boarder-police officer in Stockholm to Kyp, and likens the boarder controls to a "Donald the Duck operation".
Sorry if there are any issues with the translation, I did it by hand and I'm too lazy to go through the entire thing to make certain that it is all correct.
Let Sweden be the example the average white man needs to wake up. Imagine how wonderful a nation it was to have degraded to this point. Imagine the countrymen you need to grow so naive, so welcoming, so kind, so trusting… only to have that kindness betrayed by vile kikes. We need to educate people on violence, why its important. . .
Nolan Nguyen
So you know (future reference) it is report, not rapport.
Rapport: Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.
Report: A formal account presented usually in detail.
Noah Ward
Yeah, I know, it's just that in Swedish the word is rapport, so I didn't do a very good job. Soree m80.
Hunter Campbell Över hundra miljoner svenska skattekronor har via Sida gått till att dela ut socialbidrag till afrikaner i Zambia. Men nu väljer den svenska bidragsmyndigheten att frysa stödet på grund av "starka misstankar" om korruption.
Här trodde jag att det bara var ett skämt, när man kallade Sverige för världens socialkontor.
Robert Fisher
Jeremiah Watson
Welcome swedeAnon. I wish you good luck in taking back your country. Hope you have firearms, for hunting, of course.
Colton White
If only they got ayylien waifus instead of bipedal roaches.
James Parker
Det finns inga bevis för att det INTE var valfusk!
Isaac Carter
Worst thing is the utter naivety of the swedish people. They cannot believe there was massive voter fraud among the vote counting staff. Even if they were hired by the ruling coalition government.
Someone should translate this from arabic to a human language instead
Adrian Wood
Liam Brooks
Please Swedebros, while unfucking your people, make some translated info graphics in english with the information about the latest voters fraud in your country on the side to spread around. Help other anons to redpill the normies. They need to learn that they can't uncuck themselves by voting for the more pleasant ZOGbot. All they accomplish is lowering the heat for a while to give the frog time to get accustomed. I'm looking at you, murica. Wish you great success from Germoney.
Elijah Davis
Hur dödar vi SVT?
Brayden Nguyen
Adrian Cox
Jaxson Roberts
Red ice has a pretty good video going over the Swedish voting system and presents evidence of fraudulent behavior from the voting station in general
Nolan Young
Sure they can, however they don't want to.
Justin Moore
Huh, maybe that's why Swedes are having such a hard time, they're thinking its about helping the "boarders" and not fixing the "border".
Asher Rogers
Sluta skriva på engelska jänkarna har ändå ingenting viktigt att komma med
Kayden Rodriguez
Thx. Never watched something of him yet, but I will share this. The people have to realize that voting won't change shit and the time is running out lately.
Store owner Nader el Ashkar has been robbed several times. Earlier this year he was almost robbed again, and the robber stabbed the fuck out of Nader and a customer. The robber has now been convicted of attempted robbery of the "normal degree" instead of something more harsh. Nader says "The prosecutor couldn't prove that he would have hurt me if we didn't resist". In the court documents you can read that the court had looked at the surveillance camera footage, and thought it was clear the robber only waved the knife around and did NOT try injure anyone. The reason the victims got stabbed was because they struggled.
The robber has been convicted of several crimes before, he's not a Swedish citizen, but they refuse to deport him. He's been convicted to 3 years in prison, which means he will serve about 2 if we're lucky.
no the jenkies are gona fund our retarded asses when push comes to shove, you underestimate the amount of lurkers. Just because you faggots can't form complete sentences in english it's no fucking reason to not speak a proper language. Swedish has been taken over by commies for more than half a century anyways. Fucking proud of nothing pieces of shit. Grow the fuck up, you have nothing new to be proud of, if any, you should be speaking 18th century swedish, but you don't know how they spoke do you? Fucking fag
Engelska är faktiskt att föredra ordet får större spridning då Ju flera som får reda på hur lömska och ondskefulla sossarna är desto bättre.
Luis Cooper
I have no words, you so right. we love to laught at you but we would never do this crap as these niggers do, worst of all, they are all subhuman filth.
don't get any ideas though I hate big brother, but I destet this too. they have no honor you know, honor is something only you and I know, don't be fooled that's our concept these americans are basically arabs, they have no honor I am ofc censored my word were too toxic
Brody Reed
I hear anyone talk like that I’ll sucker punch them, kick in their head and run away
Anyone who hates animals is a primitive, a savage, and should be physically reprimanded
Fuck you
Daniel Collins
they fucked my browser, I am not even meming, but I can still hear his words and that is all that matters
Jason King
I think I'm going to cry, I am listening to hitler's last speech it's too much I can't take it. I can't take this
Let it harden your resolve, there isn't enough tears in the galaxy to atone for what they've done. Only cold hatred and violence can turn things around user.
Lincoln Gray
Häng dig zionistisla salthögerbög
Brandon Phillips
Så jävla låg energi här. Meme-AfS torskade hårt och Kasselstrand har begått självmord. SD suger M-kuk. Dårarna i regeringen sitter kvar och kommer att göra det i minst 40 till.
your attempts at demoril zation is pathetic and futile, see how we roll. see how skurt rolls, yo can never stop skurt
Gavin Brooks
also for once, this is kremlin in damage control.
you didn't expect this did you? oh well… you should listen to swedes about the matter, they call us mountain goats, stubborn as people that never listen
and no it's not some elaborate long trolling, I really miss him. and also the most scary shit I watched as a kid, was about this teddy bear, well a mole, joppe, that shit scared the shit out of me, that mole got trapped at all the most fucked up places and that kid had to rescure him they shouldn't show that shit to kids, it's scary as fuck, I had nightmares
I actually no meme, worked with emil, he is this really boring dba expert now, he is fucking good though, but he is still this old boring fart, not like what I would have expected. he is like thin and weird… it's several years ago now though, I guess he is retired soon, but he was really good at databases though, like the best
he didn't even come to our company parties, I assume he had heared it all before so he didn't show up, he is so fucking boring. at least some of those swedes came here and drank with us, he never did
Xavier Richardson
nobody can rock oracle like emil does though, I grant him this, he is lit the best in the world on that fucking cancer
I personally hate that shit, but you got these old guys who knows how to rock it, and he is not just one of them, he is the one
Möjligt, men jag tror att det är en ny (((anglisk))) skitbrevare.
Charles Long
det er godt mulig, men jeg er snart edru nå… ugh… neste helg! men jeg kødder ikke om emil, sjekk det sjøl. jeg var så skuffa, jeg forestilte meg han som du veit du så når du var liten, men isteden var han en grå halv dau dinsosaurus
Wyatt Howard
Det där är inte pepe user, det där är Apu Apastaja.
FN är en dålig kopia av League of Nations, vilket i sin tur var ett globalistiskt projekt som kastade världen in i två världskrig efter varandra. FN kommer se till så att vi hamnar i ett tredje sådant, mellan globalister och nationalister där om inte nationalismen segrar, så kommer vi tappa all frihet och självständighet i kanske all evighet.
Att as likt Filippo Grandi tycker detta är knappast överraskande. Deras agenda är att underkasta världen deras styre och därmed viktigast att först förstöra den delen av världen där störst kraft till motstånd kan uppkomma.
Annie Lööf deltog även förra året på det hemliga Bilderbergmötet.
Bilderberg och trilaterala kommissionen, väv grabbar, finns det verkligen någon här som efter denna information kan tro annat än att Annie Lööf kommer bli vår nästa statsminister?
Leo Richardson
How do vikings have a problem with boarders, i know they're importing somali pirates and all that, but its not like the baltic is lawless. Syriens utrikesminister Walid Moualem riktade ett stort tack till de länder som hjälpt till att ta emot flyktingar under det syriska inbördeskriget när han höll sitt tal i FN:s generalförsamling idag. Samtidigt deklarerade han att kriget nu är över och att landet är redo att ta tillbaka sina medborgare igen, rapporterar Reuters.
Staten lär nog inte låta Syrierna lämna Sverige, de ska ju "rädda välfärden" trots allt :^)
En polis, militär, hemvärnsman eller tulltjänsteman är en civil person på fritiden. Att generaldirektören för MSB tycker att dessa människor inte ska få ägna sig åt sportskytte på fritiden är helt i strid med MSB:s uppgift. Att man dessutom gör det i sin formella egenskap som myndighetschef tyder på att man inte förstår sin uppgift. Att det är just förre rikspolischefen som står bakom förslaget får en hel del varningsklockor att ringa.
Det är svårt att dra en annan slutsats än att regeringen inser att man har svårt att få acceptans för en lagstiftning i kammaren. Därför försöker man få remissinstanser att svara på det sättet som regeringen önskar. Vi ser det också genom att Polismyndigheten inte nöjer sig med Justitiedepartementets hårda förslag utan vill ha ännu hårdare regler. Framtaget under ledning av samme Dan Eliasson. På det här viset vill de påverka övriga partier att rösta enligt utredarens förslag och godta hårdare regler.
Nämen oj då, vilken överraskning.
Ärligt talat så måste hela jävla statsbildningen rivas ner och byggas upp på nytt vid det här laget, Sverige är nog världens mest vanstyrda och genomkorrupta land, det är fan afrikanivå när det gäller de systematiska grundlagsbrotten och apatin som detta möts av. Jag hatar den här jävla staten, och ärligt talat så hatar jag även det svenska folket, finns det någon grupp på den jord som är mer hjärntvättade och feminiserade än svenssonmesarna? Jag tror faktiskt inte det.
Jordan Foster
Jag är bara så jävla trött på skiten, fy faaaaaan.