By now, most anons know about the 80-20 rule, especially when it comes to dating.
We've all seen the studies and heard the facts. 20% of the men get 80% of the women.
But what if there's a darker twist to this? Not just for dating either, something more pervasive, a new paradigm crafted for a sinister purpose?
Gentlemen, I present you something that my group of friends dubbed "The Tinder Effect". It is one of the greatest threats to modern society.
One little fact about Tinder that the mass of users don't know is that they're being "ranked" in attractiveness. It's quite organic too: Every time someone swipes to the right, you get a boost in attractiveness, getting a bigger boost if that person was already attractive as well. This number works like an ELO chess ranking. It's aim is to pair you with people ranking near your score.
Kinda makes sense, if you're an 8/10 why would you settle for a 4/10? Their algorithm is a little fuzzy on the tests we performed, but it seems to obey to a few simple principles
Up till now, It was just math and some guesswork. But a few of you have used Tinder, and you know where I'm going because you know how a typical man uses Tinder.
The mentality is that you have to swipe right: the chances of hitting someone are so low, you're basically spraying and praying at this point.
But this is what sets off the Tinder Effect.
Every swipe right, ranks those 100 girls a little bit higher. A girl with a recently made tinder profile will be matched with 8-10 males within a couple of days because there's a ludicrous amount of males shouting "FUKKEN HOT" at their algorithm. You can look at this from a lot of viewpoints, but in the end, you have a dysfunctional system that leaves half the users feeling they're not good enough (soy) and the other half feeling like they're fucking princesses (feminists).
And if you think that's horrible, the opposite (the Counter-Tinder Effect) provokes even more abnormalities. Think about this: who are the top 20% males that supposedly get all the females? Buff Hollywood actors in their sports car? Nope. Average dudes. They made their profile, were ranked a pitiful 4/10 until one day a girl ranked 6/10 swiped him right. It doesn't even matter if it goes anywhere or not. That swipe bumped him to 5/10 by itself. With a lack of suitors, he's now matched with 7/10. A couple more hits and he's a 10/10 himself. Why? The system belives a bunch of FUKKEN HOT 10/10 girls really like this guy, so he must be a 10/10 himself.
If you're on one of these sites, leave. This is the same as facebook, youtube and Twitter. Okcupid, Tinder and assorted fuckery are one of the most insidious thing and perverse thing modern society came up with.
I don't even give a shit about the promiscuous sex. That's bad on it's own, but the greatest evil Tinder pulled is warping how people perceive their own worth and the worth of others.
If you're not on the site, keep reading. (cont)