Men, not "males."

Zig Forums, a subtle form of Newspeak that has infected our community. I’m referring to the use of the word “males” instead of “men.”

Men, not “males.” It’s an important difference. “Males” can refer to any member of the animal kingdom. Only the words “man” and “men” can be used to describe humans. When you use the term “white males,” you are subtly dehumanizing the demographic by refusing to acknowledge their humanity.

I’ve closely observed this growing trend of using the word “males” instead of “men” for a few months now. I believe at least some of it is deliberate social engineering designed to subtly encourage society to stop thinking of men as human, especially white men. For example, MSM outlets and leftist literature that use the term “white males” are often careful to refer to the other races as “black men,” “Latino men,” “Asian men,” etc. Also, the words “woman” and “women” are still used far more often than “female” and “females.” Again, start paying close attention to how the word “males” is used in the media and you’ll notice some disturbing patterns.

Additionally, substituting “men” or males” is objectively poor writing. If you use the word “buck” to refer to male deer or “bull” to refer to male cows, then you can make the effort to use the exclusive word for male humans–men–instead of the lazy generic term “males.”

You are all men and women, Zig Forums. Not “males” and “females.” You are humans, not generic members of the animal kingdom. Please consider your word choices in the future.

Attached: Men-not-males.png (500x500, 9.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:

One more pattern I’ve noticed: I suspect some shill teams are specifically instructed to never use the word “men.” Again, pay close attention when arguing with them. They put unusual effort into avoiding the word “men.” Pic related.

Attached: white-people-of-the-male-gender.jpg (777x489, 115.46K)

I agree
Blacks should not be called men and women anymore though.
Niggers are not human and should die.
This board is too friendly to niggers now. Everybody here should want them all dead with the jews. Any friendly posts or even neutral posts about niggers need to be banned.

What happens in their heads if you use white men and black (or maybe even ebony) males in the same sentence? They'd probably kvetch out of instinct, which is great optics (for us)

Baby steps user. Turn the golem against the owner if you can.

Agreed, user.

Use them until they're not longer useful.

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Double checkin those dubs.
It's pretty easy to make nogs hate jews with historical facts alone.

You're instincts are correct, brother. I recently went to a very well known military base as a civilian, and when I went to use a restroom in a government building I noticed the signs on the door said "male" and "female". I thought it was weird and forced. I also noticed it probably happened very recently and it looked very ad hoc.


Interesting point. Further attempt to relegate us to cattle.

Not a huge contribution to the discussion, but I've noted with amusement that dog shows appear to have ceased to use the word 'bitch' in favor of 'female dog' and other such sanitized language. Pretty ridiculous, considering they're literally bitches and merely the etymological origin of the pejorative sense of the word, because they're characteristically annoying and such.

Sure OP, but didn't you also realize that you're reading faggot dribble and thus, could spent your time reading something worthwhile?

Checked. I think that one has to do more with cocksucking faggotry. Note the, 'gender' bit. Tranny type degens seem to have surpassed the raging, old, smelly vaginas.

I'll toss one into the mix which is, kids versus children. jews have been doing that one for a long time. They have children, you have kids which is what goats have.

The only thing on which I'd caution you is that, in far-left newspeak, they actually prefer 'men' to 'male.' The reason for this is because, in their worldview, male/female is descriptive of biological sex, whereas man/woman is descriptive of gender as decided by the given individual. They always say Trans-Man, not Trans-Male; a Trans-Man is a female taking testosterone, while a Trans-Male is a male who's on estrogen, and they never use the latter term

I found the kike

How? The point of my post is that, although OP makes cogent arguments, he is actually pushing the same thing as the far left: a vernacular shift from sex to gender, according their worldview

Without a doubt. This is apparent on other forums such as Youtube comments, Reddit and Facebook. Numales and identifying feminists especially, are carefully to eschew "man/men" and either replace it as you described, or use the increasingly popular word dude.
The word dude also has a feminizing effect on the target, it renders it into something harmless, even comical.

Further, there's a big push for the more (((inclusive))) term 'folks' in reference to (((non-binary))) people.

No they don't. They reserve the "privilege" of "man" for, as you mentioned, "TRANS-MEN". The far-leftist will avoid calling a real man, a man, preferring male/dude/guy, while at the same time taking great care to call a woman role-playing as a man, a "trans-man".
This simultaneously emasculates real men and masculinizes women pretending to be men.

Folks is a strange one. They also use it to refer to normal people, but as you rightly point out, more commonly to various shades of faggotry. Could be an attack on volk.

Anyone have the pic saved from CNN that says Hispanic men, Asian men, Black men, White male?

It's mostly white men that they seek to emasculate, don't let yourself get called something like white boy either.

I tend to think they chose that word as one of their most predominant gender-neutral plurals in order to launch a two-pronged attack: as you say there's the volk side, but additionally the term folks in American English is primarily used in the south. Thus they both undermine rural 'flyover' vernacular by association, and bolster themselves to seem more balanced. Similar to how, after Trump's election, they tried to feign a lot of rural stuff with their gun clubs and such

What you're also doing is trannyfaggot-speak. Trannyfaggots love to be referred to as Male. Men is the (((progressive))) hated term.
It's why (((womyn))), etc are created.

That makes sense, I would agree. The jew never does anything if it's only going to achieve one objective. He modifies or waits until the ducks are in a line.

If a nigger or mud shit ever calls you white boy, you call that motherfucker a jam boy

I always figured they used male as a way to slip in infantilzation without people catching on. They're essentially calling you immature but without the balls to flat out say boy.

Nice one, OP, got my nuggets nagging. I really hadn't thought about untill you pointed it out even though it's on the same level as "human race".

Yeah but I refer to bitches as females.
Seriously though OP, fuck off back to cuckchan, ya dyke.

Now that you mention this I have noticed it too, subconsciously maybe, but it's true.

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Wow you snowflakes are trying to own the insults which affect you so, but you can't ever quite get the usage down correctly.

Still banned moshe?

Euphemism treadmill ( of sorts)
You can come up with as many newspeak words for embarassing or shameful things as you like, people will instinctively start using them in a derogatory sense.

Wow you're flipping the script, that's an innovation.

BTW many people use Tor simply because we don't want to reveal our IP addresses to the admins of the site as well as Cloudflare.

This, look at the word "youths" - it conjures up images of mid-20s to mid-30s hardened ghetto gang banging darkies. Might as well just say nigger.

This absolutely must be pushed with the utmost vigor, if the uncuckening can ever happen. Fact is, all of these faggots against us are not Men and have no idea what a Man even is. Remember your forebarer, Mannaz. For only our race is named after him, and the only Men are of hyperborean decent. The word Mankind, that is, Mankin, Kin of MAN, has only ever applied to us.

What's the reverse version of "if you say 'female' instead of 'woman', you sound like a Ferengi"?

Is it "If you say 'male' instead of 'man', you sound like a Betazoid"?

Attached: quark-females.jpg (523x369, 28.76K)

You type like your only interaction with people comes from anime and one or two books.

For what it's worth, it's very very common for Army and Marine veterans to say "female" almost exclusively.


I don't give a fuck what trannies call each other in their own communities, but it's a problem when MSM organizations, school textbooks, and even our own community (see OPs in and ) use the dehumanizing term "males" instead of "men." At bare minimum, we can start calling out this Newspeak on our own board and encourage the men here to stop thinking of themselves as "males."

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Join me, let's pretend to be Jewish. Pretending to be Jewish is easy, and quite profitable.


I think another major problem here is that many among us don't consider themselves to be men. I remember when I was about 18, and my girlfriend at the time called me a man; I remember it giving me pause for reflection, and made me wonder if I really was one. With society as fucked as it is, many young men are unemployed/underemployed, unmarried, renting, with no real skills or accomplishments; they effectively aren't men, but old children. This is not to justify or condone the linguistic dehumanization that's going on, but rather to suggest that the linguistic dehumanization might at least to some degree be reflective of broad societal dehumanization that has already taken place.

Yes, the "children" vs. "kids" Newspeak is another subtle way they dehumanize us. Not to wade too far into conspiracy territory, but I have wondered if there is a Satanic reason behind attaching goat symbolism to children.

So it's a chicken and egg problem. Actually sounds like it's the Jews again.

Agreed. I suspect a major reason why this Newspeak has spread quickly and largely without detection is because of existing widespread demoralization. When I've gently corrected people for saying "males," you can see them having an "Ah-HA!" moment in their brains like they just made a great discovery. The Newspeak is so subtle that most don't see it until someone points it out.

The editors for the MSM, school textbooks, and shill scripts, though, know exactly what they're doing.

Years of first hand experience, cunt.

I wouldn't say it's necessarily a chicken/egg problem.

I did this in boot camp. My last name is one of those ones commonly used by Jews but not exclusively. Their services were at a different time, which translated to me getting about an extra hour of free time, plus the hour and a half at services away from the DI's. They also gave us grape juice, whatever gay Jewish bread they use for services, and candy, which they weren't supposed to do, but the DI's wouldn't go near the Jewish services (As opposed to the Christian ones, where they would commonly attend along with the recruits)

Basically I out jewed the jews for my own benefit, and learned quite a bit at the same time. Interestingly enough, they had a "Holocaust survivor" come in once, who never even went to, or saw a camp. Just hid in a hole in the woods and stole potatoes for like a year freezing his ass off because he was spooked. Their lies go so deep that their own persecution complex serves to reinforce their own persecution complex

Weak way to handle it. Better to educate those who disagree so they realize why niggers should be classified as domestic animals and disposed of as one would dispose of unwanted stray dogs.

Attached: apes.jpg (1331x453, 164.32K)

Mirror-testing niggers - punchline's at the end

Attached: niggers aren't self aware.webm (853x480, 7.03M)


'Male' contains the word 'mal'

It's a (((subtle subconcious mindfuck))) that men are somehow 'wrong.'

'Dude' contains the word 'dud'

t. alt.syntax tacical

Spread awareness then? if we think its an issue then we might as well spam the term white man again to get people to wake up.

I've also noticed that a lot of soyboys use it to describe themselves. I think many of them are scared of what it entails to be a man, so they describe themselves as "male" because they don't even see themselves as men, but as perpetual adolescents in an adult body.

Just remember that whatever demon was buggered into them is controlling this. Dehumanize them.

Face to bloodshed if we have to, but not necessarily bloodshed.

Anglicized form of volk. Fine.

Attached: doug-ford-laugh.png (620x465, 586.37K)

Call them wombmales. That will piss them off.

Also "person-hours", and other assorted bullshit.

Remember to always use language that they don't like. Go out of your way to do this, but pretend you don't, and if they kvetch, just say that's how you speak. Make them look bad for kvetching.

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Subjectively, one would embrace the glorification of being human and the good things it desires and would in inter-human relations use men and women as the chosen words. But I don't see how using male and female is any more conducisive to lefties. If anything they should abhor the idea and I think the terms male and female being used by people here may have just been a natural coincidence of many of us being objective people who care about science and realize that we are indeed animals, regardless of our abilities, gifts from the cosmic emergence from the forces of order and natural selection, perhaps that as "God" itself if you want to call it that. But if anything from what I observe it's the people who refer to themselves as atheists and agnostic neckbeards who subscribe to "humanist" / "humanistic" principles that underlie their reasons for being nigger lovers. This is a fact and it's also why so many of them hate Heidegger and will get triggered if you mention him. While I do think that there are some subjective things that worth preserving such as notions of traditionalism that exhalt the human, lefties take it to an extreme and say anything goes and will ignore basic facts like human-biodiversity. When one chooses to use the words male and female, he is taking a step back from obsessive humanism in order to observe our species and how it objectively operates. It's the words of a functionalist. If you've ever been around "sociologists" you'll notice that the left leaning ones mostly have a distaste for "Structural Functionalists" because they look at what works and what doesn't, looking at the facts. Looking at the facts is a hard thing to do for them because functionally, nationalist societies do better and "diversity" causes problems. Especially when you're mixing low IQ subhumans and/or people with such a different culture there ends up being conflicts. It reinforces notions such that seperation is ideal and leads to less conflicts.

Does anyone say "construction man" anyway?

Another thing I'd like to point out:
I've observed a pattern in Jewish ruling-class behavior, where an enemy who isn't an immediate threat is played up as a big bad enemy to be feared; a boogeyman. Think how they've been talking about Putin lately, for example - that he's calculating and practically all-powerful.
On the other hand, an enemy who is an immediate threat, needing to be taken out, is mocked and ridiculed. Before the Iraq invasion in 2003, people were calling Saddam Hussein, So-Damn Insane, for example. More recently, there wasn't a flareup but Kim Jong-Un getting called Little Rocket Man.
It's useful to the Jews to have a spooky enemy from without to keep the plebs within in line, but it is not useful to send your troops against someone they perceive to be a spooky boogeyman because that hurts morale; once the war drums start beating, they portray the enemy as an incompetent buffoon.

What does that mean for this Men/Males post?
Well, what sounds more intimidating:

Attached: korean fire.png (600x600, 375.14K)

They used to, at least where I live. Perhaps you're young enough that you can only remember from after the newspeak kicked in?

Interesting fact for the day, while we're on the subject of linguistics. "Man" and "Men" don't strictly mean "Human with a dick". It means "Humanity" (Although at the time Old English was spoken, it certainly was implied that women weren't on the same level as men).

For example, a female werewolf would be something like "Wifwolf". "Female Werewolf" is literally "Female Malewolf". "Were" is a male. "Wif" is a woman , and is the root word of wife, obviously. See what I meant by "Not on the same level as men?" Property, not humanity. So next time some fag bitches about "Mankind" being a privileged word or sexist or some fru fru bullshit like that, hit 'em with some linguistic knowledge, because teeeeeechnically, it's already a gender neutral term.

Fuck me, I just noticed I used "Male" and then "Woman" immediately after. They've got to me, lads.

>I just noticed
At least the conditioning is breaking

I've seen "men at work" quite often. Sometimes in a derogatory manner, however.

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Another thing to keep in mind is sometimes the "man" suffix doesn't mean a gender or even the human race, but instead is from the Latin "Manus" (Hand). So it can means one who handles or manages.

No, user isn't. There is no such thing in the OP.

That's made up feminist bullshit you dumbass. There's tons of court records from 1000AD and before of women suing their husbands. Property can not sue you. Women were never considered property.

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The word Men/man always carried weight to me. I never felt like i had the right to referr to myself as a man until I got /fit/ trained in MMA and started my career, earned some actual money. My mother shaped a lot of my upbringing so I didn't have a strong male role model. I had to get my ass kicked a bit

Anyway, no soy boy has a right to call themselves a man no matter how old they are.

We never should have started trannies like you into the service.

Civilizations rise and fall, usually in roughly 250yr cycles. I'm sure there were plenty of societies in the world in 1000AD that were falling apart. What matters is Muh Women's Lib only happens in late-stage civilization just before downfall.

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Its also because man and woman are stronger than male and female. Man and woman is sex, male and female is gender and gender is a social construct.

Look, (12) user, we never treated ladies like shit. You need to get on board with that or go back to your shithole if you're not White.

Also, I was a Marine, and I say ladies, but then again, I never surrendered my belief system to ZOG.

Germanic languages have been around in a distinct classifiable form since at least 500BC, spoken by multiple cultures. Plenty of those cultures at one point or another in their history very explicitly refer to a wife being owned by her husband, given the time period or the culture. Maybe not necessarily in the same sense as a house, sure, but still de facto or de jure owned by the husband. As an example of precedent, some of these cultures even had rights -Not quite, just for lack of a better term- for slaves, who are very clearly property.

What's wrong, Chaim? Don't like it when the goyim discover they can play the infiltration game too?

Being considered property and being treated like shit are not the same thing. It has to do with legal rights, not how you treat something.

Every society that slipped from being patriarchal, or otherwise never was, has collapsed almost immediately. The institution of monogamous marriage as the keystone of the oikos, which must in turn be the keystone of civilization, cannot be interfered with, else the society dies. Likewise, it is imperative that men are the heads of household and the primary vectors of inheritance, else the society dies. It's really not even a choice. Either you do it, or your volk gets replaced by a foreign race who does.

The only exception here is peoples living in faraway lands so remote and useless that no one is interested in fighting for them; i.e. Papua New Guinea, and the deep Amazonian tribes. Places like that have essentially got the only non-patriarchal societies left on Earth, and they don't have cities so they're objectively not civilized or living in civilizations.

English isn't my first language and I'm not a linguist. That said, man and mankind are sort of the standard while women are elevated for they're wombed men. Besides, mankind in a few other european languages is already feminine.

Is that race-mixing propaganda?

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he's right dumb roastie

Not being property has nothing to do with women's lib schlomo.

Right, not owned. Being under the care and protection of a man is not the same as being owned by a man.
But you can't name them of course.

None of which has anything to do with being property. Patriarchy does not involve women being property, it involves them being subservient to men.

Do you understand what the term 'liberation' means? Perhaps look into the [imperium,dominion]/[imperator,dominus] legal dichotomy that grew in Rome but carries on today.

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Do you? Let me know when you start pushing "toaster lib" Mr. Shekelberg.

Im immedietly going to start doing this but the other way around, thanks

A clever observation.
You're dealing with communists here. All men are males to them.
Psychiatry is a cornerstone of their belief and they see society as a machine and men as "males" as you would if you looked at elephants.
And as all psychopaths their own subconscious defeats them and gives us a nod-nod-wink-wink.
Evil always defeats itself.

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It's a one and done user, friendly reminder that we have shills and automated shill bots here that always try to derail/D&C

The whole "incel" thing is a push to legalize prostitution. Backpage going away really hurt their income.


You learn something every day.

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I use 'males' to refer to boys and men collectively, just as I use 'females' to refer to girls and women collectively. Are people using this non-collectively to only refer to adult men?

Try Rome, you dumb nigger. Not Germanic, sure, but literally the original patriarchy, where husbands had complete and legal control of their wives and children under no uncertain terms

male encompasses boys, men doesn't.

Of Wimbledon Common?

point applies, the term 'boy' is still exclusive to humanity

Completely not true, it came to English via Germanic origin

And ill bet women are always women, never females.

Don't believe that gender is a social construct ((​(lie)))

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Checked and heil'd but you are not being creative enough with your insults, user.

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