Backup plan

If Europe falls get a small population of about 200'000 whites to immigrate to Mongolia

If the jews succeed in destroying Europe which is quite possible I believe it is a good idea to have a backup plan. The idea I came up with was a white exodus to Mongolia. The main reason why I chose Mongolia is because it is significant in European history because of the huns and the mongols. Now you may ask about other areas such as India, Kazahkstan or Iran well the difference between Mongolia and these 3 countries is that Mongolia will give us away of taking back Europe in the future. There is a reason why ghengis khan made it as far as he did and it's mainly because of the eurasian steppe.

Surviving in the steppe environment shouldn't be difficult for the average European and it keeps the mudslimes and niggers away. The land is only fit for the strongest to survive and the jews can't exactly leech off of us either in mongolia there is a thriving population of 100 jews in the countrygenocide them just in case. Mongolians are also about 50% Buddhist so I doubt they would actually try to kill us if we entered their country. Though it would be difficult for them to meet up with us considering Mongolia's size and geography.

There is a couple of issues however for one the land in mongolia isn't suitable for agriculture. This means we would have to rely on the animals and animal milk. Obviously this would be an issue however we can easily adapt to the environment. The population of Mongolia is also pretty small around 3 million so migrating too many European's is probably a bad idea. We would also be pretty reliant on China which is the main problem with this idea.

Obviously this is a last resort if every white country is flooded with shit skins if we stop the invasion then there really isn't going to be a need to immigrate to a place like Mongolia. After all when whites lose their influence the entire world is going to be like the Christian dark ages on steroids so it is never a bad idea to come up with a strategy

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Other urls found in this thread:

So we regroup outside of Europe and then start the
Aryan Invasion II: Mass Genocide Boogaloo

Basically Mongolia just happens to have ties to Europe and it's been proven that it's possible to invade Europe via the eurasian steppe. Due to the huns and Ghengis Khan.

you forget the part where Mongolia itself is very easy to invade.

Why do faggots like you exist, OP? You think these haven't been made before? Nothing comes from it but "ur a kike" "no ur a kike" "why don't we just kill kikes XD?" etc., then the thread archives and people going on grazing the grass they think is red pilled.

not even that, its a shitty location.

Why not go somewhere between Altai/Pamir/Himalaya mountains?

because you can't farm in those regions

brah, fuck farming. there is a reason why indo-europeans have a lactose enzyme. They weren't growing soy like you. Aryans are nomadic/ not sedentary

Mongolian neo-Nazis celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday

no aryans aren't nomadic. aryan race are a mix of celtics, slavs and scandinavians. none of those people were nomadic

It really isn't it is covered by a desert at the bottom meaning an invasion from China is unlikely. Even then Mongolia and China are sort of allies anyway so it really won't come to much you know if there wasn't also a desert near that region. As for Russia transporting large amounts of supplies from your main area in Europe to Mongolia which is near the end of Asia would be pretty stupid and costly. Just not worth invading when you look at it from that angle.

People like you are why the west is declining farming is a fundamental part of what got us so far in the first place. It gave us the ability to accumulate in large numbers which is one of the main reasons why mountainous regions aren't the optimal place for immigration. If you think it's irrelevant you are either retarded or too young to understand the significance of farmers.

All traitors die first!

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No. We fight to the bitter end for our homeland. Fuck off defeatist idiot.


We are worth 50 of them because we take the time to learn and plan well. Avoid the mistakes of WW2:
1) No more brother wars.
2) Global SS. Let the shitskins reconquer their territories.
3) No weapons, except chemical (and indiscriminate biological), off the table.
4) Start local, tackle the problems piece by piece. Be methodical, find your local race traitors and exploiters and begin harassing them. If they do not get the message escalate the harassment until they decide to leave. If they still will not leave then beat them. If they still won't leave then. Well they are committed enemies and have the willpower to fight until the white race is dead. You must match their determination thrice over.


you're a grade A+ dumbass. Native europeans (10000bce+) were anatolian farmers. They indo-european/aryan (eastern european pontic steppe) were nomadic. How the fuck do you think they domesticated the horse/bull/ram? For fun? No. They bred them, domesticated them, milked them, killed them, raided sedentary farmers in europe and middle east.

Not my fault you don't understand anthropology/history of your own race/people.

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Your backup plan should be fighting, not fleeing. Sage for you acting like a pacifist hippie kike on a stick.

Blue = Aryan
Orange =Anatolian farmer

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you're right. fuck this thread

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Yeah but Europe isn't exactly a deslate desert wasteland.

Yeah we originated from the caucuses mountain region. That was me being an idiot on that one. Still if you think agriculture is irrelevant your a fucking retard.

No goy don't regroup and think about how to retake your land fight to the end against a horde when you are fractured, divided and weakened due to distrust in each other. Tell your buddy in tel aviv to fuck off

you gave it away with this line right here
Why do that and kill our race when we can regroup and reorganise and then tackle the situation using intellect rather than duh me muscles bigger than you muscles this mean me win fight.
Also if you think repeating the words sieg heil over and over again makes your comment more believable then you've got some training to do schlomo.

Why not Poland, the Baltics, Ukraine, Balkans, and Russia? Plus, Cascadia maybe.
Also, why the fuck do you want us all to move to a resource poor, landlocked state that is a puppet to China?
And finally, if we moved en mass to Mongolia, the Mongols would quickly unify against us.


I don't think Mongolia has much room, half of the nomadic country is covered by the Gobi.

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bergele :DD

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This is before question of who would allow you to invade Mongolia.

How? We are only 10% of the world population and still dominate it, even if we were really fucking incompetent, ignore the current overton window movement, don't do anything and somehow 100 years later a minority within our own countries, we would still fucking dominate. Don't fall for kike memes god damnit.

If it ever came to a point were white people had to leave Europe in droves, which i don't believe will happen because there will be a shitshow starting way before that and don't run god damnit, i would rather consider East Russia or West Canada, as both these countries have large ass empty as fuck, defendable and farmable areas with a similar climate to Europe.

There's no way anybody's going to fucking Mongolia.

Good quality LARPing
Post something less useless next time.

Yeah, interesting theory. How about Islam spreading, pirates destroying southern Europe coastline along with its trade routes. Crippling Europe and causing the dark ages.

JIDF shills don't use it to start a religious D&C or I'll come and shit in your falafel.

The main reason I chose Mongolia is that it gives us a convenient access to Europe via the steppe.

Why not choose Europe than? We'd still be living in fucking Mongolia, with it's rediculous winds.


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Thats a crap idea stand and fight.
White flight is never right.
Be White stand and Fight!

OP do you have a throw away email? I've been working on just such a contingency plan for some time now. Basically it involves co-opting permy and hipster culture into a Neo-Lebensreform movement focused on self sustaining colonies. Then seeding those colonies into central Asia.

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There is nothing wrong with running away, see US. But:
1. You should choose place wisely. Islands are best. Like Australia.
2. Question who would allow you to create new state and/or conquer another state in the year 2018 still stands.

This is where you migrate first in collaboration with Russian government. They are very keen to prevent China take over and already have a homestead act for citizens.

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Larpers will all die. The only hope is for people who remember the essence of Nazism and preserve their people. If this means laying low to gain a foothold in Asia then so be it.

No sorry I don't

Mongolia is pretty good in this regard the place is extremely difficult to invade. A small population density is ideal if the density is small enough then then we may not even come across the native population. Though getting used to the climate will be problematic

Tbh the number of (((1))) posters in this thread is signaling that this may be a good idea.

So the backup plan is becoming Ghengis Kahn? I’m surprisingly okay with this.

For Hungarians, this is merely treading the old stomping ground. Easy as pancake.

He did genocide large portions of sand niggers he can't be that bad can he.

why the hell would you place the escape hatch for the last stand of the Great White Race next door to the Jewish Autonomous Zone in Russia?

the Russian Far East is an ideal territory, since it is the most remote land on Earth,
and since it has no (((resources))) for The Jew to (((speculate))) with and since the rugged land imposes a toughness on it's inhabitants like we haven't seen since Ghengis Khan led his army of a mere 100,000 soldiers to conquer the world.

after all of us whites are driven to live on the Mongolian steppe, that Kike Autonomous Zone will have to be the first territory we annex and decimate.

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His grandson who sacked Bahgdad let the Armenians and Georgian Auxillaries go through the breach first. They wanted revenge. The decimation of Bahgdad sultanate was a white action.

Been landlocked means been fucked up by neighbors when they maintain public moral superiority (my borders i can stop whatever i want entire UN applauds me how i fucked Nazi state up with my blockade). Never ever you should choose land without access to the ocean.

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Except this land belongs to Russian federation who hates Nazis and has strongest military in the world. Taking their land is not an option.


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Yeah, sounds like a great plan.


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IDK I could see branching out into the whole Earth and beginning to set up staging areas that allowed us to heavily populate and take over the earth. This time we will dominate it from the inside of other nations via expansionism. Mongolia being a desert is meaningless, we could have that desert blooming and fertile enough to support a MASSIVE population using permaculture in a single generation. We would need to find women who would want to have lots of kids, massive families. I hearby volunteer myself to be cloned and in my next life make massive numbers of high IQ (140+) blonde haired blue/grey eyed children for a adventurous innovative Germanic stud who wants to make at least a dozen babies with me and will volunteer to fuck me A LOT starting young (in my teens) because this body NEEDS sex and a lot of it. I am 97% Germanic and would be interesting in finding a full or 95% part breed Germanic male only.

I also require someone with at least a 145 IQ because unless you are smarter than I am I will dominate you in every way conceivable, I can't help this, it is part of my nature and will make for dominate offspring which will be ideal in a situation where we are trying for world domination and suppression (eventual extermination) of other races. Physically fit nerds are acceptable (as long as you like guns, explosives and permaculture)…normal sized cock would be nice as I like multiple sexual positions and don't want to be limited by cock size to one or two different styles of sex. I am also demanding sexually. FYI I have a temper, so you cheat and you both die…I would expect the same from you.

Basically for world domination, I am a dream DNA repository who will breed strong high IQ violent and aggressive children who enjoy sex, laughter and the joy of living.

Ok…so the expansionist question is settled…now we just need to figure out how to clone me…we will outbred the other races and dominate not by sucking up their resources but by actually invading their lands and setting up fucking franchises; out breeding, out fucking and out living this low IQ trash in their own nations. Literally.

This thread is as bad as making a new country surrounded by niggers in Africa because it's only a step above. Stop white flight and take a stand faggots, you can't run away from the jew and the golem hordes forever.

Lets do a "white meetup" but white nationalism is banned, also please give me your contact info!

Oh geez, I wonder why the ban

It's not a smart idea to get rid of the entire desert. The desert provides a natural and strong barrier against an outside invasion. I would say keeping around 40% of the desert intact would allow for an extremely effective barricade against the Chinese.

IDK I think a two pronged approach is better at this point. Some should fight back and the others should follow the dandelion model and drift on the wind to form dispersed Ethnic European societies in other places…the only problem with this is that you need the most aggressive people to form the new community and you need the most aggressive to defend the old community…the best of our people need to be cut into parts in order to accomplish both situations. This is not such a problem see the USA…the most highly aggressive of the Germans moved away from the homeland looking for freedom…and now what do we have in the USA? A nation that is primarily Germanic who loves guns and war…this is a good thing…now IDEALLY we would take this model and populate it out like napalm liberally distributing it through the entire world.

The difference between us and the jews is that we are innovators, not destroyers so we will be a benefit for most of the people we are invading until it comes time to exterminate them. IDK guys…I am failing to see a real downside here…we go in to the worst/shittiest least desirable land, turn it into paradise and use it as an invasion base and a place to massively reproduce Ethnic Europeans and then one day, in a coordinated effort, the hammer falls for all other races and peoples except our own. We must go in with the idea that extermination of them is inevitable though and with that as our eventual goal so military traditions, physical fitness and aggression need to dominate our expansion culture…we will not integrate…we will simply set up franchises in every nation and dominate the planet until the REAL DOTR is at hand. This is what it takes to have a successful people and culture…the WILL TO STRIVE; THE WILL TO KILL; THE WILL TO SURVIVE…this isn't a planet for 'participation ribbons' we need to start 'getting in the game' and 'fucking things UP without remorse or guilt'…quit 'talking about saving Ethnic Europeans and start making Europeans or IDK at least stop feeling shame in SURVIVAL and begin to court the idea of unrepentant expansionism.

I have a plan to facilitate this. Colonies of 120 people on 160 acres who are largely self sufficient with a few export skills or manufacutrd goods. They dedicate all their excess resources to "seeding" in which they purchase new 160 acres for new colony and send half their pop to settle it. The seed Colony is supplied with tools and capital to be self sufficient. Then they breed like rabbits and repeat. By redicrecting white ingenuty and work into endless self sustained colony expansion we will out settle non whites everywhere.

Why genocide the Mongolians they aren't sandnigger or niggers for that matter and they don't multiply like chinks. Honestly they are probably the second most honorary aryan nation in East Asia besides Japan.

It is time to take the Chinese down a notch via biologicals so that they aren't such a danger (not to us mind you because we are 200,000,000 strong private military force) but just in principle…they pollute too much and are a disgusting scab of humanity on the landscape…they are the jews of the Orient and if the population was cut into 1/4 (or more) the entire planet would probably breath a sigh of relief. But yes, I don't hate deserts…they just need to be managed and in this case they need to be managed until a biological weapon wipes out the Chinese infection on this planet…I tend to align with the Japanese assessment of the Chinese and think that they are a shit tier mongrel people who are COMPATIBLE with jews for a reason.

I have utterly lost my patience with all other races…
For their continued parasitism and injury of our people. Kill them all…you want an exception for Mongolians…who are you going to want an exception for next? Niggers? No! I am an Ethno-Globalist because I recognize that this is the only way our people can living in peace, which was what we always strove for and why WE are always taken advantage of by other races. The Mongols will live on inside Ethnic Europeans as many EE males carry the blood of Gengis Khan in their body. Gengis would understand my point and KNOW THAT I WAS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH…he would support me over the shit tier people that inhabit mongolia…WE ARE HIS INHERITANCE.

Shitty low quality slide. OP you suck.

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So this is the leftyy equivalent of "let's put all jews in madagascar"?

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Problem for (((them))) is people are too aware of their plan for them to completey decimate europe. Should another EU country go down (Sweden, Belgium, Germany are next), the rest will resist anything that even remotely resembles replacement.

Technically Antarctica could be claimed by any group not included in the Antarctica Treaty. Ironically the treaty made it basically that it will be a first come/first serve situation but cannot include any of the countries listed in the treaty. So… if pol manages to work out the logistics you have yourselves Kekistan in the form of Antarctica just waiting for you to claim it.


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Honestly, we need to be traveling abroad to countries with low digital status and rape-babying the population and pillaging all stragglers and building white refuge innawoods/innajungle

take tocharia back again

Too close to China, Patagonia would be better.

The Christians were responsible for ending the Dark Ages friend.


All great powers inevitably collapse, the only question is who will conquer them? We can wait for an external power to do so or become that external power ourselves.

It doesn't matter where we go. We could go to the Arctic Circle and learn to farm on a fucking glacier and there'd be some kike telling us to open our borders within the month. Might as well make our last stand in our homes.

I'm on board with the white diaspora. Several pods need to be sent to various regions to give us the most chances for survival.

Countries I think that would also be viable are Uruguay, Chile, Greenland, Azerbaijan and the northern mostly uninhabited parts of Canada, Russia and Alaska

I'm currently leaning towards full accelerationism for the current iteration of Western Civilization (mainly the US). Do we really want to keep it on life support as more and more foreigners come in?

If we collapse:

If not:

If Europe falls you want to move a handful of whites to a continent of over 1.5 billion chinks? Are you retarded?

kek, our neigbours would love that.

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damn, someone beat me to it.

And if it falls, those that already have systems and institutions and civilizations in place outside of the West will capitalize on this and move in. Do you have any backup or plan going forward from when the collapse happens, what will you replace it with?
I don't know the answers to these questions, and it bothers me.

We should set up our own communities, as I mentioned

Sorry, missed that post. It's a good idea, and probably the best if a collapse occurs. But these communities and institutions outside of the state should be planned for and worked towards before it happens preferably. If the infrastructure is there, we'll be all the better off for the real hard times. Bless your hear user

We can't live that close to jews…we would have to 'remedy' this…I thought that canker was on the other side of Russia, but now that I think about it, it makes sense…sort of like dropping off Hannibal Lecter on that plague island…you want to have the two things that are debased contaminants very close to each other in proximity…like a toxic waste dump…I am sure the land around them is dirt cheap

Yes, we'd be best doing so now. Learn to grow food, learn a traditional skill. I'm not in the States, but the Northwest Front seems like a reasonable idea to me. Somewhere with access to the sea is useful for food and transport.

It would be much easier to take over an island.

E.g. Tokelau

Has a lot of solar energy - just need to build some condos like Singapore.

The main problem is the countries you are deserting are superpowers with nukes.

Can't defend against those.

Or maybe kill all Jews instead?

This. All Aryans need to cleanse Europe is to find the will, and that fire is most definitely rising. The shitskin hordes have made the job easier for us by mostly not integrating, and confining themselves to ghetto areas voluntarily.

Stage 1: Cut off the gibs and offer them free tickets home. Advise them that this is the best offer they're getting. Give them a few months to voluntarily self-deport.
Stage 2: Surround the remaining population in the ghettos, cut off all entry and exit. Advise them to look at our generous offer again. Escort volunteers straight to deportation flights. Give them another couple of months.
Stage 3: Cut off food supplies to hurry them up. Give them another week.
Stage 4: Storm the ghettos and remove remaining Kebab mercilessly. Shoot to kill any resisters, capture rest and take to camps for processing.

We can de-shitskin Europe within a year. We'll probably have to offer aid to the receiving countries to sweeten the pill, but they can't really argue against taking their own people back. All it takes is for the white man to put his foot down.

Very northern Japan isn't a bad idea either, but the law probably reaches them now and then. When people talk about Japan they mean the populous areas. Northern japan is a strange place, half ainu white people mixed with jomon or go west of it. I also have extended family in Belarus and that place is poor as fuck. They're very inviting to anyone who can bring them wealth or experience.

Backup plan, rent boat and sail away.

Mennonites and amish and Quakers?? Lol

Holy shit ivan. I came here to laugh at you.

Its significant because of how savage they were against European people. That's like a retard making a post a thousand years in the future saying Africa is significant to us because niggers fucked up our countries today.
Yea, on horse back. We've got paratroopers in this day and age, genius. Distance is nothing. Moreover, no one enroute to Europe bothered to resist him, it's why he got this far, he was right next to India yet when he tried to invade he got BTFO.

In this case pakies, niggers, and jews have connections to Europe! Fucking mong.

No, imagine the crime spike? This is way more generous than you need to be, they should appreciate that they are not being forced to walk out. Literally hand them their pink slip and escort them out with security. Jeez, don't ever give them MONTHS to terrorize our people when they have nothing to lose by doing so…

Yeah if you think civilisation won't crumble after whites lose control then you are delusional. If Europe gets into the hands of niggers and desert niggers then it will collapse because unlike Asians. niggers simply cannot maintain a civilisation. Niggers are hunter gatherers they are what the faggot earlier in the thread was trying to paint aryans as we are not we devoloped agriculture which is the bread and butter of civilisation. What i'm saying is when the west crumbles this type of technology we have in our possession won't exist and then we can easily invade on horseback and rebuild what was lost.


Then why the fuck rely on a country that tried to annihilate whites? Tibetians or hell even the Chinese would be more helpful to us, because they could see the value that we could give. Mongols hate technology, we would give no value to them, say, if we were to leave.
Except that's right. You're clearly a mental leftist, disregarding facts and operating on muh feefees.
Yea and get drone striked if it came to war. Put the crack pipe down and go read some history.

Having back up plans isn't a bad thing. You should always keep a few cards in reserve.
I'm not someone that thinks everyone needs to survive. Evolution only progresses when the weak die off. Both mentally and physically.
If there's any mass conflict this would be a good opportunity to do so.
I'm still conflicted about whether to stay and fight, theirs so many brain dead idiots that I don't think their lack of action and cowardess should be rewarded.

Elon musk is building his BFR set for launch by 2022. A ticket should cost 300,000 subhumans can't survive in hard conditions at price point it will keep any low iq vermin from migrating. Plus theirs many dangers in space :^).
Now I'm not forgetting that infrastructure needs to be built plus a functional economy before any mass exodus. But if you want to leave the subhumans firmly in the rear view mirror this would be it.
Not to mention that on mars you can do anything, no goberment (yet), no restrictions.

But apart from fighting the good fight at home. The best place we should invest our resources is into the creation of a bioweapon that'll kill every single subhuman.

Dunning–Kruger the post


NASA that can't even pierce low Earth orbit and lied about it for years.