Religion AND Atheism

This is your brain on jewish shilling.

cya space cowboy


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Tell us, bro.

Tell us lad

Are you getting suicided?

How do you reconcile that with following a jewish slave religion?

What up bro…you can't leave, you are here for life

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What the fuck is "atheism?"
Is that like the word "racism?" Does it mean nothing other than the opinion of the user?

Personally, I thought that "atheism" meant that one didn't adhere to any religion. Or that it meant that one questioned religion. Which is a VERY European trait. We question all things.
Long before the kikes arrived with their Galileanism we Europeans were questioning whether or not the Gods even existed.

Attached: Protagoras.jpg (310x400, 40.1K)

"Atheism" appears to mean whatever people want it too.
The Romans regarded the Galileans as atheists. After all, how can someone deny the Gods existence?

Attached: Epicurus.jpg (900x750, 49.09K)