Put it to the test. Make it impossible for him to ignore, and see what he does about it.
FAA Workforce Was "Too White", Obama Admin "Sacrificed Safety At The Altar Of Political Correctness
And rarely do I see someone point out someone else's stupidity in new and creative ways. So thanks.
not sure if related
eat a bag of dicks leddit
Tucker did 3 segments on it so far this week.
Trump spends hours every day reading his Twitter feed 8^)
I'm OK with everyone in Chicago dying. Blue state, poop state.
Underrated my nigga
This disaster is only saved by the fact that most planes are nearly autonomous, can be flown completely by computer with pilots there being button pushers for show who more and more aren't really pilots(there's been a couple of mayday aircraft disaster shows I've seen where the crash is caused by the "pilots" not being pilots anymore, fucking up on fundamentals results in everyone killed.)
Whatever keeps whitey down Trump and the Z.O.G are all for it.