This is your brain on jewish shilling.
Religion AND Atheism
cya space cowboy
Tell us, bro.
Tell us lad
Are you getting suicided?
How do you reconcile that with following a jewish slave religion?
What up bro…you can't leave, you are here for life
What the fuck is "atheism?"
Is that like the word "racism?" Does it mean nothing other than the opinion of the user?
Personally, I thought that "atheism" meant that one didn't adhere to any religion. Or that it meant that one questioned religion. Which is a VERY European trait. We question all things.
Long before the kikes arrived with their Galileanism we Europeans were questioning whether or not the Gods even existed.
"Atheism" appears to mean whatever people want it too.
The Romans regarded the Galileans as atheists. After all, how can someone deny the Gods existence?