You're nothing but trolls you stupid goyim! You need to get invested in the NEW THING. The TRUE dissident intellectual and political players.
Behold, goyim, the true dissident movement: (((The Intellectual Dark Web)))
Brought to you by: (((Barry Weiss))) – Romanian Jew
>Today, people like them who dare venture into this “There Be Dragons” territory on the intellectual map have met with outrage and derision — even, or perhaps especially, from people who pride themselves on openness.
>It’s hard to explain, which is both its beauty and its danger.
>Most simply, it is a collection of iconoclastic thinkers, academic renegades and media personalities who are having a rolling conversation — on podcasts, YouTube and Twitter, and in sold-out auditoriums — that sound unlike anything else happening, at least publicly, in the culture right now.
>The closest thing to a phone book for the I.D.W. is a sleek website that lists the dramatis personae of the network, >But in typical dark web fashion, no one knows who put the website up.
Nathaniel Bell
>The core members have little in common politically. >have little in common politically
>But they all share three distinct qualities. >First, they are willing to disagree ferociously, but talk civilly, about nearly every meaningful subject: religion, abortion, immigration, the nature of consciousness. >Second, in an age in which popular feelings about the way things ought to be often override facts about the way things actually are, each is determined to resist parroting what’s politically convenient. >And third, some have paid for this commitment by being purged from institutions that have become increasingly hostile to unorthodox thought — and have found receptive audiences elsewhere.
>“People are starved for controversial opinions,” said Joe Rogan, an MMA color commentator and comedian who hosts one of the most popular podcasts in the country. “And they are starved for an actual conversation.”
>Episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” which have featured many members of the I.D.W., can draw nearly as big an audience as Rachel Maddow.
Colton Garcia
Nice advert.
>But as the members of the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) become genuinely popular, they are also coming under more scrutiny.
>Candace Owens, the communications director for Turning Point USA, is a sharp, young, black conservative — a telegenic speaker with killer instincts who makes videos with titles like “How to Escape the Democrat Plantation” and “The Left Thinks Black People Are Stupid.” >Mr. West’s praise for her was sandwiched inside a longer thread that referenced many of the markers of the Intellectual Dark Web, like the tyranny of thought policing and the importance of independent thinking. >He was photographed watching a Jordan Peterson video. And suddenly the Kanye thing makes so much more sense.
Noah Perry
>Yet Ms. Owens is a passionate Trump supporter who has dismissed racism as a threat to black people while arguing, despite evidence to the contrary, that immigrants steal their jobs.
>Many others in the I.D.W. were made nervous by her sudden ascendance to the limelight, seeing Ms. Owens not as a sincere intellectual but as a provocateur in the mold of Milo Yiannopoulos.
>“The I.D.W. has bigger goals than anyone’s buzz or celebrity.” Like defeating Nationalism.
>And yet, when Ms. Owens and Charlie Kirk, the executive director of Turning Point USA, met last week with Mr. West at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, just outside of the frame — in fact, avoiding the photographers — was Mr. Weinstein. Meme-worthy.
>He attended both that meeting and a one-on-one the next day for several hours at the mogul’s request.
>This episode was the clearest example yet of the challenge this group faces: In their eagerness to gain popular traction, are the members of the I.D.W. aligning themselves with people whose views and methods are poisonous? >Could the intellectual wildness that made this alliance of heretics worth paying attention to become its undoing?
Joshua Brooks
>But the quickest path is to demonstrate that you aren’t afraid to confront your own tribe. Hmmmmmmmm.
>Mr. Harris said something that he thought was obvious on its face: Not all cultures are equally conducive to human flourishing. Some are superior to others. >"Until that time I had been criticizing religion, so the people who hated what I had to say were mostly on the right,” Mr. Harris said. “This was the first time I fully understood that I had an equivalent problem with the secular left.”
>After his talk, in which he disparaged the Taliban, a biologist who would go on to serve on President Barack Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues approached him. What are the chance s that 'biologist' was Jewish? Why? You've been training these people to view the world that way for decades. And now, suddenly, the atheist Jew has an issue with that paradigm? How convenient…
Blake Gutierrez
>“The moral confusion that operates under the banner of ‘multiculturalism’ can blind even well-educated people to the problems of intolerance and cruelty in other communities,” Mr. Harris said. “This had never fully crystallized for me until that moment.”
Wonder why THIS issue was the one to spur him to action.
>While most people in the group faced down comrades on the political left, Ben Shapiro confronted the right. Oh did he? I wonder why?
Joseph Sanders
(((This))) has an air of manipulation to it.
Parker Smith
>self-deported from the academic track, sensing that the spectrum of acceptable perspectives and even areas of research was narrowing.
>Nowadays Ms. Soh has a column for Playboy and picks up work as a freelance writer. But that hardly pays the bills. >She’s planning to start a podcast soon and, like many members of the I.D.W., has a Patreon account where “patrons” can support her work.
Oh goodness! A woman with a garrote! How TERRIFYING!
Translation: “I’ve figured out how to monetize the confused goyim” How feminine.
>And the upside to his notoriety is obvious: Mr. Peterson is now arguably the most famous public intellectual in Canada, and his book “12 Rules for Life” is a best-seller. How organic!
>The exile of Bret Weinstein and Ms. Heying from Evergreen State brought them to the attention of a national audience that might have come for the controversy but has stayed for their fascinating insights about subjects including evolution and gender.
>“I’ve been at this for 25 years now, having done all the MSM shows, including Oprah, Charlie Rose, ‘The Colbert Report,’ Larry King — you name it,” Michael Shermer, the publisher of Skeptic magazine, told me. >“The last couple of years I’ve shifted to doing shows hosted by Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Sam Harris and others. The I.D.W. is as powerful a media as any I’ve encountered.” Its almost like you're setting up a new MSM…
Things That Never Happened.
Ryan White
Oh no, really? >This probably helps explain why some people in this group talk constantly about the regressive left but far less about the threat from the right. Yeah, that's it. Its not that they're a Jewish movement to control the upswell of Nationalism on the right by coopting it. Not at all.
>“There are a few people in this network who have gone without saying anything critical about Trump, a person who has assaulted truth more than anyone in human history,” Mr. Harris said. What's 'quite strange' is the statement that Trump has assaulted more truth than anyone in human history, Mr. Atheist Kike.
>Emphasis is one problem. Associating with genuinely bad people is another. This is so fucking obvious…
>Go a click in one direction and the group is enhanced by intellectuals with tony affiliations like Steven Pinker at Harvard. Both Jews. Its almost like they're stationing themselves on all sides of this thing… >and conspiracy theorists like Mike Cernovich (the #PizzaGate huckster) and Alex Jones (the Sandy Hook shooting denier).
>It’s hard to draw boundaries around an amorphous network, especially when each person in it has a different idea of who is beyond the pale. They don't though.
>“If this thing becomes something massive — a political or social movement — then maybe we’d need to have some statement of principles. For now, we’re just a crew of people trying to have the kind of important conversations that the mainstream won’t.” Aw, isn't that nice.
>But is a statement of principles necessary to make a judgment call about people like Mr. Cernovich, Mr. Molyneux and Mr. Yiannopoulos? Oy vey! >Mr. Rogan regularly lets Abby Martin — a former 9/11 Truther who is strangely sympathetic to the regimes in Syria and Venezuela — rant on his podcast. Hah, yeah, how 'strange'. >He also encouraged Mr. Jones to spout off about the moon landing being fake during Mr. Jones’s nearly four-hour appearance on his show. Again demonstrating that Rogan belongs in this group as a mouthpiece only, his platform being useful, his mind being bong resin.
Translation: I'm happy to let him exist so long as I can parasitize off his viewerbase.
Nicholas Gomez
>But with a figure like Mr. Cernovich, who can occasionally sound reasonable, how is a viewer supposed to know better?
Yet they regularly do it.
You mean like Jewish media outlets have been doing for 30 years? >“Once I.D.W. folks saw that people like Ben Shapiro were generally smart, highly informed and often princely in difficult conversations, it’s more understandable that occasionally a few frogs got kissed here and there as some I.D.W. members went in search of other maligned princes.” Amazing how many of those 'maligned princes' were Jewish moderates.
>But people who pride themselves on pursuing the truth and telling it plainly should be capable of applying these labels when they’re deserved. >It seems to me that if you are willing to sit across from an Alex Jones or Mike Cernovich and take him seriously, there’s a high probability that you’re either cynical or stupid. I'd say the same about… Every single person named as associated with this shit. >If there’s a reason for shorting the I.D.W., it’s the inability of certain members to see this as a fatal error.
Carter Butler
Translation: In recent days, the Jews have set up this crew to oppose Nationalism and, to give them some credentials with the people they're trying to court away from Nationalism, malign them in certain Jewish outlets.
>That isn’t true. >The group excoriated Mr. Harris, a fierce critic of the treatment of women and gays under radical Religion of Cuck™, for saying that “some percentage, however small” of Muslim immigrants are radicalized. You mean, like, the vast majority of Muslims worldwide? wat
Which they shouold. Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Kayden Lewis
>Bret Weinstein subtweeted his criticism of these choices: “Smart, skeptical people are often surprisingly susceptible to being conned if a ruse is tailored to their prejudices.” So, what you're saying is, most of them addressed it, often directly in media, almost as though it was all coordinated?
>So when he tweets “only freethinkers” and “It’s no more barring people because they have different ideas,” he is picking up on a real phenomenon: that the boundaries of public discourse have become so proscribed as to make impossible frank discussions of anything remotely controversial. Who created that context? Oh, the same (((Tribe))) being shilled now as the solution to it… How strange.
Wyatt Brown
why do they even bother with this bullshit
Nolan Bennett
>Am (((I))) a member of this movement? A few months ago, someone suggested on Twitter that I should join this club I’d never heard of. >I looked into it. Like many in this group, I am a classical liberal who has run afoul of the left, often for voicing my convictions and sometimes simply by accident. Translation: You're a Jew who sometimes gets bitched at by muds and especially leftist Jews. Translation: This has won me praise from lolbergs and cuckservatives, probably most of them Jewish. >And having been attacked by the left, I know I run the risk of focusing inordinately on its excesses — and providing succor to some people whom I deeply oppose. Funny, that. But not too much, right? >I don’t, however, want to live in a culture where there are no gatekeepers at all. Hah, yeah, okay. >Given how influential this group is becoming, I can’t be alone in hoping the I.D.W. finds a way to eschew the cranks, grifters and bigots and sticks to the truth-seeking. Could you cup their balls just a bit more?
Most of them are Jewish. Then again, so is most of (((IDW))). So sayeth the Marxist.
Bentley Gray
What you're seeing here is the same sort of co-option, diluiton and manipulation of opposition that the kikes have pulled half a dozen times over the decades already. They push too far, and when the ressentiment begins to boil over they quickly create alternatives that seem to oppose the bleeding edge of their ideological advance, while in truth embracing all its previous achieviements. They serve as an outlet, as an alternative, as an illusion of a hope for reversal - but in reality they're just there to create the mirage of dissent while the next generation of two grow up with all of the previous achievements already deeply ingrained in their psyche. Rinse and repeat.
They're exceedingly good at this. There is no real counter to this strategy, either, at least not within the confines of "civil discourse" since they control the window of socially acceptable debate. Anons think the bongs imprisoning some alt lite faggot or a literal commie comedian is some grave overreach, when in reality it is just a deliberate operation to create plausible martyrs. Nothing gives a dissident street cred like government persecution - and the wannabe dissidents, wannabe free thinkers eat this shit up, unaware that they're being played like a fucking fiddle.
The unofficial official term is a "release valve".
David Baker
Its pretty obvious, no? They see right-wing politics being subsumed by Nationalism, and they're getting scared shitless by it. So, they concocted this mess, to give people an alternative - instead of being bad goys, you can still be good goyim and have an 'edgy' political movement to associate with.
They basically stuck their noses between cuckservatism and what has been called 'the alt-right' and made a new position that people can hold if they aren't cucked enough to be cuckservatives and aren't edgy enough to be alt-right.
(((Sam Harris))) – Secular Jew (((Eric Weinstein))) – Israel-educated California-borne Jew, brother of (((Bret Weinstein))) Jordan Peterson – Individualist Canadian Shabbos (((Dave Rubin))) – Gay Jew (((Ben Shapiro))) – Stereotypical Badger Jew (((Douglas Murray))) – British Jew Maajid Nawaz – British Pakistani ‘Secular Religion of Cuck™ist’, married to a degenerate “race is a social construct” modern-artist White woman from Tennessee Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Literal Africa-nigger married to Brit Niall Ferguson, who wrote a glowing history of the Rothschilds (possibly a British Jew) (((Christina Hoff Sommers))) – Liberal Jewish Feminist Joe Rogan – Stoned Meathead Shabbos Charlie Kirk – Homosexuality-Promoting Zionist Shabbos (((Claire Lehmann))) – Australian Anti-Tribalism Jew Debrah Soh – Homosexuality-Promoting Asian Feminist, writes for Playboy (((Michael Shermer))) – Christian-Convert ‘Skeptic’ ‘I Am Not Jewish’ Jew (((Steven Pinker))) – Romanian/Polish Male-Feminist Atheist Jew
Dominic Myers
sage eceleb new york times trash but nice tits sage
Wyatt Allen
Why even bother with parentheses at this point?
Isaiah Perez
Lucas Gonzalez
I couldn't keep it up throughout the whole article, too many names.
Someone doesn't want you looking at this.
You think?
Charles Wright
Proof? He comes off as a shabbos to m- OH FUCK I FORGOT! His wife! His fucking wife is a kike, god damn, how did I forget that…
Also, not pointing any fingers, but mods have been deleting or anchoring anything critical of Jordan Peterson as of late, so here's a thread archive:
Tyler Parker
Why are normies so misinformed about the dark web? For some reason, it's over-mystified as some far off place with child sex slaves and where it snows cocaine everyday . While really, it's just a bunch of unlisted websites with nothing on them besides script kiddies and niche pornography. But normies hype it up to a considerable degree, with le spoopy torture red-rooms, or comericals promising to scan le deep web for your information so the super hackers don't get it, and now claiming there's a political movement of "naughty but not too naughty" dissidents. Why do normies do this?
Chase Scott
Nice Nietzschean reference.
Someone's read On the Geneaology of Morals.
Jews, the priestly vindictive class, are good at regression.
Absolutely, correct, user!
Ryder Sullivan
Forgot to turn off my sage, have a bump
Adam Thompson
This stinks of desperation, that is if it's not just some intellectual wankery from the NYT for not quite braindead soyboys to toss themselves over.
Colton Ramirez
>(((toxic))) I don't remember seeing that word ten years ago apart for on the side of barrels that melt your face off. Funny, that.
Gabriel Myers
Normalfags don't know anything about anything. Because that's what media wants normalfags to think it is, so they avoid it.
Normalfags do this because the media tells them to, and they're fucking lemmings. The media wanted them to think the dark web was scary, so they wouldn't go there. Now they're leveraging this 'scary' presentation to make these moderate Jews seem 'edgy and scary', knowing full-well that these kikes are not associated with the 'dark web' at all, so people won't have to go on the dark web to find them (something they'd be inhibited from doing due to media presentation) BUT they feel these people are 'edgy' (as a result of the association with the 'scary' dark web presentation). Typical tricks.
David Perry
It pops up a lot in Pokemon.
Brayden Richardson
Its the Jewish media aiding a Jewish attempt to co-opt the emergent rise of Nationalism. That's literally what it is.
Christopher Hughes
There still exist ways to show one's contempt for nonsensical ideologies.
It's just so obvious is all, I can't see how anyone could fall for it. Fuck normies must be stupid.
Elijah Perez
Oh, most certainly.
The trick is doing it in ways that can bypass the Jewish matrix / hyper-reality / apparatus, and still reach people concisely, and simply. And more importantly, make them think.
All the co-opters need to be rounded up on DOTR, though.
Dylan Perez
The last time I witnessed this much echo was yodeling at a mountain. Sweet hullabaloo, who do they hope to fool?
They're lemmings. They don't think for themselves.
Notice the terms Jewish and anti-Semitism appear nowhere in this article.
Caleb Rogers
I hate this. The only reason anyone thinks lemmings are stupid is because Disney scared a bunch of them off a cliff in the 50s for a fake nature documentary.
Xavier Morgan
Peterson is nothing more than a stooge, against whites having their own place but fully pro-zionist. Also lies constantly about Adolf Hitler, referencing "Hitlers Table Talk" constantly, knowing full well that this book as no solid proof wherever it is real or fake. Adding to that all his tips for life is something a decent dad would've provided to his kids, seeing how so many kids are lost today the jew uses Peterson as an actor to lead these lost kids into oblivion while making thousands if not millions of dollars from it.
Lincoln Nguyen
What is the point of creating this? Did they not have satisfactory control over the Alt-Kike so they're starting yet another controlled opposition group?
Not really. Lemmings are stupid yet-social rodents, and engage in herd mentality. That is to say, they're dumb enough to jump off a cliff if it blocks the herds movement, rather than going around, and their herding instinct will drive them to follow into such conditions. Into a river they can't swim, off a cliff, etc.
The point is, they move as other lemmings move, and aren't intelligent enough to think for themselves as to move against the herd if it's doing something, say, suicidal.
It'll just be slandered to hell thus pushing anyone under the label farther right regardless. If they really want to regain control, stamp down rising nationalism, a better tactic would be reducing the march toward a degenerate dystopia back to a slow boil. As it is, there are no brakes on white awakening. Kikes overplay their genocidal intentions daily. They can't dial it back then the only conclusion is dead kikes.
I mean, look at this shit: a young indoctrinated boy with a literal fucking pedo symbol on his forehead displayed in the middle of jew york city.
The biggest obstacle to the jews is their own uncontrollable behavior and the natural reaction to it.
Carter Cooper
I saw this on drudge (give me shit, drudge is filth) and I immediately new it was orchestrated. It's all a shotgun now. Spray and pray, divide and spend. Why would anyone on the dark web talk real names? The thing is, they can't run out of money, but they can run out of time. This is inorganic and unoriginal. I read the article, and there ideas theyre selling is contrived. It's just high society, glass of wine, conservative pseudointellectualism.
PS thanks OP but you or whoever posted 20 damn posts in a row, chill a little bit. Let the thread grow on it's own.
Christopher Garcia
It's not a strictly Nietzschean reference, the term was quite popular in the 19th century, or when describing late 18th/19th century politics and the spirit of nationalist revolutions of 1848. Anyway, I digress, it's just a way to say "resentment" with a strong political and group-oriented emphasis. I personally first heard it when reading about these topics, anyway.
Yeah. Keep the goyim just content enough for the newly brainwashed younger generations and the status-quo loving oldniggers to thoroughly displace any threat of reaction.
The point is that SHOWING your contempt and disagreement is a fairly pointless excercise. The kikes know exactly how to coopt you - take your message, incorporate the less threatening parts while demonizing the actual meat of it to give lemmings the impression that they're rebelling, while also maintaining a solid hold on their fundamental value system.
Asher Roberts
Bro, everyone under the lble is either a Jew or a shabbos. There's no worry over heading further right, as these guys are designed to inhibit such shift. There is no brake checks coming on the march toward degenerate dystopia, this is quite-literallythe brakes they've designed specifically to inhibit White awakening. Kikes don't need to STOP it, just slow it down enough tht it won't matter, won't beat the demographic collapse.
Asher Campbell
This is it. The biggest lie we are fed is that all these things, antifa, SJWs, blah blah blah are a response to the rise of nationalism when in reality it is nationalism that is arising in response to diversity, immigration and other shit sandwiches we are made to eat every single day.
I am open to suggestions then.
Jonathan Sanders
Off topic, double post, blah blah, highest regards.
Go back and watch Stargate. That poster reminds me of the pedophile alien. I'm sure there's some good memes somewhere. Someone should shop a merchant face on this.
Anyway, you're kinda wrong and mostly right. Those things ARE a response to nationalism, and nationalism IS a response to the things cited. Its an ideological war, and each is respnding to the other in real time.
Blake Collins
I'm not reading all that, can someone give lazy anons such as myself a TL;DR ? please ?
Leo Lee
what you need is DIRECT (aka personally involved and not just "I sorta agree with this guy in the newspaper") support of as many people as possible, and direct success against the enemy. How you go about this is highly dependent on who you are, where you are and just how willing to risk your life you are. But organizing some marches and spreading some podcasts will achieve fuck all since antifaggots will always outnumber you and the MSM kosher narrative will always be there to cater to the normalfags and fence sitters.
A good rule of thumb to take into account, though, is that the more efficient your strategy is the less tolerance you can expect from law enforcement and state-sponsored goons. Discussing any particulars on a cantonese fingerpainting forum overrun by federal agents would naturally be self-defeating.
Isaiah Martinez
yeah, stick to being a jackboot and don't bother the smartfags in discussions with your worthless opinion
Juan Gray
It's the same shit as fucking always, what did you fucking expect? Just another reason to turn them crispy.
Tyler Wood
Couldn't catch me a decade ago, sure ain't getting me now. No idea how most folk are not surprised how aware their boys and girls are. Just like me, one of my boys got called in in kindergarten, for supposedly being racist, because the teacher is a nigger and only teaching colors. They are in different schools since then. Being bored isn't racist. You make my boy cry, I'm going to take your whole thing apart. Nothing will remain, but me and mine.
Let's see if I got this right: >(((intellectuals))) push back 2 clicks to the right, settling for trannies, gay marriage, atheism, and immigration
What a novel new approach to gradualism. I guess we really do have to kill them all.
Henry Martin
Not entirely wrong, my best teacher was also a coach. I Aced it because they wanted the best of me and I respected them in kind. All while across the hall, there are boons chimping, and he leaves the room to regulate.
I'm not giving my opinion on this particular subject, I'm just lurking.
I suspected this to be the case, that's why I didn't bother reading, in the end it's always the same, kikes being kikes trying to subvert the goyim to their worldview where kikes are the master and everyone else is less than cattle existing only to serve them.
Michael Sanders
When the niggers know their bottom worth, destroying an English class across the hall. A class I had in schedule, a class I was taken out of school for, beating a nigger with my backpack. I had no locker, I wore my books. Some football nog thought they were having a day with my teacher. I'm still a qualified electrician, she also taught that. My psychology teacher wondered why I left. She was a Stones fan, wanted in this head. Not much but War for Peace.
When you beat a nigger to the end, they start calling you mister. They are stuck in a kike mess, a state of bondage, and a continent that does not want them back.
William Gonzalez
Imagine being a nigger. Imagine being an Americanized nigger next. Always actors with an inflated sense of worth fucking shit up.
In order to have or give an opinion on a topic, you need to read what others have posted first - or at least familiarize yourself with the issue to an extent where you have a confident position regarding it. If you request TL;DRs you should refrain from spouting any half-formed and likely ill-informed opinions.
Connor Thompson
They can talk about how guilty I should feel all day, seeing streetshitters even in secratarial positions, ruining the cycle of days. Ending up lawyering up because of some fuckshit's diversity hire. Them paying my lawdawg more than they are worth. You set it up, I'm knocking it down.
Thomas Robinson
The most Jewish article I've read in a while. They're trying to backpedal now because they've realized they've pushed things too far and every day folks are fed up. That's my takeaway at least.
Adam Morales
Because most people trust and obey authority figures, and authority figures have told them that the only reason onion sites exist is to facilitate crime not that far from the truth, let's be honest. Another major factor is the fetishization of "creepy stuff" by teenagers and millennial young adults. They get off on concocting "creepy" stories then posting them on Reddit, they delight in "creepy" jew movies etc etc, and the "creepy dark net" is just another manifestation of this fetish. My guess as to why, is that life is so safe and sanitized for the majority of them, that they need to invent threats to feel the trepidation of danger. The trend in potentially deadly social media "challenges" such as swallowing cinammon powder or eating laundry detergent pods, seems to support this hypothesis. Back in the early 2000s when home Internet was just starting to become commonplace, file sharing services like Napster were demonized on daytime TV, with pocket experts being wheeled in to explain how terrorists fund rape rooms for children, and gun smuggling operations with the money they receive when a pirated song is downloaded from the networks. Believing what "experts" tell you, is a pretty normal, and most would say desirable, social trait. The Milgram (giving electric shocks to a test subject) experiment taught us all we really need to know about obedience to authority, it's the norm. tl;dr their concept on what something is, is nearly completely dictated by television authority figures and "experts". This is the dynamic which the satirical TV series "Brass Eye" (Chris Morris) was trying to warn you about. For American audiences, Morris tricked household names in the UK, the "experts" everyone goes to in order to know what to believe, into participating in his satire and by way of having them make wildly outrageous and patently false claims, hoped to expose the normals to the real truth: the "experts" are just saying whatever is on the script in front of them. Brass Eye was prescient, prophetic, and many of the sketches which were satire at the time, are now passe, with their material actually having become accepted fact and reality. Example: remember, the experts are not aware they are participating in satire, and were household names in the UK.
Question for you Sam: What if we found a culture that was ritually mutilating the foreskins of every young boy?
Justin Perry
It's a vicious cycle, a big ol' stupid injection to keep others employed. Attempting to keep me out of business, until I dawg up and they understand state law. It's a big fat fun playing with outsiders. You little boys should get some representation just for fun.
Nolan Anderson
I love that. Maybe it's because you can't disentangle it
Landon Martin
Dude STFU, you make no sense. Stop LCD posting
Jack Campbell
Dedicated groups exist for the specific purpose of giving controlled opposition "street cred". Hope Not Hate in the UK is one such organization. The articles published by HNH are reverse psychology advertisements for fake right controlled ops.
John Peterson
do not reply to bots you idiot, you're training them
Joseph Phillips
That's the hegelian dialectic, isnt it? Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis Who knows how many times they've pulled this. Neoconservatives were disgruntled lefties as are "alt-right" They love riding their destructive wave eroding what is, forgetting they dont get to settle where that wave carried them but getting crushed by the next one. Hearing old leftards complaining over the state of the world is really quite something. Same time they accuse everyone right of them of the same, Lenin style, of relentlessly marching in small steps towards totalitarian authoritarian fascism.
Adrian Myers
No kikes allowed. I'm a father. I have a lawyer that can get me off for murder. Quite past the point of "hello, kids" CIA postan. You don't fuck around with my children. I'll dox myself, you silly no-marrow skeltal.
It's full on IDF.
Jace Watson
so long as you only pull it once a generation, you will never be checked
people naturally tend to defend the status quo. Their mental model of what the status quo is shaped by their childhood and teenage years. The kikes merely need to do a push, reaction, synthesis cycle once ever 20 or so years and they are guaranteed to get what they want with minimum risk of functional opposition emerging and succeeding.
Matthew Gray
You have so much to look forward to. It's curious you would feel put upon.
that smug gook face holding the flag always cracks me up.
Ethan Green
The only way to counter it is to call them out on it head on: name the jews running this god damn thing. Make sure they can't escape it, that their "intellectual dark-web" videos and forums are saturated with posts outing each individual jew, and pointing out that all the majority of the "thought leaders" in the movement are also jews. Repetition, repetition, repetition is the way to combat this. Put together some quality memes for the IDW exactly like those excellent CNN/NBC/NYT memes that show all the jews together on one page. In essence, make it impossible for the followers to ignore who is leading them, and make it crystal clear in their minds that their current situation is no different than the MSM containment they thought they were smart enough to escape. The IDW jews used these people's egos to transition them from one containment space to another: it was sold to them on the premise that they're "too smart for the mainstream" and the "we're smarter than the liberal plebs" circle-jerk is what keeps them under control. Thus, what is necessary to break them out of the IDW containment is a direct attack on their egos. Let them know in no uncertain terms that they're no better than the liberals, still dancing to the tune of the jew.
Tyler Rivera
Hey disgusting Jew, all I see is stolen hair, stolen nose, stolen skin… stop larping as superior white you sheep fucker.
Jews play both sides of the fence against each other, then they side with whomever is stronger, like a parasite.
Parker Thomas
Ryan Rodriguez
Camden Cooper
More specifically they want to exploit the nationalist uprising to also have it support Zionism. That means building support for a war in Iran and acceleration of the Yinon plan. They're in a rather convenient position to attempt this while betraying their globalist faction for a time in order to achieve it.
Jose Hughes
(check) Agree completely. Never ever trust the kikes. Best outcome would be Persia nuking that godforsaken place.
Juan Robinson
>((( For some reason )))
Alexander Brown
To be fair, she's hardcore anti-isl@mic and has been physically attacked a few times and threatened with jail in (((Netherstan))) for it
Nicholas Sanchez
Being a literally-from Africa nigger bitch is the only reason the kikes even allow her to continue having any sort of public life. A Dutchman who said the exact same things as she does would be smeared 24/7 for years by Jewish news networks for muh racism and probably would have been imprisoned years ago.
Daniel Campbell
this is very gay, the intelectual dark web soulnds like a shitty ctr meme
Ethan Johnson
Why did this get a pin as opposed to the Jord4n P3terson threads that where uncovering links t podesta?
Austin Phillips
Of course, that's the point. An useful asset to redpill tender normalfag brains. Especially women, and especially in the Netherlands, which, as I don't have to tell you, is a hyperfeminist socialist breeding ground.
Jaxon Barnes
Lol you guys are hilarious some times.
Matthew Evans
For reference. Joe Rogan has had this woman on a couple times in the past year, including to debate the pro-Israel kikes. She HATES ISRAEL and calls them murderers.
Aaron Flores
Does she name the jew?
Anthony Robinson
Mentors are what matter, not teachers as we've come to know them. Parents can be, and often are, the best mentors. What needs encouragement and incentive is better parenting. The structure of our world currently is to separate children from their parents in favor of other children and authoritative strangers as company, so instead of having someone who genuinely cares for them overseeing their development children have clueless peers and disinterested adults forming their worldview. It's downright evil.
Jason Morgan
Abby Martin. Started off looking and being a hot, went sour with age (in the same way as Ana Kasparin on TYT). She went to Palestine to get muzz brainwashed understand the plight of the oppressed. She's anti-Israel in a Linda Sarsour way, not Richard Little way.
TL;DR She has a nose ring.
Jaxson Reed
What a stupid bitch. She goes on this great rant about how evil Israel is, and then says the US is ruled by evil Christian evengelicals and that Israel is "white nationalist".