Back before blondes/redheads/brunettes started intermingling with each other as they do currently in modern times, I feel like having a certain hair color was more of a regional thing back in ancient Europe. For example, Germany is well-known for its German people being blondes. Same deal with Ireland being well-known for its Irish people being redheads. And generally speaking, having light hair means you likely have descendants from northern parts of Europe. Meanwhile, brunette or darker hair is more typical of southern European regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, etc.
That said, if you have light hair, congrats. You have likely have great ancestry. If you have darker hair, well, it's not as great but it's still acceptable, I suppose.
Blonde master race here. Stay away from my blonde women, you niggers.
Chase Lewis
DACAryan here. Blonde hair and beautiful black eyes with a faint mulatto skin complexion. God does it feel great being white!
Isaac Gray
Must be nice being blonde. I only have black hair myself. Which makes sense, I suppose. My family's Italian surname also points to me having Italian ancestors, or at least from a southern part of Europe. Sucks not to have light hair, but at least I still have very fair skin, I guess.
Jack Bennett
Dark brown hair, brown eyes, >6'4". 100% British celt and Dutch.
Reported for D&C because that's all this thread is. Fuck off and die.
Ethan Foster
Reported for promoting blonde genocide.
Hudson Howard
Have pride in your ancestry. Just don't fuck my blonde women.
Ethan Hughes
Every European has brown hair genes, retard. I'm the only brunette in my family, too. Anyway, I'm going to inject my high IQ and 180 KG deadlift without ever going to gym genes into a blonde vagina and you can't do shit. KYS
Carson Morales
Has anyone else noticed there's like 3 types of red hair? The dark red in OP and the bright red in pic related.
Yeah, ginger is one of the types and gross imo. There's something really off-putting about gingers. They look off.
Kevin Gutierrez
I'm the only person in my family with blue eyes, in America most people are going to carry the genes for blonde, red, or brunette hair along with hazel, green, or blue eyes due to the mixing between the different European ethnicities. Thread should be deleted since it's probably /tv/ spam that's been going on.
Colton Morris
Almost as bad as a manlet.
Michael Garcia
surprise, surprise
Michael Morales
LOL. Brown hair is actually dark blonde. You can see this when it's in the light. Nothing wrong with it either. Black hair isn't white though.
Caleb Richardson
This is embarrassing.
David Butler
user. Red hair and Green eyes are what you get when Northern Europeans mix with Southern Europeans.
Jaxon Davis
I was going to respond to his post, which seemed reasonable, until you pointed that out and I saw the rest of his posts.
Yeah it is. Finns and Scots often have dark black hair and blue eyes. Same with actual Persians, not the Arabs that live there now. and there is no "white" faggot
Jose Barnes
Oddly enough, my parents and grandparents all had dark hair but my brothers and I all came out blonde. Only I changed to sandy blonde around 16. They are all still blonde. We all have blue eyes, too, even though only our mother had blue eyes. Our Father's were hazel.
Joshua Roberts
Find me a picture of one that doesn't look there's something wrong with it.
Adam Brooks
Enoch Powell was a homosexual pedophile who hated Americans. He supported Homosexual Legal Reform in the UK. He also supported Marxist.
There's a difference between dark brown and black. Europeans can have dark brown but black is not white. Also, yes there is such a thing as white people.
Landon Russell
Daily reminder: Steve Pieczenik is a homosexual jewish mossad agent. He also hates the Irish.
Wrong they're related but not the same. See insular Celts to the north and continental Celts to the east. Austrians have a fair dab of celt admix and are in fact less Germanic than a lot of English, however. Germans are pretty Germanic but less so than archeo Germans.
my sister has dark hair and eyes married a lighter haired man 3 of her 4 kids have lighter hair and all have blue eyes
Levi Turner
I know. They just look so unnatural compared to an ethnically diverse black dark blonde hair, brown very dark blue eyes, and brown dark fair skin migrant European.
First of all, learn to read simple sentences without becoming confused or twisting around what is being written like a D&C snake. Germany is a nation, which is why I wrote "the German nation". It really isn't complex at all. Yet, you are persistent in being a manipulative shill. I think you're just low IQ. Secondly, the Bretons are not Germanic, they are Celtic. The nation of Germany is also Celtic.
I've encountered you before in the past. I believe you're mentally ill, or a jew. You have been consistently proven wrong and driven off this website each time you pop-up.
You have some sort of political agenda inside the United States American circle to catalog "British" (jew) geopolitical strategy into a European categorization. Not going to happen.
You out yourself, jew. My work is barely needed at this point in time. It only took a month to watch you devolve from academic pomposity into a nigger semite.
It's autosomal. And I've mapped myself and many others onto it using raw data and putting it through the same software used to compile the original. Clustering is perfect. I'm 3/4 insular Celt and 1/4 Dutch and rest on the right of the Scots next to the Dutch edge. It's deadly accurate.
Thomas Roberts
Jews are attacking Celts on Zig Forums because jews are struggling to hold on to their power-grip over the UK right now. Has nothing to do with any sourceless data-chart drivel. Jews literally made up the term "ginger". Jews are scared of losing the UK (again). I predicted anti-Celt propaganda two years ago as a result of populism rising. LOL, I love watching these helpless jews kvetch. You are so far behind in the game sometimes I hand you material, just to have someone to crush publicly. It's working great… This jew is talking about celts because I personally made it a point many months ago to talk about celts; in order to expose neocon kikes larping as populist inside our ranks. They always take the bait.
So this jew is trying to divide the goy by hair color? And you dipshits are buying it? This is why white people are fucked. You're cucks and we're depending on you to red pill the normies.
Nolan Thomas
ok, this one is epic
Nathan Ward
Romans weren't blonde nordniggers
Landon Bell
Only a few more years…only a few more years and we can kill people like you via neural VR frying.
William Rogers
Classifying narcissists has nothing to do with Freudian psychology, Jew.
Mason Brown
We can kill people like you right now w/o using any of your future bugmen toys.
Easton Roberts
Colton Young
ALL OF EUROPE WAS CELTIC At one point, over two thousand years ago.
Except Germanic people belong to a separate group.
Josiah Reed
Asher Miller
I have dark brown hair, blues eyes, fair skin and freckles and I’m 75% North Western Europe
Ian Brown
didn't actually know this
John Perry
Of people that were once Celtic. The Nordic people were once Germanic. They still speak a Germanic language, which is how they are classified as Germanic, a designation based on language. Like how the Franks no longer speak Germanic language but instead speak a Celtic language, French. Two thousand years of religious d&c and you get modern cultural divides; Nordic, Germanic, Slavic, Italic, Hispanic, and the remaining people called Celtic.
Jace Taylor
You realise Germanic is also a genetic classification, right?
Jackson Garcia
I know this is a serious thread but I just bumped into this graph and thought I'd add a bit of a chuckle.
You realize Celts are the dominate and traditional people of Germany and Austria, right? Swedes, to the north, were a small cult that was kicked out of Europe.
Celtic DNA is pretty much the same as Germanic R1b is not necessary Celtic, there is also Germanic branch, but I1 got dominant in the Nordic Bronze age culture There are many branches of R1a, there are Western-European R1a branches, which have western European DNA Finally Finns have haplogroup N, while they have only 6% of Asian/Siberian DNA
Christian Campbell
No, he's correct. Emperor Barbarossa was Celt. The Germans are Celts. Tbh, you're an embarrassment. Are you Jewish?
Of course he's wrong. Why else would he have to shill for his bullshit since months, using the same pics over and over again, including
Caleb Turner
Whoa… you're one angry jew.
Jonathan Anderson
Two separate groups dumbass. Keep struggling. You barely have enough brain power to peck away at those Cheeto dust covered keys. Lmfao
Matthew Cox
No they're not, Germans are Keltic. You're some jew from England. What do you know about any of this? Clearly nothing.
Grayson Price
While it's true that the Celts had vast swaths of Europe under their influence for several millennial prior to Rome's rise to power, they were hardly the only European Tribe running around at the time. And I say this as a GingerPlz no bully;__;
Holy fuck you're a nigger. Different groups. They have different genes. Are you going to say they're the same?
Michael Miller
This jew is losing his mind.
Logan Smith
They are more like mutts They are mostly northern celts+iberian celts+Scandinavians+Italians+Slavs North-Germans are germanic mutts West/South-Germans are italian/iberian mutts East-Germans are slavic mutts Central Germans are just mutts
No, not really. Genetic studies do not show that. Germans are not all "mixed" just because different ethnic groups live there. You can't just make stuff up because you think it sounds good in your head. You need proof… and the proof is 45% of male ancestors of the Germans are of Celtic origin. Germans were always Celts, and remain so today.
If this makes some kike rat sitting in England, angry… nobody honestly gives a shit. They can sperg and rage all they like. It only exposes themselves to the wider audience.
Gavin Campbell
This is not true you know
Josiah Mitchell
Do you have scientific counter-evidence that debunks the Swiss? The answer is, no.
Leo Parker
I'm honestly shocked at all the jews in this thread sperging out about Celts. Wow… this is actually hilarious. Who knew Celts were the ultimate anti-Kike trigger. wew
Justin Howard
Because haplogroup =/= direct ancestry or direct male ancestry One Celt can have children with Italian woman, that makes all children have 50% Celtic ancestry His two children can have children with italian woman which makes them 25% Celtic, but their male ancestry shows as 100% Celtic While in reality their male ancestry is 50% celtic, because their father was 25% italian
Also, just for the fyi, all of these Celt vs. German or Celt vs. Anglosaxon posts are astroturfed dnc drama. I called it a while back when I saw the most vitriolic nonsensical ramblings. It's just two jews (or maybe just one) talking betwixt themselves to foster a general sense of animosity on the board. Celts and Germans are two of the closest related Aryan folk groups, linguistically, culturally, historically and genetically.
Here's a perfect example of astroturf d&c drama. >kikes must really hate the celts! You are making up nonsense to rile anons up. There is no animosity between any of these peoples. Nothing has brought together the European clans more effectively than increasingly tyrannical Jewish power in recent years. Celt, German, Romantic, Balt, Slav, Hellene—we are all united in our quest to purge the Jew and all his cancerous ideas from our lands
Here's another example. It's very blatant when you see it.
Matthew Parker
You sound unstable.
Charles Smith
Maybe they think Hitlers going to return and kill them.
Grayson Ward
Samuel Rogers
Look at this sperg. I don't understand what mindset is needed to make a post like that. Are you reading the same thread here? Whoever wants to unravel your condensed schizophrenia retarded rant, bless them.
Are you a woman or something?
Ayden Robinson
You have to be some sort of elaborate jew troll. What are you even talking about. Wait, wut?