Ban me if you must but I feel like I'm losing my mind and there's no one I can talk to.
How do you keep yourselves from losing all hope and stay productive & sane even though everything will likely be lost within the next 20 years ? Living in Europe in my early 20s and I can't see any path to redemption. Some of the reasons:(>muh blackpill)
Overcoming the Black Pill
Zig Forums isn't your personal blog, faggot.
A valuable thread died because of your whining.
Fuck off. Reported.
You have identified many things that do not work. You are white, be a problem solver. If you listen to Hitler's speeches, he had very similar problems.
While a thread did die. I feel that this needs to be adressed to some point. Since 2015 the quality of 8/pol/ went down due to the sheer influx of electionposting and all the self-improvement threads went away and alotta shills barraged in.
Grow some balls, lurk 2 more years, reed seej, or kys you defeatist faggot.
You're complaining about not being allowed by someone to do things that if you were allowed to do there would be no need to do. Your life has purpose now. Enjoy it.
The blackpill isn't meant to be overcome. It's meant to be absorbed in order to shape you into becoming the man that you ought to be. The people without blackpills will die in the upcoming civil conflicts.
Of course the court we wish to fight in is right now closed to us but there are many other battles you could be waging. You don't even need to start off with anything racial, make your belief known to others around you about the degeneracy of your own people and how it hurts your people's children. Continue on from there not as a participant of any political party created for you but as a member in the party of your people. You must construct pathways into their language from what you have learned here.
Even if we had "no problems" I would abhor this state, since that mindset would be a lie, but that is the mindset of many of your kin it seems.
This thread is proof that this site is a complete joke. NATSOC larpers that can't even help a fellow user going through some hard times. What a fucking joke. By the way, make sure you sage those self improvement threads and make sure they get 404'd.
Part of maintaining a quality board is not encouraging every emotional faggot that comes here to bitch and moan about his problems. Posting the picture he posted and writing about how hopeless everything is deserves a ban no matter if he's genuine. Cowards spread their cowardice and demoralize the troops.
That's why you need a VPN if you're really in such a police state (probably Bongland).
Educate yourself and others, grassroots activism is very important. You can build a movement upon that.
Because they're either infiltrated or playing the optics game.
As above.
"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his… then he will understand. But not before that. That's the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization."
Some people, as Hillary said in a different context, are irredeemable. Be educated, provide them with facts and statistics, try to lead them to sensible conclusions but make them feel like they got there themselves and maybe you'll redpill a few people here and there.
Again, be educated, read books, listen to wise people, learn how to debate. You and others like you may replace them in the future who knows.
Nobody knows how much time we have. It may be 5 years, 20 years, 50 years. But remember, in politics a year is a lot of time. 3 years ago a Trump presidency was unthinkable. 5 years ago nobody knew what White Genocide was, and nobody would even try to publicly discuss the topic of Jewish influence in the media. Never underestimate the unexpected.
Why is every self improvement thread saged to death and then 404'd?
Also a few months ago I saw a thread about an user whos mother who had just been diagnosed by late stage cancer and he was seeking some advice for "alternative" treatments. The thread was saged to death and then 404'd. The general opinion being it wasn't Zig Forums related. When in fact it was, not only from a general red pilled health stand point, but also about Jews are the ones that cause cancer through food, water etc and then "treat" it to gain billions of dollars.
Do you have anything to say you fucking faggot? Or are you just going to make another sarcastic non answer? You're a fucking pussy. How do you expect to save the white race when you can't even give some anons advice? I look forward to seeing your cognitive dissonance while you squirm like a kike.
I've been checking the catalog for a while and nothing is being created
Oh look, nothing to say. Color me surprised.
Pic related.
Look, there's certain ways to frame things here if you want a successful thread. Take the "Muh books" thing for example. There's an user here that recorded himself reading a book on the possibility of another civil war in the US, and used his audio as extra content for a thread on the same subject as the book, avoiding the whole "muh books" backlash book threads usually get. On the other hand we have this thread, which has nothing proactive, or helpful to the the anons here. OP produced a blogpost on why everything is hopeless and asked us to prove him wrong. It's a blackpill shitpost framed as a cry for help. It should not be encouraged.
Get a life.
Why is every self improvement thread saged and 404'd? Simple question really. Why can't you answer it?
Also that strawman about muh book threads was adorable. I'm going to wait for another le epic picture reply with another leftist ad hom like "get a life". I just can't wait.
What's that excerpt from? (the picture)
This is an imageboard, faggot
wowzers, thank you for that stunning revelation. Are there going to any more words of genius pouring from your cunt mouth?
Do the ultimate blackpill lesson and kill yourself OP, no one will miss you, and your relatives will eventually forget that you existed.
This faggot would tell pic related to kill himself. Or wouldn't you?
So you can keep coming back? Fucking kill yourself already.
Fuck off moshe, any thread is better than the crap you kikes come up with.
Trying to fellate yourself isn't self-improvement.
Answer the question or kindly go fuck yourself.
Stop looking for hope. You need to completely change your way of thinking right now if you actually want to be of any use to yourself and to others. Forget about hope; it's a feeling best left to women and children. To have it and to be without it are two sides of the same coin. There is something greater and more noble, something that will burn away all your weakness and mold you into something that cannot be swayed, seduced or stopped - that something is duty. Learn about it, become it. If this hill is too steep for you to climb then you were not destined to climb it.
It is unavoidable to confront the issue and to look for alternative paths.
Well, I believe you are the kike.
You and the Darling who anchored this thread do not want the anons acknowledge that nothing of value have been gained.
We are not winning at all, and the sad part is the proliferation of low IQ Whites that deceive themselves thinking petty politics are important.
Tacitus on Germania
you use the word "can't" a lot. it seems like you just aren't ready to take the necessary leap of faith.
OP, if you happen to read this. Look into the concept of cyclical time. It will end your woes, but it will not uplift your life.
I, and many other National Socialists, have felt everything you are feeling. Don't feel like you're a coward, or that you're whiny. It's a perfectly natural part of getting fully red-pilled. When you come out of this depression you will be stronger than ever before. An Aryan's victory comes from his crucifixion and defeat; likewise, your sorrow will lead to your resurgence.