Work hard goyim and you too could one day have a jew own what you spent your whole life building.
Good Goy Musk Losing Control of Tesla
Other urls found in this thread:
SpaceX is just an offshoot of the global jewish psyops program
Jewish science fiction doesn't get any more real just because you want you believe in it
Should have known there would be a thread here somewhere attacking the guy who thought he could make oil and thus the holy land of Israel less relevant.
SpaceX is also being used as a front to ship niggers to cities they weren't seen in before.
How many Musk threads did you think we needed?
At least one good one.
Somebody gets it.
I hope Soros does wreck Tesla. Not because I necicarially dislike Musk but because of how many virtue signalling leftist are in love with Tesla. Maybe it will wake some of them up to these (((rat fink's))) and their kikeish ways.
Wow, I can't believe it's fucking nothing
Obviously not a good development, but scaled to an individual level, Soros might as well be loaning some pleb five bucks
Tesla was created by another man, Elon stole it from him with a hostile take over, then fired the creator.
she, btw
Fuck it.
You know who I am. Pop an envelope with some cash through my door and I'll start working as a full time "debunker" of transvestigation, or just quit exposing the truth, whichever you prefer. You know I've got the time and the skill to do it.
Yes, I'm that mercenary, I just need enough to get the hell away from normie society. They're like fucking mindless ants and it's driving me crazy. The Devil makes work for idle hands and your transgender cult is an interesting topic.
You might, I don't know. But I imagine that the feeling of being able to buy someone's loyalty and pervert them from telling the truth is even more satisfying than the brute power of life and death.
I've been trying to red pill this board for months now and you've seen how obtuse they are, even with illustrated diagrams showing the physical differences beyond any reasonable doubt, your conditioning of them since birth, and perversion of their concept of male and female, has left them completely incapable of recognizing the truth, even when it's thrust in their faces!
I am ready to make a pact with the Devil. Please give me the opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
The tranny user.
No, you spaceflight deniers are the real psysop. Rocket science is the White race's magnum opus, developed almost exclusively by german scientists and mathematicians. The entire space race (both USA and Soviet programs) was built on the work and brilliance of former NatSoc scientists. Space exploration and colonization is our ultimate manifest destiny. If Germany had won the war, we'd already have permanent mining bases on the Moon by now. Denial of spaceflight is Jewish historical revisionism attempting to take away our accomplishment.
This. Spacetards are the worst.
Its not the right time for now, any space exploration will be in the name of kikes for now.
In space, there's no one to give gibs.
Hey, yo, hold up.
How does Elon accomplish the following:
-lose money every single year of his existence
-lose around 2 billion last year
-have a quarterly earnings call where he tells people to shut the fuck up when they question his revenue
-disclose that the main reason he showed positive revenue last year was an accounting gimmick revaluing cars sold for leasing purposes
-have multiple horrific fiery accidents where cars went up in flames instantly, trapping occupants and leaving no time for rescuers, because of a fundamental issue with the product that cannot be fixed (the flammability of lithium ion batteries)
yet Tesla stock goes up almost every time one of these horrific news items comes out, any one of which would cause any other company's stock price to go to zero
He personally owns 51% of the stock. Sad though that we can't celebrate a white who has achieved much and instead attack him constantly
The share price is clearly artificially propped up. Musk is a government stooge. It's a government company that does nothing but lose money.
Then man up and short it
Yes, exactly! It blows my mind that people would pay $0.01 for a share in a company that makes vehicles carrying flammable material. What kind of fucking morons does this guy think we are? Just hop right in an enclosed space right next to a storage medium carrying large amounts of something FLAMMABLE? I sure hope this company dies out quickly - I'm not sure I would feel safe on the freeway with giant hunks of metal each carrying large quantities of dangerous flammable substance hurtling by on either side…
Musk is a jew from South Africa. His behavior is slightly less jewy than other jews, but he's still one of them.
tesla is a front for bringing black budget projects into the light. musk is just another zuckerberg. He started with internet finances (monitoring) continued with tunnel boring for the air force (the boring company) and is now shilling for useless EV with no range that don't help the enviroment.
What Tesla did wrong in my opinion is that they started off with cars instead of lightweight vehicles like motorcycles or quads. Because of distance and efficiency, electric cars are still an expensive citycar meme, but for example electric motorcycles not only have a similar price to standard motorcycles, they also have similar range, making it a valuable option. For example i'm using a quad to drive to work because it's 10 times less expensive than a car and i can park everywhere, i would love to have an electric one. I never understood what's the deal with using a big ass vehicle to go to work.
Tesla succeeding or failing will have no affect whatsoever on leftists trash. That you would wish for this dubious outcome over the destrcution of one of the world's most evil people reveals you to be a moron or a shill.
you fuckhead
combustion happens in small cylinders in a steel engine block and behind steel firewall on gas cars
battery is behind aluminum can on elec cars and isn't supposed to explode
dumbshit like you prolly own tesla
god you are a fucking moron. I'm no fan of tesla, but how do you propose to have a fleet of vehicles not powered by something flammable?
gasonline: flammable
fuel cells: flammable
lithium batteries: flammable
you sound like a third rate ralph nader. Morons like you give freedom a bad name.
Steel engine blocks are still rare. It's usually aluminum nowadays. It used to be cast iron when they cared about quality.
Plus the idiot insisted on making the fastest electric engine he possibly could. I hear they rarely make it past 60k. I'm glad he screwed it up so bad, though, because the very idea of powering an HVAC system on a lithium battery is fucking retarded. Could you imagine being stuck in a traffic jam in 100 degree weather, and suddenly running out of battery because the AC drains it like an electron sieve?
No, the real problem with tesla is he didn't just market his cars as electric lambos and ferraris.
What's the matter, got fired from work for dropping too many redpills?
I bet the carbon credit scam he was in on required something like he had to make it look practical, but also give the illusion that electric motors have some advantage over combustion. And yeah, they can be pretty fast. But the real race is to see which eats itself first, the motor or the battery.
Also, at least since LH-Jet, gas powered cars shut off the fuel pump if the car is upside down. Also, the tank is usually either behind reinforced pillars and/or is made of steel. And with diesel, you can barely keep that shit burning. Conventional engines are actually really safe in that regard. Also, the motor frequently reinforces the front end. When it's not secured loosely enough to end up in your lap in a collision.
wait is glucose flammable I guess anything is flammable if you get it hot enough
Rocket science is to white men what Wakanda is to niggers. It's honestly embarrassing seeing kike shills like you try to correlate the two. Anyone who's done a few weekends worth of research knows that this is God's realm and we're just players awaiting judgement. Space exploration is and always will be a psyop, an unfathomable dream unlike any other. Beyond the Firmament after our death is our true destiny. Glory to God and all that is Holy.
colour me shocked
People who speed and talk on phones while driving deserve worse.
The eagle has landed in a VPN honeypot, WTF man?!?!!??
Why are you equating the general idea of carrying any type of flammable fuel with the very distinct problem that causes of combustion, nature of combustion and how to put the fire out, position in the car, time that it takes to put the fire out, are characteristics that vary? The combustability, extreme heat, quick-spreading fire, and difficulty extinguishing lithium ion is a known issue, faggot
tsla should literally be at $0. It should have been at $0 a year ago. The minute Donald Trump won the election. Musk is just a government gibs nigger pushing bullshit. Soros kike buying a bunch of convertibles means nothing except soros is a fucking filthy jew who sticks his jew hands in everything
fuck musk, fuck the obama era, and fuck this propped-up fake stock market where facebook which is literally a glow nig operation start to finish never really drops and musk stays close to 300 despite losing 2 billion.
everthing is a lie and the market's a total sham. valuations are completely propped up by government gibs. this country is completely fucked. start the war motherfuckers
The kike on a stick's daddy is at best an overgrown thoughtform, and at worst a rather annoying last survivor of the canaanite pantheon. Monotheism has always been the semite's game, and always will be. The required delusional self importance needed to assume your God is the only one is semetic in nature.
The lithium aluminum cobalt 18650 battery, and its epoxy bonded fused array bus housing, is a decent power source. It has problems.
Putting it in a not-even-tin tin can, with low-mass + low-clearance + low-redundancy undercarriage and suspension, results in exacerbation of the total-vehicle-system's flaws. Another aspect, which doesn't help, and more effects total system stability, is the selling of these cars to persons unfit to own and drive them. The final aspect, which definitely doesn't help, is the asiatic-ization and nigger-ization of the States and surrounding area population demographic declines in high-tesla-sale markets.
The totality of this equation is bounded by these three factors. That is, these factors are larger than the remainder: they set the predictive outcome model first. It may mean that any high mAh battery system is not able to be adopted.
Correction can thus only be in part, and address the specific housing-machine-failure surrounding the battery. The demographics will still cause cars to be sold to those least able to own them, and set loose in environments least able to cooperate to high-energy (reads: standard) driving operating behaviors. In this way, the aspects are independent of Tesla-Co specifically, and affect all production systems attempting moving forward.
Anyone can see that you are a flatnigger.
Totally not astroturfing the tranny elite theory
(1) and done. Claiming the idols of the enemy for Jews is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Remember Hitler is a Rothschild? These people are like the Borg, memetically Judaizing Trump, Merkel, Macron, Putin.
Your powers of suggestion and unsubstantiated rumor do not work. Claims require proof or they will be discarded immediately.
Musk is running off government subsidies. Which I’m fine with if that is what it takes to accomplish new tech. But if it is just going to be another merchant captured institution then fuck that.
If your talking about those wood burning cars in North Korea then your spot on.
Musk however isnt making oil less relevant. Imagine how much fuel it took him to send that telsa car in to space? That probably made the muslims a few million.
Musk is unable to invent new tech.
He can expertly re-market already failed tech from decades ago to a naive young audience.
I’m just speaking in general. Many anons in this thread seem to be completely against government subsidies, but tons of valuable industries rely on them right now that compete against Asian slave labor and their own government subsidies
This is pretty normal for Musk's operations.
He siphons off huge sums of public money through his scams, the scam starts to fail and gets "bought out" by someone who has benefitted wildly from Musk's scam, they create a temporary resurgence of faith in Musks operation then sell off their stake piece by piece at inflated prices then buy it again for a fraction of the price and roll it into some other business.
Didn't crash testing of the tesla find that the battery sled rarely ignites and turned out to make the car itself a lot tougher and better able to weather a crash?
I think like most issues its not a black and white thing.
My country has lost several industries because of Chinese government subsidies.
With something like a car, I think it should follow the same model as computer parts where the early adopters and enthusiasts pay very high initial costs that cover the research and development.
Having the government subsidise tesla is like having the government subsidise alienwares most expensive gaming PCs.
Crash testing by every car manufacturer would find the same thing.
I hope Musk abandons Tesla and focuses on the important shit. SpaceX is pretty much the only hope the white man has in space, China is coming in strong and NASA is a pork barrel of corporate welfare (fucking SLS project costing billions while being inferior to commercial rockets).
SpaceX will be able to sell real estate off world eventually, I don't see a better oppertunity coming for a homeland than that.
Theres been multiple external tests done by this stage.
The IIHS for instance has little interest in fabricating data as it represents insurers not automakers.
While one could argue the NHTSA is also independent being a government agency who have little room for faking information due to the nature of their work and how much of it is reproduced elsewhere to confirm it. They are (((feds)))
On another front how many deaths in a Tesla have we had? One I think it was? We've had multiple crashes but in every other instance I know of the driver survived and there wasn't a fire.
Lithium batteries are nasty things yes. But it's LiPos that are the "catch on fire if you look at them wrong" sort. The tesla ones are Lithium-Ion batteries which only have thermal runaway like you're describing if they overheat.
A crash could in theory cause said thermal runaway by allowing for metal fragments to get into the cells and cause short circuits. But I've not heard of this happening. Despite numerous crashes.
I deny spaceflight because it just doesn't fucking matter while Jews still exist because they will take over every space project to run it into the ground for fun and profit.
Looking it up. It seems there has been at least one instance of fire.
However the fire didn't spread to the entire battery pack as they've included at least one firewall in there.
Literally nothing. It's a $35 million stake in a company with a market cap of 46 billion. If Soros were to convert all of his notes into shares then he would still only own 0.07% of Tesla. If Elon Musk didn't want other people to own a stake in his company then he shouldn't have went public. Do you not understand how the financial markets work?
My point wasnt that anyone was fabricating anything. My point was that crash testing in a controlled environment would rarely result in a catastrophic failure like a fire. But in the real world it can happen.
How many fires has there been in a Jaguar XKSS?
None. By your logic that proves the car is really safe. But the real reason is because only 16 were produced.
Your either falling for really obvious transparent marketting tricks or you are trying to make other people fall for them.
What is a market cap?
I see this posted all the time in comments on kikebarts anti-Tesla fake news articles.
With how few and far between Teslas are and how extremely rare the crashes have been, and how even more rare the fiery crashes have been (that each one makes msm headlines for weeks), what makes you resort to this level of fearmongering and what is your proposed solution?
No electric vehicles allowed?
I'm sure Saudi Arabia and Israel will love that one as they dance on the graves of the entire middle east.
The fact is that as electric vehicles become more common, fire departments and corporartions will be forced to adapt for public safety.
A gay blue stripe across any actual electric vehicle with a compounded ban on the gay blue stripe for non-electric vehicles is a simple, dumb solution to your simple, dumb problem.
What they use is monomethylhydrazine, and I can't find where it comes from besides mushrooms, which obviously isn't the main source.
Any chemical literate anons want to share what the compounds mean?
That said electric vehicles and such as an environmental saviour is retarded and he was likely only pandering to an easy, likely to buy audience.
The focus hasn't been on environment if you've all paid attention, it's been on quality and with the model 3, affordability of that quality.
This whole thing was an intro to a wider audience like any corporation, and I'm for this kind of competition.
Just remember Tesla paid back the government goybucks with interest but the media won't talk about that, it doesn't stop the subsidies but that's a new market competitor innovating the industry's cost.
Also Soros is probably planning to sink the company to create a vacuum for his less publicized investments like he did with Hungary to reap a major whirlwind.
He smells blood in the water and he makes a killing off of loss.
Well your implication was that this was an inevitable or at least extremely likely consequence of a tesla crashing.
Meanwhile real world evidence is pointing to this not being the case.
And theres a lot of these things on the road now. Not as many as the cunt wishes but lots. We'd have seen a lot more firey deaths if you were right.
You swallowed the full load of Jewish semen. Turn in your membership card, because you are no longer White.
When dealing with a lithium-ion battery fire your goal is not to extinguish the fire but to cool down the battery. That will shorten the burn time.
So really it changes little for fire departments, just means they need more water.
I think that was the guy you were replying to when I replied to you.
My point was that telsa cars and regular cars would be very unlikely to catch fire in a controlled test.
Your point about crash testing is very weak but that doesnt mean I completely agree with the person you were replying to.
I don't see why the chances would be so severely reduced. They put a lot of effort into accurate simulation of crashes. The vehicle is accelerated at various speeds into solid or moving objectives at various angles. Or is hit by things moving at various speeds or slowly crushed.
What more can you ask for?
The reinforced batterypacks on the floor actually make the cars more impact resistant, and the thermal runaways are both rare and well contained.
The fiery crash recently was caused by a highspeed impact at just the right angle to sheer off the front end.
Vehicle didn't matter at that point.
Well fuck, I guess I can see the problems that will cause California.
You think thats bad? During the burn they can release a lot of toxic fumes.
Also in a rare example of a company being somewhat responsible, Tesla has prepared guidelines for fire departments on how to handle a fire with one of their vehicles.
First thing they advise? "Call for more water"
Going further into it. Tesla has done fire tests on their battery sleds. 24 hours roughly it can take for the fire to extinguish, unsure if thats with or without any water cooling of the battery packs.
Thanks Elon
Some people just want to see the world burn.
Tor poster knows
Its reduced because external factors are reduced. Theres lots of variables in the real world that would be controlled in a test. Such as the ambient temperature, other cars and hazards on the road. Etc.
In the real world you might crash in to a fuel tanker or a high voltage power line. Which increase the risk of fire. They dont have those in crash tests.
Even if it wasnt reduced, what I said would still be correct.
There are 17,000 real world car crashes per day in the USA. The vast majority of them dont result in a fire. So even if the chance of a fire in a crash test was equal to the real world case, its still very low.
Its not a special feature if a car is unlikely to catch fire because all cars are unlikely to catch fire.
The important question is, is car X more likely to catch fire than car Y?
To make that comparison you would divide the number of fires by the number of miles driven, for a particular car and then rank the results.
You faggots do realize that what you'd use to transport significant mass would be nuclear pulse propulsion right? The technology developed by the US and not Germany. We've had the ability to go to mars in a month since 1956 but faggy treaties about not using nukes in space prevent this technology from being used. That said no we likely would not be mining the moon or even asteroids unless we are doing insitu resource extraction for the purpose of building habitation on near earth bodies or space habitats. Which themselves would mostly be useful for military purposes.
To be honest space exploration is likely to be slow and plodding and boring like the actuality of any real exploration. It will still get done but don't romanticize the reality.
Reported for /x/ spam.
In the presence of the oxygen and not self-ignitable. There is no oxygen in the fuel tank. So simple rupture of the gas tank doesn't cause fire. It needs to be combination of factors: fuel spilled from teh damaged tank and sources of ignition is present to contact spilled fuel or vapors.
Batteries contain both fuel and oxidizer in one packages separated by thin battery membrane. Just mechanical damage to the battery causes them to come into contact and self-ignite.
Also batteries has much more larger size that makes probability of the mechanical damage more probable.
Okay here's a quick run-down. A company's goal is to make money. Who gets to keep that money? The owners, of course. But the owner of a company doesn't need to be just one person. During the 1500's the Dutch invented 'stocks.' Think of this as the boomer equivalent of crowd-funding. Instead of one person investing their life's savings into a single project, hundreds of people can get together and chip in a small portion and reap the rewards together. So let's say we have a company, Zig Forums Industries, that specializes in manufacturing Zyklon-B; its share price is $50. This company issues one million shares of stock. The market cap is the total value of every stock combined. In this case you would multiple 50 by one million to get fifty million. It's important to remember that the market cap isn't necessarily the same thing as the company's value.
Your grammar is atrocious.
All praise to Einstein and Oppenheimer, our favorite (((Americans)))!
Heisenberg knew how to build a nuclear bomb, but the Army Weapons Office decided against it because they thought (correctly) that it would take too long to be relevant for the ongoing German war effort. Nuclear propulsion and nuclear warheads would have been added to the German rocket program after the war.
Thanks for the explanation. But that last part is the bit I dont understand. In my simplistic understanding a share is like owning a tiny fraction of the company. So if you multiply the price per share by how much of the company it represents, that would be the company value?
It hurts more when people point out my leddit spacing. I dont fucking go there and will fight anyone who says otherwise.
If in the other anons example, there are 1 million shares, and you had 1 share, you would have one millionth (cue bad Dr Evil impression) share of the company.
The company value, as user says, is the number of shares (one million) x the value that the market gives to one share ($50) = $50 million.
America doesn't buy oil from Muslims. The number-one source for American petroleum is the United States itself, which is now becoming a net exporter of oil, thanks to fracking. After that comes Canada, then Mexico, then Norway. We may have embargoed Venezuelan oil, but they used to be a major source. We get small amounts of oil from Nigeria, which is extracted from under the (Christian) Ibo's lands in the delta. We also buy very small amounts from Indonesia, which is the first Muslim country on the list. After that, we only buy token amounts from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, etc., mostly as a way of keeping the market open and maintaining relationships between buyers and sellers.
You're not really on the ball, are you?
Don't forget the part where the Jews sell 10% of the company to each of a dozen major investors, then put another 50% of the firm on the public trading floor with a word to the station traders to keep the market high.
It was not. It was only concept and no test of such nuclear engine was ever done.
There were soviet and russian works after. Problem is that pressure from the charge pulse is so high that no solid material can survive it and no convectional amortization system can stop propagation of shock-wave from pusher plate along the vechicle. These works suggests as solution complex system of layers of gas and liquid droplets of rising density suspended between pusher plate and charge to absorb energy and transfer it tothe pusher plate lengthening time of interaction by thousands times. So engineering problem is much more complex than bomb and pusher plate and no working technically was not developed.
They were atmospheric and not kinetic charge that concept suggests. If proper tests were done they remain classified.
If anything I say space exploration and independent colonies is the last chance for anyone wishing to get away from society in the future. The only thing earth holds in store for us is mega cities and china-levels of population density. If we can mine minerals off asteroids and harvest rocket fuel from gas giants we are all set for an ever expanding frontier.
And travel at superluminal speeds or spend half an eternity in a cryo capsule (or worse, transhumanism).
No marketing was spot on.
Previous electric attempts concentrated on econom class cars and it was disaster. Small cheap vehicles suck already very much. When you market such vehicle there is no goo thing about them, they pr image is pure negative (been poor sucks) Throw in electric car problems and they become total trash. . Also electric costs more and now you have expansive trash vehicle. For what consumer? Cheap fags are very sensitive to price.
Going for the premium market was 1000% right decision. Electric problems can be solved by throwing money on the problem. Premium markets can provide such money. PR is only positive, premuim cars has all practical features driver need, it is impossible to critique such cars, it does everything. Price goes up but in the premium market consumer is not sensitive for price he is sensitive for extra "brand" luxury features (eco is a feature too see successes of hybrid vehicles).
Speed is another feature, 1/4 mile drag traffic light races, ubiquitous car owners cock measuring contest. And here engineering and marketing were right to recognize this single good driving quality of electric car, good drag racing. It can't race on the road with turns, it cant race long distance but who cares, average driver never races like that his racing begins and end in the traffic light race.
Seriously, you deserve death for this. Kill yourself before someone does it for you.
Point. Even the shitty Nissan Leaf is a failure in terms of reliability. But economy cars are completely screwed these days anyway. You can't get anything that isn't an overengineered abomination with an interference engine packed solid with hoses and delicate plastic pieces. Disgusting.
A bicycle with disc brakes? What is this madness?
That's just because nissans have shit reliability and safety all around. The meme of Japanese reliability only applies to Honda and Toyota.
Nice map of the British Isles faggot. The Earth is a flat and motionless plane covered by a dome in spite of your shitty strawman map.
Seemed like Nissan was doing pretty well until Renault bought the brand. Definitely not on crash safety, but the fuckers tended to run until they disintegrated. The French with their aluminum blocks and CVTs ruined everything. And why the hell do they like the PRV so much?
Sage for getting carried away.
What kind of person would invest right after a product explodes like that? What does Soros know that other investors don't? That jews will stop putting explosives in the cars once they own most of the company?