With numbers such as these...

With numbers such as these, is there any reason for a candidate running for AG office to not present themselves as a libertarian but rather a republican?

What could possibly be the reason for this BESIDES trying to get $$ from D/R donors?

Attached: Pres-gain-graphic.jpg (962x720, 76.71K)

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Bingo boyo

The republican still gets 25x more votes. Normal people understand that libertarianism is retarded.

In this particular case, the GOP has already endorsed one of the candidates. (not the Libertarian) which begs the question, why still run as a republican?

What is retarded about being a conservative-libertarian?

well, off the top of my head. running as a republicunt or democunt means you get millions of dollars in jew funding and a copy of the mkv pedo fuckfest you as a candidate stars in.

The graph is missing a bit of context. (These aren't total votes.) Still, 13,003 is far more than 1,464 so…

Basic maths, user.

The fundamental premises and philosophy of libertarianism are all false. Natural rights, property being a function of self ownership, the concept of "self ownership" itself, spontaneous order, etc. All false.

And conservativism is for losers (and also false for similar reasons to lolbertarianism).


We’re not reddit.

Larry Sharpe is a good lolbertarian running in new york.

It is. The concept of "self ownership" assumes an absoluteness of free will and "self" that doesn't exist.

So what’s the ideological opposite of a solipsist? This should be good. Explain how you can know ONLY that ‘self’ doesn’t exist.

Both Conservativism and Libertarianism are forms of Liberalism, the belief that the individual is more important than the group. With that presupposition, you have no real arguments against feminism and globalism etc. And you have no real argument for nationalism. If you want to call yourself a rightwinger, then you've got a big problem.

Going beyond that, libertarianism, like liberalism, says that the individual is the atom of society. Libertarians argue that there is no obligation whatsoever for a person to feed or clothe his own children.

I didn't say "self" doesn't exist. I said the degree of absoluteness of "self" presumed by lolbertarianism does not exist. A clearer way of saying it is that individuals are secondary to groups. Or that groups are ontologically prior to individuals.

Aha, thanks for clarifying.



Yeah, individualism is absolute cancer. No surprise then that Lolbergturdianism was lagely founded by Jews.


the degree to which that absoluteness exist in someone else doesn't change the degree to which it exist in me.

Attached: 1388808484155.jpg (323x462, 82.21K)

The argument for collectivism is that without the group, the individual does not exist. If the group disappears, the individual disappears. The group, therefore, is more important than the individual and if the individual respects his individuality, he should value the group more than himself because without he does not exist.

I wish libertarian party wasnt so cringe. They make it look bad

Aren't the libertarian anti-welfare and pro-small government because of their belief on the taxes and freedom?

No shit retard that's why you're a lolberg.

That the American Libertarian Party, is everything BUT what you described.

What are you talking about? The Libertarian party is the next big cultural force in the world! They're sweeping the nation with their ideas.

Attached: Libertarian_c3-0-990-576_s885x516.jpg (885x516, 45.71K)


He is a retard.

Attached: Libertarian Party Cringe Compilation.webm (640x360, 9.99M)

It's like a sideshow. $2 to come see the freaks self-destruct.

Its easy to have high percentage numbers when you are coming from such a low starting point.
Its like these banana republic economies that can have growth of 300%. Simply because their economy was so tiny to begin with.

With that said I do hope the greens take a lot of voters from the democrats.
But I was trolling in leftypol earlier and they actually seem very resistant to green ideas.

What is wrong with green idea? We need more trees to keep the air clean.

Math is hard for you isn't it?

Because they are fucking Communists that's why.

I can’t go on post class tree item

Jews don’t own suppressors or firearms

Both these retarded hippytarian parties are for fucktards because they refuse to accept

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I am disgusted with them for being anti-green.

Yeah we can vote for the other open borders mammon worshiping party that worships foreign jews.

Kill yourself faggot.

Attached: Libertarianism-is-Jewish.jpg (402x482, 114.27K)

They had a big problem with the fact that in order to be truly make a difference we have to either prevent the third world from industrializing, or murder them all.

If the US can convert its energy supply to something cleaner and green we won’t have to worry about any of that.

Need a ruck to go hiking and camping dicks. Cry about it won’t you.

Normal people don't understand anything and you know it.

top tier post

That’s better.

Where the math is all wrong? if that's your OC you're a nigger


Lolbertarianism supports:
Open borders
Free Trade
Limiting rights to your bedroom (because apparently liberty ends at your property line in a "truly free society").
Unlimited sufferage

It's like that they wanted to suffer in the overpopulated world. I don't think that it cross their minds, did it?

While I value freedom and "Rights of (White) Man" type things and thoroughly oppose all forms of slavery, the idea of "natural rights" is silly.
How so?
Because ultimately a group of people (IE White America) only has rights when they protect those rights BY FORCE.
Without sufficient force to defend yourself, your family, and your people then you will simply be put in (metaphorical) chains by whoever DOES have sufficient force.
Ultimately might makes right, which is why Volkish Nationalism is the only way to preserve White liberty.
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

The individual is IMPORTANT, but there must be a balance between individuality and duty to one's Volk/ tribe/ nation.
The individual must exist in consonance with the Volk.
"Radical individuality" turns the world into a shithole as it leaves no means to defend against civilization destroying degeneracy, "diversity," and kikery.

In a healthy society the emphasis is largely on the family rather than the "individual."
Of course, that requires "traditionalism" and "patriarchy," and we know (((who))) hates White traditionalism….

I believe that all redpilled Whites SHOULD vote for the "best seeming" candidate in elections.
However, the kikes control all the parties.
We need a vast movement of White nationalists.
Thus we need more White nationalists.
Redpill more Whites.

Only a sufficiently strong and moral Tribe can defend the "rights" of its members.
And our country is rapidly being overrun by shitholers.
Tell me, what is the level of "rights" enjoyed by Mexicans in Mexico?
Tell me, do you think telling the blacks and browns who break down your door in the middle of the night that they are "infringing upon your sovereign rights" will save you?
Look upon South Africa.
Might makes right.
Only White people care about morality and "goodness." (and maybe Japs)
As America falls to the hordes (if we fail to stop it), so too will the "rights of the individual" fall into nothing.
The Constitution is just paper and ink without the will of the people and the government behind it.
And "the people" are not "the people" anymore. White America is America.
Shitholer America is a shithole.

Only Whites and Japs give a damn about the environment.
NOTHING will matter if the genocide of White America is not stopped and reversed.
Spics don't give A DAMN about preserving nature.

Do you think that the USA making less pollution will somehow make the rest of the world make less pollution?
You do understand that most of the pollution in the world comes from non-White countries, right?
The only metric in which White countries produce a lot of "pollution" is carbon dioxide emissions.
When it comes to the really bad stuff (ie actual poisons that are killing animals, plants, and people) the USA produces VERY LITTLE because we have strict pollution control technology that has been mandated by Whites.
Chinks? Not so much. Likewise with poos.
Indeed, much of the reason for the "outsourcing" of industry from White countries to chinks and poos is to take advantage of the lax pollution controls in those countries.
Globalism has done more to harm "the environment" than anything else (besides shitholer overpopulation).
Did you know that Hitler's Germany instituted the most advanced and "progressive" anti-pollution and pro-environment regulations of his time?
White nationalism and environmentalism go hand in hand.
Which is why commie "greens" who love "diversity" are bullshit.

green parties are essentially communists masquerading as environmentalists. "the greens are the new reds" etc. the "global warming" carbon tax bullshit and Agenda 21 as intended to be mechanisms of collectivization

I might lean libertarian but fucking kek.

Libertarian also cucks the neoliberal state and helps bring it closer to collapse. It's like giving a junkie that extra bit to push him over the edge and kill him except the junkie is the west and liberalism is heroin

Lolbertarianism supports:
No forced diversity quotas
Being able to practice what you believe(white communities)
Bad cultures dieing off(any culture that does not produce optimal morals for working will be gone in 2 generations, e.g "hood culture")
Giving people who are genuinely superior the opportunity to succeed(which the white race should be able to do because it's so great)

I only got halfway through. This is why 90% of the population doesn't bother with irl events, leaving the bottom of the barrel remaining 10% to make a fool of themselves, reinforcing the cycle.

Can't we get the Constitution Party to increase in size instead or something?

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Except 99% of libertarians oppose the freedom to create white communities, and oppose borders period. Look at how they treat this guy:


Supposedly freedom of association is part of their platform.

I don't understand how you ban the right to association. Even if they kept the civil rights act, nothing would stop whites from moving to white towns, supporting white businesses and local white only charities. If we assume that ethnostates arise in nature because of human psychology then blacks will do the same. Even today you see it, with whites moving into suburbs. People should move to where they feel most accepted.

Somebody doesn't know about the (((SCOTUS))) decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. (((Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.)))
You can't even accidentally have a white enclave goys, you have to build section 8 housing in the burbs and invite the spics and niggers.

Attached: jono.png (855x470, 439.96K)

Proving once and for all that modern philosophy and libertarianism are both jewish tools to destroy European tribalism and make retards like Jordan Petersen encourage retards to believe themselves above their kin even as xenophobic shitskins flood into Western homelands


Yeah, look at the actual numbers, not the percentages.