Jew-Reading America

So I'm in Uni and they gave me this kike shit book to read.
First unit is "The Myth of the Model Family" and the next is "The Myth of Equity"
Made to write an essay on this garbage.
If any of you wanna help burn this shit, by all means give some sources and Ideas on the essay.
I'll keep you posted with paragraphs I've already written.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thesis Paragraph:
The textbook “Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking” there is a Unit named The Myth of the Model Family. Said Unit contains stories and essays from authors of diverse backgrounds; the textbook then uses these stories as arguments against the “Model Family” For the purpose of this Essay, the memoir “Looking for Work” by Gary Soto and the essay The Color of Family Ties: Race, Class, Gender, and Extended Family Involvement by Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian will be looked into and critiqued on the basis of the arguments the espouse. The arguments given by the Unit are that the Model Family is Media Propaganda, Euro-Centric and that the existence of different family structures disprove the Model. The Model or better said Nuclear Family is not a myth and should always be regarded as a tried and true method of creating healthy families and successful children.

First Intro
From Roma to Arabia, Tokyo to Boston and all throughout history; the Idea of a household containing a Mother, Father and an indeterminate number of children is constantly seen as the norm and something to strive for. It seems that across cultures and time, the Nuclear Family is a present force. Which makes one think of two questions; one is why is it constantly present and the other is why isn’t it seen as such anymore. For the answers to these can be found in the essay The Color of Family Ties: Race, Class, Gender, and Extended Family Involvement by Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian. In said essay, they state that Blacks and Latinos are less likely to create nuclear families and that the idea of the Nuclear Family is too focused on White families. First there is the statement that Blacks and Latinos are less likely to form families that match the model, stating that Extended Kin is more involved in Minority households rather than two parents. They use data from the National Survey of Families and Household (1992-1994 study) to support their claim. This claim seems solid as it is even backed up by real life as many Minority children will tell you that their Uncle, Aunt or Grandmother either raise them or live with them. There is also the point of the essay saying that because of extended kin involvement, that it somehow disproves the Model. What this essay fails to realise however is that that is a fallacy. Stating that because certain families are not the Model, the Model must not be real is more anecdotal than disproving the Model. When stating something as the norm, one cannot use anecdotes or outliers to disprove that norm. The essay also fails to ask a question. Yes, many Minority households are single parent or have extended kin raising their children but why is this? Pre-1960s, black families were as strong as white families and raised children that were as successful as their white counterparts, so why would we see such a disparity now?

Second Paragraph
The essay attempts to explain that Class is a bigger factor than Race when it comes to how families are formed. It points to the 2005 Census wherein the data tells a correlation between success and high school graduation and what the essay is saying is that because Minorities are poorer, they are less likely to graduate. However, under the same census data, the argument for the Nuclear Family is made. The essay states before that Whites are more likely to form a Nuclear Family compared to their minority counterparts; but before the 1960s, Blacks were more likely to form a two parent household than whites. If we go by the same census data, we can infer a correlation between High School Graduation and Children from two parent household. When viewing 2005 census data, we see that yes, Whites are more likely than Minorities to form two parent house hold but Minority children from Nuclear Families are just as likely to graduate high school as White children. So why the emphasis on pre-1960s? Well in the 60s we see a major paradigm shift. Women were encouraged to leave the kitchen and family to join the workforce. This encouragement lead to many women as single mothers, especially Minority women. There have been many studies showing that children from single mothers are: less likely to graduate high school, more likely to grow up with emotional issues and in many cases, are more likely to be abused by their parent. So another question comes up. Are Nuclear Families the best way to raise children?

Third Paragraph
Before moving on, when talking about single parents, this Essay will mainly be focusing on single motherhood as that is the most common form of single parent households. For clarity and to make a distinction, the term “single parent” will refer to either single mothers or single fathers. As stated before, there are direct links between unhealthy childhoods and single parent households and in modern times, Black families are the most likely to form single mother households. Census figures show that 40.6 million people in the US are below the poverty line and around 14 million of those people were single parents and children of those single parents. For clarity, around 1/3 of those under the poverty line are single parents and their children. From Census data, one can infer a direct link between single parents and poverty. We also see that children of Single parents are more likely to witness domestic abuse. In the 2011-12 National Survey, they found that per 1000 cases only 19 of those from intact families saw one parent smack or hit the other one. However, with children from broken or single parent household, the amount goes up to 144 per 1000 cases. Now the purpose of this Essay is not to explain the causes that witnessing domestic abuse will do to a child in their developmental years but one can make an educated guess that it isn’t good. Children raised by single mothers are more likely to grow up with resentment towards the parent and with emotional issues to boot. These emotional issues range from Anxiety to antisocial behaviors; the latter being a major factor in criminal activity. Poverty, Crime and Emotional Instability can all be traced back to Single parent households.

I have to use the "Correct Sources" and my language had to be changed so I wouldn't flunk the class.

I would be mortified if you shot the liberal teachers at your uni

Why are they groupig us latinos with the niggers.
We have families not that baby momma bs.

For an Anthropology final I had to argue why someone from a race of aliens from one planet who were good at gardening should not be racists and think that an alien who came from another planet who was good at cooking would be any better or worse a gardening than the first aliens people.

Be careful with this as other cultures have not stuck with a single pair of one man and one woman who work together to raise their children.

I appreciate you showing us what the latest propaganda coming form the universities is, but you really should not be going there. It's a terrible waste of time and money if you are not doing STEM.

May I ask what class this is? And what major?

Reading your essay, I like the questions you presented to the reader. Also, you might want to look into the different cultures in America how they perceive the nuclear family model. Questions are good, but I think they are better as inconclusive statements. Let the reader marinate on that statement. I think that is due to how I write any kind of essay; I give the claim, then the evidence, then tie it back to my main argument, I do not use rhetorical questions because that is the reader's job.

You might want to re-read your essay to make sure the tone is not too harsh, yet not too frail. I do not write the best papers, but I am consistent with the quality I put out. Also, re-read your essay out loud to get a feeling for it. Good Luck

This thread reminds of something interesting I saw in a psych textbook.

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English but Majoring in Bookeeping
I like to teach in my essays seeing on how most of them are critiques
I know it's a bit harsh, I write essays better if I'm angry with the Arguments then change them later.

I will however try to input other cultures views.

The media has not pushed the "Model Family" for decades, they have, in fact, done everything possible to attack and destroy it.

Remember that Time article about African family planning? It was something like: "Why have 4 when you could have 7" Link to that and then claim that dictating what time of family a proud and wonderful Negro may have or seek is racist and truly Euro-centric. Boy, they really fucked themselves over with this one. Honestly, user, if I were writing this essay I would attack this point alone and then go on to point out that, once you have established that it is racist to call the Nuclear Family "Euro-Centric", the entire argument falls apart.

The idea that something else exists does no disprove that something else does not exist. This is the single most retarded thing I have read for months, and I lurk on /v/.

If you want some shiny graphs and statistics to make your professor all horny I suggest you support this by finding those graphs that compare long-term relations with promiscuous behavior. There are also the FBI statistics on how children with only one parent, especially a mother, are more likely to be sociopaths and criminals.

Disregards sources and attack rhetoric as being racist towards "peoples of color" If you can out-Tu8mblr the Tumblrina, you win every-time. Only use the "correct sources" as evidence of your own points.

Because you are just as bad if not worse than niggers. You don't have families. I live in California I see you fuckers everyday. There are many single mother spics going out getting fucked by a different spic while 40 year old "Abuelita" is taking care of the spiclets running around the barrio. Of course sometimes Abuelita goes out to get hammered with Abuelito because they are only 40 so still "young." It's fine, 14 year old daughter just had her Quince. She is a woman now so she can handle 5 fucking spiclets running around. Oh wait no she's a teenager she doesn't want to do that so she goes out too to get knocked up which is fine. She had a Quince so she's a woman now who can make babies. Good thing the state is always there to send a check in the mail.

They weren't counting 12 family households in the census.

To give context to the essay: It is mainly focused on 1950s views on Families and that somehow the media pushed a lie because "post war panic" called for the media to push the "lie"
My next paragraphs will actually prove that media and culture effect each other and the Media showed shows like Leave it to Beaver as examples of the average families.

I am pointing out that it's racist to call it "Euro Centric" in the paragraph I am currently writing.

I know, I already disproved that point

Thanks, That's a good Idea

That's also a good idea

English, really? Holy shit, you have it bad.
The English class I am currently taking, we read a short essay from David Hume and wrote an argumentative essay, read a short story by Edgar Allan Poe and wrote a literary analysis, and now we are debating about the media being punished for publishing false facts/news. The other topics seem to intrigue me more, because how it is basically challenging the dogma that academia, government, and media holds today. This seems more like a Sociology course than a English course.

Yeah, the writer's tone is integral to writing a good essay. You do not want to be explicit with your emotions, rather try to find a way to connect it with facts while working within the source. Subvert the reader by looking within the source and see what is lacking in it, which you do an okay job at.

Also, think outside the norm. It is difficult, unless you practice it constantly. However, once it becomes a habit, you will gain self-respect and respect for the group that is silent in your class, while making your adversaries look like a bunch of immature and irresponsible individuals. Remember the first battle is in the classroom. I always love getting into battles, it is how I improve myself as a scholar and individual.

Yeah my teacher is a Germanic+Slav+Jew Mutt that obviously hit the wall HARD. She just turns the Class into semi sociology as she babbles on jumping from topic to topic.

I would say that is a terrible English professor. In fact, I would go administration to complain about the material given to me. The best ones are the types that are open to anything and rewards it more than those that just repeat talking points that appease to their perspective, reminds me of my Junior and Senior year English teacher and my current English professor. Then again, you got a literal kike roastie teaching the class, so what can you do about that?

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I wish it was that simple…
The Administration gave her the book
At least she lets me voice my opinion
Only because I'm in a Community College in Rural Mass, surrounded by roasties and Professional Propagandists

Besides I want to keep this going for as long as I'm there so I can keep doing these essays.I find joy in critiquing this shit,.


I told you we need a fucking college kid general because they wont stop posting their course material here

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Maybe you'll find something better like a creative writing club or Journalism which I did for some time, or do it for fun/practice to get better. I'm also attending community college in the capital state of Zig Forums, and a lot of people really respect what I stand for in my beliefs. Majoring in Computer Engineering, Calculus is so therapeutic.

I think this thread works best as a college kid general.

I love how these so called academics, act like they've struck intellectual gold when they say shit like
As if this is some horrendous state of affairs, that's shocking and racist beyond the pale. Like heaven forbid a society caters to the civilization for which it was created.

This sounds ver NPC-ish; where heavy gate-keeping is used to ensure that certain cattle/chattel are sent in one direction, while redirecting others.

Niggers and spics look and act the same to me

That's because they are the same

you know how we revel in red pilling NPC's by being clever enough to insert some meme into a thread that has nothing to do with NS, but the meme ends up being so powerful that it derails the whole thread, assuredly starting some Burgers on their eventual journey to join us here in the hurtbox?

well, shitlib (((professors))) have a similar Bolshevik pill, where they revel in tricking students into Marxist brainwashing by manipulating (((curricula))) to force you to read SJW garbage and then regurgitate it back to earn an A+.

so you can't really win this, because you can't pick the battle field nor the weapon. the best you can do is try to expose Bolshevik hypocrasy by D&C'ing them to make them accuse each other of being oppressors and bigots then bail the fuck out while the trannies claw the cat ladies who are clawing the niggers who are clawing the commies who are clawing etc etc.etc.

The First Half
The Truth of the Model Family

Don't go to kwallege. It's a Jewish finance scam.

Did your "uni" teach you how to write in complete sentences when you make a new unnecessary thread?

Technically the nuclear family is a product of the modern atomization of society under Jewish rule. It is not even historically European.

I read an earlier version in my AP English class and dropped that shit after the first semester.
It was 2008 too so there was a lot of Obama worship.
Luckily I don't remember a thing, I think it's like one of those molestation things where your brain refuses to remember trauma.
Also I was a fuck Bu$h Obama drone at the time and totally passed up on a Christian girl but she was probably a neocohen so fuck her tbh.

I recommend you have a few drinks and shit out whatever flows to your mind at the time, just cut it down and proof read it later.
It's better when you take a couple days to work on something like this.
Also fuck you I'm not doing your homework for you

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What a surprise.

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Really? This is the bullshit we're dealing with now?

Just kill me now.

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Wow, spending more time filtering +_ because the cunts in the vol positions can't do their fucking job.

Drop this bombshell on your prof.

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