==Why is Zig Forums Autism so Misdirected?==

I have been watching Zig Forums chase its own tail looking for anything remotely related to pedophilia while the Democrats have successfully managed to purge us from the internet, and are trying really hard to rev up their base for the midterms. I have a question for you Zig Forums, a very simple one, about the pedo-scalping and chasing:
Assuming that you can get hard proof of these pedophiles and their networks, and tie them to important politicians, Hollywood celebrities, secret societies, journalists and so on, assuming all of this works perfectly well, what chance do you think exists of those people being prosecuted under a BLUE house of representatives and senate? Do you honestly think, after the Democrats have made it clear (via their propaganda outlets normalizing pedophilia over the last two or three years), that they are going to purge their own ranks because you caught them in the act? Exactly.
Let's come back to the current purge of anything remotely conservative on the internet. It was obvious two years ago that this was in the works once the media started the narrative about fake news (of course, it has always been leading up to this, but that was a real red flag). Then the media revved up over Charolettesville and the "Incel shooting" a narrative to convince normies that we need to be purged. It's all been very systematic, and during the whole of it Zig Forums hasn't even attempted a counterattack. In fact I have watched you aid them in attacking conservative e-celebrities yourselves. Let's reflect on that a moment: We have soros-funded groups like antifa and BLM who are agitated against us already, yet you are making their jobs easier for them by purging our ranks of e-celebrities and conservative commentators for not being as autistic as you are. Good job. Presently the social media monopolies and tech companies are working together with those same groups to take us out on the internet altogether. You made their job easier, because your autism prevented you from seeing the very obvious truth that the growing of our presence online, spanning from basic conservatism to alt-lite, to literal national socialism, can only lead to a market forming for us, which means that our enemies would be forced to bend the knee eventually because of the massive profits to be made supporting us. Same goes for politicians and all the various institutions of power. Your autism over "muh pure natsoc" and cryptokikes (an obvious D&C move by the left against us) has strangled the ability of us to be profitable, and political.
Okay, enough with the blackpills already, because there is some good news here too. It is clear that until the midterms, the social media regulation is only going to increase. They are going to hit us hard and fast in unexpected ways too. That means likely a spread of sites being banned or mysteriously going down. The way they go after conservatives in social media is to judge a conservative by his followers' activities and subscriptions. Therefore, the bread and butter approach of redpilling the masses, spreading hashtags, and so on ISN'T going to cut it this time. They clearly favor the left so this is the vector we must use for maximum damage:
We need to BECOME the left on social media. Use the left's bubble to our advantage and have daily threads looking for targets of demoralization. The left loves to infight. We need to be "fellow leftists" bringing attention to all the white "allies" who slip up even in the most vague ways. We need to do this as a demoralization tactic. The left is united right now to win the midterms. We need to break apart that unity with infighting, and targets to harass for wrongthink. Why aren't we doing this right now? The left has already made it clear with Sarah Jeong that they don't give a fuck about being held to their own rules. That's why we shouldn't be focusing on firing anti-white racists right now. We should instead use their own machines against them, and find white "allies" who said nigger "ironically" or other forms of edgy racial humor the left loves to pride itself on.
We need to continue to remind the left that they are going to win in a landslide. Make images showing double-point margins of victory in the polls. Do whatever it takes to make it appear that the left is going to win, in their respective bubbles. They need to be made overly confident because then they'll get lazy and only help our victory.

TL;DR: Put the pedophilia autism on ice for a couple months and focus on being leftists on social media in order to circumvent the censorship there, and spread constant infighting in order to demoralize them, and simultaneously convince them that the midterms are in the bag. Then after we secured the midterms, go back to it because if we lose the midterms those pedophiles are going nowhere.

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What are you nigger babbling about?

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The same as a RED house, zero. The point is to redpill plebs.

We do not like to show off around too much, our malevolent benises are already overreaching. As an example, we found your kike asshole and you came here with your morbid bullshit on we becoming the left. No left or right, we ebil nadzees are == THE PEOPLE == and we do not need anything else. We do have a couple of wishes concerning sub humans in general and kikes in particular but we can still wait for a while on that.

Redpill people through what, IRL mailing lists? Because the left has already set its sights on wiping out your presence online. Good luck following in the footsteps of your forebearers last century.
The only way this even matters is if you have political power, which may be lost come november.

How cringeworthy. You're obviously a leftist LARPing as an ebul natzee.

Shills came out in force there.

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This thread is shit, you are kike faggots. Sage. And reported. Go out and fight if you are not satisfied. Or if you think your visibility online is limited just open a twatter account named LaQuandaleesha McSheboon and sperg out there.

Shouldn't you be busy sucking nigger cock with your fellow leftists?
Reported for obvious shillery.

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Mate you are the shill, or either a retard. Nevermind. Sage.

Go back to sucking niggerdick. You're too obvious.

Kill yourself.

And you are an obvious retard, go back to cuckchan kid. Sage.


lol wowee that lack of unity and just immediate aggressive fighting in this thread is fucking funnnnneeeeeeeyyyy

God damn. Good luck redpilling the masses when you guys fucking hate each other already. This board is sad.

Your dad was sad when he ass fucked your chihauaha
Not even Sage , bump cause I want anons to see that shit
Fuck your dog fucking father

I’d report you, but it wouldn’t matter.

Literally fucking what? Do you think I'm someone you know or some shit? Hundreds of who? You think I'm a shill? That's fucking hilarious. Everyone is shill aren't they?

I actually agree with a lot of the ideas pol push, it's just sad and funny to see how everyone on this board just fucking hates each other.

I know there's alot of shit to be mad about in this world, but this board is so unproductive because you faggots just like to fucking yell at each other all day and night. Keep doing exactly to yourselves exactly what OP is proposing to do to the left, you fucking mongs.

the less options that normies have that aren't us, the more likely they'll be to come to us, who are closer to the truth than the likes of (((alex jones))) and (((richard spencer)))
and the normies and the censorship will come to reddit's /r/thedonald and then 4chan in that order before coming to us, so if (((they))) shut down /r/thedonald, then we'd better get a bunker website ready right away, and not endchan; they're a honeypot

Idiot, you are putting all eggs into one basket.

But maybe that's what you plan to do, so they can finally delete Zig Forums.

admittedly, shills have a lot to gain, from their point of view, by calling everyone here including other shills shills

Okay, reported.

and like I said, we can make more baskets ahead of time

So where are the baskets right now?

Or you assume you know when they delete Zig Forums?

Nowadays, shilling is being called a shill on Zig Forums.

Shills absolutely have co-oped the word.

Attached: OP making friends with the faggot police.jpg (730x464, 116.58K)

Yeah, that makes sense actually. If everyone is a shill it's harder to differentiate the actual shills.

I have hope in a new era of moral decency and an end to degeneracy and nihilism but god damn, the hard self strokes these faggots perform on themselves thinking they know the truth and everyone else on this board is a soros paid shill is fucking depressing.

who'da thunk that such a simple tactic is actually working so well.

lol man that's depressing, but okay.

It's such an old tactic, getting the enemy to think their own ranks are the enemy. God damn it's easy to employ on an anonymous board too, so no wonder the gape-jawed incel sadfags that only like to IDENTIFY as alt-right to win the acceptance of their pol-daddies on the internet instead of actually living out their "beliefs" fall for that shit.

Yeah, like this guy:

I would like to think not everybody is as retarded but it is possible shills just outpost everyone, and call everyone else kike shill.

I was actually assuming that I'd know if they'd delete Zig Forums, before it'd happen, as many alternatives would be quite likely to rise up by the time they get halfhcan, if they do

also, consider this:
if normies have nowhere left to go, the only places left are shallow social networking and video game chat rooms
and if they get those too, then the only remaining place is real life

and they aren't really going to put half of the country excluding illegal mexicans and people who died a few decades or more ago that supposedly voted in the 2016 elections into prison; there'd be a civil war if they tried to do something like that

I'd hope to think that too but…. I have little hope these days.

there is something simple you can do to counter that tactic
explain why you are right and they are wrong, and when your enemies use extravagant inflated marketing-weasel speak in an attempt to make other people think you're wrong, call them out, not just on doing it, but on how they did it
of course, that requires putting more effort into your arguments, and a great many real channers are tired of arguing the same arguments over and over again




Excellent effort post, my thoughts almost exactly on the matter.

On the contrary, it's much better as much as baskets as possible, and they all carry the same message.

The MESSAGE is what's important, not the basket.

By over-glorifying Zig Forums, you are missing the point.

I would tell you to lurk more but you've been doing this shit for a while now. You will never fit in and you will never be white.

Anddddd having read the replies, I can see that this thread immediately deteriorated into the "your a shill - No, YOU'RE the shill" nonsense. The sooner people learn to not sperg out, the sooner they can actually accomplish something.

why do /r/the_donald ledditors think that there's any fucking difference between (((D))) and (((R)))? Blumpf killed this board. America has shifted between (R) and (D) dominance for decades and it has never changed the fact that the jews control this country 100% and that whites are targeted for extermination

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shoo shoo polvoljew

My only point is that there is too much infighting on this board, and the evidence is clear in this thread, as a matter of fact this thread IS my evidence for making that claim. I think the person in this thread calling me a shill could be a shill, so arguing with him would be fruitless, and if he's not a shill, he's most likely just a sadboy trying to compensate for his shitty life by "wining" arguments on the internet or doing what he thinks is saving the internet by calling everyone he disagrees with a shill, which would make the usual process of making and defending a claim with clear points and facts even more fruitless. I agree with you though, too bad having actual discussion or productive argument is impossible on this board, which is my point entirely.

Kill yourself, yid.

This is what happens when reddit takes over your website. They destroy everything until they get what they want (removal of mods) and then they keep destroying things, claiming that you are the boogeyman they destroyed:

Man I'd really like to see who you are in person, I'm just curious. Why don't you do what suggested and prove to us in this thread why you think I use reddit? Prove to me that you aren't demoralized and that you don't hate yourself, which are YOUR fucking claims by the way, not mine, although you seem to want to argue against said claim, so do so.

God damn your sad dude. No substance, just shill-calling. Making it easier for the real shills to do their thing.

Yeah fuck off kikey, you actual double nigger.

I'm the supposed redditor you keep calling a shill and I know exactly what COUNTELPRO is, you're just a paranoid schizo, that's all. And if you aren't why don't you start making legitimate claims instead of calling everyone you don't like a fucking shill, muddying the waters and making it easier for real shills to shill, like I said here

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So kill yourself. If you’d kill yourself, there wouldn’t be any infighting. I mean in real life–kill yourself. You are reddit and don’t belong here. You are what we fight against. You are subhuman and a traitor to your race.
Yes, you’ve proven you don’t belong, COINTELPRO shill.

This is due to LARP-user invasion of Zig Forums - Pedophile Rings are their big "thing"
Probably not going to happen

We still need to watch out for the (((conservative e-celebrities))) though - primary example is Richard Spencer.
At least I'm doing that with my "Black Panther" account - saying stuff like, "Whitey must die."
PLEASE Put the pedophilia autism on ice for a couple months
(Even I will be called a shill - by LARP-Anons - because I support the 'put the pedophilia research on ice.')

This 'Infighting' is stupid and counter-productive.

Proven, yeah.
Yeah, I know. You’re the one USING IT AGAINST US.
My claims are already proven. That’s funny.
Nice projection, reddit.
Yes, like you.

Goddamn kikey, you lost. Calm down a little, it's just an internet position.

Filtering out nigger was the last straw though.

WOW, you are a fucking robot programmed to react VERY specifically to TRIGGER words.

And if you don't see this, and you don't and I know you'll call me a redditor and a shill and some other predictable shit in reponse, then you are WORSE than the jew run normies that you say you fight against, you sad, disturbed, lonely man.

This ID 7a2323 is an actual shill, so yeah, disengage.

You don’t belong here.

It’s like clockwork.


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My claim is that you guys just infight and it's retarding your movement, a movement that I would love to be a part of, but because of people like you who immediate shill-call anyone who even SLIGHTLY disagrees with you, is hurting your cause, leading me to believe you are the shill.

Now, we're two guys on the internet calling each other shills INSTEAD of talking about the ACTUAL topics and problems of the world.

Good job, goy. This is such a new and weird meta tactic but god damn, I see it's effectiveness. I'm gonna stop engaging with you know and HOPEFULLY prevent you from derailing this thread anymore.

Good luck and godspeed, you fucking autist.

Yes, thank you, we know you’re from reddit. We know you’re not from here. Nothing you say is relevant to us in any capacity. You’re an outgroup and know nothing about Zig Forums or its beliefs. Your input isn’t needed.

I told you that you will lose yesterday, and you lost

so deal with it, my dude

Attached: polvoljew.png (1134x2538, 329.82K)

He's filtered
mods are non existent.
I sent an email to volunteer to be a mod to ron, but he hasn't replied.

It's not that that's the problem. As long as they don't shill them, then I'd be fine with it.

this is a quarantine zone for socially retarded spergs you sperg

it is obvious posters here have no influence whatsoever

the point is to keep them here instead of fucking up real things in the real world

It's become so autistic to the point where some guy keeps sperging "ethno-globe" for some reason.

I just called you out for doing that in the post you replied to, and you kept doing it. Do you honestly have NOTHING to add here?


Almost as though the long-term future goal is the eradication of all other races and the conquest of the entire planet by whites or something.
Yeah, go back to reddit.

i don't use reddit, though?
am i still a kike shill?
and a nigger faggot?
and a jew?
have you filtered me?

How interesting.

You forgot to add the part where he mentioned that you pretend to be a leftist on social media in order to CO-OPT the leftists aims.

What is your fucking point?

because you've never interacted with an adult who has a job and kind of understands how power works in america?

Don't feed the shills man, you see how adamantly 7a2323 is pushing that everyone in this thread is a shill redditor?

He's attempting to derail and slide this thread and he's succeeding.

Remember faggot. You're on your own on that part. Zig Forums for the most part wants whites to be left alone.

the internet can only do so much.

if you want effect real change you have to transition to real life activism which is more difficult and more dangerous.

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I believe The point is that you cause separation and division
(HOLY SHIT - just outside now there was an assload of Turkeys screaming and it scared the living shit out of me!)
separation and division among the left, and also providing misleading confidence, thus enhancing a sense of complacency.

what internet are you talking about? what are we purged from?

I like how one bitch isn't even wearing shoes in this picture. Filthy animal.

promoting a sense of complacency

Yeh I know that's OP's point, but what's the point of the picture mocking OP? The impression I got was that the poster is laughing at OP for proposing this board ACTS like leftists, as if OP is proposing we act like them so that we eventually become them and if anyone is stupid enough for that to work on them then fuck them.

I believe that OP is referring to the banning and blocking of 'Conservative Accounts,' and so-on…

faceburg and jewtube?
who gives a fuck?

good advice

I mean censorship in any manner is bad for a side.But then again when there's a white ethnostate, there is going to be censorship nonetheless.

Reddit, everyone.

Yes, run along.

try ignoring them…?

Don't forget twatter…
These are the main pipelines in which 'normies' get their information from, if you haven't noticed.
When someone goes to Faceberg, they have some article pop up on their feed, they click on it, and they read it.

Prove it to me that Zig Forums believed that whites wanted global domination, when in reality Zig Forums was a board for mainly whites who just wanted their countries to be left alone and to install a sense of being proud as white?

Yeah you're right. I was just hoping that there was a person behind that post that would defend themselves after being called out, but that's not likely on this board.

Your reading comprehension is poor. I'm saying that for the next six weeks we would find it profitable to attack the left by pretending to be them, since social media is tightly controlled against us as open rightwingers.

Zig Forums isn't a hugbox. It's a hurtbox.

This is outmoded thinking because the left has clearly demonstrated this year that they are willing to flex their muscles when it comes to their infiltration of tech companies and monetary infrastructure. In other words, we are being systematically purged from the systems they own, and attempts to create alternatives are being actively sabotaged. We NEED a majority in government in the midterms to keep the legislative fire on them, that's the ONLY way short of revolution to stop their monopoly power.

I'm convinced a lot of leftists come on here and scream "kike" "shill" etc. while posing as Nazis to derail us and break us apart.

You're only thinking one step ahead. The enemy is five steps ahead. They close Zig Forums and its imageboard hosts. You think, "we'll just make more" only they have shown that they control financial institutions and webhosts, ISPs for the sake of silencing political dissonance. You make new hosts, they defund you and get your site banned. You move to TOR or I2P and they use the DHS plus narrative on Russia to close you down as Russian hackers. Get it?

This, exactly. Calling people faggots, kikes, shills, etc. is a lazy way to argue. Ideas beat ideas. Namecalling is about group approval, not ideas.

Thanks user. I forgot to add another important idea:
It might be worth looking into dragging the left into skirmishes on multiple fronts. That is to say, keep their attention constantly focused on minor battles (say, legal battles or PR disasters) so that they are being bled dry of resources and attention as we march to the midterms.

To which I say "have at it" and all that, but my major point is that the timing of it takes away from the focus on midterms. I see countless threads on pedohunting here, not to mention ten threads about a retarded girl in porn and I have to ask myself "do you think this really matters now when the Dems might take the house?"

Strong evidence for this, sadly.

This user gets it.

Yes, I am. Our boards aren't in danger presently, because all the surface-level news and social sites are busy silencing and preventing our ability to spread our viewpoint. Our ability to do ANYTHING to affect change in the world largely comes from our ability to spread our message amongst the normies and e-celebs. The left is crippling that right before the midterms and you can bet that sites like ours will be gone (or severely hindered) by election 2020.

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How about tame the autism for a couple months rather than put it aside completely. This all or nothing crap leads to problems. Keep a general for it going and if the tism leaks out to other threads it should rightfully be btfo. Any asshole playing the you're ignoring such and such pedo game to derail would be obvious shills. Anons would know to keep an eye on the general for actual info.
Old farts need to liven up and the young punks need to find their center.

Attached: Typical POL Autist.gif (450x262, 3.1M)

This is a good idea, I mainly was just trying to make the point of priorities anyway, not simply shutting something down.

When dealing with tism you need to choose your words. kek

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We're allowed to call for the raiding of sites from here, right?
This isn't cuckchan after all, so why don't we make it great again?
It'd certainly be more entertaining, and shit that is fun will attract more participation.
I think one of the important aspects of these internet-campaigns is for anons to post any and all good salt-material that they mine, as it lends joy to fellow Anons.

What about a general thread for raiding?

Good thoughtful posts. Nice image.

You can destroy all those clowns by pointing out how they not only don't give a shit about children, but are supporting an illegal censorship directive that puts children in real danger.

Also as a general rule of thumb for all of us…open up all your posts with an argument (based on facts hopefully) and end with your opinion. The latter can included anything from criticism, over insults, to shitposting. Anyone else who hasn't the mental capacity to argue gets flat out ignored. It's as simple as this.

Go away polvoljew.

I actually thought of that while I was calling this thread out, but there's really no way to point out that a lot of people on this board are being infighting faggots without sounding like and infighting faggot.

I guess I coulda gone with the "why can't we all just get along" route, but… we all know how that would've gone.

You. Can't.

Go ahead and try. Try to become the left on social media. Try to do it; I dare you. Watch What Happens.

Nothing can be done, it's all been doomed long before any of us were ever born and so far ahead that we'll all be dead before it ends. Only to begin again. It's Eternal Misery.

=Do you get it yet?==

You can't. Attempting anything will only cause that attempt to be co-opted, corrupted and turned inwards on itself until the entire effort was wasted. Go ahead; try it. Watch what happens.

Midterms mean nothing, voting does nothing. The demographic war has already been lost.

Muh Movement. Muh struggle.

Any movement will always be compromised. Why the fuck do you think that ANYTHING can ever be done? Why would anything good ever happen? Why wouldn't it just get worse?

From whence cometh faith? From where comes hope?

=You. Can't.==

Once unleashed, it cannot be contained again. Nobody is going to liven up; nobody is going to find their center. It will be terrible forever.

From YOU and from GOD.

You sound weak, like a who loses their mind the moment something goes even slightly wrong in their life.

Such a fucking whiner. Why you even on this board?

Obviously not. God created things; that was a mistake. Thus, god is evil. Creation is evil. Existence is evil.

I'm here because there is nowhere else. I wandered into 4/pol/ back in 2012, and I've been here forever ever since.

I can't have faith; there is only Eternal Misery. I can't have hope; god is evil and only hates me. All gods are evil. They have always hated us. They created us only to torture us so that we'd suffer forever.

And I'm sorry I'm weak. It's just how I am. Every Effort Always Fails.

[email protected]