Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves.

Go to the gym and don't be afraid to cardio or lift more than one hour.
These chad workout mixes will help:

Stop believing in memes like "lose all ur gainz after 60 minutes of gym". Not even close to true. Look at all the greatest bodybuilders.

Stop listening to degeneracy.

Mix of Nordic Music

Arditi - Heroic Age

BloodSoil - The March

BloodSoil - Sacred War

Legionarii - Aristocracy

Across The Rubicon - Ghost

Stop consuming too much carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no more cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. DO NOT EAT PORK IT DESTROYS YOUR STOMACH LINING AND INTESTINE WALLS. Don't eat feminized products. Don't breed with roasties. Find a wholesome waifu. Do cardio. Go running. Stockpile food and buy a truck/SUV to survive The Coming Ice Age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing and acting like a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.

Stop consuming pornography and even try the NoFap challenge to boost test levels. Get off the internet for at least five minutes a day. Stop smoking cigs. Don't do drugs, folks. Don't watch degenerate media and read some books.

Download a cryptocurrency app and invest. Even a little will go a long way. Invest in multiple different coins. Sit on them for 10-20 years. Brush off the haters and jealous cucks. This is your life now. Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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have at it bro, I'm going to sit back and read about it in the funny papers

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That should be enough to get some ideas. Also, for anyone who has trouble falling asleep, the blue light from screens prevents your brain from secreting melatonin and begining the hormone cascade that allows you to sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep at night I can guarantee that your poor sleep hygiene is the reason. Put down your phone, turn off your tv, shut down your computer, and open a nkce boring book. You'll get smarter, you'll get knowledgeable, you'll get elitist, and you will get sleepy. What's not to like?

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Buy a water filter & make your own beverages DON'T BUY STORE BEVERAGES.
Example: Honey & lemon water
Get large cup & fill 3/4 of water
Put 1/4 cup of honey with warm water to melt honey & add lemon & honey to water. I add grated ginger to mine for spice.
Take the no processed sugar challenge -
Starve the kikey food industry & eat whole foods!

I personally believe that /sig/ posters are doing the lord's work. You can't pursue self improvement without accepting a degree of responsibility for your outcomes amd recognizing that you have the power to positively impact your life. This realization os fundamentally incompatible with leftist thinking, since at his core the leftist is not truly concerned with his deprivation of material goods, his desire for better material conditions, or some wish to alleviate the suffering of others; at his core the leftist is fueled by ressentiment.

The what the leftist truly wants is to demonize the powerful and successful of the world, to create a narrative in which he (along with everyone else) is victim while the successful are victimizers. Many assume that this desire is motivated by vengefulness, but the true origin is much more pitiful. The leftist does wish to take revenge, but if that was all then he would stop his simiam shrieking after gaining the upper hand on the supposed victimizers - such as in the french and bolshevik revolutions. Instead you find that these moments are precisely when he complains the most loadly.

The reason is that revenge is just an aftereffect of the core desire - the desire to shift blame, to shift responsibility, to convince himself that he is not to blame for his own inadequacies. Everything else is just icing on the cake. To be a legitimate leftist (and not some highly successful "leftist" peddling rhetoric, who by the nature of his success cannot in good faith believe his rhetoric) one must completely believe that he is fundamentally a loser. That he is losing now, he was losing yesterday, and he will continue to lose tomorrow; that the game was rigged; that he is powerless to affect his destiny, impotent. This miserable existence is the choice made by the leftist out of a profound immaturity and weakness of character because he is unwilling to accept responsibility for his own fate.

/sig/ teaches you the opposite. The right wing man believes and knows that he determines his destiny. He knows that his destiny is to be a winner. Even in defeat the right wing man goes down swinging, because just as the leftist fundamentally cannot believe he has power, the right wing man cannot believe that he lacks it. This contrast in metaphysical orientation cascades to every aspect of life, many examples of which we find in /sig/:

Never forget just how important /sig/ is

Looking for a pdf of "Man and Sun" by Hans Suren

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By concentrating all of humanity into cities, control can be maximized. Eliminating small town anchor schools and driving rural businesses out of operation with regulations of widely disparate impact drives people out of inherently difficult to control areas. This is part of ongoing attempts to limit humanity's potential to diversify its activities beyond that range preferred by the highly uncreative and neurotic people who past and present power structures tend to prefer.

Also, abortion isn't going to be made illegal, because that's retarded. Abortion rates would go up to nobody's benefit. It'd be a great prohibition experiment and the outcome would be permanently elevated abortion rates thereafter when the experiment was abandoned.

Hm, come to think of it, that could be helpful… More opportunities to inflict genital trauma on the peons could be less breeding opportunities for people deemed genetically inferior, like rural whites…

For anyone wanting to learn a new language don't install Duolingo, just install Ankidroid
It's much better

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We have a similar saying in our country
"Sweat instead of blood"


I want to travel the country and see the beauty that is the US. I plan on getting on the road from my ZOG metropolis within the next year. I've been nonstop researching living accomodations, typing up spreadsheets of expenses, and figure out where to accumulate the money I need. Don't let your ideas fester as just pipedreams. Remember, a man once had a dream that most would think was crazy. He would have pulled it off if not for the Jews deciding Germany was bad and the goyim need to end his rule.

Please take a look at Girevoy Sport. I have been obsessed with it for almost six years now. The work capacity of those lifters is insane and it's changed my life.

Update your damn template to not have this included.
The tribe that eats the boar, becomes the boar ascends to godlike status.
Best fat via lard.
Flesh tastes amazing.
Can be raised on anything, including acorns, in fact, old Germans (and possibly others) would keep oak trees near their farmsteads and vandalizign the "fattening trees" carried extremely harsh punishment, some say even evisceration, but usually getting your hand chopped off.

Embrace your boar spirit.
Consome it.
Become one with it.

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My penis is really small, is there anyway I can make it bigger?

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How tall are you?

Where can we find non degenerate women?

Thinking about volunteering. There's always day game, and with that it's just pure number till you find a good one.

5 foot 7

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I'm sorry user

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How into Odin?

For anyone here struggling with porn, I offer this:
I've been keeping myself addicted to porn for 12 years. I've had a month period of NoFap which felt good, but backslid after a while. Reading this is giving me hope that I can finally stop.
You are not really giving anything up.
You are ceasing an activity that hurts you.
People that peddle porn -(((chosen))) or otherwise- rely on you thinking that you are making a sacrifice when you stop viewing porn.
Remember how shit you felt last time you did it? Why would you willfully do that again?
You think you are fulfilling an urge. The only relief you're actually getting is not feeling the urge for a while.
You know it's just going to be like pic related.

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A reminder to not to over exceed on training of the body. Because you might reach into an addiction that you will do 5 hours of training every day and end with a very strict diet.

I got this elliptical/staIrs machine I picked up for free.

In a few days I went from 25 cal to 50 cal work out intervals.

I'm going to shoot for 250 Cal intervals.

Attuning yourself to various natural forces beforehand helps tbh

I never watch porn anymore but when I fap I find that I do it when I have nothing better to do
The trick is to always have something better to do, when you want to fap, do 10 push ups. Still want to fap, do 10 more.
By the end of the day you will have done 100 push ups and your arms will be too tired to fap. Stay hydrated and do it again tomorrow.

Similar question on my end. I'll be volunteering for the local republican congressional race in the upcoming midterms. Any girls I meet there are guaranteed to be at least moderately right wing and politically active. Odds are that young ones will be pre-law or polisci types as well, so I'm hoping for decent results.

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You're gonna need to be off the internet for way more than five minutes if you're gonna do any sort of self improvement. Do ONE thing at a time. Stop multitasking, and give your whole awareness to a single activity. Don't eat while you watch things, you're not fully experiencing either sensory input. Don't listen to stuff while working out, you're distracting yourself from an important conversation with your body. Multitasking is a good way to never improve, because you can't give your all to either task. By multitasking you're only making a habit of mediocrity.

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Reject "intrinsic sin and failure" and you're on the right path.
We're only as weak as we let ourselves get.
If you are virtuous and mindful and just then you don't have to even think about "baganism".
Plus, it's not the next step either, the next step is customs.
I might post some more about that later, but I'm German, for example, and we got so many heathen customs that many Christians just go:
Yeah well Germany is still Christian don't true scotsman the Chrisians in Germany they have a little crucifed jesus in a corner that makes up for the 34823492304823048230 heathen things they do all the time what do you mean I'm not true scotsmanning heathens that way even though they do more heathen stuff than Christian, etc

As long as you do the motions that invoke the spirits of the gods, you can call yourself anything.

If you were to do the "Honest and true rending of the newborn heads with the knife in the name of Jesus while carving jew stars into its skull" you would not be very Christian and you would be honoring something else.

In short, don't worry about it, casting away Jehova the soul eater and the other Abrahamic degenerate stuff, while being mindful of customs of your race then you'll be good.
There is no heaven or hell anyway, jewish copypasta doesn't magically alter the realm of the gods or kill them.

Now I know your making shit up

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Technically not SIG directly, but the amount of research that would go into achieving this make it SIG-worthy. Also posted in QTDDTOT but got no replies.

Suppose you want to bring down a corrupt closed system. It's a hospital in my country where:

I can't stand seeing people dying because of the incompetence of the 5th generation of losers that cling to power with al they got even though there's lives at stake.

What I thought about was public image assassination:

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Grow up.

How is listening to music whilst working out bad?

Depends on the person AND the activity. Stop being so end-all-be-all.

I, for one, can't program for shit if my music interrupts.
Same goes for running, I need audiobooks and it makes for a great combo. And yes I can still improve my times AND pay attention to the audiobook. If there's a particularly difficult run section, I switch to minimal music to keep me going.

However, make me read or follow any task that is new for me with any sort of distraction and I'm done for.

Experiment with stuff and see what works for you. With mastery, comes multitasking. Not the other way around, we can all agree on that.

You risk conditioning yourself to need the stimulation. See:

How is that even a bad thing

Well said.

Fuck off, idiot.

You depend on water, is that bad

I bet you're fun at parties.

Of course people can learn to do without whatever habit they acquire. What is learned can also be unlearned.
But that's beyond the point I'm trying to make. Linking good habits together can't be a bad thing. Stop being autismo about dependency, you sound like a recovering junkie.

You'll inhabit your body longer than some particular music will entertain you.
That user isn't wrong about potentially missing an important dialogue from your body.

Also, move out of the city, then you can have birdsong as your music.


I don't go to parties. They're full of addicts.
Here's an idea: don't learn it in the first place.
Where do you think you are? We're all perfectionists here, and only scheming jews encourage slackening.


Women helping niggers and other subhuman trash? Yeah.. those are the most degenerate women. Don't bother finding a non-degenerate if she's over 18.

It will be better for everyone if you become part of the corrupt system, don't waste your time being a hero.

volunteer at animal sanctuaries, can find a decent bird or two there.

In stable families, protected by good men. Endear yourself to a healthy family and you may become part of it. Good boats aren't just drifting out at sea unmanned, and neither are good women wandering the wastes of (((modernity))) waiting for you to pick them up.

I'm half-jewish, that would be the easy route. But not the honorable one.

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Congratulations. You get to sit in the front of the oven.

I honestly think its more valuable to read good authors than to read people on pol argue. Most of the good content on here is just copy pasted from books. Like all the esoteric national socialism on here is straight from Miguel Serrano. I keep coming back here hoping for a good discussion but its a waste of time now.

I already did that. It was boring.

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The Greeks associated small penises with moderation, which was one of the key virtues that formed their view of ideal masculinity. Don't be a nigger with muh dick.

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Women are submissive and like clay. They take the form the sculpture wants. Think of the pic where Hitler is presented with some degenerate jewish "art" and he smash it and forms something beautiful. I dont have the pic so if some user could post it, it would be great.

The reason the Greeks refrained from putting gigantic horse cocks on all their statues is because they were supposed to be heroic artwork, not pornography.

Have you ever walked into a church and seen a depiction of Christ crucified, with a 2 foot dong swinging down under his body? No because his dick isn't the purpose of the depiction.

Jesus confirmed for microdick. How will Christians ever recover?

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I don't think you quite understand what virtue is.

Carring about muh dick is grotesque, foolish and you are simply ruled by lust and sexual urges.
You must also take into account that a statue is a symbol. Having a big penis on a statue you portray what the statue have its priorities so to say.

You people do understand that true Europeans are growers and not showers? My penis is comparable to the statue flaccid but erect it is almost 17cm and 15cm around.

After you reach a good number, stop cutting and start gaining. Also, learn some martial arts, anything close to kick-boxing will do. Muay Thai is the best in my opinion.

Perhaps we can portray the large european cocks erect on the statues so that there are no misconceptions


Physical fitness is essential but don't forget mental discipline. Resilience to carry on the struggle.

Reminder to not bother doing any of this if you're a manlet because it would be like a roll of duct tape on the titanic's shredded hull. Note: The current manlethood cut-off is 6'7".

I have read about a penis workout some years ago, you have two parts, first one is simply pulling it for an increasing amount of time, but in moderation and very careful or you destroy the swelling cells. It increases the length. The second one is called querking? or sth and I dont remember how it works, it increases the thickness. There is another option that is said to increase the size, that is training the penis muscles, you have to tense the muscle like if you would piss hard and then the other muscle like when you hold back your piss, in turn for some minutes. There are forums about this. I have no idea if it actually works, but if anything, this would be it.

Manlet detected

Thanks for the link user. Just getting started but it describes my situation exactly. The addiction is real.

Increase your intake:
Vitamin B stack (Niacin particularly)
Vitamin D
Decrease your intake:

Same on the nofap. Trouble for me is most of my friends and communities at the moment consist of nsfw artists. I feel like I've gone past addiction and into pure burnout where most of the time I don't even notice I'm scrolling past porn. Granted it is 2D but but I hit the point where 3d couldn't cut it back when I started browsing paheal.

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saved your comment user

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I have terrible stomach issues (likely from childhood trauma) and probiotics make my stomach worse. Anyone have any ideas why?

user, are you me?
Anyway, a good way to get out of it is… well to be honest there really isn't. Im not going to tell you to cut off your friends because that shit is stupid and only hurts people in the end. (I know from experience)
The simplest thing you can do is just try to find people in those communities with some interests similar to your own, its hard to do but possible and truth be told looking at 2d porn isnt going to fuck your brain up as much as jacking off.
Good luck brother, stay strong

TLDR: Find others in that group with same interests, if you can't don't worry :)

Find a Chinese woman who can help you get citizenship far away from the NATO niggerlands.

It's the cutoff, brainlet. The brainlet cutoff is >170 IQ btw.

Caring about dick size is feminine behaviour
Men don't compare that shit, faggots do
Alpha men fuck bitches without any interest in her pleasure, lack of pleasure or outright disaproval.
It is literally irrelevant to anyone but girly men what women think about anything.
"oh, I hope my dick is big enough for her"
"I really hope this woman approves of and admires me"
"hey girl, please like me, I really care what you think"
inb4 "t. small cock guy" type obvious faggot responses.

The what the leftist truly wants is to demonize the powerful and successful of the world, to create a narrative in which he (along with everyone else) is victim while the successful are victimizers.
This is because leftism is feminism is female nature: BITCHINESS
Women do not look objectively at their flaws and try to improve, they get together in little cliques to gossip and put other people down.
This generates feelings of self important smug and boosts their egos, albeit in a false manner that provides no lasting fulfillment as as they have not achieved anything real themselves, they have not created anything positive.
Over time they become increasing bitter and venal and their passive aggression reaches epic proportions as we can see all around us right now.
This female nature is also the nature of the jew.

Admittedly, if you get down to about 175 by lifting and going hard at the gym, you'll be very strong and fill out well, if aesthetics is also a concern. Stay positive.

Cut all of it out. Your brain will readjust. Personally, after hitting two weeks, I've developed a real disgust for porn. I can't watch it anymore. NoFap may be more difficult but it must accompany the porn abandoning for the first steps.

I've got a book just for you.

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I actually keep target dates when i have the primal urge to fap like i"ll do it after i get this work done"
In the end when that date comes around i push it further some more days like "After my tax return filling" and so on

best way to improve yourself: stop saying yes to everything women demand, start saying no.

This year has been quite up and down for me, I would say.

It seems as though the year has brought me several miracles disguised as curses, and it is certainly the first time I've ever experienced life as such. All I know is that I must be successful and relentless in my pursuit or I, like so many people in this godforsaken generation, will succumb to addiction, sloth, and vice.

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Please fuck off back to wherever you came from, furfag.

What's the matter, Shlomo? Ain't been out in nature much lately?

You probably identify with the sound they make when threatened, you squeaky baby bitch.

Don't take proprietary probiotics.
Instead eat fermented food like saurkraut and kefir, preferably home made.

I don't know how to properly lift, how can i learn.

There is a climbing wall at the local gym, is this better? I find lifting boring but climbing seems fun and actually has you problem solve.
I also don't know how to climb, will need to learn the equipment.

All you need. Ignore the running part, running is actually detrimental and causes tears in the heart. Do squats, they target every muscle in the leg iirc.

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For pull ups, what can I viably use in a house?

I've thought about getting a doorway pull-up bar, but I've had someone insist to me that they're shit and always fall down.

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I built a doorway pullup bar supported by a few pieces of angle iron that run down to the floor. Given me no problems.

Get one of those, make sure you get one that can hold your weight. Whoever told you that is a retard, just don't be stupid with it and sway back and forth and you'll be fine. I was skeptical at first but it's good. Make sure you put cloths where the bar touches the side of the door or they'll leave a mark. One last thing, don't get advice from /fit/ they're faggots that don't know what they're talking about, I've seen so much misinfo and bullshit, but on the rare occasion there are golden posts and always always do your own research, don't even listen to me.

Not entirely unrelated to this topic of being the change you want in the world…
Join the Canadian Nationalist Party and help us remove kebab anons! We need more members to join and confirm with Elections Canada as electors to be recognized as an official party.
I've lurked here for many years and this is finally a chance for my fellow Leafs not too black pilled to fight back.

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That's such a simple problem to solve. The best thing anyone here could do is tell you to stop being such a woman and solve it yourself.

1. Eat whole, natural foods.
2. Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them before they do.
3. Eat naturally-raised meat including fish, seafood, poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats and eggs.
4. Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as whole yogurt, cultured butter, whole cheeses and fresh and sour cream.
5. Use only traditional fats and oils including butter and other animal fats [lard, tallow, goose, chicken], extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed sesame and flax oil and the tropical oils—coconut and palm.
6. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, in salads and soups, or lightly steamed.
7. Use whole grains and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid and other anti-nutrients.
8. Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis.
9. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb or fish and use liberally in soups and sauces.
10. Use herb teas and coffee substitutes in moderation.
11. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.
12. Use unrefined Celtic sea salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation.
13. Make your own salad dressing using either fresh lemon juice or raw vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil or a mix of the two. [Do not use flax oil, after a 15 month study I found all to be at some degree of rancidity. Grind the seeds and eat within 15min as they start to become rancid (oxidized) at that time limit.]
14. Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, molasses, dehydrated cane sugar juice [rapadura, sucanat (sugar cane natural) date sugar (ground dates)] and stevia powder.
15. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals. [Pasteurization kills all the probiotics!]
16. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel. [No non-stick.]
17. Use only natural supplements.
18. Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light.
19. Think positive thoughts and minimize stress. [prayer, meditation, yoga, EFT]
20. Practice forgiveness.

1. Don't eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, etc.
2. Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose and high fructose corn syrup.
3. Avoid white flour, white flour products and white rice.
4. Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils.
5. Avoid all vegetable oils made from soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed.
6. Do not use polyunsaturated oils for cooking, sauteing or baking.
7. Avoid fried foods.
8. Do not practice veganism; animal products provide vital nutrients not found in plant foods.
9. Avoid products containing protein powders.
10. Avoid pasteurized milk; do not consume lowfat milk, skim milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products.
11. Avoid battery-produced eggs and factory-farmed meats.
12. Avoid highly processed luncheon meats and sausage containing MSG and other additives.
13. Avoid rancid and improperly prepared seeds, nuts and grains found in granolas, quick rise breads and extruded breakfast cereals, as they block mineral absorption and cause intestinal distress.
14. Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed, bioengineered or irradiated fruits and vegetables. [Eat organic!]
15. Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Most soups, sauce and broth mixes and commercial condiments contain MSG, even if not so labeled. [make your own nutrient dense broth.]
16. Avoid caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. Avoid chocolate. [Decaf your own tea by first steeping loose tea in a mug of boiled water for 10-30 seconds and tossing that steep out, then re-steep as usual. For teabags, only 5-10 seconds is necessary.]
17. Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, baking powder and antacids. Do not use aluminum cookware or aluminum-containing deodorants.
18. Do not drink fluoridated water.
19. Avoid synthetic vitamins and foods containing them.
20. Do not drink distilled liquors.
21. Do not use a microwave oven. [It changes food in ways that slow cooking does not.]

Source because I swear to fuck I can only live on fish, onions, liver and whole milk for so long

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Willpower is the cardinal rule of real change or success. How can one cultivate real and lasting willpower? What research if any exists on true willpower.