Go back to reddit. ZOG does not arrest ZOG
Austin Morales
Nicholas Campbell
Call them by their real name, the Jews and their lackeys; communists, feminists, Christians, Muslims, Democrats and Republicans.
Connor Morris
Camden Rodriguez
ZOG will arrest ZOG to protect ZOG for a pretty shekel and don't you forget it.
Ian Campbell
Kikes will ignore this
Daniel Martin
its the same shills that we had to deal with from the start. imkikey banned most of them, now theyre back.
Benjamin Ortiz
lmao Trumpniggers are delusional.
Nicholas Powell
This is just going to be "bump stocks" all over again. Lots of talk until the 24 news cycle burns-out on taco niggers and then nothing.
Carter Fisher
Burritos will be tossed
back over the wall
Matthew Phillips
Yeah, isn't that what that means the whole family goes back to Mexico?