I have been watching Zig Forums chase its own tail looking for anything remotely related to pedophilia while the Democrats have successfully managed to purge us from the internet, and are trying really hard to rev up their base for the midterms. I have a question for you Zig Forums, a very simple one, about the pedo-scalping and chasing:
Assuming that you can get hard proof of these pedophiles and their networks, and tie them to important politicians, Hollywood celebrities, secret societies, journalists and so on, assuming all of this works perfectly well, what chance do you think exists of those people being prosecuted under a BLUE house of representatives and senate? Do you honestly think, after the Democrats have made it clear (via their propaganda outlets normalizing pedophilia over the last two or three years), that they are going to purge their own ranks because you caught them in the act? Exactly.
Let's come back to the current purge of anything remotely conservative on the internet. It was obvious two years ago that this was in the works once the media started the narrative about fake news (of course, it has always been leading up to this, but that was a real red flag). Then the media revved up over Charolettesville and the "Incel shooting" a narrative to convince normies that we need to be purged. It's all been very systematic, and during the whole of it Zig Forums hasn't even attempted a counterattack. In fact I have watched you aid them in attacking conservative e-celebrities yourselves. Let's reflect on that a moment: We have soros-funded groups like antifa and BLM who are agitated against us already, yet you are making their jobs easier for them by purging our ranks of e-celebrities and conservative commentators for not being as autistic as you are. Good job. Presently the social media monopolies and tech companies are working together with those same groups to take us out on the internet altogether. You made their job easier, because your autism prevented you from seeing the very obvious truth that the growing of our presence online, spanning from basic conservatism to alt-lite, to literal national socialism, can only lead to a market forming for us, which means that our enemies would be forced to bend the knee eventually because of the massive profits to be made supporting us. Same goes for politicians and all the various institutions of power. Your autism over "muh pure natsoc" and cryptokikes (an obvious D&C move by the left against us) has strangled the ability of us to be profitable, and political.
Okay, enough with the blackpills already, because there is some good news here too. It is clear that until the midterms, the social media regulation is only going to increase. They are going to hit us hard and fast in unexpected ways too. That means likely a spread of sites being banned or mysteriously going down. The way they go after conservatives in social media is to judge a conservative by his followers' activities and subscriptions. Therefore, the bread and butter approach of redpilling the masses, spreading hashtags, and so on ISN'T going to cut it this time. They clearly favor the left so this is the vector we must use for maximum damage:
We need to BECOME the left on social media. Use the left's bubble to our advantage and have daily threads looking for targets of demoralization. The left loves to infight. We need to be "fellow leftists" bringing attention to all the white "allies" who slip up even in the most vague ways. We need to do this as a demoralization tactic. The left is united right now to win the midterms. We need to break apart that unity with infighting, and targets to harass for wrongthink. Why aren't we doing this right now? The left has already made it clear with Sarah Jeong that they don't give a fuck about being held to their own rules. That's why we shouldn't be focusing on firing anti-white racists right now. We should instead use their own machines against them, and find white "allies" who said nigger "ironically" or other forms of edgy racial humor the left loves to pride itself on.
We need to continue to remind the left that they are going to win in a landslide. Make images showing double-point margins of victory in the polls. Do whatever it takes to make it appear that the left is going to win, in their respective bubbles. They need to be made overly confident because then they'll get lazy and only help our victory.
TL;DR: Put the pedophilia autism on ice for a couple months and focus on being leftists on social media in order to circumvent the censorship there, and spread constant infighting in order to demoralize them, and simultaneously convince them that the midterms are in the bag. Then after we secured the midterms, go back to it because if we lose the midterms those pedophiles are going nowhere.