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So I would conciser the denial and incapability answering the question, but showing only the opinion of hating kikes, a goat fucker sympathist? Why didn't you said so sooner? I hope every last trash who takes sides between those two filth receive a bullet.

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He literally let Lenin out of prison. He's trying to save face.

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Aww~, what's the matter? Did insulting your girlfriend fucking muslim brother upset you?

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The Zionists are exactly why we have so much conflict in that area of the world.
We had 1,000 years of living in peace between Muslims, Jew, and Christians until the Zionists crated the 'State of Israel' in 1948 using the UN mandate. Great Britain is the main culprit in this endeavor.
So if you want and need a label pasted on me so that you can shove me in a box of your understanding, you aren't going to get it. You can just assume away.
I can tell you though that I may be a Nationalist - I do not want the U.S. to support any Israeli Military Actions. If it were up to me, I would throw 3 nukes on Israel and then arrest every Zionist in the United States.
It doesn't matter what party you are affiliated with here. Republicans or Democrats - they are both part of the Zionist agenda. Sometimes I think that the Republicans are more Zionist due to their support of Israel, but with shills like Schumer, maybe the Democrats are more Zionistic. One can never tell. It's a back and forth sway - leading me to believe that the whole thing is compromised.
I also believe that Trump's "Draining of the Swamp" is to remove all those who do not support Israel.
I voted for Trump.
I did not believe that he was so owned by the Zionists then.
I know better now though.

hey, you leave my mud-butt lover out of this

Holy shit, you do crack me up.

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The level of cognitive dissonance is truly outstanding. American?

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