Okay so I'm just going to pitch some ideas here on how one might help fight against these zealots and their brown hordes. These will range from legal to legal but difficult to accomplish to… er… extra-legal.
1. Most White anti-Whites (and the most numerous and harmful anti-Whites we face are the White liberals. Breivik did nothing wrong) are the way they are due to the influence of just a few psychotic or jewish anti-White ring leaders. These race traitors or malevolent kikes have brainwashed these religiously-prone zealots by way of their monopoly on information. Thus it stands to reason that we could counteract this jewish and Marxist poison by publicly contradicting the enemy through internet propaganda and on call-in radio stations.
Another tactic to amplify our message is to run for some local political office and talk about White issues. This has the benefit of potentially landing you in a position of power. That would be the supreme White-pill.
2. Create a culture of hostility against traitors, kikes, and the orcs. White liberals in particular are the most self centered, fashion conscious people of any race on earth. It really is extraordinary. Thus, if one could create a culture of hostility to liberals, then many would change their behavior to reflect the culture that you have created. They seek to fit in, you see. The reason liberals are the way they are is because the jews have created a false peer-group though their monopoly of the multimedia industry. This gives the impression that EVERYONE is a liberal and anyone who isn't is a knuckle dragging redneck who didn't even go to college! Conversely, non-liberals are such cowards that they refuse to talk about politics openly through fear of being socially ostracized.
This needs to change. Non-liberals must talk openly about their beliefs and become openly hostile to treachery and cowardice. This would give the liberals a real peer group to conform to.
As for the kikes and non-Whites, their filthy lives must be made as unpleasant as possible by any means necessary. Somehow they must figure out that they are not wanted here. And they must then leave or isolate themselves from the community. The same goes for those fanatic degenerates who are wet-liberals. Those who actually believe in the insanity of liberalism.
3. Somehow get the black orcs and the mexican orcs to flood into liberal areas. Nothing freaks out a liberal more than waking up one morning in the multicultural hell-hole that he arrogantly foced upon the rest of society. This has the proven effect of drastically altering his politics and making the liberal more likely to support racially progressive policies.
The problem is; yeah but how tho?
And frankly, I am not certain. Perhaps if we could get into positions of power and change the direction of this sewage, then we could start spraying it onto the liberal freak-zones and thus radicalize White people against this aggressive horde.
4. Create a culture of White resistance.
This is illegal. So don't do it, m'kay?
However, theoretically one could drive out these treasonous, backstabbing scum by making their lives a living hell.
Theoretically, one could create a list of liberal traitors and their jewish leaders and their orc pets and randomly target them with vandalism. Slash their car tires, scratch their paint, toss a molotov cocktail into their house while they're at Starbucks (use styrophoam in the gas to increase destructiveness), throw trash in their yard at 4 AM, steal their mail and replace it with dog shit, toss a rock through their window at 2 AM, send drug dealers to their house and then call the police with a throw away phone, burn the cameras they inevitably will set up with a high powered laser, kill their pets and toss their mangled corpses into their backyard, toss nails into their lawn before they mow it, pour draino and soap (not sugar lol) into their car gas tank, knock over their mailbox, call them in the middle of the night with a throw away phone and prank them, dump oil all over their garden or lawn, knock over their trash cans at night, drop a thermite grenade onto their roof with a drone (works best if the roof is flat), spread mean rumours about them, use their wifi to make bomb threats to the police and mention that you're armed and dangerous, dump lye powder or bleach & vinegar into their airconditioner unit, put quick-cement into their door key hole, wire a bomb to the ignition of their car in the middle of the night, or some other annoying thing to convince them to leave the area.
Theoretically, remember to use gloves and take other basic Op-Sec precautions.
Theoretically, this allows a relatvely small number of people to have a disproportionate effect on the culture of a region.
This is how Africans and Mestizos drive White people out of their homes.
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