Is there really any point in trying to reason with SJWs? They seem even less capable of reasoning than religious fundamentalists, and can only resort to the personal attack of "Everyone who disagrees with me is a bigot!".
Is it better to just never bother with them in public or is there a better way.
You have to find a way to make them look incredibly (much more so than usual) stupid. In this way, they will either be forced to agree with you, or convince bystanders that you are correct. Shame is the only thing these "people" listen to.
Isaiah Lee
If you argue with them in public, don't try to convince them, try to convince your audience.
Only try to convince them in private.
Jordan Fisher
true, their pride won't let them be truly convinced in front of a crowd, given their usual screeching and carrying on
Logan Parker
Wrong, they don't have any shame. They will openly say on national tv that biology isn't real, and feel no shame from being such a fucking retard. Because in their mind its not shameful to be trying to help the cause, no matter what you do. It's how 10,000 fat women take their shirts off and walk around without feeling any shame.
The only thing they respond to is "feeling bad".
Make them feel like they're evil, make them feel like you're the good guy and they're the bad guy. This will make 95% of them flinch the remaining 5% are kikes who understand they're evil and again don't care.
Robert Morales
You don't need to reason with SJW's on public.
You just need to expose them for the crazy fuckheads that they are, whilst maintaining your calm.
The goal is the audience, and making it plainly clear to them which one of you has some intelligence, and which one is an emotionally controlled, reactionary fool.
Nathan White
Just give yourself the moral high ground and you'll win everytime. The funniest thing about libshits is that all their own tricks work against them.
Elijah Rodriguez
I did this and I got zucced on fagbooks for my cover photo. I pretty much made a dindu look retarded and he or some sjw looked at my fagbooks and got me zucced for 30 days. It’s satisfying to see them lose in logic and resort to underhanded tactics.
Brandon Gonzalez
The average leftist is averse to uncomfortable facts. An SJW is averse to facts to the point of a mental breakdown.
The short answer is no. There is no point in trying to reason with these "people", because they have discarded reason itself.
Julian Ortiz
Zero reason to talk to them/SJW. Do not listen. Are literally on RX for some form of crazy. Are on some form of Illegal Drug. Do not know the definition of Hypocrite. Will change subject constantly. Use all the Fallacies. Will latch onto one single factoid they think is correct and continually repeat it. Immediately make themselves the Victim. etc.
that's about how i've always thought about it. i don't really give a shit about the individual sjw and know that they are probably beyond redemption but you give them just enough rope to hang themselves in front of the people listening.
Robert Perez
Absolutely this. The purpose of public debate with the SJW is to sway the audience.
Austin Roberts
Their biggest fear I have found is experiencing the exact thing they claim victimhood status for yet lie about receiving. The biggest way to do this is exposure through pol. They fucking fear pol like no other. It is the absolute bane to their existence as they can't accuse pol of their typical identity politics shit and even if they did they know anons wouldn't give a fuck. So the best way to "convince" them into something is systematic beatdown exposure to the point where they feel their only option to hide is to shut the fuck up and jump ship from the stance that caused them so much crap. Identify, expose background/fuck ups, doxx, spread, they will slink away and never return. I mean seriously how many have we shut down just by that? Countless.
Adam Price
There is no way to convince an SJW in private unless they become the victim of the thing they are standing for. For example, if a dindu or illegal attacks them or a mudslime blows up their city and kills their family. Then you can get the gears turning slowly, but even so it may not happen
In public, you need to convince the audience and essentially have them discredited. Argue using logic, never raise your voice, point out fallacies and false equivalency where they are and stick to the topic.
Alexander Murphy
What we should do is call them for what they are - CONTROL FREAKS. They cannot escape form that, because it's true. They always want to control everything.
Jaxson Long
Trigger them so they look like the fools they are to the lemmings. Essentially look at them with either disdain, slight confusion or mild amusement while framing their views as inferior and against the group.
Tyler Bennett
This. That's why you point out their hatred of White people. That's why you accuse them of supporting genocide. They do support the ongoing genocide of White people after all. Asking them where they see White people in 50 years or 100 years can be useful sometime. Point out that the US was 90% White 60 years ago, but is barely 60% now. Then ask them again. Point out that the word for that is "genocide." Ask them if they support the ethnic cleansing of Africa, India, and SE Asia when tens of millions of Whites were physically removed from non-White countries as part of "decolonization." Point out the hypocrisy of opposing Whites invading non-White countries while supporting non-Whites invading White countries. Point out that diversity is genocide. Stress the fact that White people exist. Stress the fact that White people being "replaced" or mixed out of existence is genocide. Point out that they support genocide. Point out that genocide is wrong. Point out that people who support genocide are BAD PEOPLE.
Some ideas, anyway. Remember: WE have the moral high ground. WE are the "good guys." Wanting your people to have a future is not wrong. Wanting your people to have a homeland is not wrong. Wanting your people to have a government of your people, by your people, and for your people is not wrong. Wanting your people to EXIST is not wrong. Opposing White genocide IS NOT WRONG. It is RIGHT.
Hudson Perez
Why would you speak with non-humans? They are incapable of thinking independently.
Benjamin Collins
As many have mentioned knock them off their false altruism pedestal, let them know their methods are evil and not virtuous. The remaining ones that embrace being foul disgusting people will be cast aside until dealt with in the future, those are a waste of time and they deserve to be excluded.
Kevin Edwards
I can tell you from experience it's pretty much a giant waste of time, even if you're trying to convince them of something that's in their own best interest.
Luis Davis
No, there isn't any point in trying to reason with SJWs. That conservatives tend to tie themselves in knots worrying about it and attempting to do it over and over and over again is actually a pretty solid point in the favor of the SJWs who want to exterminate conservatives.
Sebastian Ortiz
Wherever one attacked one of these prophets, one's hands seized slimy jelly; it slipped through one's fingers only to collect again in the next moment. If one smote one of them so thoroughly that, with the bystanders watching, he could but agree, and if one thus thought he had advanced at least one step, one was greatly astonished the following day. The Jew did not in the least remember the day before, he continued to talk in the same old strain as if nothing had happened, and if indignantly confronted, he pretended to be astonished and could not remember anything except that his assertions had already been proved true the day before.
Carter Davis
Your first mistake is to try and reason with them. These people are beyond all logic and reason, they only respond to emotions.
Your second mistake is to try and reason with them. You do not try to convince your opponent in a debate, you try to convince your audience.
John Sanders
SJWs are creatures of conformity. You need 1 on 1 at worst, if you have a friend or two it works better. Try to get them out of their cult and don't bring up politics the first three or four times you hang out. Once you make your move, focus on attacking the foundations of their beliefs their authority figures. Attack mainstream media, start with any thing they know about, the media is universally incompetent, so any subject they are knowledgeable about they will be able to recognize the errors in. Attack academia, bring up things like the lobotomy (which won a Nobel prize (bonus point this, once established can later be used as an attack platform against the various transgender mutilations, castrations, and chemical alterations). Attack the Democratic party, bring up Bernie getting shafted. Once you have broken them from the cult think, try to get them to swallow a pink pill like Sam Harris or Steven Pinker. Once you get them to accept any sort of wrong think it's time to use SJW group think to eject them from the cult. Make sure you and your other red pilled friends keep a positive and supportive attitude, even if they backslide, the trick is to get them to speak the wrong think on twitter in front of the status hungry fellow SJWs looking to climb op the SJW hierarchy. Once they smell herrisy the mob will do all your work for you, just be there to catch them. and then it's just a matter of slowly getting them to be open minded about new ideas and skeptical of beliefs they hold. Keep an ear open for semantic tricks, SJWs like to use their own definitions for common words, make sure you understand what they mean, and correct them when they use SJWisms.
Kayden Lopez
I've had an sjw unironically defenimd capitalism because he was twisted into a position to oppose me. Twist them into a position of opposition, bugs bunny style. Shits cash.
Jason Barnes
You cannot reason with someone who is divorced of theirs. The vast majority of “leftists” aren’t actually ideologues, and can be converted simply through time, effort, and fact. The ideologues are MENTALLY ILL and CANNOT, EVER be converted. They have to simply be shot and their bodies dumped. There is no compromise and no excuse for not doing it.
This does not mean ideologues cannot genuinely change. It just means they cannot BE changed. An ideologue can abandon all leftist thought through TRAUMA. If she’s raped. If he’s beaten up by a mexican gang. If his children are abused by niggers (more than once). Something that directly affects him in an emotional or physical way. They can swing pretty hard, it just has to be a hard enough event.
Ryder Edwards
How do you clearly and convincingly denounce their bullshit in real time? Even when reading it, there's so much fluff and rhetoric mixed in with a few lines of actual information that I have trouble making head or tail of it.
Cameron Brooks
Either get better at reading or ignore their shit entirely. Seriously. You don’t NEED to directly reply to anything they say. By doing so, you allow them to frame the argument’s terms and they instantly win. Instead of bothering to respond to their literal propaganda, simply state the natsoc equivalent statements for whatever the topic is.
Chase Ward
Not really, unless there's a crowd of onlookers to make you look BASED, like Jordan "clean your room cause jews have 15000IQ" Peterson or Milo "I love Israel and nigger dicks" Yinnapoulous
There are two groups Kike commissars who don't believe a word of it and do it just for the sake of white genocide, and cultists. You won't convince either.
Colton Fisher
lel check this shit out, the Ivy league got a new one ripped open by andrew gelman
If you're good looking, you can make a female SJW second guess herself. As far as logical debate goes, though, it's hopeless. Instead, you should focus not on changing their minds, but on making them look retarded, humiliating them. If you're good at verbal debate, you can take their twisted double speak and beat them over the head with it. You have to go full Socrates.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Gavin Hill
Not shame itself but public shame is the worst for SJWs, they're addicted to the dopamine intoxication for being the social good goys, hence viewing themselves as "justice warrior", in return they can't deal with being seen as bad guys or being wrong because they belive they're universally correct since they can only be good.
All you need to do is simply ask them deeper questions rather then outright reasoning with them. If they start off saying garbage you just poke all the logic holes through questions like you're a normalfag who simply wants to know more while indirectly refuting their points, after a while they hit a wall or start to tangle themselves because they have actually no idea what the fuck they're talking about beneath the shallow surface they've learned to repeat like a parrot. I got some faggot to start stuttering publicly because he couldn't keep going and everyone looked at him like he was a complete moron. Since they lack knowledge, all you need to do is dig into it and make them expose themselves.
Remember that SJW's are basically a lost cause, but by exposing them as toxic idiots to others you might change some minds in the larger culture.
Ryder Myers
Most of them are but some of them might just be struggling with their psychological dissonance and are trying to break free. The shrieking is a projecting of their inner turmoil.
Dylan Morris
Look in the fucking mirror and practice on them you faggots.
Jaxon Green
When I was way younger, I went to a bonfire party with a few of my buddies that had a lot of the typical lefty dipshits there. When we were sitting around the circle and drinking, the group was talking about the election and if they were going to vote (for John Kerry, of course). But the most hippy looking dude out of that bunch said, "no way, fuck Kerry. I'm voting for Bush." They were freaking out, especially the bitches, and were like, "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR MUH EVUL REPUBLICAN?!" He was totally calm and said, "I hunt for my own meat because I don't trust corporations. If Kerry gets in, he'll take away my gun." That just made them freak out harder, but he just shook his head and refused to budge. I came to his defense a few times. I basically made them admit that Democrats were all about banning guns, and they had to admit it would be stupid for the guy to vote for the party that would force him to eat corporation trash, and eventually I made the case that everything the Democrats did, like welfare and taxes, was all to benefit to global corporations at our expense in the same calm manner as the hippiebro. I'm certain the guy was more libertarian than anything, but you can find redpills in the strangest places.
It is less to do with shame, and more to do with status. I think status is a much more potent thinking framework against the left than shaming them, which is more like a tactic used to undermine their status. Their entire power structure is built on their perceived status and ongoing upkeep to make themselves look high status: 1. everyone that disagrees with them is stupid and needs to be "educated" and read the right kind of books, often by what they think are high status institutions like the media and academia. 2. media and entertainment consumption is all built on status, look at the type of soyboys that consume indie rock and watch late night tv comedy talk shows, and if you don't consume the right things you are low status. 3. scientism, march for science, internet atheists, and other similar social phenomena is all built on high status of not so much the scientific method, but science itself within academia with "rock star" scientists and ted speakers. 4. disagreeing with political and ethical thought is rarely done on rational grounds and more done on the fact that "progress" or whatever other buzzwords they are using is seen as high status. Look at the DSA or weird twitter guys, merely disagreeing with them makes you an incel, which is a move to make individuals low status ("if you argue with the left wing, you don't get pussy") This is why I think a massive push to undermine media and academia as high status should be a major center of gravity in any meme war. Constantly pointing out how garbage journalists are and their lies is already why we make ground against our enemies. Undermining academia via dissident academics or hatefacts or other things is another avenue.
When someone has some SJW views you have to know which talking points will trigger (argh) them and those who won't. Hit a red button and they will stop listening. But if you present a point that is a right wing talking in a way that is not framed as such and doesn't triiger the alarm they may absorb it. Let them absorb it and their brain draw paralels. To each battlefield a tactic. You don't talk privately to family in the same away you talk to some moking fag in a public debate. For example, my sister. She gets triggered if I talk about race or jews. But she listened to me (security engineer) talking about risk.
Lucas Thompson
No, even if you defeat them publicly with indisputable logic they'll just go back to their same tired deflections and blame gaming the next day. Just ignore them.
Tyler Smith
Don't they tend to travel in insulated hordes? A mobile echo chamber and hugbox?
Nathan Long
Here's a series of articles about just this topic. Basically their minds can't accept certain facts and it affects them negatively.