I'm a sucker for this melodious youtuber bait shit. Starts off with le edgy sekkrit knowledge and reaches gtkrwn towards the end.
Once we knew nothing of what was before.
Forbidden knowledge - kept secret through an evil accord.
But secrets do not last because one day one comes forward.
And once we sampled the knowledge, we were searching for more.
Bankers, professors and others had a plan
Replace the people around you and kill the common man.
And when a few find out about it send them a van.
Do not allow them to spread knowledge of your tribe or your clan.
Another fool, another Euro.
Boomers run in circles wond'ring why it never ends.
I know now. Dissent is who I am.
We now know where the end lies to this worrisome trend.
We heard some perplexing and very strange news
There was a crisis, supposedly not caused by the _
But we knew from the start where we should go look for clues.
And I am hoping, we find the way to unveil this ruse.
Schulzy, what is it that you're hiding from us?
Why did you take the trip to Germany right on the first bus?
Could it be that you can feel an incoming fuss…
About the Union, the money and a civil war's cusp.
So many fools, so many shekels.
You keep pumping our money in and only to our dread
I'm losing, my faith in humanity.
Our pockets are empty and the migrants want us dead.
We no longer believe in our own police force. They turn a blind eye.
A serial killer and a rapist seem a judge's best friend. They pardon them all.
Oh Schulzy we got a bone to pick with you when we're done. With this little game.
We now prepare to sew…our brown uniforms.
(Immediate, loud instrumental sets in)
The final, discovery, was so unforeseen.
Everything we thought, of history wasn't what it seemed.
The evidence we came across was going to tell.
They had destroyed eve-ryone before who treated them well.
Egypt, Sumeria and Persia and Rome
Turns out the thing that, destroyed them all also left us prone.
To terrorist attacks to which they gleefully cheer.
And so we knew that, we had to kick them out of here
The final fools. Their last few shekels.
Surrounded by White traitors and we happily kill them.
Our mission, to change our history.
They will reconsider coming here ever again.
< but cringe
To be honest, the original Disney shit used for /v/ the musical and GG sings makes me cringe, too, but I can still appreciate the parodies that came out of it. The only people this kind of stuff genuinely makes cringe are commies and other leftists who don't like stuff they do like being put in a perspective they don't like.
That goes for a lot of things beyond that actually. The only people who are anti-fun are either butthurt commies or newfags trying too hard to fit in.
Isn't that the entire point though? To keep lines that aren't context-bound and replace everything that is?