
Hey guys, so me and my girl (who by the way, is as redpilled as I am on the kikes and their lies) have been thinking about our future wedding but we aren't christcucks and so are looking for info on the most traditional and redpilled wedding ceremony. If you guys were going to have a wedding in Current Year, how the fuck would you do it?

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1: Are you Amerifat? In which case it's time to trace your heritage, faggot. Pro tip: you have none, kill yourself you mixed mongrel.
2: If not/once you have time to look into how historians believe marriages took place then.
3: Do that, faggot.

I know Amerifats find this difficult to understand, but Europe is not one homogeneous culture.

Something involving nature.

Ass of a Christnigger blown wiiiiiiide open. Gonna need some ointment.

Go out somewhere with a lot of natural beauty, maybe rent a place thats got that type of appeal. Get some way to make sure its legit in the eyes of the law. For the ceremony keep it short, just make sure it includes a reading of vows and maybe some speeches from friends or something along those lines. A short history of how you met or whatever is fine too, maybe a speech about the life you plan to live. Wrap it up with a celebratory party at the end and enjoy the honeymoon. Congrats OP. Also you're a fucking faggot for killing a thread just to do "muh redpill wedding ideas"

I like that idea. We're getting somewhere.

And I know right? Me and my girl have been reading Ben Klassen for the past couple weeks and before that, our beliefs were most similar to (((Cucktianity))) so we've definitely been having to reevaluate shit. I've always had my hunches that kikes were behind it but it's very confusing because they hate Jesus and are very anti-Christian.

Thanks a ton faggot. Appreciate the ideas bro

30,000 years of migrations

Not one white race.


It's just a fucking contract law to fuck you over, user. Go do it at a court then have a natural ceremony outside with music and druidic looking theme.Not a picknick that's for white trash

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Fucking Christianity was invented by kikes. Stop shilling for this cuck bullshit.

Do it Lefevbre style, in Latin. Deus Vult. And congrats.

Forest clearing or by the water.

Fiddle tunes and dancing.

Knock her up

they're like jews with how aggressively they push their subversive bullshit

If you're both truly redpilled, you'll just be common law married with no ceremony at all.

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Check'd and /thread
Adolf wins.

Marriage has two important aspects to consider

1) a pre-baked legally accepted economic contract
This can be practical for many people. Unless your networth is > $200k or your chances of divorce are higher than they should be, then a pre-nupt will cost more in legal fees than the savings you'd expect from an unlikely break up. Also it's pretty practical for most tax arrangements, child custody, inheritence, property holding, insurance and other instruments. Generally marriage makes sense as an easy, pre-baked economic contract centered around child rearing. It's basically designed for that purpose, alimony rape aside.

2) Social status. Women crave social status and security. Nothing beats the marriage meme for delivering that status and security a woman craves. This is beyond rationality, it's simply thousands of years of meme magic that you have to reckon with. If you don't marry a girl, she and everyone else will assume you don't take her seriously.

If you're doing it in the evening, bring torches and have a bonfire

Marriage is pact made in front of best friends and family. The glue of the initial vow lasts until the end of the first pregnancy, then everything suddenly becomes much more real.

You are supposed to sweat, to be nervous, because is probably the most important pact you will make in your life, and you are making it in front of God and everyone whose opinion of you, you value. Were I to do it again, I might lean towards an Asatru priest. Just make sure you are willing to give your life for her, and she for you, 'cause that's what's happening. Don't take it lightly. Done sincerely, a wedding is a hardcore ceremony.

That's it. You don't need a ceremony, a ring, or a piece of paper from the government to get married.

$10 has been deposited to your account.

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So, what the fuck are you?
What do you believe?
Go to fucking Vegas, or if you're not a faggot, do a normal wedding, in a church or some nice looking public venue, with a justice of the peace.
Yes, I promise, you can set foot inside a church without catching fire.
By heritage or because it sounded edgy?
Neck yourself.
Great. Good for you. Do a handfasting. …Which is basically a wedding. In a church or some nice public venue. With a justice of the peace and Sister Nightmoan or Father Suncock or whoever the fuck is your spiritual leader presiding.