In 2017, a largely ignored UN report noted that Israel had established “an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.”
The report - Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid - was commissioned and published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and launched in Beirut, and urged governments to "support boycott, divestment and sanctions [BDS] activities and respond positively to calls for such initiatives".
So I would conciser the denial and incapability answering the question, but showing only the opinion of hating kikes, a goat fucker sympathist? Why didn't you said so sooner? I hope every last trash who takes sides between those two filth receive a bullet.
The Zionists are exactly why we have so much conflict in that area of the world. We had 1,000 years of living in peace between Muslims, Jew, and Christians until the Zionists crated the 'State of Israel' in 1948 using the UN mandate. Great Britain is the main culprit in this endeavor. So if you want and need a label pasted on me so that you can shove me in a box of your understanding, you aren't going to get it. You can just assume away. I can tell you though that I may be a Nationalist - I do not want the U.S. to support any Israeli Military Actions. If it were up to me, I would throw 3 nukes on Israel and then arrest every Zionist in the United States. It doesn't matter what party you are affiliated with here. Republicans or Democrats - they are both part of the Zionist agenda. Sometimes I think that the Republicans are more Zionist due to their support of Israel, but with shills like Schumer, maybe the Democrats are more Zionistic. One can never tell. It's a back and forth sway - leading me to believe that the whole thing is compromised. I also believe that Trump's "Draining of the Swamp" is to remove all those who do not support Israel. I voted for Trump. I did not believe that he was so owned by the Zionists then. I know better now though.
No! I am in the UK and all muslim and african migrants must be sent back at the cost of thier own governments immediately! They are rapists and murderers and cannot be trusted! In addition, all Zionist Jews should be rounded up and exterminated, while all the Zionist Whites should be tried in court for treason and serve life if found guilty!
Ryder Williams
In addition, if the African and Muslim migrants refuse - push them into the ocean and let them become fish food.
Nathan Cooper
They were burying earthquake victims during a humanitarian aid mission. (((Western media))) used this pic out of context to claim genocide.
Anthony Rogers
We still owe you a favour friend… From Poland.
Henry Hernandez
All this talk is illegal in the UK now (Tommy Robinson) and I could be arrested for this talk, but I don't care. Let the New Scotland Yard come.
Tyler Reed
Sweden 2.0 got it, explains the envy and jealousy. There's one thing that bothers me. Your categorization of "zionist jews". You seem to be avoiding to call the entire kike race out but you only seem to condemn only a separate faction of kikes. Do (((you))) have some explanation? Don't tell me that you believe in "based jews".
Isaiah Nguyen
Well, aside of this shitstorm drama, I would say to you, good luck on that.
You’re too late to the party OP. What is the foundation of a aparthide regime? Muh racisms. Zionism itself has been determined to be a form of racial discrimination since fucking 75’ by the General Assembly of the United Nations under resolution 3379. Goys spend to much time on the braindrain machine but the zionist juden stays steadfast. The 21st centuries climb intellectual superirority via smartfones we have someone forgotten that the forces that have long driven indivudals are still pervasive and decisive in driving action. All hail religion, new atheist fags can btfo
no such thing as a based jew. my UK rant is a larp in U.S. as you can see in
Yes - calling out one faction of Jews. Why? they are the most imminent danger to what? to our country, to Europe, to the Middle east, to asia Australia made a law where you cannot hold dual citizenship and hold a position in the government. Zionists are out. They must drop loyalty to Israel if they are to serve, otherwise they are serving illegally. We need a similar law in the U.S. Europe is screwed. Europe is lost. I am sorry if you are there, but it is a fact. I think the UK hates itself. There is hope for the U.S. but I don't think that Trump is helping us. The only people he is helping are the Zionists. We are a marionette for the fingers of Israel. very sad. The U.S. Military is not compromised. If you shave off a few layers of 'Leadership' off the top, specifically all those top civilians in the military, then we can have a coup. >"I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." We have domestic enemies…..
Yes! that was passed, but then it was rescinded in 1992(?) because the Israelis were holding out on some treaty/charter or something and they were blackmailing the UN to remove the 'Zionism is Racism' . I forgot what the name of it was. I think it had something to do with Spain. totally fucked up.
Stay asleep user
Brody Sanchez
Still trying to figure out how Zionists are trying to influence China / Koreas / Japan
you realize that /pol pretty much calls for apartheid on a daily basis
so maybe israel is based country we all really want to be in?
Not me just you nazi cucks
David Price
ok - not so much trying - more like trying to see exactly where because it is not as infected with kikes as it is here in the U.S. due to obvious racial differences.
yes, it is, but whomever had compiled this report is /was not.
Carter Gutierrez
Everything is controlled by the kikes. So stop voting especially for Zognald Blumpf because he's totally controlled despite them openly wanting to kill him. t. every shill on this board
Interesting. Tell me more, kike.
Benjamin Young
I guess that explains why the NSDAP had no plans of reestablishing the monarchy.
I see. They'll report on what's actually the case but subsequently do nothing about it. The same thing going on for decades now.
I consider it nothing more than just theatrics for the goyim to consume. If Trump was really making moves against (((them))) he would have been killed already. I consider him the American version of Berlusconi, better than what Hillary would have been for sure, but less bad does not equal good.
Ultimately, the mandate over Palestine given to Britain supported the Zionist project and included the Balfour language. According to the mandate, Britain would be “responsible for putting into effect the [Balfour] declaration … in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine….” THANKS GREAT BRITAIN
They couldn't loose WW1. It was a humble offer. They couldn't have predicted this really tbh as Hitler was also a zionist in the most literal sense as he filled the Mandate of Palestine with jews, the Haavara Agreement.
Angel Ross
Shameless plug because the guy (and his audience) deserves support and it's good news: The channel "Lift the Veil" has started dropping
Hard Truth Bombs
I've been watching this guy for a while and found his analysis to be generally of good quality. Unlike most "truth channels" he is not sensationalizing. He almost got shut down for his reporting on the Vegas shooting as well as the Hoggwash. With regards to Q, first he bought into the bullshit but then started seeing it for the LARP it is. Now he has finally come around and discovered the elephant in the room, something that I've always thought was bound to happen.
He has 40k subscribers, and while some of them are redpilled, I get the impression the majority is of the "Something's very wrong here, if I only knew what" sort of type. And it seems like he's taking the majority now down the correct rabbid hole with him. jewtube has already begun to strike him with bad goy measures for his latest kike videos. Watch his videos of the last few days, they are excellent entry level - yet at the same time hardcore - truth bombs. Maybe save them because I have a feeling that his channel or these videos won't be around for much longer.
yes nigger take fucking sides with the palestinian people with the iranian people with the syrian people and rid the world of the jew virus forever SUPPORT OUR PERSIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS
Wyatt Lewis
Excellent post. I'll have a look.
Tyler Garcia
Normally I'd say fuck off and plug your channel somewhere else but these are actually pretty good.
Tyler Murphy
I especially like how he goes after the other "truth" channels and points out the -stein in Jonestein.
Aaron Brown
Checked, and I wouldn't have posted it here otherwise.
Isaiah Ross
Yeah, the (((Alt-media))) really needs to get fucked. That Caolan faggot gave it a good stab but it needs a bullet.
Isaiah Edwards
Don't you guys know that the enemy of my friend is my ally? You hurt them where they're weakest and then leave the Palestinians to deal with the civil war.
Joshua Stewart
Kill yourself.
Luke Wood
Yeah, if you want to control your 'friend,' - I think cattle is more appropriate than friend
Jose Campbell
The side of White nationalism. Anti-jew Anti-muslim Anti-non White
No The correct response is to oppose both. The correct response is to embrace White nationalism and the goal of White countries for White people and only White people.
Really? Read some history.
No jew will put the interests of non-jews above those of israel. They are all loyal to jews above all else. Even if they disagree with israel or some of its policies they still must support the jews of israel. Why? The talmud tells them to. The core of jewish identity (even for atheist jews) is putting jews and the interests of jews above all else. Their citizenship/ lack of citizenship is a very small issue. Their identity as jews is their tie to israel. They can never be loyal to anything other than jewry. Their loyalty will always be suspect. They must be completely removed from White countries. Send them to israel and quarantine them there.
israel is a nation of hypocrites. They support apartheid and racial politics for themselves while simultaneously putting massive pressure on everyone else to be "diverse" and "multicultist." They do this to destroy the West and bring about White genocide.
The "allies" were losing WW1 The Germans were killing 2 allied soldiers for every 1 they lost. Eventually the allies would have caved and negotiated peace. The US entering the war is what tipped the balance. Even then, the Germans could have fought on for years. They surrendered with the belief that their would be a "reasonable" peace treaty. They were wrong. Point is that the rothschilds made a deal with Britain to get the Balfour agreement in exchange for pulling the US into the war by using the kike media and kike ties to the US gov. It was all kike bullshit from the beginning.