-identified jews tend to have higher IQs. On the whole though, the jewish people are probably not any smarter than the ethnic populations from which their derived - mainly the germans in the case of the ashkenazim. chasing-off their stupids is a fools' errand, by the way, due to regression-to-the-mean. this will never change until they implement scientific eugenics on their population, and it'll be awhile before they have the chutzpah to attempt that.


What, you don't mean to tell us you did it, did you?

Attached: spastika (2)

its insane how hard i'm laughing at those pics

Hale hortler thread?
Saw this in my local bus stop last year.

Attached: 20170704_075715.jpg (5312x2988, 4.12M)

omg this is hilarious. The hacker changed the password:
< Officers tried to turn off the sign, but it required a password and officers could not immediately reach the private company that owned the sign.

What I'm saying is, has nobody ever heard of a blanket?

That's not even an attempt.

They are, but not just.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the very reason that they're carrying so many genetic diseases is because they have been racemixing as standard procedure for thousands of years.

me too. best laugh i've had all day. i've always found hale hortler funny, but condensed in this thread is hilarious.

what you shilling rabbi?

Attached: roadwarningsignhowto.jpg (929x600, 107.86K)

what you shilling rabbi?

Is that an upgrade from the "unplug from power" Darlingel? They should hire consultants to help with these difficulties.



The dumb fuck narcissistic m​ods have put a word filter on "m​od" to "Darling", so anything with "m​od" gets caught.

also get affected


Learn English, nigger.

3 hail
Definition of hail
1 archaic —used as a salutation
2 —used to express acclamation

hail to the chief —Sir Walter Scott

The "Heil" that Google Translate is referring to, means "Heal". It is a completely different word.

My surname is Hale which makes this even more hysterical. I see hortlers at work on bathroom stalls all the time and it feels very insulting to the legacy.

So draw one correctly.

Attached: 20180510_105527.png (1440x1502, 894.81K)

checked, even better paint or sharpie a super dope Zig Forums stencil or two

shall we make some stencils for anons to paint over?

Here you go, this can be cut out easily with a precision knife or other cutting tool

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (250x250, 49.02K)

Lying, cheating, and stealing is not strength but weakness.
Stupid jew.

» Tabular list of translations | always
» List of translations starting with the same letters
» Hei | heil
ADJ heil | heiler | am heilsten
heiler | heile | heiles
heilster | heilste | heilstes
NOUN das Heil | -
SYNO Heil… | Hilfs… | abhelfend …

hail [salutory]
whole {adj}
unhurt {adj}
in one piece {adj}
safe and sound {adv}
Heil- [z. B. Kräuter, Pflanze, Erde]
medicinal {adj} [e.g. herbs, plant, clay]pharm.
Heil- [z. B. Kunst, Kraft, Salbe, Pflanze, Schlaf]
healing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arts, power, ointment, plant, sleep]med.pharm.
Heil- [z. B. Bad (Anwendung), Fasten, Pädagogik]
therapeutic {adj} [e.g. bath, fasting, pedagogy]
Heil- [z. B. Wirkung, Kraft, Behandlung]
curative {adj} [e.g. effect, power, treatment]med.
Heil {n}
health [dated] [soul's health]relig.
Heil {n} [Wohlergehen]
Petri Heil!
Good Fishing!fish
Make a good catch!fish
Waidmanns Heil!
[hunters' greeting]hunting
heil ankommen [Paket, Ware etc.]
to arrive undamaged [package, goods, etc.]
heil ankommen [Person, Paket, Ware etc.]
to arrive safely [person, package, goods, etc.]
heil zurückgelangen
to get back safely
Heil-Ziest {m}
wild hop [Stachys officinalis]bot.
lousewort [Stachys officinalis]bot.
bishopwort [Stachys officinalis]bot.
wood betony [Stachys officinalis]bot.
purple betony [Stachys officinalis]bot.
Heil dem Kaiser!
Hail to the emperor!hist.
heil und gesund
safe and sound {adj}
heil und unversehrt
safe and sound {adj}
etw. gut / heil überstehen [Sturm, Krise usw.]
to ride sth. out [fig.]idiom
(Heil- und) Pflegeanstalt {f}
mental asylum [archaic]
mental hospitalmed.psych.
Heil {n} aller Schäden [(Weißbeerige) Mistel]
(European) mistletoe [Viscum album, syn.: Viscum stellatum]bot.
Heil {n} aller Schäden [regional] [(Gemeine) Schafgarbe]
(common) yarrow [Achillea millefolium, syn.: A. magna]bot.
Heil- und Kostenplan {m}
therapeutic and cost schedulemed.
sein Heil in etw.Dat. suchen
to seek one's salvation in sth.
sein Heil von jdm./etw. erwarten
to look for one's salvation from sb./sth.idiom
(Heil dir, Cäsar,) die Todgeweihten grüßen dich. [Kämpfer zum römischen Kaiser]
(Hail, Caesar,) those who are about to die salute you. [combatants' salute to the Roman emperor]hist.quote
Der HERR wird dich schlagen mit Drüsen Ägyptens, mit Feigwarzen, mit Grind und Krätze, daß du nicht kannst heil werden. [5. Mose 28:27, Luther 1912]
The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. [Deut 28:27, KJV]bibl.
in der Flucht sein Heil suchen [selten neben: sein Heil in der Flucht suchen]
to betake oneself to flight [archaic]idiom
sein Heil in der Flucht suchen
to seek refuge in flight
to betake oneself to flight [archaic]idiom
(Rotblättriger) Indianischer Heilsalbei / Heil-Salbei {m}
cancerweed / cancer weed [Salvia lyrata]bot.
lyre-leaf / lyreleaf sage [Salvia lyrata]bot.
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her [J. S. Bach, BWV 9]
Salvation has come to usFmus.
Heil dir im Siegerkranz [preußische Volkshymne von 1795 - 1918]
Hail to Thee in Victor's Crown [melody of the hymn derived from the British anthem "God Save the Queen"]Flit.mus.
In diesen heil'gen Hallen [Arie: Die Zauberflöte]
Within these sacred / hallowed halls [aria: The Magic Flute]Fmus.theatre
Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft [J. S. Bach, BWV 50]
Now is the salvation and the powerFmus.

Here's a pic of my racing team logo. Just need a good slogan now…

Attached: blacksunracing logo.jpg (1500x1500, 241.75K)

Nah, they faced extinction several times and should be dead by now. They exist because the limitation of human imagination led to fragmented political groupings and there has been ample opportunity to be a go between corruptor for millenia. In other words, an ecological niche opened up and stayed open for a class of liars with weak wills to emerge and become (seemingly) powerful so long as they tried to lead from the rear, speak in the shadows, and present publicly with head down and ass up. This is coming to a close with the Advent of mass communication and their window is closing. All their actions are best described as desperation of a weaseling intermediary class that has seen its zenith and is on the crash course to full implosion.

Social darwinism and all, ya know?

If a jew draws a real swastika they turn to stone.

It's almost as if German words can have multiple meanings……………………. This can in no way relate to German missives regarding jewish prisoners……….

hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?

-Shitlib op
-Purposely wrong spelling for the narrative "See, I told you these ebil nazis are retarded!"

Hale horter

Nice dox.